Today’s lead entry takes a break from uni-related content, cuz I’ve got an unusual announcement to make. As most of you know, I’ve done several spoken-word gigs over the past year or so — readings, lectures, “performances,” whatever you want to call them. Now, in a really unusual twist, I’m going to be opening for a rock band, and I’m pretty excited about it.
Here’s the deal: My longtime pal Liz Clayton and I have been asked by our friends the Magnetic Fields (that’s them in the photo above) to serve as their opening act for part of their upcoming fall tour. Liz will be doing a PowerPoint presentation based on her awesome web site devoted to transparently repurposed fast-food outlets, Not Fooling Anybody (a few of you may have seen her present this same program at Union Hall back in January — it was hilarious), and I’ll be doing a PowerPoint devoted to ”¦ I’m not sure yet. My topic might be trade magazines (my topic at that Union Hall show), or it might be one of the other things I’ve presented lately, like the design evolution of butchery charts or the cultural history of the baseball cap. Or it might be something else entirely. I’m still deciding.
Liz and I, who are calling ourselves the Forewords, had hoped to do five or six shows on the tour, but it looks like logistical conflicts will limit us to just two: October 10th at the State Theater in Minneapolis, and October 11th at the Capitol Theater in Madison (as you might expect, I’m totally jazzed to be performing in Wisconsin). Ticket info for both of those shows, and for the rest of the tour, is available here. There’s a vague change that Liz and I might also work the shows in Jersey City (Oct. 23), Philly (Oct. 25), or DC (Oct. 26), but those are looking iffy at best.
Allow me to anticipate a few questions you may have:
Why would a rock band hire a pair of lecturers as their opening act?
For reasons not worth explaining here, the Magnetic Fields want very quiet openers for this tour. Plus they’re generally open to doing things in a rather unconventional way. (A long time ago, e.g., I saw their frontman, Stephin Merritt, get onstage in a small club and read a short story through a megaphone. Don’t worry, I won’t be doing that myself.) Plus-plus their audience is kinda bookish, so it’s not as much of a stretch for them to hire a spoken-word opening act as it would be for, say, Slayer. And I don’t mean that as a knock on Slayer.
Okay, but why’d they hire you?
My friend Claudia Gonson, who’s the Magnetic Fields’ drummer and manager (and is also good friends with Liz), attended one of my readings last winter and liked it. Afterward, she told me, “That was great! You should open for us sometime!” I said, “Sure, just say when,” and then I pretty much forgot about it until Claudia brought it up again last month.
How long will your “set” be?
Not long. Figure about 30 minutes total, shared between Liz and myself.
How big are these venues?
The State Theater‘s capacity is 2150 people; the Capitol seats 1000.
Will your name be on the marquee of the theater and everything?
Not my name, but we’re hoping that “The Forewords” will be listed in big letters, and that we’ll also be listed in ads, on tickets, etc.
Are the shows close to selling out?
I have no idea, sorry.
I’m not familiar with the Magnetic Fields. Where can I hear their music?
You can check out some of their tunes here. I’m sure you know how to track down music elsewhere on the internet.
I don’t like the Magnetic Fields, I don’t care about your friend Liz or her web site, and I don’t wanna spend $27 just to see you talk for 15 minutes. Isn’t there some way I can pay a reduced price just to see you?
Can you put me on the guest list?
If your name is Minna H., yes; otherwise, no.
I live in one of the other cities on the tour. Can’t you please perform in my city, just for me, because I’m asking so nicely?
Who’s going to open for the band during the rest of the tour?
My friend Rob Walker (author, blogger, journalist, and all-around swell guy), who lives in Savannah, may end up doing a spoken-word thingie for the Atlanta show on October 17th. Not sure what’s up for the other dates on the tour.
Will you be having Uni Watch parties in Minneapolis or Madison?
Unfortunately, there won’t be time for that. Ah, the busy life of a rock star.
Hey, Ricko lives in Minneapolis. Will you check out his clip files while you’re there?
Way ahead of you, my friend.
Do the Forewords have a web site?
Not yet. Soon.
Will you have Forewords T-shirts for sale?
No. We might do other merch, like bookmarks or staple removers or pencil cases, but then we’d have to sit at the merch table and sell them, and we’d rather hang out with friends, eat, drink, watch the Magnetic Fields, etc. Still, I really love the idea of having merch for a spoken-word act, so it might end up happening anyway.
Wait, don’t you hate merchandising? Hypocrite!
As I’ve explained many times, I’ve got nothing against merchandising, branding, or marketing as long as they’re done in appropriate places — like, say, at the merch table at a rock show. But if thinking that I’m a hypocrite makes you feel better or scratches your “Gotcha!” itch or whatever, be my guest.
Back in December, after you mentioned that you and “fellow Chosen Person” Claudia Gonson hung out on Christmas Day, her Wikipedia entry briefly included the following: “Is Jewish. Is friends with the guy who runs uniwatchblog.com.” Who put that in there?
Good question. Anyone care to ’fess up?
Will you have any ridiculous stipulations in your rider?
My hotel room number must be an odd number, preferably prime. (This demand would carry a lot more weight if I were actually being put up in a hotel.) Also: I really like toast, and I especially like toast made from the second and next-to-last slices of the loaf (i.e., the two slices just inside the heels), which are denser than the rest of the slices because of the way the dough gets compressed against the ends of the loaf pan. So I’d like my dressing room to be stocked with six or eight of these particular slices — let’s call them the rider slices — along with a toaster and some salted, pre-softened butter. Thank you.
Is it true that the opening act always gets the hottest groupies?
That’s what I’ve been told.
Thanks for your kind indulgence. We now return you to your regularly scheduled Uni Watch.
Chat-A-Tat-Tat: I’ll be doing a live web chat on ESPN.com tomorrow at 3pm eastern. They haven’t yet given me the URL where it’ll be taking place, but I should be able to post it here on the site tomorrow morning.
Raffle Reminder: In case you missed it yesterday, I’m raffling off a $100 SoccerPro.com gift card. For details, look here.
Signal Flare: Yo, Phil Miller, are you out there? If so, please give me a shout.
Uni Watch News Ticker: The NFL has confirmed for me that the captaincy patches will be worn again this season. Toss in the league-wide Gene Upshaw patch and the various commemorative patches and we’re looking at a very patch-y season. Can’t wait to see how they fit the Super Bowl patch into the mix next February. ”¦ I didn’t watch the MLB home run derby back in July. But according to this item in yesterday’s New York Times, it included the following voiceover: “The State Farm Home Run Derby, brought to you by State Farm, proud sponsor of the State Farm Home Run Derby.” ”¦ Weird to see a shin guard being worn so high. ”¦ More logo-branded socks — and not Phiten this time. Also: Note the purple shoelaces! ”¦ Wade Harder notes that officials in the Clemson/’Bama game had the Adidas logo on their caps (additional view here). I don’t recall seeing that before — is it a new thing? ”¦ Speaking of which, what’s that little tone-on-tone mark on this official’s cap? Is that a Rawlings logo? ”¦ The Canucks will honor Luc Bourdon this season “with an element added to each player’s helmet,” which I assume means a decal (with thanks to John Muir). ”¦ Also from John: Now there’s a collection. Details here. ”¦ Starting next year, Maryland will be outfitted by Under Armour. Further info here, and there’s a photo gallery, which includes a peek at what will apparently become their hoops uniform, here. ”¦ Here’s an NOB issue I’d never thought of before (with thanks to Dan Netser). ”¦ Johnson C. Smith University’s football team wears some crazy two-tone pants. Additional pics here and here (courtesy of Tyler Rodgers). ”¦ Yesterday’s post about those 1977 All-Star Game mystery photos resulted in a lot of theories (this was my favorite) but nothing I’d consider plausible, much less definitive. Todd Radom helpfully sent along the official A.L. team portrait, which helped clear up a few issues, but the fundamental mystery of the guy in the Yankees road uniform remains. ”¦ The fetishization of Gene Upshaw’s death is proceeding nicely. ”¦ The MLB Network’s logo will look like this. I don’t have enough room here to describe how bad it is, but let’s start with this: What the hell is that triangle doing on the bottom, other than filling up a triangular space that they didn’t know how else to fill? ”¦ Tantalizing communiqué from Rob McGill, who says he found an item on a “long-dead blog,” from “a kid who worked in the archives at This Week in Baseball.” The kid supposedly reported the following: “I found some really cool stuff [from 1977], including a story about a game where the Royals had to wear the Brewers’ road uniforms during a game because their uniforms didn’t make it to the stadium on time. It was crazy, you had the road brewers against the home brewers.” I’ve written about lots of situations involving lost uniforms, but I don’t think I’ve heard about this one before. Anyone..? ”¦ Wanna see John McCain in a basketball uniform? Here you go, bottom row, second from left (with thanks to James Yeh). ”¦ Yet another Nike conspiracy theory that I had nothing to do with (but Brinke Guthrie did). ”¦ Nothing made me smile yesterday as much as this, this, this, and this. They’re from this eBay listing, which was posted in last night’s comments. Great, great stuff. ”¦ Congrats to reader Matt Powers, who’s been training to be a football ref and had his first gig yesterday — “four way JV scrimmage up in Nyack with Mamaroneck, Horace Greeley, and Somers,” he says. “Even better, I came home to find my membership card waiting for me — the perfect ending to a great day.” ”¦ Latest example of advertising where it doesn’t belong: Go to your favorite MLB team’s web site, look at the September schedule, and check out Sept. 16th. “A Star Wars-themed promotion at the stadium that day?” asks Sean Wilson. “Nope. That’s the day LucasArts releases ‘Star Wars: The Force Unleashed,’ their new videogame. They seem to have struck a deal with MLB to promote this with this stupid picture of Darth Vader on the schedule of EVERY team. Not baseball-related at all but on the schedule anyway is. Maybe not a new low, but pretty bad nonetheless.” Au contraire, I’d say it IS a new low. ”¦ Reebok is going to equip all the Champions Hockey League teams woith Edge uniforms (with thanks to Paul Richard Cook). ”¦ The NBA’s OKC team’s new identity will finally be revealed today at 6pm eastern, and aren’t we all just dying from anticipation. … Buttons strike again: In last night’s Padres/Dodgers game, Chip Ambres hit a grounder to Angel Berroa, who got in position and fielded the ball but didn’t come up throwing — because the ball had lodged inside his jersey. Much like Sarah Palin’s daughter, Berroa chose life, opting to have the baby and marry Ambres.
you’d like bigger bread?
-boring font
-boring choice of the home plate as a shape
-not to mention the random triangle at the bottom
-the red on the right side of the batter logo looks like a five year old started to color, then realized there were more presing things in his life, like actually playing the game on one of his many video game consoles
First to say low blow to a pregnant 17-year-old kid. Political affiliations aside, don’t make fun of teenage mothers. It doesn’t serve any uni-related purpose and it is generally just bad form.
[quote comment=”287410″]you’d like bigger bread?[/quote]
I think the ‘rider’ slices are my least favorite in any loaf, I usually eat the heels but almost never the “riders” for the very reason Paul likes them. I’ve got a better backstage weirdness story. When I was backstage to see Cake, many moons ago, the guys requested only red candles to light their dressing/green room. Because as we all know, the color of the wax effects the color of the light…..right?
[quote comment=”287414″]First to say low blow to a pregnant 17-year-old kid. Political affiliations aside, don’t make fun of teenage mothers. It doesn’t serve any uni-related purpose and it is generally just bad form.[/quote]
Personally I found it amusing. Less of a slight at Bristol, more of a slight at her mother for putting her on display.
I love it! I thought I was the only one!!!
Paul, or anyone, do you know if the captain patches will be a requirement this year or will you have teams doing their own thing like last year? Not all teams participated.
This masturbatory grief over Gene Upshaw really bothers me – “fetish” is the best word for it.
What’s worse is the precedent set. All this for the union head? What are they going to do the next time a Commissioner dies – rename teams in his honor?
[quote comment=”287414″]First to say low blow to a pregnant 17-year-old kid. Political affiliations aside, don’t make fun of teenage mothers. It doesn’t serve any uni-related purpose and it is generally just bad form.[/quote]
Nice to see Paul getting equal treatment, or “the Bryan Treatment” if you like!
Seriously, I think some of you need a nice big bowl of “Lighten the Hell Up” Flakes. Let’s not turn a beautiful Wednesday morning into the madness that has become UW weekends.
By the way, Paul, congrats on the gig. I’ve never been to the Overture Center, but any time spent in Madison is time spent well. Have a burger at link – I’m jealous.
[quote comment=”287418″]This masturbatory grief over Gene Upshaw really bothers me – “fetish” is the best word for it.
What’s worse is the precedent set. All this for the union head? What are they going to do the next time a Commissioner dies – rename teams in his honor?[/quote]
Geez, is it the official UW stance that no one who passes on should be memorialized? It’s not going to take anything away from the game by doing this stuff.
Gene Upshaw was a HOF player and spent his post-playing career working as director of the NFLPA, I’m not sure why one would think the league WOULDN’T pay him tribute.
I find it ironic that people that get excited when they see stirrups are calling memorializing a great player and contributor to the game a “fetish”.
You want “fetish” go to that Witesock website…
I would make sure that the concert rider states that you want M&Ms to be separated by color in different bowls.
[quote comment=”287410″]you’d like bigger bread?[/quote]
No better way to start off the comments than a ‘Spinal Tap’ reference. Good job Phil.
[quote comment=”287416″][quote comment=”287414″]First to say low blow to a pregnant 17-year-old kid. Political affiliations aside, don’t make fun of teenage mothers. It doesn’t serve any uni-related purpose and it is generally just bad form.[/quote]
Personally I found it amusing. Less of a slight at Bristol, more of a slight at her mother for putting her on display.[/quote]
I hope Obama’s children are perfect little angels.
Congratulations on the gig! That’s great. Love the Magnetic Fields. To those unfamiliar: pick up “69 Loves Songs”.
Those helmet cars are dreamy.
[quote comment=”287419″][quote comment=”287414″]First to say low blow to a pregnant 17-year-old kid. Political affiliations aside, don’t make fun of teenage mothers. It doesn’t serve any uni-related purpose and it is generally just bad form.[/quote]
Nice to see Paul getting equal treatment, or “the Bryan Treatment” if you like!
Seriously, I think some of you need a nice big bowl of “Lighten the Hell Up” Flakes. Let’s not turn a beautiful Wednesday morning into the madness that has become UW weekends.[/quote]
I perfer ‘Lighten the Hell Up’-Os…
[quote comment=”287416″][quote comment=”287414″]First to say low blow to a pregnant 17-year-old kid. Political affiliations aside, don’t make fun of teenage mothers. It doesn’t serve any uni-related purpose and it is generally just bad form.[/quote]
Personally I found it amusing. Less of a slight at Bristol, more of a slight at her mother for putting her on display.[/quote]
You mean like the Obama girls who have been on the cover of People, and the focus of a Entertainment Tonight story? Oh, right, you can’t say anything about them with out being yelled down and called bad things…
Getting this off politics–one thing that is odd about that 1977 AL All-Star team photo is that the “Yankees road uni guy” is not there, yet in the picturs that supposedly show right after it was taken, there he is… Also note that in this image: link Billy Martin and Joe DiMaggio are not seatted in the middle of the group as they are in this image: link
Also, you can see here (link) there is someone sitting beside Gene Monahan who is not in the official picture. I would say that “Yankees road uni guy” and guy in the sunglasses and pin stripes were not players but staffers or just guys that were in some other “team” photo that was used for something else.
Oh, and you can see Jose Cruz in his HOME Astros Rainbow-guts uni walking in the background. Why would anyone from the NL be wearing their Home unis that day?
[quote comment=”287425″]Congratulations on the gig! That’s great. Love the Magnetic Fields. To those unfamiliar: pick up “69 Loves Songs”.
Those helmet cars are dreamy.[/quote]
The Magnetic Fields are awesome! check out the cd The Wayward Bus, the song 100,000 Fireflies! is so cool!
[quote comment=”287428″][quote comment=”287416″][quote comment=”287414″]First to say low blow to a pregnant 17-year-old kid. Political affiliations aside, don’t make fun of teenage mothers. It doesn’t serve any uni-related purpose and it is generally just bad form.[/quote]
Personally I found it amusing. Less of a slight at Bristol, more of a slight at her mother for putting her on display.[/quote]
You mean like the Obama girls who have been on the cover of People, and the focus of a Entertainment Tonight story? Oh, right, you can’t say anything about them with out being yelled down and called bad things…
Getting this off politics–one thing that is odd about that 1977 AL All-Star team photo is that the “Yankees road uni guy” is not there, yet in the picturs that supposedly show right after it was taken, there he is… Also note that in this image: link Billy Martin and Joe DiMaggio are not seatted in the middle of the group as they are in this image: link
Also, you can see here (link) there is someone sitting beside Gene Monahan who is not in the official picture. I would say that “Yankees road uni guy” and guy in the sunglasses and pin stripes were not players but staffers or just guys that were in some other “team” photo that was used for something else.
Oh, and you can see Jose Cruz in his HOME Astros Rainbow-guts uni walking in the background. Why would anyone from the NL be wearing their Home unis that day?[/quote]
Wasn’t that when the ‘stros were wearing the rainbows both at home and on the road?
they did the same thing on the mlb.com calendars for the day that the new indiana jones movie came out back in may.
I just saw the You Tube video concerning the racks of older game worn Blue Jays jerseys. For
the last few years,the Blue Jays store has been selling the game used jerseys for $100 each,$200
for the 1988 pullovers. The jerseys were mainly common players and coaches. I was at the Blue Jays-Twins game last night and the rack had mostly
1997 to 2000 jerseys left.
The logo on the referee’s hat is Richardson, not Rawlings.
great gig! David Cross did something similar but opposite, he had the band …And You Will Know Us By The Trail of the Dead open for him before he did his routine.
Ironically I was listening to “100,000 Fireflies” on the way into work, great way to start the day
[quote comment=”287414″]First to say low blow to a pregnant 17-year-old kid. Political affiliations aside, don’t make fun of teenage mothers. It doesn’t serve any uni-related purpose and it is generally just bad form.[/quote]
Get real. If, say, Conan O’Brien made the exact same joke, you’d have no problem with it. The photo looked like Berroa was giving birth to a baseball, so I made a joke based on current events. Live with it, and let’s move on.
Speaking of which, what’s that little tone-on-tone mark on this official’s cap?
Looks like the NCAA Football logo seen at the top left hand corner of their homepage:
Also, you can see here (link) there is someone sitting beside Gene Monahan who is not in the official picture. I would say that “Yankees road uni guy” and guy in the sunglasses and pin stripes were not players but staffers or just guys that were in some other “team” photo that was used for something else.
The guy next to Monahan is the Yankee batboy.
[quote comment=”287431″]they did the same thing on the mlb.com calendars for the day that the new indiana jones movie came out back in may.[/quote]
Damn George Lucas! Wish you could vote people out of the country, Survivor-style. Can we call this “Creep Creep”?
i been thinkin more and more on that damn ’77 ASG photo…and the more i do, the more i am drawn to one conclusion…
the “second” photo is actually the link…mystery player is kind of slinking/skulking/stalking his way to the back of the photoshoot…pretty much unbeknownst to anyone, since there are like 70 uniformed players on the field…
the “first” photo is therefore the link in the series, and our mystery friend has sort of just wiggled his way between the players standing in the back row…
link seems unaffiliated with any of the other players, although it’s hard to tell with only two stills
my guess…he IS some kind of imposter (whether or not it is barry bremen as some have speculated) is largely irrelevant (although of course, we uni-minds need to know)…but im not 99% confident mystery dude never played a day of organized (certainly not pro) ball in his life
/just my $.02…but it’s been bugging me all night
[quote comment=”287433″]The logo on the referee’s hat is Richardson, not Rawlings.
Ahhh, got it. Interesting to see that the officials in that other game (Clemson/’Bama) were wearing Adidas caps. Anyone know if this outfitting varies by conference?
Also: Have NCAA officials’ caps had maker’s marks prior to this season?
aren’t we a bit sensitive for a wednesday morning?
first off, Johnson C. Smith unis are beautiful. attach two strings and twist, and it looks like they are flying!
my thought on that asg photo is that he is just some random guy, walking by. maybe looking to pick up a wad of bubble gum or chewing tobacco and sell it on ebay….. wait, there was no ebay in ’77. Well maybe he just needed something to help his drymouth? (yes, drymouth is now one word)
Those Johnson C. Smith two-tone pants are, in fact, retro. They were far from uncommon back in the old days. E.g., I believe the U. of Virginia wore them in the late 40s/early 50s.
Apologies if somehow it was mentioned already… Any chance there were NFC helmet cars there as well?
Oh, and you can see Jose Cruz in his HOME Astros Rainbow-guts uni walking in the background. Why would anyone from the NL be wearing their Home unis that day?[/quote]
I thought the Astros had one uniform, for home and away, at that time.
[quote comment=”287436″][quote comment=”287414″]First to say low blow to a pregnant 17-year-old kid. Political affiliations aside, don’t make fun of teenage mothers. It doesn’t serve any uni-related purpose and it is generally just bad form.[/quote]
Get real. If, say, Conan O’Brien made the exact same joke, you’d have no problem with it. The photo looked like Berroa was giving birth to a baseball, so I made a joke based on current events. Live with it, and let’s move on.[/quote]
Paul, there is tremendous difference between this site and late night talk shows…people go to those places for the political humor…no one comes to UniWatch for the political discussion…Politics and religion are two subjects that should be broached very lightly because you will always offend someone.
As for making a comment about a candidate’s child, I think you should follow the example of both campaigns and acknowledge that their children are completely off-limits
That is not Don Money in the back. It is JIm Slaton!
Good luck with the spoken-word tour! I hope the Philly show works out.
[quote comment=”287447″]no one comes to UniWatch for the political discussion…[/quote]
I love it when people tell me why “people come to Uni Watch,” as if you’re speaking for the entire readership (or as if it would matter even if you were). Here’s a thought: This morning I came to Uni Watch to make a joke about Angel Berroa taking the ball out of his jersey. And I hate to break it to you, but my reasons for coming here trump your reasons.
Congrats on the gig, Paul! And seriously, people. LIGHTEN THE FUCK UP! It was a joke…
[quote comment=”287441″]i been thinkin more and more on that damn ’77 ASG photo…and the more i do, the more i am drawn to one conclusion…
the “second” photo is actually the link…mystery player is kind of slinking/skulking/stalking his way to the back of the photoshoot…pretty much unbeknownst to anyone, since there are like 70 uniformed players on the field…
the “first” photo is therefore the link in the series, and our mystery friend has sort of just wiggled his way between the players standing in the back row…
link seems unaffiliated with any of the other players, although it’s hard to tell with only two stills
my guess…he IS some kind of imposter (whether or not it is barry bremen as some have speculated) is largely irrelevant (although of course, we uni-minds need to know)…but im not 99% confident mystery dude never played a day of organized (certainly not pro) ball in his life
/just my $.02…but it’s been bugging me all night[/quote]
My thoughts exactly. The guy is just too…slight. Not an MLB body. Although he does look SO damn familiar. That’s what’s bugging me. Like he’s a little known or comic I’ve seen somewhere.
re: Johnson C. Smith. When little-known Pettis Norman from little-known Johnson C. Smith first became the Cowboys’ regular tight end, I remember one of the color commentators saying something like, “I can never remember if Pettis Norman went to Johnson C. Smith or Johnson C. Smith went to Pettis Norman.”
little known ACTOR or comic…I meant.
[quote comment=”287447″][quote comment=”287436″][quote comment=”287414″]First to say low blow to a pregnant 17-year-old kid. Political affiliations aside, don’t make fun of teenage mothers. It doesn’t serve any uni-related purpose and it is generally just bad form.[/quote]
Get real. If, say, Conan O’Brien made the exact same joke, you’d have no problem with it. The photo looked like Berroa was giving birth to a baseball, so I made a joke based on current events. Live with it, and let’s move on.[/quote]
Paul, there is tremendous difference between this site and late night talk shows…people go to those places for the political humor…no one comes to UniWatch for the political discussion…Politics and religion are two subjects that should be broached very lightly because you will always offend someone.
As for making a comment about a candidate’s child, I think you should follow the example of both campaigns and acknowledge that their children are completely off-limits[/quote]
Oh, get over yourself. The comment Paul made would have been no different had it been made about Britney Spears’ younger sister, yet because she’s the daughter of a VP nominee, all of a sudden “no one comes for political discussion”.
Sorry, that’s not political discussion…I missed the part where Paul commented on Palin’s stances on the political issues of the day…oh, that’s right….THAT DIDN’T HAPPEN.
You need to “observe” the difference between a political stance and a simple observation on current events… there is a big difference.
Paul, if you do find time to work the 10/26 show here in DC, I suggest you try Ben’s Chili Bowl in NW. The half-smoke with everything is a thing of beauty.
[quote comment=”287421″][quote comment=”287418″]This masturbatory grief over Gene Upshaw really bothers me – “fetish” is the best word for it.
What’s worse is the precedent set. All this for the union head? What are they going to do the next time a Commissioner dies – rename teams in his honor?[/quote]
Geez, is it the official UW stance that no one who passes on should be memorialized? It’s not going to take anything away from the game by doing this stuff.
Gene Upshaw was a HOF player and spent his post-playing career working as director of the NFLPA, I’m not sure why one would think the league WOULDN’T pay him tribute.
I find it ironic that people that get excited when they see stirrups are calling memorializing a great player and contributor to the game a “fetish”.
You want “fetish” go to that Witesock website…[/quote]
A tribute is fine. Deserved. Wonderful. I don’t think anyone here is saying that there shouldn’t be any memorial for him at all. On the contrary, I love memorial patches for the snapshot in time they provide, looking back.
But a patch on every single player for every single game this season? And his name and number stenciled on every field? It’s absurd. It’s overkill.
And yes, it is a fetish. The NFL has been nurturing this grief fetish for years, with silly over-the-top masturbatory memorials, designed to call attention to how much they’re grieving.
And yes, I am concerned that the “tribute” levels are rising. I don’t know how they can not do something as silly as rename a team when a Commissioner dies, lest his memorial be viewed as somehow half-hearted now that the NFL has gone completely overboard for a union head.
i move we discuss something besides palin’s daughter…like pez or hot wheel collections
or maybe…
[quote comment=”287450″][quote comment=”287447″]no one comes to UniWatch for the political discussion…[/quote]
I love it when people tell me why “people come to Uni Watch,” as if you’re speaking for the entire readership (or as if it would matter even if you were). Here’s a thought: This morning I came to Uni Watch to make a joke about Angel Berroa taking the ball out of his jersey. And I hate to break it to you, but my reasons trump your reasons.[/quote]
I’m going to agree with Paul and Kek. Maybe we should just abort this whole line of comments while it is still in the fetal stages. That sounds much better than letting it grow all day into a monster.
Sheesh. Two “and, yes”es in one post. I obviously got up on the bad writing side of the bed this morning.
[quote comment=”287451″]Congrats on the gig, Paul! And seriously, people. LIGHTEN THE FUCK UP! It was a joke…[/quote]
I totally agree! Congrats Paul…you are a renaissance man. If anyone doesnt like the humor, just “change the channel.”
[quote comment=”287456″][quote comment=”287421″][quote comment=”287418″]This masturbatory grief over Gene Upshaw really bothers me – “fetish” is the best word for it.
What’s worse is the precedent set. All this for the union head? What are they going to do the next time a Commissioner dies – rename teams in his honor?[/quote]
Geez, is it the official UW stance that no one who passes on should be memorialized? It’s not going to take anything away from the game by doing this stuff.
Gene Upshaw was a HOF player and spent his post-playing career working as director of the NFLPA, I’m not sure why one would think the league WOULDN’T pay him tribute.
I find it ironic that people that get excited when they see stirrups are calling memorializing a great player and contributor to the game a “fetish”.
You want “fetish” go to that Witesock website…[/quote]
A tribute is fine. Deserved. Wonderful. I don’t think anyone here is saying that there shouldn’t be any memorial for him at all. On the contrary, I love memorial patches for the snapshot in time they provide, looking back.
But a patch on every single player for every single game this season? And his name and number stenciled on every field? It’s absurd. It’s overkill.[/quote]
Well stated — my thoughts exactly.
I will say this, however: It’s hard to imagine any other union chief being saluted so lavishly by the management group against which he negotiated (imagine what will happen when Don Fehr dies). It would be nice to think that this reflects some sense of progressive enlightenment on the part of the NFL, but I think it’s actually a sad confirmation of what many people have said for years: Upshaw was a really, really poor example of a labor leader. Anyone this popular with the guys on the other side of the table couldn’t possibly have been doing his job.
Not that “slight” guys can’t play MLB. But they’re usually pretty recognizable because of that fact…guys like Ron Guidry, for example. Someone that “smallish” (relatively speaking) would more likely have been well-known and would have been ID’d here quickly.
Interesting tidbit about the Johnson C. Smith unis:
In these pics:
Smith is playing North Carolina A&T. A&T won the game 44-10, thus ending the nation’s longest losing streak of 27 games!
However, more interesting to me, was the use of open 4’s by A&T:
Far left corner, foreground:
So much for the unis!
mlb did the same thing with the new indiana jones movie back in may. it was weird looking at the schedule and seeing a picture of indiana jones sitting there.
[quote comment=”287463″]Interesting tidbit about the Johnson C. Smith unis:
In these pics:
Smith is playing North Carolina A&T. A&T won the game 44-10, thus ending the nation’s longest losing streak of 27 games!
However, more interesting to me, was the use of open 4’s by A&T:
Far left corner, foreground:
So much for the unis![/quote]
ANd to make this sneaker related…NC A&T Hoops is one of the charter schools to be outfitted by Jordan Brand, along with:
UNC Chapel Hill,
Cincinatti: Now Adidas
St. Johns: Was Nike, now I believe Adidas
[quote comment=”287457″]i move we discuss something besides palin’s daughter…like pez or hot wheel collections
or maybe…
oooh burn….
point taken phil!!!!! I’m done with the topic!
I only need six cars to complete my set of 2008 new models! (I appreciate you remember!)
Two things.
1. What is that animal that Claudia is holding in the picture? Looks like a cat with a foxish-looking face.
2. Politics aside, the joke about Berroa giving birth to the ball simply wasn’t funny. Maybe the problem was in the delivery…
[quote comment=”287466″][quote comment=”287457″]i move we discuss something besides palin’s daughter…like pez or hot wheel collections
or maybe…
oooh burn….
point taken phil!!!!! I’m done with the topic!
I only need six cars to complete my set of 2008 new models! (I appreciate you remember!)[/quote]
remember what?
LOL! I’m going to save this comment the next time folks think I’m being disagreeable for no good reason!!!!!
Oh, and Leo, your “abort” and “fetal” lines… brilliant!!!!
Never has a three-sentence post made me laugh so much!!! Good stuff!
[quote comment=”287468″][quote comment=”287466″][quote comment=”287457″]i move we discuss something besides palin’s daughter…like pez or hot wheel collections
or maybe…
oooh burn….
point taken phil!!!!! I’m done with the topic!
I only need six cars to complete my set of 2008 new models! (I appreciate you remember!)[/quote]
remember what?[/quote]
Oh Phil, I guess I gave you too much credit!!! When we had the thread about collecting jerseys, I brought up the point that “collecting” might not be the correct word with me because if I own them, I wear them so I feel they’re part of my wardrobe.
I then went on to say “if you want to see collections, as me about my Hot Wheels or Pez collections”.
I thought you bringing Hot Wheels/Pez was a subtle dig, I guess I was wrong!!!!
[quote comment=”287461″](imagine what will happen when Don Fehr dies).[/quote]
Millions of people taking to the streets, singing “Ding Dong, The Witch is Dead” and dancing all night long?
[quote comment=”287461″]Anyone this popular with the guys on the other side of the table couldn’t possibly have been doing his job.[/quote]
Perhaps that’s why the league chose to honour in such a manner. ;o)
[quote]Oh Phil, I guess I gave you too much credit!!![/quote]
oh douggie…
did you forget to read link again? ;)
/btw…i was going to use link in reply…but…
you know i loves ya…so…i couldn’t :o)
[quote comment=”287465″][quote comment=”287463″]Interesting tidbit about the Johnson C. Smith unis:
In these pics:
Smith is playing North Carolina A&T. A&T won the game 44-10, thus ending the nation’s longest losing streak of 27 games!
However, more interesting to me, was the use of open 4’s by A&T:
Far left corner, foreground:
So much for the unis![/quote]
ANd to make this sneaker related…NC A&T Hoops is one of the charter schools to be outfitted by Jordan Brand, along with:
UNC Chapel Hill,
Cincinatti: Now Adidas
St. Johns: Was Nike, now I believe Adidas[/quote]
Before someone corrects me:
Georgetown had traditionally been a Nike school,
with flashes of Jordan brilliance:
when JT3 became coach, they became a JB team:
[quote comment=”287472″][quote comment=”287461″]Anyone this popular with the guys on the other side of the table couldn’t possibly have been doing his job.[/quote]
Perhaps that’s why the league chose to honour in such a manner. ;o)[/quote]
Um, yeah, that was my point.
[quote comment=”287472″][quote comment=”287461″]Anyone this popular with the guys on the other side of the table couldn’t possibly have been doing his job.[/quote]
Perhaps that’s why the league chose to honour in such a manner. ;o)[/quote]
[quote comment=”287473″][quote]Oh Phil, I guess I gave you too much credit!!![/quote]
oh douggie…
did you forget to read link again? ;)
/btw…i was going to use link in reply…but…
you know i loves ya…so…i couldn’t :o)
My head is spinning, you’ve out-sarcasm-ed me! (Apologies to those that hate the verbifying of nouns, I know it’s a pet peeve of many)
On to more important business, this Magnetic Fields song is easily one of the greatest pop songs ever:
Wish I could be back in Minnesota or Madison for Paul’s gig! (Also wish I could think of a uni-related tie in to that particular song to justify posting the link.)
[quote comment=”287433″]The logo on the referee’s hat is Richardson, not Rawlings.
Did anyone else check out that site? In the link section they have a set of Stock Mascots, and link are link link link. Even the link! link
[quote comment=”287433″]The logo on the referee’s hat is Richardson, not Rawlings.[/quote]
I played Club Baseball in college and our hats were made by Richarson with their logo in the same spot as the ref’s hat. They make a pretty good hat and at least have the decency to make their logo the same color as the rest of the hat (instead of a white like New Era).
No UniWatch party in Minneapolis?
[quote comment=\”287474\”][quote comment=\”287465\”][quote comment=\”287463\”]Interesting tidbit about the Johnson C. Smith unis:
In these pics:
Smith is playing North Carolina A&T. A&T won the game 44-10, thus ending the nation\’s longest losing streak of 27 games!
However, more interesting to me, was the use of open 4\’s by A&T:
Far left corner, foreground:
So much for the unis![/quote]
ANd to make this sneaker related…NC A&T Hoops is one of the charter schools to be outfitted by Jordan Brand, along with:
UNC Chapel Hill,
Cincinatti: Now Adidas
St. Johns: Was Nike, now I believe Adidas[/quote]
Before someone corrects me:
Georgetown had traditionally been a Nike school,
with flashes of Jordan brilliance:
when JT3 became coach, they became a JB team:
Further Sneaker Education:
The reason that these shoes were known as Terminators because Michael Biehn:
who played John Connor, wore them during Terminator 1.
[quote comment=”287481″][link[/quote]
nobody likes an angry duck
[quote comment=”287471″][quote comment=”287461″](imagine what will happen when Don Fehr dies).[/quote]
Millions of people taking to the streets, singing “Ding Dong, The Witch is Dead” and dancing all night long?[/quote]
No, that’s what everyone said when Jay Mariotti left the Sun-Times.
I think the Gene Upshaw tributes may be overkill, but still don’t approach Tim Russert levels.
[quote comment=”287475″][quote comment=”287472″][quote comment=”287461″]Anyone this popular with the guys on the other side of the table couldn’t possibly have been doing his job.[/quote]
Perhaps that’s why the league chose to honour in such a manner. ;o)[/quote]
Um, yeah, that was my point.[/quote]
I got it… but that was the Team Obvious statement for those that feel that Upshaw deserves to have cities and countries named after him, as well as having statues erected and his face carved beside the Presidents on Mt. Rushmore.
He’s the first labour union guy to ever be honoured by his “enemies” with on-field demonstrations. Whoopty crap! How many Benedict Arnold statues are standing in the USA? Exactly.
One on-field tribute per stadium. That’s enough.
Paul, will you be flashing the Ronnie James Dio devil horns before, during and after your Power Point presentation, as you are opening for a rock act?
Re: Pennsylvania collection. So what, I’ve got twice as many empty beer cans in my house. Of course, they’re all of the Miller High Life variety.
I think the link is sponsored by Addidas…
Apologies if someone noticed this perhaps months ago when the logo must have been revealed!
You’re comparing….never mind, I’m not going there.
[quote]How many Benedict Arnold statues are standing in the USA?[/quote]
how many in canada? :o)
[quote comment=”287491″]
You’re comparing….never mind, I’m not going there.[/quote]
I thought I could offend everyone by:
1) pissing on a tribute for a guy who seemingly worked for the enemy.
2) bringing politics and state affairs into the game.
3) finding the most outrageous comparison I could in regards to Upshaw’s work in the NFLPA.
Mike Ditka might agree with me, though. lol
[quote comment=”287490″]I think the link is sponsored by Addidas…
Apologies if someone noticed this perhaps months ago when the logo must have been revealed![/quote]
Or a year ago….. ;)
Or a year ago….. ;)
[quote comment=”287490″]I think the link is sponsored by Addidas…
Apologies if someone noticed this perhaps months ago when the logo must have been revealed![/quote]
And the Democrats appear to be sponsored by Nike: link
[quote comment=”287492″][quote]How many Benedict Arnold statues are standing in the USA?[/quote]
how many in canada? :o)[/quote]
Ironically, none. We just like to put up statues of ridiculous stuff, like link and link.
that mccain photo looks a lot more like a wrestling singlet than a basketball jersey. of course, i may be influenced by the fact that was the sport he was known for and he never lettered in basketball at episcopal.
[quote comment=”287463″]Interesting tidbit about the Johnson C. Smith unis:
In these pics:
Smith is playing North Carolina A&T. A&T won the game 44-10, thus ending the nation’s longest losing streak of 27 games!
However, more interesting to me, was the use of open 4’s by A&T:
Far left corner, foreground:
So much for the unis![/quote]
those Johnson C. Smith unis are seared into my retinas!
The Astros wore the same style in the late 70’s for home and road:
I believe the road uni’s were a light cream color instead of grey, hard to see unless they were right next to a white home jersey.
[quote comment=”287485″][quote comment=”287481″][link[/quote]
nobody likes an angry duck[/quote]
It’s true.
[quote comment=”287490″]I think the link is sponsored by Addidas…
Apologies if someone noticed this perhaps months ago when the logo must have been revealed![/quote]
That does sort of resemble the work of adidas.
BTW, Susan, that’s an amazing site on SWC you have. Good work.
[quote comment=”287497″]that mccain photo looks a lot more like a wrestling singlet than a basketball jersey. of course, i may be influenced by the fact that was the sport he was known for and he never lettered in basketball at episcopal.[/quote]
Actually, I just assumed it was a basketball uniform, but you could be right. I didn’t realize he was known for wrestling — mea culpa.
Apologies if this was already posted, but you can see videos of those NFL helmets all over the field in the following YouTube video from Super Bowl VII:
The entire pregame and halftime ceremonies can be viewed on this guy’s YouTube page:
If you like the Michigan Marching Band, Up With People, astronauts, and little kids, it’s awesome.
i still think the mystery man looks like roy white. how many ballplayers wore regular-frame glasses like that? at least he’s another name to add to the list of glasses-wearing athletes.
[quote comment=”287500″][quote comment=”287485″][quote comment=”287481″][link[/quote]
nobody likes an angry duck[/quote]
It’s true.[/quote]
And that is one pissed off duck!!
[quote comment=”287485″][quote comment=”287481″][link[/quote]
nobody likes an angry duck[/quote]
Yea, I hate this guy too…..
This is the better SB VII video, featuring all the helmets in pretty rows, with equally pretty girls in go-go boots sitting on the facemasks:
Unfortunately, there appears to be something funky going on with the aspect ratio, but it gets the point across.
[quote comment=”287499″]The Astros wore the same style in the late 70’s for home and road:
I believe the road uni’s were a light cream color instead of grey, hard to see unless they were right next to a white home jersey.[/quote]
We gonna through this yet again? Rainbow guts home and roads were both white (jersey and pants). The “cream” color was the home version of the rainbow-shouldered very light gray road uni that came along later. And, that cream home suit didn’t debut at same time as road version.
That’s were the confusion usually comes in. Yes, Astros had a “cream” uni, but was a home uni and was the Rainbow SHOULDER uni.
[quote comment=”287493″][quote comment=”287491″]
You’re comparing….never mind, I’m not going there.[/quote]
I thought I could offend everyone by:
1) pissing on a tribute for a guy who seemingly worked for the enemy.
2) bringing politics and state affairs into the game.
3) finding the most outrageous comparison I could in regards to Upshaw’s work in the NFLPA.
Mike Ditka might agree with me, though. lol[/quote]
I’m far from an Upshaw apologist, but I’m thinking this is more a case of a HOF player who spent 28 years as either president or executive director of the players’ association. Maybe the NFL goes overboard on tributes, but at least they’re consistent.
Personally, I think Upshaw handled the stuff with the retired players terribly, especially his comment about them not having a vote ’cause they’re not in the union. Sure, that’s technically right, but you really don’t have to come off like that. Ditka made it his pet project and used his airtime on ESPN to push HIS side of the agenda. As we all know, the truth lied somewhere in between, I think the HBO piece on REAL Sports, while slanted towards the retired players’ side, did a good job of presenting both sides of the issue. Because of the timing of his death, that will be his legacy.
But remember, the players accepted the salary cap so they could have free agency and those two factors are the reasons why the NFL has parity and has surpassed baseball, in many people’s opinions, as the national pasttime. That did happen while he was director.
My personal opinion is that there are too many concessions with NFL players that other athletes don’t have to deal with, i.e. guaranteed contracts. Plus, a system that can have the team say “take a pay cut or we’ll fire you” is NOT good for labor. It gets lost in the shuffle because pro sports is so different from everything else in the world.
So, my take is Upshaw wasn’t great overall, but he did some good. I have no problem with the league memorializing him though. I think maybe a lot of this has to do with a lot you guys are against any kind of patch, logo or other “clutter” that you deem unnecessary.
Well you guys don’t set the agenda and you don’t speak for everyone….to turn a phrase that gets used a lot here “it’s their league and they can do what they want”.
Paul is gonna be 20 minutes away from me in Madison, WI and we can’t even get a uni watch party together to have some delicious Wisconsin beer and cheese curds? I’ll even buy your first round of curds, Paul!
Oh well… I know the life of a rock star must be tough =) Have a great time in Wisconsin! And if the golf season is dwindling down by then… I will even come to the show.
Here’s all you need to know about the NFL players’ union: They still don’t have guaranteed contracts. That’s a failed union right there.
[quote]We gonna through this yet again?[/quote]
not everyone reads the site every day
still trying to figure out this link thing
[quote comment=”287510″]”it’s their league and they can do what they want”.[/quote]
Totally agree, Kek. But for the league to embrace a guy who was supposed to be working against them for the last 28 years in the way they have… that seems a little like “sleeping with the enemy”.
While I agree that Upshaw was a stand-up man when it came to his playing days, it just seems like the NFL owners – the men who decide this stuff – are sticking it to the players once again. Literally.
I don’t think the NHL is going to honour Bob Goodenow in the same way once he passes on, despite all the good he did for the players.
So, what are our plans if link dies?
And why don’t embedded links work here all the time?
[quote comment=”287496″][quote comment=”287492″][quote]How many Benedict Arnold statues are standing in the USA?[/quote]
how many in canada? :o)[/quote]
Ironically, none. We just like to put up statues of ridiculous stuff, like link and link.[/quote]
We seem to erect some interesting bull statues here in the states as well:
Any players changing their numbers as an Upshaw tribute yet ;)
trying to closeng the italics that I didn’t even open. Don’t think it’s working.
[quote comment=”287515″]So, what are our plans if link dies?
And why don’t embedded links work here all the time?[/quote]
I have a relatively thick skin, but c’mon KT…show some tact!
Reebok getting ‘Ocho Cinco’ jerseys ready …
[quote comment=”287513″][quote]We gonna through this yet again?[/quote]
not everyone reads the site every day
still trying to figure out this link thing[/quote]
[quote comment=”287518″]trying to closeng the italics that I didn’t even open. Don’t think it’s working.[/quote]
i broke the italics…my bad
i think kenn’s point about richard collier is indeed WELL MADE…
let’s just hope that no tributes are necessary, k?
[quote comment=”287519″][quote comment=”287515″]So, what are our plans if link dies?
And why don’t embedded links work here all the time?[/quote]
I have a relatively thick skin, but c’mon KT…show some tact![/quote]
No offense intended. Just meant that the precedent has been set in the Sean Taylor thing.
Do you have to be a recognizable, Pro Bowl player to get a league-wide tribute? And with all the other patches and things, I’m just wondering, practically, what happens IF the worst should happen to the guy.
I believe Gene Upshaw should be honored. I’m not sure a season-long, every player patch isn’t overkill. And I think they’ve put themselves in a situation where they’ll have to come up with a caste system for the dearly departed.
that’s all I meant.
[quote comment=”287514″][quote comment=”287510″]”it’s their league and they can do what they want”.[/quote]
Totally agree, Kek. But for the league to embrace a guy who was supposed to be working against them for the last 28 years in the way they have… that seems a little like “sleeping with the enemy”.
While I agree that Upshaw was a stand-up man when it came to his playing days, it just seems like the NFL owners – the men who decide this stuff – are sticking it to the players once again. Literally.
I don’t think the NHL is going to honour Bob Goodenow in the same way once he passes on, despite all the good he did for the players.[/quote]
I’m curious, have any players come out publicly and been against memorializing Upshaw? The league is full of guys that talk before thinking, I can’t recall any of these “tell it like it is” guys saying anything.
I think Matt Stover made some comments about forcing Upshaw from office but didn’t Mawae come out and say that was untrue?
Also, a social commentary, this comment
just shows what is wrong with the current state of unions in our country.
[quote comment=”287521″][quote comment=”287513″][quote]We gonna through this yet again?[/quote]
not everyone reads the site every day
still trying to figure out this link thing[/quote]
That MLB schedule promotion for Star Wars isn’t the first time MLB has done that – they also did it back in May for the opening of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.
[quote comment=”287525″][quote comment=”287521″][quote comment=”287513″][quote]We gonna through this yet again?[/quote]
not everyone reads the site every day
still trying to figure out this link thing[/quote]
THANKS TEEBZ :o)[/quote]
Anytime, Phil. I got your italicized back. ;o)
[quote comment=”287447″][quote comment=”287436″][quote comment=”287414″]First to say low blow to a pregnant 17-year-old kid. Political affiliations aside, don’t make fun of teenage mothers. It doesn’t serve any uni-related purpose and it is generally just bad form.[/quote]
Get real. If, say, Conan O’Brien made the exact same joke, you’d have no problem with it. The photo looked like Berroa was giving birth to a baseball, so I made a joke based on current events. Live with it, and let’s move on.[/quote]
Paul, there is tremendous difference between this site and late night talk shows…people go to those places for the political humor…no one comes to UniWatch for the political discussion…Politics and religion are two subjects that should be broached very lightly because you will always offend someone.
As for making a comment about a candidate’s child, I think you should follow the example of both campaigns and acknowledge that their children are completely off-limits[/quote]
Unfortunately for the kids involved. Mom and/or Dad put them within limits. It’s great the Obama has dictated to his campaign that children are off-limits, but the general public isn’t involved in the campaign. If you want to say it’s in bad taste, that’s fine. Humor is subjective. But nothing is off limits in a public discussion. That would be censorship.
If you are concerned that certain topics could offend certain people, then you could never write or say anything. Look at the discussions here regarding uni related topics such as the color purple, the swoosh, coolflo helmets, etc. They all offend somebody here. People get over it pretty quickly.
[quote comment=”287510″]
Well you guys don’t set the agenda and you don’t speak for everyone….to turn a phrase that gets used a lot here “it’s their league and they can do what they want”.[/quote]
Of course it is. Their league. They have the right to do what they want.
And we have the right to call them on it when they do stupid things.
[quote comment=”287514″][quote comment=”287510″]”it’s their league and they can do what they want”.[/quote]
Totally agree, Kek. But for the league to embrace a guy who was supposed to be working against them for the last 28 years in the way they have… that seems a little like “sleeping with the enemy”.
While I agree that Upshaw was a stand-up man when it came to his playing days, it just seems like the NFL owners – the men who decide this stuff – are sticking it to the players once again. Literally.
I don’t think the NHL is going to honour Bob Goodenow in the same way once he passes on, despite all the good he did for the players.[/quote]
They’ll be dancing on his grave though…
[quote comment=”287528″]nothing is off limits in a public discussion[/quote]
of course not…just like certain media don’t have link link
no need for obama to engage in dirty politics when the press will do it for him…of course, that same ‘magazine’ refused to publish anything about edwards’ affair even though they had proof
lets keep the politics OFF of this board entirely
[quote comment=”287531″]no need for obama to engage in dirty politics when the press will do it for him…of course, that same ‘magazine’ refused to publish anything about edwards’ affair even though they had proof
lets keep the politics OFF of this board entirely[/quote]
Now that you got your last little shot in, right?
Gene Upshaw memorial, sponsored by GU: link
[quote comment=”287532″][quote comment=”287531″]no need for obama to engage in dirty politics when the press will do it for him…of course, that same ‘magazine’ refused to publish anything about edwards’ affair even though they had proof
lets keep the politics OFF of this board entirely[/quote]
Now that you got your last little shot in, right?
who me?
i spose we should let paul get the official last word tho ;)
that’s great that you are opening for “magnetic fields”…Stephin Merritt is one of the best songwriters out there.
From somebody who has done a gig or 2.
1. Depends on whether you get the “hottest groupies”. But hey…groupies are wonderful and not just for the reasons that may first come to mind
2. opening bands get a bad sound mix.
3. soundmen or soundwomen, in most cases, do not know the first thing about “sound”.
4. when you are opening you have no time to warm up. Hit the ground running.
Wish I could be there Paul
[quote comment=”287531″][quote comment=”287528″]nothing is off limits in a public discussion[/quote]
of course not…just like certain media don’t have link link
no need for obama to engage in dirty politics when the press will do it for him…of course, that same ‘magazine’ refused to publish anything about edwards’ affair even though they had proof
lets keep the politics OFF of this board entirely[/quote]
What agenda? Wanting to get out the first pictures of Halle’s baby? Who doesn’t!! ;)
[quote comment=”287531″][quote comment=”287528″]nothing is off limits in a public discussion[/quote]
of course not…just like certain media don’t have link link[/quote]
The extra-super-scary thing about all those magazine covers (and about that whole celeb-gossip mag category in general) is the astonishing amount of fuschia. Painful!
[quote comment=”287488″]Paul, will you be flashing the Ronnie James Dio devil horns before, during and after your Power Point presentation, as you are opening for a rock act?
Paul doesn’t know what you’re talking about…to him, Devil Horns look like this:
[quote comment=”287538″][quote comment=”287488″]Paul, will you be flashing the Ronnie James Dio devil horns before, during and after your Power Point presentation, as you are opening for a rock act?
Paul doesn’t know what you’re talking about…to him, Devil Horns look like this:
[quote comment=\”287523\”][quote comment=\”287519\”][quote comment=\”287515\”]So, what are our plans if Richard Collier dies?
And why don\’t embedded links work here all the time?[/quote]
I have a relatively thick skin, but c\’mon KT…show some tact![/quote]
No offense intended. Just meant that the precedent has been set in the Sean Taylor thing.
Do you have to be a recognizable, Pro Bowl player to get a league-wide tribute? And with all the other patches and things, I\’m just wondering, practically, what happens IF the worst should happen to the guy.
I believe Gene Upshaw should be honored. I\’m not sure a season-long, every player patch isn\’t overkill. And I think they\’ve put themselves in a situation where they\’ll have to come up with a caste system for the dearly departed.
that\’s all I meant.[/quote]
No worries, KT…it just seemed a bit premature!
[quote comment=”287540″][quote comment=\”287523\”][quote comment=\”287519\”][quote comment=\”287515\”]So, what are our plans if Richard Collier dies?
And why don\’t embedded links work here all the time?[/quote]
I have a relatively thick skin, but c\’mon KT…show some tact![/quote]
No offense intended. Just meant that the precedent has been set in the Sean Taylor thing.
Do you have to be a recognizable, Pro Bowl player to get a league-wide tribute? And with all the other patches and things, I\’m just wondering, practically, what happens IF the worst should happen to the guy.
I believe Gene Upshaw should be honored. I\’m not sure a season-long, every player patch isn\’t overkill. And I think they\’ve put themselves in a situation where they\’ll have to come up with a caste system for the dearly departed.
that\’s all I meant.[/quote]
No worries, KT…it just seemed a bit premature![/quote]
I hope it is, obviously.
back to uni’s and the mark of the beast for a sec…
does anyone see any resemblance between link and link?
Regarding the Yankees Road Uni Guy Mystery: Could he be Stadium’s away-team bat boy? Bat boys/girls don’t normally travel with the teams, especially back then, so the home teams would provide them with a BB dressed in the road team’s uni. Perhaps at the ASG the road team’s BB wears the host team’s road uni…
[quote comment=”287508″][quote comment=”287499″]The Astros wore the same style in the late 70’s for home and road:
I believe the road uni’s were a light cream color instead of grey, hard to see unless they were right next to a white home jersey.[/quote]
We gonna through this yet again? Rainbow guts home and roads were both white (jersey and pants). The “cream” color was the home version of the rainbow-shouldered very light gray road uni that came along later. And, that cream home suit didn’t debut at same time as road version.
That’s were the confusion usually comes in. Yes, Astros had a “cream” uni, but was a home uni and was the Rainbow SHOULDER uni.
Ricko: When they went to the shoulder-rainbows, did they have home and road versions? I remember their road uniforms being almost white in the 1986 playoffs against the Mets.
Is anyone else a little bothered by the fact that in the ’77 All Star photo, no one is looking at the camera? I counted 9, and the rest are staring off into space, like they would rather be anywhere but there. You would think for the offical photo, they could at least make an effort to say “look this way…1, 2, 3, click.”
[quote comment=”287539″][quote comment=”287538″][quote comment=”287488″]Paul, will you be flashing the Ronnie James Dio devil horns before, during and after your Power Point presentation, as you are opening for a rock act?
Paul doesn’t know what you’re talking about…to him, Devil Horns look like this:
Yours is “the Mark of the Beast”, mine are the “devil horns” on the collarbone of the jersey!
Phil, Did you see that I reffed for the Quakers yesterday…I can tell you firsthand that their JV was very confused!
I’m weary of the political crap, and I’m going elsewhere for my fix. I understand that it’s your blog to create, but it’s mine to read or not read. Until the political crap stays on the political blogs, I choose to not read.
Please send an email to everyone if you decide to stick to unis. I am looking forward to it.
[quote comment=”287544″]When they went to the shoulder-rainbows, did they have home and road versions? I remember their road uniforms being almost white in the 1986 playoffs against the Mets.[/quote]
note the 1980-1983 changes…the full on ‘bow was always white (despite okkonen’s renderings and orange players) but the shoulder ‘bow had a home and away (sort of cream/off white and gray)
[quote comment=”287542″]heh…
back to uni’s and the mark of the beast for a sec…
does anyone see any resemblance between link and link?[/quote]
How about this:
And this?
[quote comment=”287548″][quote comment=”287544″]When they went to the shoulder-rainbows, did they have home and road versions? I remember their road uniforms being almost white in the 1986 playoffs against the Mets.[/quote]
note the 1980-1983 changes…the full on ‘bow was always white (despite okkonen’s renderings and orange players) but the shoulder ‘bow had a home and away (sort of cream/off white and gray)[/quote]
If you look at the ’77 uniforms in that link, the road uniform pants # is underlined. Is this a mistake, or did they really have the exact same road/home unis – except for an underlined pants # (seems weird)?
I vaguely remember a guy who was known for crashing important sporting events. I don’t remember all of the details but I remember a story about him getting into the All Star Game photo and it having to be retaken. He also at one point had crashed every Super Bowl
[quote comment=”287547″]I’m weary of the political crap, and I’m going elsewhere for my fix. I understand that it’s your blog to create, but it’s mine to read or not read. Until the political crap stays on the political blogs, I choose to not read.
Please send an email to everyone if you decide to stick to unis. I am looking forward to it.[/quote]
If three lines about a ball player retrieving a ball that ended up in his shirt is enough to dissuade you from reading the other 300 lines about uniforms, are you really here for uniforms anyway?
And where did politics come into play? “Much like Sarah Palin’s daughter, Berroa chose life, opting to have the baby and marry Ambres” shows that Paul is up-to-date on her platform and beliefs, but it’s hardly a political commentary in any context.
C’mon people… I intended to poke fun earlier, but this is getting way out of hand. Perhaps some of you need turn the power to your computer off for a while. This is a blog. This isn’t a Republican rally nor is it Gitmo. Suck it up, roll with the punches, and move on.
[quote comment=”287501″][quote comment=”287490″]I think the link is sponsored by Addidas…
Apologies if someone noticed this perhaps months ago when the logo must have been revealed![/quote]
That does sort of resemble the work of adidas.
BTW, Susan, that’s an amazing site on SWC you have. Good work.[/quote]
Thank you Justin! I must apologize for the lack of Arkansas goodies (still a little pissed about that whole thing). ;) I am also working on an amazing SWC uni history that will show up there some day.
Barry Bremen (?) was the great imposter.
And I miss Kevin from Ohio in Virginia already. We should chip in and get him a longer fuse and a scroll wheel for his mouse.
We all need a collective thicker skin but until we all evolve and have them, stick to Unis…Hell NCAA and NFL football just began, Baseball is in full swing, we have more than enough fodder!
New mask for Boston Bruins goalie Tim Thomas:
[quote]I choose to not read[/quote]
good…now choose not to post
I love it when people leave with a sanctimonious comment about why they are leaving. Just. Go. And don’t let the door hit you on the ass on the way out.
I, for one, welcome political humor on this blog as you can’t escape reality totally. Also, many of the issues brought up or comments made are political in nature, but perhaps not recognizably so because they are mainstream as well.
I get tired of other people dictating what can and can’t be on a FREE blog that NO ONE has to read. You don’t have the right not to be offended, as I so well know from being a member on this site from the inception and haven’t liked many of the comments. So, I make my choice of whether to read the comments or not and whether to post or not, but I don’t order Paul to follow my every whim (like he would, anyway).
Rant aside, I am going to put on my UniWatch babydoll tee, my shortest green hotpants and yellow and green knee-high striped stockings to listen to Paul’s presentation. Just my way of saying, “Thanks for all the work you do, and keep it up.”
P.S. I love the two-tone pants of Johnson C. Smith University, even as I dislike the name. They look like chaps–which I don’t particularly like, but which look good in this application.
[quote comment=”287555″]Barry Bremen (?) was the great imposter.
And I miss Kevin from Ohio in Virginia already. We should chip in and get him a longer fuse and a scroll wheel for his mouse.[/quote]
KT, best post of the day. Thanks for the much-needed levity.
P.S. Teebz! Good to see ya! It’s been far too long.
I don’t care what anybody says, I’m still gonna vote for Rudy. Not only was he mayor of New York but they made a movie about when he played football at Notre Dame. Had really cool old unis it, too.
[quote comment=”287555″]Barry Bremen (?) was the great imposter.
And I miss Kevin from Ohio in Virginia already. We should chip in and get him a longer fuse and a scroll wheel for his mouse.[/quote]
[quote comment=”287564″]I don’t care what anybody says, I’m still gonna vote for Rudy. Not only was he mayor of New York but they made a movie about when he played football at Notre Dame. Had really cool old unis it, too.[/quote]
yeah, and his guitar playing in the link was awesome too.
[quote comment=”287564″]I don’t care what anybody says, I’m still gonna vote for Rudy. Not only was he mayor of New York but they made a movie about when he played football at Notre Dame. Had really cool old unis it, too.[/quote]
hey ricko…
was that link i saw last night at the convention?
[quote comment=”287562″]P.S. Teebz! Good to see ya! It’s been far too long.[/quote]
I know! I rise from the ashes of the long-forgotten hockey wing every now and then.
I was thinking of doing the Minny trip since it’s right around the ol’ b-day. If I can swing it, I’m going to head down, and we can take in Paul’s official debut as a marquee man. :o)
[quote comment=”287484″][quote comment=\”287474\”][quote comment=\”287465\”][quote comment=\”287463\”]Interesting tidbit about the Johnson C. Smith unis:
In these pics:
Smith is playing North Carolina A&T. A&T won the game 44-10, thus ending the nation\’s longest losing streak of 27 games!
However, more interesting to me, was the use of open 4\’s by A&T:
Far left corner, foreground:
So much for the unis![/quote]
ANd to make this sneaker related…NC A&T Hoops is one of the charter schools to be outfitted by Jordan Brand, along with:
UNC Chapel Hill,
Cincinatti: Now Adidas
St. Johns: Was Nike, now I believe Adidas[/quote]
Before someone corrects me:
Georgetown had traditionally been a Nike school,
with flashes of Jordan brilliance:
when JT3 became coach, they became a JB team:
Further Sneaker Education:
The reason that these shoes were known as Terminators because Michael Biehn:
who played John Connor, wore them during Terminator 1.[/quote]
Not sure if it matters, but Michael Biehn played Kyle Reese, not John Connor..
[quote comment=\”287502\”][quote comment=\”287497\”]that mccain photo looks a lot more like a wrestling singlet than a basketball jersey. of course, i may be influenced by the fact that was the sport he was known for and he never lettered in basketball at episcopal.[/quote]
Actually, I just assumed it was a basketball uniform, but you could be right. I didn\’t realize he was known for wrestling — mea culpa.[/quote]
You can see that the shorts are a different color, and a singlet is a one-piece garment.
[quote comment=”287567″][quote comment=”287564″]I don’t care what anybody says, I’m still gonna vote for Rudy. Not only was he mayor of New York but they made a movie about when he played football at Notre Dame. Had really cool old unis it, too.[/quote]
hey ricko…
was that link i saw last night at the convention?[/quote]
[quote comment=”287567″][quote comment=”287564″]I don’t care what anybody says, I’m still gonna vote for Rudy. Not only was he mayor of New York but they made a movie about when he played football at Notre Dame. Had really cool old unis it, too.[/quote]
hey ricko…
was that link i saw last night at the convention?[/quote]
But I loaned him that hat.
In 1963.
Since we all seem to be a little jumpy regarding everything, perhaps we need to link.
I’m gonna say I’m a #6. LMAO!
[quote comment=”287560″]Rant aside, I am going to put on my UniWatch babydoll tee, my shortest green hotpants and yellow and green knee-high striped stockings… [/quote]
Now say that again, but slower…
[quote comment=”287572″]Since we all seem to be a little jumpy regarding everything, perhaps we need to link.
I’m gonna say I’m a #6. LMAO![/quote]
your gay
[quote comment=”287573″][quote comment=”287560″]Rant aside, I am going to put on my UniWatch babydoll tee, my shortest green hotpants and yellow and green knee-high striped stockings… [/quote]
Now say that again, but slower…[/quote]
Pics or it didn’t happen..
[quote comment=”287569″][quote comment=”287484″][quote comment=\”287474\”][quote comment=\”287465\”][quote comment=\”287463\”]Interesting tidbit about the Johnson C. Smith unis:
In these pics:
Smith is playing North Carolina A&T. A&T won the game 44-10, thus ending the nation\’s longest losing streak of 27 games!
However, more interesting to me, was the use of open 4\’s by A&T:
Far left corner, foreground:
So much for the unis![/quote]
ANd to make this sneaker related…NC A&T Hoops is one of the charter schools to be outfitted by Jordan Brand, along with:
UNC Chapel Hill,
Cincinatti: Now Adidas
St. Johns: Was Nike, now I believe Adidas[/quote]
Before someone corrects me:
Georgetown had traditionally been a Nike school,
with flashes of Jordan brilliance:
when JT3 became coach, they became a JB team:
Further Sneaker Education:
The reason that these shoes were known as Terminators because Michael Biehn:
who played John Connor, wore them during Terminator 1.[/quote]
Not sure if it matters, but Michael Biehn played Kyle Reese, not John Connor..[/quote]
Because that would create another “Fry is his own grandpa” scenario, and we don’t need a “WTF!??!?!!??! GROSS!!!!!” moment with this movie.
[quote comment=”287574″][quote comment=”287572″]Since we all seem to be a little jumpy regarding everything, perhaps we need to link.
I’m gonna say I’m a #6. LMAO![/quote]
your gay[/quote]
Phil, you filthy ninja! LOL!
[quote comment=”287576″][quote comment=”287569″][quote comment=”287484″][quote comment=\”287474\”][quote comment=\”287465\”][quote comment=\”287463\”]Interesting tidbit about the Johnson C. Smith unis:
In these pics:
Smith is playing North Carolina A&T. A&T won the game 44-10, thus ending the nation\’s longest losing streak of 27 games!
However, more interesting to me, was the use of open 4\’s by A&T:
Far left corner, foreground:
So much for the unis![/quote]
ANd to make this sneaker related…NC A&T Hoops is one of the charter schools to be outfitted by Jordan Brand, along with:
UNC Chapel Hill,
Cincinatti: Now Adidas
St. Johns: Was Nike, now I believe Adidas[/quote]
Before someone corrects me:
Georgetown had traditionally been a Nike school,
with flashes of Jordan brilliance:
when JT3 became coach, they became a JB team:
Further Sneaker Education:
The reason that these shoes were known as Terminators because Michael Biehn:
who played John Connor, wore them during Terminator 1.[/quote]
Not sure if it matters, but Michael Biehn played Kyle Reese, not John Connor..[/quote]
Because that would create another “Fry is his own grandpa” scenario, and we don’t need a “WTF!??!?!!??! GROSS!!!!!” moment with this movie.[/quote]
yeah, basically… of course one of the movies (or more) had naked Arnold soooo…
Idaho’s new logo has spurned some interesting comments, the team will now be referred to as the Idahole Butt Vandals.
Perhaps you guys can answer my question I now have have after viewing the All-Star game picture from today’s ticker. It appeared to me that Mr. Jackson, along with the other Yankee’s were not wearing pullovers like the players from other teams. Did the Yanks ever switch to pullovers? If they did not, were there other teams who took the same (in)action?
The question has already been answered, and it’s quite possible that I’m blind, but I can’t see any tone-on-tone logo on that officials cap. Where am I supposed to be looking?
[quote comment=”287579″]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a38/KLHague/Image1.jpg
Idaho’s new logo has spurned some interesting comments, the team will now be referred to as the Idahole Butt Vandals.[/quote]
Idahole… or “Hide-Da-Hole”? ;o)
Want a polo shirt with a crapy new logo? Here you go.
[quote comment=”287580″]Perhaps you guys can answer my question I now have have after viewing the All-Star game picture from today’s ticker. It appeared to me that Mr. Jackson, along with the other Yankee’s were not wearing pullovers like the players from other teams. Did the Yanks ever switch to pullovers? If they did not, were there other teams who took the same (in)action?[/quote]
in link…ONLY the yanks and tigres went with buttondowns…so the only two teams you’d see in that photo would be link
the NL had the dodgers, mets, expos (!) and i believe phils donning the sewn-on fasteners
[quote comment=”287584″]Want a polo shirt with a crapy new logo? Here you go.
Oh man, it really IS that piece of shit?
[quote comment=”287585″][quote comment=”287580″]Perhaps you guys can answer my question I now have have after viewing the All-Star game picture from today’s ticker. It appeared to me that Mr. Jackson, along with the other Yankee’s were not wearing pullovers like the players from other teams. Did the Yanks ever switch to pullovers? If they did not, were there other teams who took the same (in)action?[/quote]
in link…ONLY the yanks and tigres went with buttondowns…so the only two teams you’d see in that photo would be link
the NL had the dodgers, mets, expos (!) and i believe phils donning the sewn-on fasteners[/quote]
*pardonez-moi…baltimore also went with buttons, EXCEPT for the alt (which is what is seen in that pic)
LI Phil, thanks for politely addressing the question of someone that is new to this website (unlike some readers).
[quote comment=”287586″][quote comment=”287584″]Want a polo shirt with a crapy new logo? Here you go.
Oh man, it really IS that piece of shit?[/quote]
Maybe they are leaking that on purpose and they will have a different name and logo….well there is a slight chance right? maybe?
[quote comment=”287589″][quote comment=”287586″][quote comment=”287584″]Want a polo shirt with a crapy new logo? Here you go.
Oh man, it really IS that piece of shit?[/quote]
Maybe they are leaking that on purpose and they will have a different name and logo….well there is a slight chance right? maybe?[/quote]
The MLB schedule Star Wars thing must actually be a Lucas Films thing. Earlier in the year, Harrison Ford was on the MLB schedule, dressed of course as Indiana Jones, on the day of the release of that movie as well.
So much for us hoping that leaked OKC Thunder photo was a fake! Oh my God that’s bad. Is there any chance that could be the seconary logo? Wishful thinking…
It’s official, the OKC Thunder.
[quote comment=”287593″]http://www.oklahomacitybball.com/2008/09/lets-do-this.html
It’s official, the OKC Thunder.[/quote]
[quote comment=”287418″]This masturbatory grief over Gene Upshaw really bothers me – “fetish” is the best word for it.
What’s worse is the precedent set. All this for the union head? What are they going to do the next time a Commissioner dies – rename teams in his honor?[/quote]
What is really sad is that the Cincinnati Bengals (notice the spelling of Cincinnati, 3 n’s and 1 t) will be forced to wear a memorial patch for a union head when they did not wear one when the founder of the franchise, Paul Brown, passed away.
Almost as bad as the Sean Taylor memorials.
[quote comment=”287594″][quote comment=”287593″]http://www.oklahomacitybball.com/2008/09/lets-do-this.html
It’s official, the OKC Thunder.[/quote]
Most all new logo/uni unveilings have been really blah, overall. So the logo and name being so terrible in this case, must mean that the uni will be great in order to offset the bad, and give the new Name/logo/uni a “C”. Right?
[quote comment=”287594″][quote comment=”287593″]http://www.oklahomacitybball.com/2008/09/lets-do-this.html
It’s official, the OKC Thunder.[/quote]
That OKC logo would be rotten even as a secondary logo. Why didn’t they choose Barons again? I had to admit that Barons sounded pretty sweet.
[quote comment=”287570″]
You can see that the shorts are a different color, and a singlet is a one-piece garment.[/quote]
they’re obviously wearing shorts above the singlet. mccain didn’t play basketball at episcopal.
“EHS Bio
Senator John S. McCain attended Episcopal High School from 1951 through his graduation in 1954.
1954 J.V. Football, Wrestling, Tennis
1953 130 lb. Football, Wrestling, Tennis
1952 Cake Football, Wrestling, Greenway Baseball
McCain held the EHS wrestling record for ‘Fastest Pin’ for two years; his record was broken in 1954. In his senior year, he wrestled in the 127-pound weight class.”
notice also how there are no numbers on the “jerseys.” the guy on the back left looks like not much of a basketball player. and john mccain is 5-6 now, probably was still growing then, yet none of the people in his row appear particularly taller than him. you think that’s a basketball team?
[quote comment=”287599″]
But, in all seriousness. That OKC logo would be rotten even as a secondary logo. Why didn’t they choose Barons again? I had to admit that Barons sounded pretty sweet.[/quote]
Speaking of Barons… I’m thinking of creating a few T-shirts, and I wanted to bring back the old AHL Cleveland Barons logo on a t-shirt.
If you had the dough, would you spend it on a t-shirt that link? Thoughts? Opinions?
[quote comment=”287584″]Want a polo shirt with a crapy new logo? Here you go.
I don’t know why… but this new crappy logo kind of reminds me of the Washington Wizards logo for some reason.
[quote comment=”287602″][quote comment=”287584″]Want a polo shirt with a crapy new logo? Here you go.
I don’t know why… but this new crappy logo kind of reminds me of the Washington Wizards logo for some reason.
It kinda reminds me of this…
Rant aside, I am going to put on my UniWatch babydoll tee, my shortest green hotpants and yellow and green knee-high striped stockings to listen to Paul’s presentation. Just my way of saying, “Thanks for all the work you do, and keep it up.”
Minna, thank you for that. :-)
Idahole… or “Hide-Da-Hole”? ;o)
Rant aside, I am going to put on my UniWatch babydoll tee, my shortest green hotpants and yellow and green knee-high striped stockings to listen to Paul’s presentation. Just my way of saying, “Thanks for all the work you do, and keep it up.”
Any chance for a screen grab?
I am embarrassed by everything about the logo, name, and colors of the OKC basketball team. The designs submitted for the espn article blow this away. They could not have done worse.
[quote comment=”287603″][quote comment=”287602″][quote comment=”287584″]Want a polo shirt with a crapy new logo? Here you go.
I don’t know why… but this new crappy logo kind of reminds me of the Washington Wizards logo for some reason.
It kinda reminds me of this…
Or this:
Oklahoma City Thunder…
The name its self is not bad… everything else is terrible!
[quote comment=”287583″][quote comment=”287579″]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a38/KLHague/Image1.jpg
Idaho’s new logo has spurned some interesting comments, the team will now be referred to as the Idahole Butt Vandals.[/quote]
Idahole… or “Hide-Da-Hole”? ;o)[/quote]
HaHa…along with NC A&T, I spy an open topped 4 on Zona’s unis!
[quote comment=”287569″][quote comment=”287484″][quote comment=\”287474\”][quote comment=\”287465\”][quote comment=\”287463\”]Interesting tidbit about the Johnson C. Smith unis:
In these pics:
Smith is playing North Carolina A&T. A&T won the game 44-10, thus ending the nation\’s longest losing streak of 27 games!
However, more interesting to me, was the use of open 4\’s by A&T:
Far left corner, foreground:
So much for the unis![/quote]
ANd to make this sneaker related…NC A&T Hoops is one of the charter schools to be outfitted by Jordan Brand, along with:
UNC Chapel Hill,
Cincinatti: Now Adidas
St. Johns: Was Nike, now I believe Adidas[/quote]
Before someone corrects me:
Georgetown had traditionally been a Nike school,
with flashes of Jordan brilliance:
when JT3 became coach, they became a JB team:
Further Sneaker Education:
The reason that these shoes were known as Terminators because Michael Biehn:
who played John Connor, wore them during Terminator 1.[/quote]
Not sure if it matters, but Michael Biehn played Kyle Reese, not John Connor..[/quote]
Not sure if it matters!!!!!!Totally my mistake, thank you for correcting it!That’s right, he was John COnnor’s father (motel scene)right?
headline on nba.com says “thunder are ready to roar.” in what grammar does the nba locate this phrase? it sounds like when the british football press says “germany are looking tired.” that’s fine in england, but why here? and why not thunders, thunderers? thundersto-
seems like a kind of linked marketing with the wnba team, but that’s odd since bennett’s group left the storm in seattle.
[quote comment=”287542″]heh…
back to uni’s and the mark of the beast for a sec…
does anyone see any resemblance between link and link?[/quote]
Wasn’t the Bronco redesign in 1997(?) done by the team’s uniform supplier at the time, Nike? That swoosh-look was pruposely put in there, I think.
[quote comment=”287550″][quote comment=”287548″][quote comment=”287544″]When they went to the shoulder-rainbows, did they have home and road versions? I remember their road uniforms being almost white in the 1986 playoffs against the Mets.[/quote]
note the 1980-1983 changes…the full on ‘bow was always white (despite okkonen’s renderings and orange players) but the shoulder ‘bow had a home and away (sort of cream/off white and gray)[/quote]
If you look at the ’77 uniforms in that link, the road uniform pants # is underlined. Is this a mistake, or did they really have the exact same road/home unis – except for an underlined pants # (seems weird)?[/quote]
I don’t think that’s an underline at all. It looks like the #12 was cut out and pasted onto the template. Look at it again.
The Thunder colors are Blue, Yellow, and orange
What about these guys?
I don’t mind the name, honestly I like it, but… Are you kidding me?!?!? They take a team and get the chance to rebrand it to their liking and they barely link I saw the basketball leak and thought “they can’t possibly think this could pass for a sports logo.” The Bulls logo is a Bull, the Spurs logo is a Spur, and the OKC logo is a triangle with “OKC” & a basketball in it??? Put it in a cloud and make something that looks as if you tried! The colors don’t say thunder, the font is lackluster and to top it all off… linkis offered as one of the first available items online. I call for a redo!
[quote comment=”287610″][quote comment=”287583″][quote comment=”287579″]http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a38/KLHague/Image1.jpg
Idaho’s new logo has spurned some interesting comments, the team will now be referred to as the Idahole Butt Vandals.[/quote]
Idahole… or “Hide-Da-Hole”? ;o)[/quote]
HaHa…along with NC A&T, I spy an open topped 4 on Zona’s unis![/quote]
Don’t forget these guys…
The pic is from last year, obviously, but the open 4 remains.
Teehee factor high on this one: The Towson Tigers have a Butt and a Cox on their football roster. “Haha, your name is Cox.” “Haha, your name is Butt.” Alas, no Head on the team for Butt to sit next to on the bench.
Are we sure that the picture of the ASG is listed as from the correct ASG year? Check this out: link
[quote comment=”287421″][quote comment=”287418″]This masturbatory grief over Gene Upshaw really bothers me – “fetish” is the best word for it.
What’s worse is the precedent set. All this for the union head? What are they going to do the next time a Commissioner dies – rename teams in his honor?[/quote]
Geez, is it the official UW stance that no one who passes on should be memorialized? It’s not going to take anything away from the game by doing this stuff.
Gene Upshaw was a HOF player and spent his post-playing career working as director of the NFLPA, I’m not sure why one would think the league WOULDN’T pay him tribute.
I find it ironic that people that get excited when they see stirrups are calling memorializing a great player and contributor to the game a “fetish”.
You want “fetish” go to that Witesock website…[/quote]
I think a discreet helmet decal would have been better. So for some players you’ll have, let’s take Rothlisberger as an example,
GU63 patch..NFL logo..Steelers patch..”C” patch..all on the front!
Cluttered, yes. Aesthetically pleasing….no.
(typed on cool new Google browser, baybee.)
re: Upshaw
People die. Life goes on.
Upshaw was a decent man, a helluva football player, a Hall of Famer.
And he served the NFLPA for a long, long time.
But he wasn’t Jackie Robinson.
[quote comment=”287568″][quote comment=”287562″]P.S. Teebz! Good to see ya! It’s been far too long.[/quote]
I know! I rise from the ashes of the long-forgotten hockey wing every now and then.
I was thinking of doing the Minny trip since it’s right around the ol’ b-day. If I can swing it, I’m going to head down, and we can take in Paul’s official debut as a marquee man. :o)[/quote]
I’m thinking the same thing about Paul’s Excellent On-Stage Adventure. Of course for me it’s just a drive downtown.
LI Phil…
Thanks for posting the Astros Rainbow stuff. Explains what I was gonna say: That the rainbow shoulders were used on the road for some time before they showed up at home.
Minna H…
Green short shorts and striped socks? That an old Oregon basketball uni?
the all star photo is from 77 because it’s in yankee stadium and those are identifiably the 77 all stars (and trainers and managers). some of the players that wiki entry on bremen mentions he met aren’t even there (george brett).
of course, bremen might have snuck into the 77 game too only we don’t know about it. but the mystery man is roy white.
[quote comment=”287608″][quote comment=”287603″][quote comment=”287602″][quote comment=”287584″]Want a polo shirt with a crapy new logo? Here you go.
I don’t know why… but this new crappy logo kind of reminds me of the Washington Wizards logo for some reason.
It kinda reminds me of this…
Or this:
or this:
Paul, I can’t wait to hear your take on the new NBA team– THE THUNDER! I already am not a big fan of the logo and colors. Plus, the team name doesn’t end in ‘S’…terrible!
Well, the Charlotte Bobcats aren’t in possion of the worst logo (and probably uniforms) in the nba any more.
The OKC Thunder was already the worst names in sports, now the logo just tops it all off. That logo has no character, and says nothing. It’s almost the same thing as those “Oklahoma City NBA” logos they were using as a placeholder. Just a joke on so many levels. What a shame. Bring back the Sonics.
Just came across a random page while researching Titans stuff. It’s got a concept 3-d alternative logo for Oklahoma Sooners and a weird Tennessee Titans concept I’ve never seen before.
any thoughts?
[quote comment=”287624″][quote comment=”287608″][quote comment=”287603″][quote comment=”287602″][quote comment=”287584″]Want a polo shirt with a crapy new logo? Here you go.
I don’t know why… but this new crappy logo kind of reminds me of the Washington Wizards logo for some reason.
It kinda reminds me of this…
Or this:
or this:
Yes!! Doritos!! You nailed it!
[quote comment=”287623″]the all star photo is from 77 because it’s in yankee stadium and those are identifiably the 77 all stars (and trainers and managers). some of the players that wiki entry on bremen mentions he met aren’t even there (george brett).
of course, bremen might have snuck into the 77 game too only we don’t know about it. but the mystery man is roy white.[/quote]
Again, it’s not Roy White. The scenario you concocted yesterday is ridiculous. He came to the stadium on the break as a goof and suited up to be around the fellas? Grew a moustache that he didn’t have in photos in 1976, 77 or 78?
Roy White was known as a quiet, dignified man. Not exactly the maneuver of a guy who, for his entire career, flew under the radar.
Everybody is entitled to their opinion, but the fact that the person has a mildly dark complexion and access to Yankees gear is hardly conclusive. As for the glasses, show me a photo of White wearing glasses anytime after 1970.
Yes!! Doritos!! You nailed it![/quote]
I know, right? Is it a bad thing that now when I see the “Thunder” logo, I’ll immediately get a craving for a snack food? Maybe they should see Doritos potato chips exclusively throughout the arena.
[quote] the mystery man is roy white.[/quote]
the mystery dude may or may not be bremen, but it is NOT roy white
[quote comment=”287632″]Yes!! Doritos!! You nailed it![/quote]
I know, right? Is it a bad thing that now when I see the “Thunder” logo, I’ll immediately get a craving for a snack food? Maybe they should see Doritos potato chips exclusively throughout the arena.[/quote]
*sell* Doritos, not “see”.
dammit larrybeat me to the punch ;)
[quote comment=”287635″]
dammit larrybeat me to the punch ;)[/quote]
But you said it better!
Hmmm… the QB for Carson HS(CA) on ESPN right now has a NFL-style Captain’s patch on right now…
im sure tv has done this before, but link are getting the ‘brazillian treatment’ (FNO) on the screen
*and dammit i wish my cable provider would give me USA in HD…
[quote]LI Phil…
Thanks for posting the Astros Rainbow stuff. Explains what I was gonna say: That the rainbow shoulders were used on the road for some time before they showed up at home.[/quote]
welcome rick…i’ll take your memory over okkonen’s drawings any day
you din’t ever do any serious coloring (crayon or magic marker) of old bb unis like you did the football ones, didja?
[quote comment=”287639″]im sure tv has done this before, but link are getting the ‘brazillian treatment’ (FNO) on the screen[/quote]
You’re right, Phil. NBC did that for the Wimbledon final.
[quote comment=”287601″][quote comment=”287599″]
But, in all seriousness. That OKC logo would be rotten even as a secondary logo. Why didn’t they choose Barons again? I had to admit that Barons sounded pretty sweet.[/quote]
Speaking of Barons… I’m thinking of creating a few T-shirts, and I wanted to bring back the old AHL Cleveland Barons logo on a t-shirt.
If you had the dough, would you spend it on a t-shirt that link? Thoughts? Opinions?[/quote]
Too phallic.
[quote comment=”287634″][quote comment=”287632″]Yes!! Doritos!! You nailed it![/quote]
I know, right? Is it a bad thing that now when I see the “Thunder” logo, I’ll immediately get a craving for a snack food? Maybe they should see Doritos potato chips exclusively throughout the arena.[/quote]
*sell* Doritos, not “see”.
Hahaha… they got you thinking about selling and consuming already with that logo!
And sorry LI Phil… this tennis match looks amazing on my DirecTV HD. LOL.
I am having a contest on my blog for a redesign of the OKC logo (if thats what you want to call it), here is my take on it.
[quote]LI Phil… this tennis match looks amazing on my DirecTV HD. LOL.[/quote]
ouch johnny
but you know what looked GREAT in HD these past three days?
hint: no sloppy jerseys
Anyone here play Madden 09? The uni errors in the game are just ridiculous – they have Eli Manning wearing a Revolution helmet (did they miss the Super Bowl?), and the Giants alternate jersey is red with a BLUE AND WHITE COLLAR – something that, to my knowledge, has never existed. It’s totally amateur that a game with an exclusive NFL license (monopoly!!!) can mess up this badly. Please Paul, bring some attention to this!!! I will provide a complete list of all uni errors in the game (like captiancy patches, etc.) if you need it. It’s been driving me nuts since I got the game, & I figured this is the best place to bring it up. Thanks!!
[quote comment=”287629″]Just came across a random page while researching Titans stuff.[/quote]
there’s also a wnba all star game logo
euro 2008
and atlanta thrashers
[quote comment=”287629″]Just came across a random page while researching Titans stuff. It’s got a concept 3-d alternative logo for Oklahoma Sooners and a weird Tennessee Titans concept I’ve never seen before.
any thoughts?[/quote]
As a Sooner fan, that is the ugliest OU logo one could come up with.
[quote]I don’t care what anybody says, I’m still gonna vote for Rudy[/quote]
if i were biden, i’d want that VP thing in writing
[quote comment=”287647″][quote]LI Phil… this tennis match looks amazing on my DirecTV HD. LOL.[/quote]
ouch johnny
but you know what looked GREAT in HD these past three days?
hint: no sloppy jerseys[/quote]
Ouch Phil… Your right. No un-tucking of the uni’s the last three days. But the Phils are en route to losing, and so are the Cubs… So it’s kind of a wash. Or at least, that is how I am looking at it.
Gotta keep the faith though. I just want the playoffs to come to Wisconsin in October. How about the Cubs blow it all, the Crew win the Central, and the Amazin’s take the Wild Card? You down with that?
[quote comment=”287652″][quote comment=”287647″][quote]LI Phil… this tennis match looks amazing on my DirecTV HD. LOL.[/quote]
ouch johnny
but you know what looked GREAT in HD these past three days?
hint: no sloppy jerseys[/quote]
Ouch Phil… Your right. No un-tucking of the uni’s the last three days. But the Phils are en route to losing, and so are the Cubs… So it’s kind of a wash. Or at least, that is how I am looking at it.
Gotta keep the faith though. I just want the playoffs to come to Wisconsin in October. How about the Cubs blow it all, the Crew win the Central, and the Amazin’s take the Wild Card? You down with that?[/quote]
And as a side note: This is not meant to be a plug or advertising or whatever… but DirecTV HD/DVR is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I highly recommend it to any sports fans. SO many channels in HD, including sports, on demand, and DVR capability in case you need to get a screen grab for uni watch. =)
[quote]the Amazin’s take the Wild Card? You down with that?[/quote]
hard to take the wild card when you win the NL east
but i’ll be happy to see you in october
[quote comment=”287654″][quote]the Amazin’s take the Wild Card? You down with that?[/quote]
hard to take the wild card when you win the NL east
but i’ll be happy to see you in october[/quote]
Fine.. I’ll give you the East, We’ll take the Central, and the Phils can have the WC.
See you in October. I’ll bake a Pumpkin Pie, and we’ll have some Oktoberfest Fest beer.
Saw this ebay and immediately thought of you, Paul, ol’ boy …
[quote comment=”287644″][quote comment=”287601″]
Speaking of Barons… I’m thinking of creating a few T-shirts, and I wanted to bring back the old AHL Cleveland Barons logo on a t-shirt.
If you had the dough, would you spend it on a t-shirt that link? Thoughts? Opinions?[/quote]
Too phallic.[/quote]
How so? This I gotta hear.
[quote comment=”287657″][quote comment=”287644″][quote comment=”287601″]
Speaking of Barons… I’m thinking of creating a few T-shirts, and I wanted to bring back the old AHL Cleveland Barons logo on a t-shirt.
If you had the dough, would you spend it on a t-shirt that link? Thoughts? Opinions?[/quote]
Too phallic.[/quote]
How so? This I gotta hear.[/quote]
Looks like ‘Mr. Penis’
You got a Pitchforkmedia nod for this, FYI:
The mystery man in 1977 is also 100% NOT Barry Bremen.
[quote comment=”287658″][quote comment=”287657″][quote comment=”287644″][quote comment=”287601″]
Speaking of Barons… I’m thinking of creating a few T-shirts, and I wanted to bring back the old AHL Cleveland Barons logo on a t-shirt.
If you had the dough, would you spend it on a t-shirt that link? Thoughts? Opinions?[/quote]
Too phallic.[/quote]
How so? This I gotta hear.[/quote]
Looks like ‘Mr. Penis'[/quote]
I have to agree…Frat boys would love it!
[quote comment=”287638″]Hmmm… the QB for Carson HS(CA) on ESPN right now has a NFL-style Captain’s patch on right now…
I’m embarrassed to admit that I really dig Carson’s all-black with aqua numbers and helmets.
[quote comment=”287593″]http://www.oklahomacitybball.com/2008/09/lets-do-this.html
It’s official, the OKC Thunder.[/quote]
So on-the-ball and inovative in logo design that the NBA Thunder website is still blank…..!
Watching Michigan State-Cal highlights on Big Ten Network. Talk about a contrast in design styles between two teams, yikes.
Anybody catch SportCenter’s quick hit on the Thunder logo? Anchor read list of other names that didn’t make it and, as the logo was cross-fading into the next story, said as a throwaway line, “Don’t get me started.”
Was pretty clear he didn’t think much of either the name or the logo.
Also, if you happen to see this before it’s over, you might want to check this game out on ESPN2. I was watching it for the Mat Barkley-hype, but it’s 40-40 after one OT, with both teams blocking the other’s PAT in the first OT.
I dont know if anyone has seen this but this is probably the worst case scenario logo placement ever.
So now you’re touring with the Magnetic Fields and you’ve already name dropped John Darnielle on here. Paul Lukas: Living the Lit-Heavy Indie Rock Nerd’s Dream.
Steal a team and now another teams mascot.
OKC Fans:
Warriors Fans:
[quote comment=”287638″]Hmmm… the QB for Carson HS(CA) on ESPN right now has a NFL-style Captain’s patch on right now…
There’s just something about high school sports being covered nationally, be it on ESPN or in Sports Illustrated, that gives me the icky shivers. It’s a condition I call Pedophilia Athletica.
Any interest in a regular season high school sports contest outside of a 35 mile radius of the school itself is just wrong. State Tournament finals within your own state are acceptable.
God knows there’s enough college football and basketball coverage to satisfy even the most pathetic sportsaholic without having to resort to high school sports.
Wouldn’t a healthy adult relationship with Tom Brady be ultimately more heathy and satisfying for everyone involved?
[quote comment=”287656″]http://cgi.ebay.com/Vtg-Wool-Baseball-Jersey-Shirt-Green-Cream-Jersey-40_W0QQitemZ300255724151QQihZ020QQcategoryZ27945QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
Saw this ebay and immediately thought of you, Paul, ol’ boy …[/quote]
Oooh, that IS nice — “P” for Paul!
[quote comment=”287667″]So now you’re touring with the Magnetic Fields and you’ve already name dropped John Darnielle on here. Paul Lukas: Living the Lit-Heavy Indie Rock Nerd’s Dream.[/quote]
I was publishing Beer Frame and writing Mountain Goats liner notes (for the Sweden CD, although I wasn’t credited until the Nothing for Juice CD) long before Uni Watch existed. This tour with the Magnetic Fields is just a return to my roots, or something like that…