Back in April I ran an interview with reader Karen Hibbitt. At one point she asked me, “What’s the etiquette for [fans] wearing jerseys?” and then offered her own thoughts on the subject before I could respond.
As someone immediately pointed out in the comments that day, I never did address the issue myself. True enough. I was happy to let Karen answer her own question, because I don’t have strong feelings on the matter. Fact is, I don’t much care what fans wear, what fans buy, or any of that, mainly because I’m not a jersey collector myself.
This came up again a few weeks ago, when Brinke Guthrie — a longtime reader whose name is probably familiar to many of you from his frequent Ticker contributions — sent me an e-mail asking, “Which would you get: no number on back or choose a number (can’t say I have a favorite player)? Which is cooler to wear?” He seemed mildly stunned when I told him I had no opinion on the matter because I don’t own any current or contemporary jerseys.
And why is that, anyway? People always expect me to have a huge jersey collection, which I agree seems like a reasonable supposition (especially since I collect lots of other things — always have). These interactions with Karen and Brinke got me thinking about this, so I started asking myself why I write about uniforms but have never gotten into collecting them. Here are the answers I found:
• I’m not a big fella — 5’8″, 150 lbs. — and I like my clothing to be fairly close-fitting. In numbered sizes, I wear a 38; for unnumbered, a small or a medium. Most of today’s authentic and replica jerseys are waaaaaay too big for me.
• Even if I could get custom-fitted jerseys, all of today’s jerseys are polyester, and I hate synthetic fabrics. (I’ve often joked that if I ever became a pro ballplayer when I become a pro ballplayer, I’ll have to fake a skin allergy to polyester and insist on a flannel uniform.)
• When I was growing up, the licensed apparel market didn’t exist yet — people couldn’t buy jerseys even if they wanted to. So I never got in the habit.
• Aside from socks, underwear, footwear, and the occasional T-shirt, almost all my clothing is vintage. While I’ll occasionally spend more than $100 on something, that’s pretty rare — most of my shirts, sweaters, jeans, jackets, etc. cost me somewhere in the $15-$75 range. So the idea of spending $230, $245, or more on a shirt just doesn’t compute for me. I realize a jersey is much more than just “a shirt” for many people, and I’ve certainly spent much more than $250 on things that other people would consider frivolous, so I’m not passing judgment on anyone else’s expenditures. I’m just saying merchandised jerseys don’t push my buttons in that particular way.
• One reason I like vintage clothing is that it has a sense of history. I am, at heart, a storyteller, and each used garment is a story. Who wore this before? Where was it first purchased? How did it end up here? How does it reflect the style of its era? So the handful of jerseys I do own are mostly old flannel models from decades past. They appeal to me on a vintage-clothing level as well as a uniform level (plus they’re made of natural fibers, they’re small enough to fit me, etc.). I have about half a dozen of these — all from high school teams, factory teams, and so on — and they’re much more exciting to me than a current Mets jersey could ever be. Frankly, I’ve never much understood the appeal of collecting things that are new (except maybe baseball cards when I was a kid); I’ve always preferred collecting things that are old. That’s why throwback jerseys, like the ones made by Mitchell & Ness or Ebbets Field Flannels, don’t appeal to me either (plus there’s still the sizing problem, the price problem, etc.). I’d even take my vintage obscurities over, say, a game-used Ed Kranepool jersey from 1969, because I already know where that’s been — there’s no mystery about it, no untold story.
• I don’t like what merchandising has done to uniforms. Jersey sales have become the revenue tail that wags the on-field dog, and I prefer not to participate in that system, which I think has been very bad for uni design.
And so on. When I came up with the concept for Uni Watch, it never even occurred to me that people would be interested in what fans wear — the idea, for me, had always been to examine obsess over what the players wear. And that’s still the idea, at least from my perspective. Of course, there are other folks who feel differently, and that’s fine.
Anyway, while I don’t much care about fans wearing jerseys, I know many of you do. So today I’m gonna step back and let you discuss that topic in the comments — knock yourselves out.
(And if you happen to be in a jersey-buying mood, please remember to patronize Uni Watch’s sponsors, Jersey-Joe and Distant Replays. Thanks.)
Uni Watch News Ticker: Ben Curtis wore Giants gear at the Barclays the other day (thanks, Vince). ”¦ The Canadiens have unveiled their 100th-anniversary logo. ”¦ Division I-AA Delaware has new uniforms. ”¦ Jim Tressel’s sweater vest is being merchandised in some interesting ways. ”¦ If you go to this page, you’ll find an interview with Nats prexy Stan Kasten. Search on the word “uniform” to get his take on upcoming “tweaks” to the team’s uniform set (with thanks to Mark Wolven). ”¦ According to this small item, there’s a “great debate” about the color of Arizona State’s road pants (with thanks to Alex Benezra). ”¦ More ASU news from Alex: There’s a 50th-anniversary logo for Sun Devil Stadium and for ASU itself (it was a teacher’s college prior to 1958), but it will not be worn on the team’s jerseys. ”¦ Oglethorpe University, a D-3 school in Atlanta, recently posted a bunch of archival photos, and there are some real doozies in there. See, for example, this, or this, or this (logo and uni number combined!). You can search by sport within the archives here and here (big thanks to Oglethorpe alum Austin Gillis). ”¦ Got a note yesterday from John Hartman, with the subject line “A father’s dream crushed.” It read as follows: “It’s always been my dream to see my twin sons play football — until I saw the uniforms they have to wear (thankfully, their coach told them they could switch the purple socks for black). Sorry for the Nike socks, but their mom bought them, not me! Also notice the Rawlings logo creep on the upper front of the jersey. Sheesh.” Note that the Hartman twins have first initials on their NOBs. ”¦ I’m not gonna bid on these, but I hope one of you will. ”¦ Interesting piece here on Mets outfielder Nick Evans’s sunglasses. Interestingly, it says minor leaguers in the Mets system aren’t allowed to wear Oakleys, although it doesn’t explain why. ”¦ The Blue Jackets will be wearing a memorial patch in honor of team founder John H. McConnell this season. Details here (with thanks to Matt Lesser). ”¦ Jason Kidd is leaving Nike (with thanks to Chris Littmann). ”¦ Alex Shuman was recently in Europe, where he saw this 1966 sculpture at the Museum of Modern Art in Vienna. In a more disturbing discovery, he also visited the Dachau concentration camp and photographed this chart of the patches that “undesirables” were required to wear. ”¦ The Pedro porthole was back in effect last night, plus it apparently spread to Aaron Heilman. ”¦ Latest MLBer to be wearing those incredibly annoying Phiten socks: Nick Swisher (as pointed out by Steve Johnston). ”¦ Yesterday I passed along some rumors regarding possible uni changes next year for the Texas Rangers. Now another source — one who’s passed along solid Rangers-related info in the past — has confirmed those rumors. “I’m not privy to final designs but I do know a red alternate jersey is in the works,” he says. “We’re going to scrap both sleeveless jerseys, and a new cap is in the works — most likely going back to a red T (the design remains the same) with a red bill. Apparently [marketing VP] Dale Petroskey is one of the main men working on this, especially re-branding the jerseys as ‘Texas’ rather than ‘Rangers.’ The team is trying to go back to more red, as many fans want, but they’re not going back completely to red because it would be too similar to the Angels.” ”¦ The mighty Fleer Sticker Project site has just posted an entry devoted to the 1985 Fleer Baseball Sticker set, which is unique because, as editor JC Helf explains, “it was the only time Fleer included stickers of each team’s jersey.” Full details here. ”¦ Reprinted from last night’s comments: The CFL is having a retro week promotion.
Ben Curtis has a contract to wear NFL licensed apparel during tournaments he plays in. He signed it shortly after winning the British Open several years back.
That’s a weird cross-promotion!
Columbus Blue Jackets introduced a memorial logo for their late owner John H. McConnell.
This will be a patch on the sleeve as well as on the ice in front of each goalie box
Or i could have read the ticker first. Me and my haste to comment. I shall go and sit in the corner of shame with my Dunce cap.
Also on the CFL front, story on deal with Reebok:
Two comments re: wearing team jerseys:
At our 18th annual Fantasy Football auction last year, one of the “owners” waited until he “bought” Marshawn Lynch and proceeded to take a Lynch jersey out of the bag and put it on!!!
My daughter has been an Adam Graves fan. I bought her a jersey when she was about 12 years old with his number (note the membership card) but her first name on it. She will proudly wear it on Feb. 3 when the Rangers retire the number of the classiest hockey player ever.
I liked Paul’s take on uniforms. The one thing I agree with particularly is price. “Authentic” uniforms have become a pure snob good (that is, the higher the price the better! Related to that is the attitude I have only experienced here (and nothing remotely close to it in the real world by real people) is the dismissive attitude toward people not shelling out bazillions for the real.
I shared Paul’s aversion to all synthetics– particularly for jerseys–for many years. However, after I met my now wife, she used to buy some nice modern synthetic gear and I notice that alot of soccer uniforms that I have now have great feeling and breathable synthetics. They also hold colors better so that is a good thing too.
I have to say I agree with you about the sizing of jerseys. I personally love jerseys but being a smaller female I run into the same issues you do; I’ve taken to searching ebay for youth jerseys. The sizes fit better and the prices are much cheaper, even if it’s limiting in terms of styles/players.
And don’t even get me started on the irritating pink women’s jerseys that everyone wants me to buy. I don’t want to wear a silly sparkly pink jersey!
[quote comment=”286293″]She will proudly wear it on Feb. 3 when the Rangers retire the number of the classiest hockey player ever.[/quote]
Editorials not required.
On jersey wearing etiquette: to each her or his own. I don’t own any new or used authentic jerseys. One, because of price–nothing I own costs that much except my computer and my mattress. And two, like Paul, I am not the right size. I have a couple of yout’ size replica jerseys with my favorite players’ name and number on them. Being polyester, they are too hot to wear during most of the baseball season. I’ll wear one on Opening Day,and maybe in October. I am more likely to wear a team t-shirt with a favorite player’s name and number, or one of the women’s style t-shirts to games, to work or on weekends. To me, any jersey looks odd outside of a sports venue, but baseball jerseys less weird than the rest.
not a collector at all although i prolly have 4-5 (no authentic) replicas…
what i do have a fair number of, though, are those ‘cheezy’ (some might say quirky) t-shirts (99% are mets) you can pick up at like marshalls/tj maxx for 5 bucks (a la the minaya mr. met — though i don’t have that one) you’ve seen featured on UW
great for working out/running/biking in, you don’t care how ratty looking they get, cuz that’s the point…and if one finally does become a shoe polish rag, you don’t mind chucking it
two faves have to be a dyed-orange (not by me) mr. met and a “shea stadium…est. 1964” t-shirt…which i got a couple years ago and may become some kind of collectors item now…but i don’t care…imo wear it till it frays
But will the Nats keep the DC cap? The Lerners have said from the start of their ownership that they wanted to phase out the DC logo. It hardly appears in the ballpark, it left the BP jerseys last year, and now it’s coming off the Sunday alternate jersey. That leaves just the Sunday alt cap, so if anyone likes the DC logo, it might be time to stock up.
As to jerseys, my only rule is that you never put a name on the back. Numbers are fine, but putting another man’s name and number on the back of your jersey crosses the line from being a fan to playing make-believe, and putting your own name on a jersey is disrespectful to the team. With the number only, true fans will know who you’re commemorating, and it also leaves room for ambiguity in case of a trade. It also allows more flexibility, as with my #24 Nats jersey, which is actually in honor of Washington’s last World Series win, not first baseman Nick Johnson.
However, I apply this rule only to myself; I don’t judge others by that standard. Much. The one great exception is people who wear Yankees jerseys with NOB. They’re hosers. I understand that the cheaper replica jerseys come with NOB, but really. Spend the extra buck-fifty for a seam ripper and spend ten minutes taking the name off before you wear that thing in public. My rule of thumb is that you can always tell who the real Yankees fans are: They’re the ones who don’t have the word “JETER” across their shoulders.
Subject: Fan Wearing Jerseys
I am a proud Pittsburgh fan. If they were my kids I would be proud of my middle child, the Steelers, whom helped set standards in the NFL and has been its most stable team (plus they have one of the best unis in football/sports). I would be so amazed how my youngest, the Pens, have already accomplished so much at such a young age, and are just showing so much potential (Even though they had to follow the fashion trend in the “new” NHL, they still look good, especially in their blues). And, of course, i would be just so disappointed in my eldest, the Buckos. They would be my druggy kid, one who did great things but something went wrong somewhere and now they are just an embarrassment (though they still dress nice, though Fridays have been a problem).
Getting back to the subject, i buy and wear the jerseys in support of the team and because i like the look of sport jerseys, but more so in some cases, out of respect for a certain player (i.e. Lemieux & Clemente). I like to wear name and number on the back because that’s what belongs on the back of a uni. If I buy a jersey of a team that i dont really like/know/respect a certain player, usually put my name & favorite number on the back or something else humorous/clever (i.e. I have a Blackhawks jersey with 00 & Griswold on the back. I usually dont buy jerseys of other teams/towns, making a my Blackhawks jersey rare in my small collection (4 hockey sweaters, 2 football jerseys, 2 baseball jerseys, and 1 soccer/futball jersey). i got the Blackhawk sweater because i feel that is one of the greatest logo/jersey design in sports.
The Oglethorpe Stormy Petrels is one of the best college nicknames out there.
[quote comment=”286299″]But will the Nats keep the DC cap? The Lerners have said from the start of their ownership that they wanted to phase out the DC logo. It hardly appears in the ballpark, it left the BP jerseys last year, and now it’s coming off the Sunday alternate jersey. That leaves just the Sunday alt cap, so if anyone likes the DC logo, it might be time to stock up.
As to jerseys, my only rule is that you never put a name on the back. Numbers are fine, but putting another man’s name and number on the back of your jersey crosses the line from being a fan to playing make-believe, and putting your own name on a jersey is disrespectful to the team. With the number only, true fans will know who you’re commemorating, and it also leaves room for ambiguity in case of a trade. It also allows more flexibility, as with my #24 Nats jersey, which is actually in honor of Washington’s last World Series win, not first baseman Nick Johnson.
However, I apply this rule only to myself; I don’t judge others by that standard. Much. The one great exception is people who wear Yankees jerseys with NOB. They’re hosers. I understand that the cheaper replica jerseys come with NOB, but really. Spend the extra buck-fifty for a seam ripper and spend ten minutes taking the name off before you wear that thing in public. My rule of thumb is that you can always tell who the real Yankees fans are: They’re the ones who don’t have the word “JETER” across their shoulders.[/quote]
The “DC” logo is still on the sleeve patch of the home and road jerseys.
So, is the Delaware vs. Maryland game on Aug. 30th the first time two teams wearing Under Armour jerseys will square off?
I do think it’s precious when you see a kid in a tiny jersey like the ones my boy sports. It’s even cuter when it’s a guy like Kyle Vanden Bosch.
[quote comment=”286300″]Subject: Fan Wearing Jerseys
I am a proud Pittsburgh fan. If they were my kids I would be proud of my middle child, the Steelers, whom helped set standards in the NFL and has been its most stable team (plus they have one of the best unis in football/sports). I would be so amazed how my youngest, the Pens, have already accomplished so much at such a young age, and are just showing so much potential (Even though they had to follow the fashion trend in the “new” NHL, they still look good, especially in their blues). And, of course, i would be just so disappointed in my eldest, the Buckos. They would be my druggy kid, one who did great things but something went wrong somewhere and now they are just an embarrassment (though they still dress nice, though Fridays have been a problem).
Getting back to the subject, i buy and wear the jerseys in support of the team and because i like the look of sport jerseys, but more so in some cases, out of respect for a certain player (i.e. Lemieux & Clemente). I like to wear name and number on the back because that’s what belongs on the back of a uni. If I buy a jersey of a team that i dont really like/know/respect a certain player, usually put my name & favorite number on the back or something else humorous/clever (i.e. I have a Blackhawks jersey with 00 & Griswold on the back. I usually dont buy jerseys of other teams/towns, making a my Blackhawks jersey rare in my small collection (4 hockey sweaters, 2 football jerseys, 2 baseball jerseys, and 1 soccer/futball jersey). i got the Blackhawk sweater because i feel that is one of the greatest logo/jersey design in sports.[/quote]
To add on to my grammatically error ridden post, i usually only wear my jerseys to sporting events or while watching an event at home or a bar.
Jersey wearing etiquette:
1. Never, ever, under any circumstances, tuck it in.
2. Matching undershirt required – white, or one of the colors on the jersey.
3. Never wear matching team jersey/cap unless attending a sporting event of same sport in any city or alternate sport only in the same city. For example, Indians jersey/cap combo is OK at an Indians game, a Cavs game, or at a Nationals-Mets game as a show of support for your team, but NOT OK at a Dallas Mavericks game or at the mall.
4. Avoid wearing jerseys around my mother, as she will no doubt complain about how sloppily you are dressed.
5. Jerseys can be worn with jeans and sneakers or with cargo-type shorts and suitable casual shoes, but never in conjunction with one or more of the following: dress shoes, jean shorts, a collared undershirt (yes, I’ve seen it done), khaki pants, dress pants, and hiking boots.
SIDEBAR: Men, please throw your jean shorts away. They are not cool. Ladies, please wear CUTOFF jean shorts every day, as they are very cool.
I’m all in favor of ditching the DC logo for the Curly W. The Nats need a more consistent look. The block WASHINGTON
Almost uni-related:
Interesting photo of Hillary’s handlers link.
She chose her orange “away” uni.
[continued] …on the road grays needs to go as well.
[quote comment=”286308″]Almost uni-related:
Interesting photo of Hillary’s handlers link.
She chose her orange “away” uni.[/quote]
Great post. I never would have thought of that in correlation with UW. I laughed out loud when I saw it. Thanks!
Now granted, this isn’t proper jersey etiquette…
…but it means the Brewers won, so that’s OK by me!
Wikipedia has a well-explained link on the concentration camp patches.
Wisconsin natives can back be up on this one…
It is almost mandatory to wear Packers apparel or Green and Gold on Packer game day.
Even if you are not attending the game, it almost is required to wear the gear. That’s just the way it is in Packer country.
I was in Las Vegas last year, and on NFL Sunday, you can always spot the Packer fans, because you know they will be fully dressed, head to toe, in Green and Gold.
As a side note, Wisconsin Badger fans are very good about wearing at least red on game day.
[quote]It is almost mandatory to wear Packers apparel or Green and Gold on Packer game day. [/quote]
do you untuck after a W?
It’s been said before, but what annoys me most are the people who not only wear a jersey, but the whole ensemble of their team (hat, matching sweats, etc) when they’re at a game where their team isn’t even playing!
Example: I was at a Redskins game last season, and this guy in full Steeler regalia comes walking up the aisle. Now the Steelers were playing at the same time, and I’m thinking, this guy is so much a fan, that he’s not home or at a bar watching his team?!?!? So, he’s actually there to watch the scoreboard? WTF?!?!? I see similar-clad Phillies fans at Nats’ games, when the Phils are not even one of the teams on the field.
Wearing a hat of a team not on the field is one thing…but the jersey and virtually everything else but the face paint? Come on, already!
I think the bottom line with any uni purchase is, do what makes you happy. If you’re shelling the dough, make sure you’re happy with the end result.
That said, here are my own hangups:
The only numbered and named unis I have are (a) gifts – I didn’t buy ’em, and (b) they’re for retired players (who, incidentally, have had their numbers retired too). Mike Bossy will never wear a Columbus Blue Jackets’ sweater. It’ll always be relevant to me and other Isles fans. Sam with my home Bobby Ny.
If I were offered some opportunity to get a “hero shit” (as they’re called in soccer circles) Id try to finagle a deal where I got to choose my number and decline the name. As someone else noted, I’m not on the team. Last year, I played with a team that decided to buy Paris St. Germain shirts as the team kit, with number and NOB. I went just number. No NOB for me.
A lot of uniforms don’t need numbers. I have about 20 soccer shirts (mostly versions of Manchester United) and I’ve never named one. Hockey, baseball, soccer are all good. Basketball and football, however, NEED numbers or they just don’t look right.
In that case I’d just go for the good ol’ 44, no NOB, on my burgundy and gold. Even if it’s more consistent to have a NOB, I don’t know if Id go there.
I have a beef with one ear names on another-era uni. A fish sticks Mike Bossy is a crime against humanity.
I really don’t have “favourite players” like I did as a kid, I also have a bit of a hang up seeing overweight mid-lifers worshipping a 22 year old boy. something just doesn’t fit there. If I were getting a new uni and it had changed since my old heroes wore the colours, I’d probably opt for my favourite number. a 7 looks good on any uniform.
Wearing the uni – I’ve worn them to the games I’ve seen, and I’ll were the soccer sirts when kicking around. That’s part of the culture. When playing hockey, it depends on the group. If you’ve been with them for a while and all enjoy a good laugh, I’ll wear one of my Isles legends on the ice. If I don’t know teh group so well, I’ll probably whip out my decades old, never-get-white-again practise sweater, with the sleeves cut off at the elbows. Once I know the vibe of the group, I’ll dazzle them with a Bobby Ny home or a Mike Bossy away. But the time appears to be close when they’ll all occupy space on the walls of my den instead.
So, to make a short story that got long, short again, do what you want.
I wear my jersey and hat combo on game day only* to the location I am watching the game. This topic came for me just Monday when I was asked to pick something up at the store after the game. I felt weird buying groceries with a Seahawks Jersey/hat combo in an Oklahoma Walmart. If it would have been an OU jersey, I think I would have been fine.
I am proud to have a jersey now because I could never afford one as a kid, but I still wait to get cheap jerseys from ebay or a guy selling knockoffs on the side of the road.
*Jerseys are allowed to be worn during Holidays when they are gifts and every Halloween.
I don’t know about you all, but my jersey-wearing existence began in second grade link…
[quote comment=”286299″]As to jerseys, my only rule is that you never put a name on the back. Numbers are fine, but putting another man’s name and number on the back of your jersey crosses the line from being a fan to playing make-believe, and putting your own name on a jersey is disrespectful to the team. With the number only, true fans will know who you’re commemorating, and it also leaves room for ambiguity in case of a trade. It also allows more flexibility, as with my #24 Nats jersey, which is actually in honor of Washington’s last World Series win, not first baseman Nick Johnson.
I’d rather put someone else’s name on the back than go without a name.
I’m a stickler for accuracy (one reason why I can’t buy replicas, and consequently buy very few jerseys period). If the team has NOBs, but you wear only a number, that’s as disrespectful in my eyes as putting your own name on the back.
I have about 5-6 jerseys myself, all of which are at least 6 years old because that’s when I moved out and lost any disposable income I had. Like others have said, jerseys are just too damn expensive now-a-days. I probably will buy 2 jerseys over the next few years, but they’ll definitly be replicas, a road-gray White Sox and a road-white Green Bay jersey. Reason being that I’ve already owned 3 green GB jerseys, so it’s time for a change. I’ve never worn a Sox jersy to a game because they’re too hot, I usually go for a white t-shirt of some kind. And Ive only been to 2 GB games, both of which were about 20 degrees and wearing a jersey would have been futile. I also agree with the snob aspect of the authentic buyers that snear at the guys in the replicas, get off your high horse, not all of us make 6 figures or have such an understanding better-half.
[quote comment=”286318″]I don’t know about you all, but my jersey-wearing existence began in second grade link…[/quote]
I was given one of those for Christmas as a kid, but I hated it, because the Packers never took the field with “PACKERS” across their chests.
Yep, uniform geek from way, way back.
At the risk of being pedantic and being told to STFU, at what point does one become a collector? You seem to have a lot of old jerseys, Paul, and spend time on eBay looking for good ones. Most would think of that as collecting, even if it is not obsessive.
Is it because “collector” has a bit of a negative connotation where one is too much of a shut-in and nerd who only wants to accumulate rather than appreciate?
And while I have always liked vintage stuff, this post sums up my growing aversion to using that term over just “used” or “second hand”.
Hope that doesn’t sound critical. I think it is cool someone like Paul knows what he likes, enjoys looking for it, and understands how cloths fit (so many men don’t).
[quote comment=”286313″]Wisconsin natives can back be up on this one…
It is almost mandatory to wear Packers apparel or Green and Gold on Packer game day.
Even if you are not attending the game, it almost is required to wear the gear. That’s just the way it is in Packer country.
I was in Las Vegas last year, and on NFL Sunday, you can always spot the Packer fans, because you know they will be fully dressed, head to toe, in Green and Gold.
As a side note, Wisconsin Badger fans are very good about wearing at least red on game day.
As a “FIB”, that happens to live near the border and support the Packers, I can definitly say that yes, Packers fans do get covered head to toe in GB gear. Personally it’s not my style, but to each their own. I’m pretty sure the only thing I wore to games with a logo was a nit cap.
[quote comment=”286313″]Wisconsin natives can back be up on this one…
It is almost mandatory to wear Packers apparel or Green and Gold on Packer game day.
Even if you are not attending the game, it almost is required to wear the gear. That’s just the way it is in Packer country.
I was in Las Vegas last year, and on NFL Sunday, you can always spot the Packer fans, because you know they will be fully dressed, head to toe, in Green and Gold.
Don’t forget the traditional blaze orange. See a lot of that in the stands.
As for decking out in Green and Gold, there’s a great scene in John Irving’s link where the hero falls for a Wisconsin girl. At one point, he’s dismayed/relieved to learn that at least her underwear isn’t emblazoned with a big “G”.
I’m quite inconsistent in my jersey-wearing “rules,” I guess. I’d never wear a baseball jersey except at the ballpark. I’m a Cardinal fan living in Colorado, and I have a Curt Flood #21 that I only wear when the Cards play at Coors. I also have a blank back, 90’s-era Rockies jersey that I bought for $20 on e-bay and occasionally wear to Coors when they’re playing anyone but the Cards.
I’m a little looser about wearing soccer jerseys. I have a Cesc Fabregas #4 Arsenal jersey that I wear to the pub when I watch Arsenal there, to the stadium for Rapids games, and sometimes around the house when Arsenal’s on TV. And a Barcelona jersey with no name/number that’s the only jersey I wear just anywhere — it’s from a year before they added Unicef as a shirt sponsor so all it has is the Barca crest, and it’s blank on the back, so it works (and looks pretty sharp) as a shirt as well as a jersey. A lot of people probably don’t even know it’s a jersey.
[quote comment=”286321″][quote comment=”286318″]I don’t know about you all, but my jersey-wearing existence began in second grade link…[/quote]
I was given one of those for Christmas as a kid, but I hated it, because the Packers never took the field with “PACKERS” across their chests.
Yep, uniform geek from way, way back.[/quote]
You beat me to it! And I pried the inaccurate insignia off my plastic Army helmet. I think we’re born that way…
[quote comment=”286322″]At the risk of being pedantic and being told to STFU, at what point does one become a collector? You seem to have a lot of old jerseys, Paul, and spend time on eBay looking for good ones. Most would think of that as collecting, even if it is not obsessive.
Is it because “collector” has a bit of a negative connotation where one is too much of a shut-in and nerd who only wants to accumulate rather than appreciate?
And while I have always liked vintage stuff, this post sums up my growing aversion to using that term over just “used” or “second hand”.
Hope that doesn’t sound critical. I think it is cool someone like Paul knows what he likes, enjoys looking for it, and understands how cloths fit (so many men don’t).[/quote]
You raise a couple of interesting points.
For me, “vintage” and “used/second hand” have two very different meanings. Vintage means it has to have age. Something can be used without being vintage.
I don’t want to speak for Paul, but as a reader I don’t think he’s ever used the term “collector” in a negative way – he freely admits that he’s a, shall we say, enthusiastic collector of lots of things. But perhaps his interest in jerseys on eBay is more about studying their design than buying them.
The difference might be slight, but I can understand it. I myself from time to time might buy Packers items from the Lombardi years (and today), but I only collect from the years 1919-1949.
“I don’t like what merchandising has done to uniforms. Jersey sales have become the revenue tail that wags the on-field dog, and I prefer not to participate in that system, which I think has been very bad for uni design.”
Amen, brother! A uniform (especially a major league one) should reflect pride, class and heritage, not be designed to sell crap to 12 year olds.
[quote comment=”286324″][quote comment=”286313″]Wisconsin natives can back be up on this one…
It is almost mandatory to wear Packers apparel or Green and Gold on Packer game day.
Even if you are not attending the game, it almost is required to wear the gear. That’s just the way it is in Packer country.
I was in Las Vegas last year, and on NFL Sunday, you can always spot the Packer fans, because you know they will be fully dressed, head to toe, in Green and Gold.
Don’t forget the traditional blaze orange. See a lot of that in the stands.
As for decking out in Green and Gold, there’s a great scene in John Irving’s link where the hero falls for a Wisconsin girl. At one point, he’s dismayed/relieved to learn that at least her underwear isn’t emblazoned with a big “G”.[/quote]
Reminds me a something my dad used to say all the time. “He/she can’t be all bad, he/she’s wearing a Packers hat/shirt/etc.”
Last year I attended a Jets (vs. Dolphins) game at the Meadowlands. Since I often draw comparisons to Osama Bin Laden due to the physical similarites of our religeous beliefs, (a beard and turban) I decided to play it safe and wear a Broadway Joe Namath throwback. The fan reaction was great and in fact there was group of fans who chanted ‘Allah’ loves the Jets! LOL : )
[quote comment=”286318″]I don’t know about you all, but my jersey-wearing existence began in second grade link…[/quote]
Did you have the O.J. Simpson 49ers jersey?
[quote comment=”286290″]Columbus Blue Jackets introduced a memorial logo for their late owner John H. McConnell.
This will be a patch on the sleeve as well as on the ice in front of each goalie box[/quote]
In front? As in in front of the crease? That is going to look horrible. Would look better behind the net where past memorials have been placed.
[quote comment=”286306″]Jersey wearing etiquette:
1. Never, ever, under any circumstances, tuck it in.
2. Matching undershirt required – white, or one of the colors on the jersey.
3. Never wear matching team jersey/cap unless attending a sporting event of same sport in any city or alternate sport only in the same city. For example, Indians jersey/cap combo is OK at an Indians game, a Cavs game, or at a Nationals-Mets game as a show of support for your team, but NOT OK at a Dallas Mavericks game or at the mall.
4. Avoid wearing jerseys around my mother, as she will no doubt complain about how sloppily you are dressed.
5. Jerseys can be worn with jeans and sneakers or with cargo-type shorts and suitable casual shoes, but never in conjunction with one or more of the following: dress shoes, jean shorts, a collared undershirt (yes, I’ve seen it done), khaki pants, dress pants, and hiking boots.
SIDEBAR: Men, please throw your jean shorts away. They are not cool. Ladies, please wear CUTOFF jean shorts every day, as they are very cool.[/quote]
Kevin from Ohio in Virginia GREAT STUFF! This should be the standard.
-For extra credit your sneakers may match your jersey.
…and my personal Jersey etiquette rule, “DO NOT PURCHASE ANY JERSEY WITH ANY CURRENT PLAYER ON THE BACK. No way no how. I still see Mark Prior jerseys everywhere at Wrigley Field. All my jerseys (I own 7 authentic) have been either customized with my name or bear the name of a legend (Sandberg, Banks, Payton, Sayers, Jordan and Pippen).
-Going BLANK on the back is just fine.
anyone else notice the pink backpack in the mets bullpen last night? i’d imagine it belongs to a rookie.
I never understood all this collecting stuff.
Yeah, right.(rolls eyes)
Now where the heck I put my Sonny Sixkiller file, anyway?
[quote comment=”286295″]I have to say I agree with you about the sizing of jerseys. I personally love jerseys but being a smaller female I run into the same issues you do; I’ve taken to searching ebay for youth jerseys. The sizes fit better and the prices are much cheaper, even if it’s limiting in terms of styles/players.
And don’t even get me started on the irritating pink women’s jerseys that everyone wants me to buy. I don’t want to wear a silly sparkly pink jersey![/quote]
boston fans agree link
[quote comment=”286323″][quote comment=”286313″]Wisconsin natives can back be up on this one…
It is almost mandatory to wear Packers apparel or Green and Gold on Packer game day.
Even if you are not attending the game, it almost is required to wear the gear. That’s just the way it is in Packer country.
I was in Las Vegas last year, and on NFL Sunday, you can always spot the Packer fans, because you know they will be fully dressed, head to toe, in Green and Gold.
As a side note, Wisconsin Badger fans are very good about wearing at least red on game day.
As a “FIB”, that happens to live near the border and support the Packers, I can definitly say that yes, Packers fans do get covered head to toe in GB gear. Personally it’s not my style, but to each their own. I’m pretty sure the only thing I wore to games with a logo was a nit cap.[/quote]
By “FIB” you mean “Friendly Illinois Brethren” of course, right? =)
[quote comment=”286306″]SIDEBAR: Men, please throw your jean shorts away. They are not cool. Ladies, please wear CUTOFF jean shorts every day, as they are very cool.[/quote]
truer words were never spoke…
to wit:
[quote comment=”286322″]At the risk of being pedantic and being told to STFU, at what point does one become a collector? You seem to have a lot of old jerseys, Paul, and spend time on eBay looking for good ones. Most would think of that as collecting, even if it is not obsessive.[/quote]
Absolutely. I just mean I don’t collect CURRENT jerseys, which is what the term “jersey collector” usually implies.
[quote comment=”286333″][quote comment=”286306″]Jersey wearing etiquette:
1. Never, ever, under any circumstances, tuck it in.
2. Matching undershirt required – white, or one of the colors on the jersey.
3. Never wear matching team jersey/cap unless attending a sporting event of same sport in any city or alternate sport only in the same city. For example, Indians jersey/cap combo is OK at an Indians game, a Cavs game, or at a Nationals-Mets game as a show of support for your team, but NOT OK at a Dallas Mavericks game or at the mall.
4. Avoid wearing jerseys around my mother, as she will no doubt complain about how sloppily you are dressed.
5. Jerseys can be worn with jeans and sneakers or with cargo-type shorts and suitable casual shoes, but never in conjunction with one or more of the following: dress shoes, jean shorts, a collared undershirt (yes, I’ve seen it done), khaki pants, dress pants, and hiking boots.
SIDEBAR: Men, please throw your jean shorts away. They are not cool. Ladies, please wear CUTOFF jean shorts every day, as they are very cool.[/quote]
Kevin from Ohio in Virginia GREAT STUFF! This should be the standard.
-For extra credit your sneakers may match your jersey.
…and my personal Jersey etiquette rule, “DO NOT PURCHASE ANY JERSEY WITH ANY CURRENT PLAYER ON THE BACK. No way no how. I still see Mark Prior jerseys everywhere at Wrigley Field. All my jerseys (I own 7 authentic) have been either customized with my name or bear the name of a legend (Sandberg, Banks, Payton, Sayers, Jordan and Pippen).
-Going BLANK on the back is just fine.[/quote]
Agreed – I’ve been to one NFL game in my life (I’m Canadian!) – it was in San Diego, Ryan Leaf’s first year. Tons of “55” jerseys of course but there was also a HUGE amount of “Leaf” jerseys. They were playing the Eagles – lots of green in the stands as well.
Regarding the word “collector” when it comes to jerseys, I even wonder if this is the right terminology. I have many jerseys, both authentic and replica, but I don’t consider myself a collector. I simply think of it as part of my wardrobe. When I was in sales and wore suits everyday, I had a closet full of white dress shirts but I didn’t fancy myself a “collector” of white dress shirts.
Maybe it’s because I look at it like this: at the time of the purchase, I bought the jersey with the intent to wear it and wear it often. Maybe that didn’t happen in all cases, but the thought wasn’t “I’m going to buy this jersey and never wear it”. Plus, I’ve sold some of my older jerseys at yard sales, on eBay, etc.
I think you could use sneakers as an example too. As I mentioned yesterday, I was a mild sneakerhead in high school and college. I was knowledgable on the the shoes, but didn’t have the money to buy all the styles I liked. Someone more hardcore, that keeps the shoes in the original boxes or displays them rather than wears them, I would call them a “collector”. Me, I never bought a pair of sneakers, no matter how expensive, that I didn’t have every intention of wearing on a regular basis.
You want to see obesessive collecting? Ask me about my Hot Wheels and Pez Dispenser collections. I also refuse to throw the boxes away from any video game systems or games. Yes, I have moved an Atari 2600, Nintendo, Super Nintendo and Playstation box from an apartment to 2 different houses and told the wife very strictly that she was not to throw away the box to our Wii when we got it a few months back.
Yeah, I have problems!
[quote comment=”286337″][quote comment=”286323″][quote comment=”286313″]Wisconsin natives can back be up on this one…
It is almost mandatory to wear Packers apparel or Green and Gold on Packer game day.
Even if you are not attending the game, it almost is required to wear the gear. That’s just the way it is in Packer country.
I was in Las Vegas last year, and on NFL Sunday, you can always spot the Packer fans, because you know they will be fully dressed, head to toe, in Green and Gold.
As a side note, Wisconsin Badger fans are very good about wearing at least red on game day.
As a “FIB”, that happens to live near the border and support the Packers, I can definitly say that yes, Packers fans do get covered head to toe in GB gear. Personally it’s not my style, but to each their own. I’m pretty sure the only thing I wore to games with a logo was a nit cap.[/quote]
By “FIB” you mean “Friendly Illinois Brethren” of course, right? =)[/quote]
No need to sugar-coat it. I hate Chicago drivers as much as the next guy. And that’s the where I see “FIB” used for the most part.
No one bit on the bit of trivia I hinted yesterday regarding Benny Distefano.
He caught three games in 1989.
He’s a lefty.
[quote comment=”286332″][quote comment=”286290″]Columbus Blue Jackets introduced a memorial logo for their late owner John H. McConnell.
This will be a patch on the sleeve as well as on the ice in front of each goalie box[/quote]
In front? As in in front of the crease? That is going to look horrible. Would look better behind the net where past memorials have been placed.[/quote]
Someone got a little confused. The article on the CBJ website states “In addition, the ‘JHM’ logo will appear in-ice at Nationwide Arena behind each goal net”.
No worries about it being out in front of the net whatsoever.
[quote comment=”286311″]Now granted, this isn’t proper jersey etiquette…
…but it means the Brewers won, so that’s OK by me![/quote]
Why is Prince Fielder wearing a nightshirt?
Hey duckstyle, you are from Rockford right? Yeah I know what you mean about “FIB” drivers. I dread going on I-39 during the weekend in fear of their chaotic driving.
They say in Wisconsin, “Never trust ‘I’ states, and blue plates when driving”. And if you think about it, that encompasses Illinois, Michigan, Iowa, and Minnesota,… or in other words all states that surround Wisconsin.
I don’t own or wear any jerseys because anyone over age 15 wearing athletic apparel while not engaged in the appropriate athletic pursuit looks ridiculous. A mature adult idolizing another to the point of wanting to wear the same shirt…It’s dorky at best, pathetic at worst. Unis are made for athletes; only athletes should wear unis.
That said, people wear ’em. I agree with a couple of points made earlier. First, Paul’s take on natural vs synthetic fibers. No debate, and that’s why I love vintage as well. An old flannel snagged for a bargain on eBay > a $300 poly authentic. Second, Kevin’s (or more accurately, his mother’s) comment on sloppiness. You can’t win on this point. A jersey looks absurd tucked into anything other than game pants, and even worse untucked. Saw my personal pet peeve at Shea last week: oversize, untucked, unbuttoned. You’re not supposed to leave the house in your bathrobe.
[quote comment=”286344″][quote comment=”286332″][quote comment=”286290″]Columbus Blue Jackets introduced a memorial logo for their late owner John H. McConnell.
This will be a patch on the sleeve as well as on the ice in front of each goalie box[/quote]
In front? As in in front of the crease? That is going to look horrible. Would look better behind the net where past memorials have been placed.[/quote]
Someone got a little confused. The article on the CBJ website states “In addition, the ‘JHM’ logo will appear in-ice at Nationwide Arena behind each goal net”.
No worries about it being out in front of the net whatsoever.[/quote]
Good news Teebz, I can come off this ledge now… :)
Always afraid of the NHL putting more logos/ads/memorials on the ice. Very fearful of it turning into what Euprpean ice surfaces look like…. Yikes.
Here’s a few thoughts from a collector who can’t slow down:
1.Jerseys don’t have to be expensive. If you want a nice whatever jersey, look for deals, or swallow a hefty price tag and get it over with. In other words, very nice jerseys are out there for cheap, and it’s up to your shopping talent to find them.
2.straightcashhomey is one of my favorites. It’s Vice magazine flavor for jerseys, and if you haven’t heard of vice magazine, well, I feel bad for your funny bone.
3.Obscurity is fuckin awesome. Think about it. If you saw somebody walking around with a #8 Kobe Bryant Lakers jersey, you’d barely look at it. BUT, say you saw a #8 Doug Christie jersey. Then your mind starts grinding… wha… that… was… Kobe’s num… what is that? A jersey becomes a conversation…
4.Putting your own name on the back means you have narcissistic problems.
5.Replica jerseys are fun, if you know you’re wearing one. People sporting replicas and tell you it’s authentic on field gear are cheap and ignorant-dangerous combo.
Wear jerseys!
My personal jersey wearing rules:
1) ONLY wear to sporting related events (Arenas, having friends over to watch games, fantasy drafts). Never just ‘out and about’ like shopping, etc.
2) Wear plain, color matching shirt underneath. Hate when you see someone wearing, for example, a white Toronto Maple Leafs jersey and you can see another shirt’s graphics underneath. Respect the jersey people.
3) Use supplied fastners (baseball unis), if it has buttons, use them. No need for the open jersey look.
4) NEVER, for any reason, tuck in a jersey. This is an open invitation for swift, hard kicks to the shins.
[quote]They say in Wisconsin, “Never trust ‘I’ states, and blue plates when driving”. And if you think about it, that encompasses Illinois, Michigan, Iowa, and Minnesota,… or in other words all states that surround Wisconsin.[/quote]
not to get off topic or anything…but since you brought it up…
i know FIB means neither “friendly” nor “bretheren”…heh…
but WTF is an “I” state? i can figure out “Iowa” and “Illinois”, since they begin with this letter…but minnesota & michigan? something to do with “interstate”??? i thought maybe because they have the letter “I” in them, but then, so does wIsconsIn…so…prolly not that
/just curious, johnny ;)
[quote comment=”286346″]Hey duckstyle, you are from Rockford right? Yeah I know what you mean about “FIB” drivers. I dread going on I-39 during the weekend in fear of their chaotic driving.
They say in Wisconsin, “Never trust ‘I’ states, and blue plates when driving”. And if you think about it, that encompasses Illinois, Michigan, Iowa, and Minnesota,… or in other words all states that surround Wisconsin.[/quote]
Yeah, I’m a Rockfordian(yep, a real word people use). I-39 is a cake-walk, now I-294 on a Friday afternoon, that’s a b1tch!
Only jerseys I own are hockey – maybe 6 or 7 – and those are only worn while playing pickup or in rec league. Of those, the only ones I actually purchased are a Ukrainian league jersey (with no ads) and an orange Flyers pre-RBK (because orange rules). That said…
If you do wear jerseys in social settings, please – never ever ever ever ever ever EVER tuck them in! EVER. I go to maybe 4 or 5 Stars games per season (black hoodie and jeans), and I always see at least one doofus with his jersey tucked into dress slacks. And yes, he is usually wearing a collared dress shirt.
Don’t ever be that guy.
If I am going to a game where I am a neutral observer, I usually wear my Seattle Pilots cap, which usually gets approval or at least recognition from someone along the way…
I do have a Russell replica Yankee jersey, which I had a local shop put a big fat 3 on back…NOB not required!
[quote comment=”286306″]Jersey wearing etiquette:
1. Never, ever, under any circumstances, tuck it in.
2. Matching undershirt required – white, or one of the colors on the jersey.
3. Never wear matching team jersey/cap unless attending a sporting event of same sport in any city or alternate sport only in the same city. For example, Indians jersey/cap combo is OK at an Indians game, a Cavs game, or at a Nationals-Mets game as a show of support for your team, but NOT OK at a Dallas Mavericks game or at the mall.
4. Avoid wearing jerseys around my mother, as she will no doubt complain about how sloppily you are dressed.
5. Jerseys can be worn with jeans and sneakers or with cargo-type shorts and suitable casual shoes, but never in conjunction with one or more of the following: dress shoes, jean shorts, a collared undershirt (yes, I’ve seen it done), khaki pants, dress pants, and hiking boots.
SIDEBAR: Men, please throw your jean shorts away. They are not cool. Ladies, please wear CUTOFF jean shorts every day, as they are very cool.[/quote]
Agree with most of this. But I gotta ask…what’s wrong with jean shorts?? I’m talking about carpenter or painters jean shorts. Not jeans, cut off to make shorts. If jeans go well with an authentic, why not shorts that are denim?? I think an authentic MLB or NFL looks pretty good with denim. Assuming you finish it off with the proper shoes.
And under no circumstances do you put your last name, in authentic lettering, on any kind of authentic jersey. Looks cheesey.
[quote comment=”286351″][quote]They say in Wisconsin, “Never trust ‘I’ states, and blue plates when driving”. And if you think about it, that encompasses Illinois, Michigan, Iowa, and Minnesota,… or in other words all states that surround Wisconsin.[/quote]
not to get off topic or anything…but since you brought it up…
i know FIB means neither “friendly” nor “bretheren”…heh…
but WTF is an “I” state? i can figure out “Iowa” and “Illinois”, since they begin with this letter…but minnesota & michigan? something to do with “interstate”??? i thought maybe because they have the letter “I” in them, but then, so does wIsconsIn…so…prolly not that
/just curious, johnny ;)[/quote]
I’m always happy to bring people up to speed on Mid Westerner talk. Minnesota’s licenses plates are blue, and so are Michigan’s plates. So when we say “Don’t trust ‘I’ states and blue plates” we are saying don’t trust anyone around you or that boarder you basically, as kind of a joke towards our boarder friends.
As yes, if people really want to know, us Cheese Heads call drivers from Illinois “FIBs”. Which stands for “F**king Illinois Bastards”. Any other states call them that? I like to say “Friendly Illinois Brethren” as a joke, or to be clean.
I forgot bout the obnoxious jersey wearing fan:
Years ago (mid-70’s) Marv Albert was the NY ranger announcer and his son was at every game wearing a Vancouver Canuck (see Celine Dion story earlier this week) jersey and walking around the arena throughour every game.
Nowadays, Kenny (is that a name for a group up to use?) Albert is the lead (inherited job) Ranger announcer and never alludes to the old days.
Paul – thanks for the insight on your personal taste/feelings about jerseys. I’ve been a reader since day 1 and it just seems like recently everything new has been ridiculed or has had negative reviews with no real rationale to support these beliefs. For some reason, today’s installment was refreshing because it gave us a better picture of your feelings towards uniforms.
We’re all entitled to our opinions, we’re all free to wear jersey where and how we want (all though I’m in the majority that they really should be left untucked). And I think we can all agree that Oregon’s uniforms are awful.
as a serious jersey collector (i own 72 hockey jerseys, not sure how many football), there are some basic rules.
unfortunately i own a few jerseys with my name on the back, one was a gift, one was just youthful stupidity, and one i wear to play in (i figure if you play in it, you shouldn’t wear someone else’s name on the back…), but its a good rule.
I wear nothing but jerseys (or suits, can’t announce games in a jersey), and have for the past 6 years. it’s a great way to be recognized and remembered (hey, you’re the jersey guy!), and it’s always a great conversation starter.
i host a hockey show in Erie, Pa, and my cohost started to get on me about jerseys and how much i uniwatch, even dared say i should be a fashion major. i said straight out, it’s my calling card, and every jersey has a history, a story, something to tell about the legends who wore the same logo on their chests. just because it isn’t the same wool sweater maurice richard wore doesn’t mean you can’t wear a richard jersey and have a reason to tell his story.
there are a few pet peeves:
1) RBK. i’ve yelled at a number of people for those damned edge jerseys, and i have no intention of stopping
2) inaccurate jerseys. i see tons of 1992 pens jerseys with CROSBY on the back, or even dumber, a winter classic jersey with HOSSA on it. IF THAT PLAYER NEVER WORE THAT JERSEY, THEN IT SHOULDN’T EXIST.
3) people who tuck in jerseys. don’t do it.
4) bad fakes. some fakes are amazingly accurate. with how many i buy on ebay, i surely own a fake or two, but i always ensure my jerseys are 100% accurate to the time they were worn on the ice. some are just godawful, inaccurate, or look completely crappy
5) jerseys that were never worn on the ice/field. unless it’s a prototype that was never used (stars gold jersey), don’t wear it. i don’t want to see a black Red Wings jersey that isn’t a practice jersey. ditto a yellow blackhawks, or a powder blue avalanche (yes, i’ve seen those). if it was worn on the ice, you can wear it. if not, it’s just crap.
[quote comment=”286331″][quote comment=”286318″]I don’t know about you all, but my jersey-wearing existence began in second grade link…[/quote]
Did you have the O.J. Simpson 49ers jersey?[/quote]
I had the Franco Harris one, and got the 88 Swann shirt a year or two later. I was always trying to find decent ways to create the gold NOB and lose the team name on the front.
I also got a helmet for christmas one year and spend a good couple hours blacking out the double bar duckbill facemask. We’re all broken, yes indeed.
[quote comment=”286290″]Columbus Blue Jackets introduced a memorial logo for their late owner John H. McConnell.
This will be a patch on the sleeve as well as on the ice in front of each goalie box[/quote]
its going behind the nets, not in front of them.
[quote]what’s wrong with jean shorts?? I’m talking about carpenter or painters jean shorts. Not jeans, cut off to make shorts. If jeans go well with an authentic, why not shorts that are denim?? I think an authentic MLB or NFL looks pretty good with denim. Assuming you finish it off with the proper shoes.[/quote
once again…
link link link link link link link
[quote]what’s wrong with jean shorts?? I’m talking about carpenter or painters jean shorts. Not jeans, cut off to make shorts. If jeans go well with an authentic, why not shorts that are denim?? I think an authentic MLB or NFL looks pretty good with denim. Assuming you finish it off with the proper shoes.[/quote]
once again…
link link link link link link link
…and now fixed
I have a small collection of hockey jerseys, and I have been collecting them since childhood. Most of the fun as a kid was hearing about how certain teams were changing their uniforms in the upcoming year. When I heard this, I automatically would find any and all old catalogs and order the “now-defunct” jerseys. I have some beauties, like an old Winnipeg Jets jersey, one of the bright yellow Vancouver Canucks jerseys, an old-school Washington Capitals one, and a few others.
I guess what I am getting at is that jersey collecting was much more fun in the days before the internet and intentional “throwback” jerseys. I occasionally will wear one of my truly vintage jerseys out and I will often get many comments regarding it. They are great conversation pieces.
I can see how wearing a current jersey with a player’s name and number out would make you look like a douche, though.
[quote comment=”286318″]I don’t know about you all, but my jersey-wearing existence began in second grade link…[/quote]
I had that Fouts Charger one! wasn’t a chargers fan (Bears), it was a gift but it was cool.
Plaid shorts are the way to go with jerseys. You can always find a good plaid color scheme to accentuate your team colors.
One thing I’ve always been interested in… Is ok to go to a NCAA Football game and wear an NFL of an alum from that school. I used to wear a Brendan Morrison Vancouver Canucks sweater to U-Mich hockey games and it seemed perfectly acceptable, however whenever I’d go to a U-Mich football game and saw someone wearing a Braylon Edwards Bengals jersey and it looked wrong to me.
Pretty cool vintage baseball pics from the Old World Wisconsin website
[quote comment=”286334″]anyone else notice the pink backpack in the mets bullpen last night? i’d imagine it belongs to a rookie.[/quote]
I didn’t notice it last night, but I read somewhere- the Times maybe- that being forced to carry around a pink backpack is the Mets’ idea of rookie hazing.
Absolute rule:
If you are attending a sporting event, do no wear the jersey of a team not competing. I will grant exceptions to wearing a national team jersey of a player competing at the game.
If I see one more d-bag wearing a Maple Leafs jersey at Canucks vs Flames game one more time, I’m going to lose it.
As a Delaware Alum and football season ticket holder, allow me to say that the new unis are terrible. I already miss the simple blue and gold.
[quote comment=”286367″]One thing I’ve always been interested in… Is ok to go to a NCAA Football game and wear an NFL of an alum from that school. I used to wear a Brendan Morrison Vancouver Canucks sweater to U-Mich hockey games and it seemed perfectly acceptable, however whenever I’d go to a U-Mich football game and saw someone wearing a Braylon Edwards Bengals jersey and it looked wrong to me.[/quote]
It may have looked wrong to you because Braylon Edwards plays for the Browns. No really, wearing the pro version of a college player seems like a stretch.
[quote comment=”286369″][quote comment=”286334″]anyone else notice the pink backpack in the mets bullpen last night? i’d imagine it belongs to a rookie.[/quote]
I didn’t notice it last night, but I read somewhere- the Times maybe- that being forced to carry around a pink backpack is the Mets’ idea of rookie hazing.[/quote]
From the link.
[quote comment=”286363″][quote]what’s wrong with jean shorts?? I’m talking about carpenter or painters jean shorts. Not jeans, cut off to make shorts. If jeans go well with an authentic, why not shorts that are denim?? I think an authentic MLB or NFL looks pretty good with denim. Assuming you finish it off with the proper shoes.[/quote]
once again…
link link link link link link link
…and now fixed[/quote]
I will also say this very acceptable attire as well…
[quote comment=”286367″]One thing I’ve always been interested in… Is ok to go to a NCAA Football game and wear an NFL of an alum from that school. I used to wear a Brendan Morrison Vancouver Canucks sweater to U-Mich hockey games and it seemed perfectly acceptable, however whenever I’d go to a U-Mich football game and saw someone wearing a Braylon Edwards Bengals jersey and it looked wrong to me.[/quote]
A Braylon Bengals jersey? being as he never played for them, it is just wrong.
[quote comment=”286372″][quote comment=”286367″]One thing I’ve always been interested in… Is ok to go to a NCAA Football game and wear an NFL of an alum from that school. I used to wear a Brendan Morrison Vancouver Canucks sweater to U-Mich hockey games and it seemed perfectly acceptable, however whenever I’d go to a U-Mich football game and saw someone wearing a Braylon Edwards Bengals jersey and it looked wrong to me.[/quote]
It may have looked wrong to you because Braylon Edwards plays for the Browns. No really, wearing the pro version of a college player seems like a stretch.[/quote]
Wearing a jersey for a team that has nothing to do with the event (i.e wearing a Thrashers jersey to a DET/PIT game)- NO
Wearing a jersey to an event that is not even the correct sport (i.e football jersey to a hockey game) – HELL NO
Wearing the wrong team but CURRENT player’s name to the event (i.e a Buffalo Sabres Drury jersey to a New York Rangers game) – OK, at least it’s somwhat relevant.
Wearing a
As for the Texas Rangers Rumors…
I like the idea of branding the jerseys with “Texas”. It has always looked better than “Rangers”. Bringing back some of the red is also a plus. Red alternate? Could go either bad or good.
Disappointed in the decision to terminate the sleeveless jerseys. Texas has remained one of the bright spots in the sleeveless design.
Talking about Arizona State’s pants color. To me it is no contest. The maroon pants are much better. At minimum, they should be worn for all road games. Compare gold road to maroon road.
My only complaint about the maroon pants is something that is a huge pet peeve of mine in uniforms; the pants aren’t constitant. The gold pants have a maroon stripe, while the maroon pants have no stripe. They should add a gold stripe to the maroon pants.
Coming from a hockey perspective, these rules will only apply to hockey jerseys. I take no responsibility for any other sports. These are in no particular order.
1. Your name on a jersey, especially a pro-style jersey, looks ridiculous. Unless you get the call from the GM while sitting in the stands to “suit up”, there’s no need for that.
2. Getting a current player on a jersey he’s never worn is the best way to show off that you’re riding the bandwagon. Do some homework and get a player from that era on your jersey. Or, alternatively, buy a current jersey.
3. Fashion jerseys (pink, powder blue, black) for team who have never worn those colours is automatically a no-no. There’s a reason why fashion designers don’t design hockey jerseys – they suck at it.
4. Wearing college or junior jerseys to a pro hockey game is only acceptable if the player on the back of your jersey is playing in that game. For example, a Michigan State Ryan Miller jersey would be acceptable at a Buffalo Sabres game.
5. International jerseys should only be worn to an international game. And the only jerseys that should be seen are those of the two countries on the ice. I don’t want to see Team Canada jerseys at a Latvia-Belarus game. Ever.
6. I’ve always worn pro jerseys because they hang better. That’s just my preference, but you can see it clearly when there is customization done. The front of replica jerseys ride up and people have to tug at the neck and shoulders to get their jerseys to sit right. The pro jerseys don’t do this, and that’s why I prefer them.
7. Wear a hockey jersey to a game that the team is playing in. I don’t want to see Preds jerseys at a Sharks-Kings game. The only exception is for teams that moved, and still have current players playing for newly-located team (Nords-Avs, for example).
8. Wearing obscure jerseys of long-time players gets you a huge thumbs-up in my book. A Sakic #88 Nordiques jersey at an Avs game would be phenomenal. A Marty Biron #00 Sabres jersey at a Flyers game, though, would rank lower unless the Sabres and Flyers were playing each other. This refers back to Rule #7.
I visited Dachau last year while on vacation with my girlfriend. Probably the most humbling experience of my life. As far as exhibits go, they did a very good job too. The thing we remember the most is that, while there, it was absolutely freezing and we also had no food in us and were extremely hungry. Of course, we had no room to complain and it was kind of a big slap in the face. The other thing I remember is how just across the fence from the execution area are now two story apartments. Uhh, what a view?? Anyway, I remember that sign. Just got me thinking.
Regarding wearing unis, I generally have no problem with people wearing them. Even if they’re at a sporting event where ‘their team’ isnt playing. Every Oregon game I go to, there’s always a few people wearing Oregon State gear. I find it funny. The best I saw was in Seattle watching a Oregon/Washington game. Before the game, there were two guys in Oregon State gear walking around yelling at everyone…because they hated both teams.
Another thing, I think it just brings people back to childhood a little. Makes them feel like a kid again, etc. Then again, didn’t Jay-Z say “I dont wear jerseys, I’m 30-plus”. It’s too immature for some, but others could give a shit about that and are proud to show their fanhood.
Me, if I buy current jerseys I generally get them blank. No affiliation to a player. No problem getting personalized ones of retired players when buying older jerseys though.
There’s my novel for the day. Should have got my coffee first…
Great topic today, and great to read the opinions from all sides. I would say that my jersey collecting/wearing is just my way of showing my appreciation of what I feel is a good design, which I think is why we’re all drawn to this site on a daily basis. The other main reason is to honor the teams and players that I enjoy watching.
That being said, I take much pride wearing my NHL jerseys past & present around town. To me, they are the ultimate wearable art.
First and foremost, I’ve gotta say: Jerseys at games are good. I love going to a Giants (baseball, that is) game and seeing fans in their jerseys. Way better than the four guys sitting in front of me on Friday who looked like they were straight out of Stanford biz school and didn’t even realize they were at PacBell/SBC/AT&T/Whatever Park.
And since jerseys are better than not-jerseys, it can be done however you want. But the one thing that really bugs me is jerseys from teams not involved in the game at hand. I lived in DC for a while and went to a bunch of O’s games (pre Nats, sigh) with a buddy who was a Phillies fan and he always wore is red BP jersey. Every time, I had to remind him that there were no Phillies at Camden Yards today! If you don’t have a jersey for a team in the game you’re going to, just wear a t-shirt in team colors, or something.
I am wary of purchasing jerseys with names of current players on the off chance they get traded (see my Brian Giles Pirates jersey for an example). I have a few Olie Kolzig jerseys/sweaters which I feel are ok to wear now even though he is gone due to his tenure with the Caps. I do have one Caps jersey/sweater with my name on the back. I signed the number on the back and with all the changes to the lineup over the years, people think it is the autograph of some player they forgot about.
[quote comment=”286378″]Talking about Arizona State’s pants color. To me it is no contest. The maroon pants are much better. At minimum, they should be worn for all road games. Compare gold road to maroon road.
My only complaint about the maroon pants is something that is a huge pet peeve of mine in uniforms; the pants aren’t constitant. The gold pants have a maroon stripe, while the maroon pants have no stripe. They should add a gold stripe to the maroon pants.[/quote]
I think ASU has some of the best uni’s in the Pac-10. Simple, traditional, almost a little boring…which is a good thing in my view. You said my only complaint about the maroons…there’s no stripe. Otherwise I’d have no problem with them for road games. Did they ever have a gold stripe? I’m sure they did…
[quote comment=”286370″]Absolute rule:
If you are attending a sporting event, do no wear the jersey of a team not competing. I will grant exceptions to wearing a national team jersey of a player competing at the game.
If I see one more d-bag wearing a Maple Leafs jersey at Canucks vs Flames game one more time, I’m going to lose it.[/quote]
What about wearing the minor league affiliate of your favorite team? I am a huge Habs fan and I will occasionally bust out my Quebec Citadelles ( link) or Cincy Cyclones ( link) jersey.
I think the rules for non-game wear are different depending on the sport with the range of acceptability being determined by how much the shirts look like standard casual clothing.
For me, the extremes are soccer jerseys as most-acceptable because they often function as nice casual shirts and basketball as least-acceptable because not only do you need numbers, sleeveless never looks good. Sports in the middle I find generally okay for certain kinds of outdoor events (family barbecues, etc.) but I would never wear them just out and about.
At a game, jersies are fine. Retired names and numbers are always safest. I would rather see no name or number than that of a non-player. And I always cringe when someone is wearing the name of a brand-new, much-hyped player. Long-established current players are okay, although still carry risk.
[quote comment=”286382″]First and foremost, I’ve gotta say: Jerseys at games are good. I love going to a Giants (baseball, that is) game and seeing fans in their jerseys. Way better than the four guys sitting in front of me on Friday who looked like they were straight out of Stanford biz school and didn’t even realize they were at PacBell/SBC/AT&T/Whatever Park.
And since jerseys are better than not-jerseys, it can be done however you want. But the one thing that really bugs me is jerseys from teams not involved in the game at hand. I lived in DC for a while and went to a bunch of O’s games (pre Nats, sigh) with a buddy who was a Phillies fan and he always wore is red BP jersey. Every time, I had to remind him that there were no Phillies at Camden Yards today! If you don’t have a jersey for a team in the game you’re going to, just wear a t-shirt in team colors, or something.[/quote]
I donno. I’m an O’s fan and when I went on vacation in Boston I wanted to go to Fenway park. As it turned out the only game during my trip was a Red Sox/Yankees game. I really didn’t want to show support for either of them being an O’s fan.
oh, and yeah. One more vote against attending a sporting event wearing the jersey of any team not actually participating in the stadium.
[quote comment=”286379″]Coming from a hockey perspective, these rules will only apply to hockey jerseys. I take no responsibility for any other sports. These are in no particular order.
1. Your name on a jersey, especially a pro-style jersey, looks ridiculous. Unless you get the call from the GM while sitting in the stands to “suit up”, there’s no need for that.
2. Getting a current player on a jersey he’s never worn is the best way to show off that you’re riding the bandwagon. Do some homework and get a player from that era on your jersey. Or, alternatively, buy a current jersey.
3. Fashion jerseys (pink, powder blue, black) for team who have never worn those colours is automatically a no-no. There’s a reason why fashion designers don’t design hockey jerseys – they suck at it.
4. Wearing college or junior jerseys to a pro hockey game is only acceptable if the player on the back of your jersey is playing in that game. For example, a Michigan State Ryan Miller jersey would be acceptable at a Buffalo Sabres game.
5. International jerseys should only be worn to an international game. And the only jerseys that should be seen are those of the two countries on the ice. I don’t want to see Team Canada jerseys at a Latvia-Belarus game. Ever.
6. I’ve always worn pro jerseys because they hang better. That’s just my preference, but you can see it clearly when there is customization done. The front of replica jerseys ride up and people have to tug at the neck and shoulders to get their jerseys to sit right. The pro jerseys don’t do this, and that’s why I prefer them.
7. Wear a hockey jersey to a game that the team is playing in. I don’t want to see Preds jerseys at a Sharks-Kings game. The only exception is for teams that moved, and still have current players playing for newly-located team (Nords-Avs, for example).
8. Wearing obscure jerseys of long-time players gets you a huge thumbs-up in my book. A Sakic #88 Nordiques jersey at an Avs game would be phenomenal. A Marty Biron #00 Sabres jersey at a Flyers game, though, would rank lower unless the Sabres and Flyers were playing each other. This refers back to Rule #7.[/quote]
LOVE rule #8
I severly want to get a #11 Shanahan Devils jersey (has to be green and red) because lots of people forget he was drafted by them. By buddy has a #94 Hartford Whalers Shanahan jersey and I hate him for it (out of envy). Lucky bastard, it was my idea too.
Funny Story, went on a hockey road trip earlier this year and saw NYR @ PHI and stood by the rangers bench during warm-ups. My buddy had his HAR Shanahan jersey and had it draped over the glass. On his way back into the lockeroom after warm-ups, Shanahan saw the jersey, smiled real big and tapped it with his stick and said “nice jersey, I never see those.” Those moments are better than autographs to me…
RE: Jersey collecting/wearing
As a kid, I always wanted to get authentic gear – caps & jerseys, primarily – and that didn’t become big business until I grew up. Now that I have a little disposable income, I’ve acquired quite a collection of authentic jerseys over the years, at a reasonable cost. I like to call it my “discarded player collection.”
Anytime a player is traded/released, his jersey will pop up on eBay at a discount, or many times on clearance on the team’s site or at the league shop. This is when I usually buy. I then use a seam ripper to remove the name. (I’m not big on NOB to begin with.) Since I have no burning team loyalty, I’m willing to wear a variety of jerseys, although there are some places I will not wear a jersey, such as church (no kidding, there’s a guy who wears his Steelers jersey to church every Sunday, and this is in DFW, Texas. Bad Form.).
My Discarded Player Collection sometimes works out very well. For instance, I bought a Starter brand Jets #4 authentic jersey back in the late 1990s after Glenn Foley was released. And 10 years later, the Jets #4 is a premier look.
I wear jerseys only with shorts or jeans. I don’t tuck. I have seen some people actually pull off the tuck with both football and baseball jerseys – they are rare. Most guys can’t pull it off, and I think it’s usually safer for all to leave it untucked.
As for other jersey “rules” that some people have sanctimoniously posted (Your own NOB “disrespects the team?” Anyone over 15 shouldn’t wear a jersey? Are you kidding?), I have none. People wear what people wear. Be comfortable and happy without being offensive.
For myself, I do wear jerseys to my classes on occasion. I own three myself, a unnumbered 90’s Black Orioles replica, a unnumbered Phoenix Coyotes replica, and a #80 Berrian Chicago Bears replica. I have not paid full price for any of my jerseys, gotta love clearances, second hand stores, and pre-season trades.
My personal rule is to wear my jerseys untucked and with a similar-colored shirt underneath, but I don’t wear them particularly often, perhaps each jersey makes an appearance once or twice a month. As far as vanity jerseys go, I have no problem with it, but parody jerseys are always better.
I’ve worn an Arizona Cardinals #11 Larry Fitzgerald jersey to Pitt football games and not only have I gotten positive feedback but I’m not the only person to be wearing it at the game.
To each their own, but to me, it’s a way of paying homage to a great player from your school.
I don’t do it every game, but I still break it out from time to time because my jersey is the Cards from his rookie year, before the redesign. A lot of the ones you see now are the newer jerseys. Makes mine kind of unique.
Paul: “When I was growing up, the licensed apparel market didn’t exist yet – people couldn’t buy jerseys even if they wanted to. So I never got in the habit.”
How old are you? :D
I remember being able to buy NFL jerseys out of football Digest when I was like 13, and the only reason I didn’t (I really wanted a Ken Burrough Houston Oilers Columbia Blue #00) was because I was 13.
I have probably 100+ jerseys. Football and soccer mostly, but I have a few hockey ones and one baseball one and no basketball ones. I don’t get to wear them a lot because they’ve, uh…inexplicably shrunken while hanging in the closet. Yeah, that’s the ticket.
A few years back, I went a bit nuts on eBay and bought about everything that struck my fancy. Good deals, but now I wonder why.
Anyway, most of y’all know I’m a soccer guy, so it’s no surprise that I have a bunch of soccer jerseys. The first year I worked in MLS, I bought a jersey of each team when we went to that city. The first year I did indoor soccer in the MISL, same deal. So now I have a bunch of jerseys for teams that no longer exist, or that have rebranded (a red Dallas Burn, anyone?).
I’ve been on the lookout for a Miami Fusion (1998-2001) jersey and a San Jose Clash, but haven’t snagged it yet. I do have link, though, which I love because (a) it’s hideous and (b ) that was the team I supported.
I like either jerseys with some bit of significance to me (Jim Harbaugh Colts authentic), or the obscure (CSKA Moscow “Russian Penguins” jersey) or a throwback (Johnny U #19 with long sleeves rocks).
And now for something completely different.
[quote comment=”286380″]I visited Dachau last year while on vacation with my girlfriend. Probably the most humbling experience of my life. [/quote]
Went there with my dad and son when we went to the World Cup in 2006. Yeah, humbling. Saddening. I can’t describe it without going into much more detail than should be done on a blog about sports uniforms, but, yeah, I’m right there with ya.
And, oh, by the way – I will wear whatever farking jersey I want whenever I want and you don’t get to decide what’s acceptable. If I want to wear my Charlestown Chiefs white jersey to a Coyotes/Kings game, I will, even if it doesn’t meet your lofty rules and standards. Have your own standards, that’s great. Don’t impose them on me.
Ditto for a jersey that didn’t really exist. If you want to wear it, knock yourself out. I’m not going to tell you how to be a fan.
I believe I’ve passed the age of consciousness and righteous rage
I found that just surviving was a noble fight.
I once believed in causes, too
I had my pointless point of view
And life went on no matter who was wrong or right.
I am definitely a collector of jerseys. my favorites are my AHL game-worn jerseys. I spend a bit of money on them, but I buy them to wear, not to display. I wear them to show my support for the entire league (big fan of the AHL). I even wear them to work.
I have about 10 game worn AHL jerseys, 3 of them for Lowell (2 Lock Monsters, 1 Devils).
One of my Lowell Lock Monsters jerseys was game worn, then prepared for Dion Phaneuf, but he never ended up playing for the team. (Lowell was an affiliate for Calgary at the time). So the jersey is more of a conversation piece.
I have no problem with people wearing jerseys of teams not in the game to the hockey game…they make interesting conversation pieces. The more obscure, the better. I proudly sport my Saginaw Spirit used jersey now and then, and it always seems to get a good reaction.
Hockey seems a little different as far as that goes. It’s tolerated more to wear unaffiliated jerseys than the teams that are playing.
Teebz, just curious, and this is truly one of those “there is no wrong answer” type topics, but I’m just curious as to your rationale of #5 because it doesn’t really match the logic in 4, 6 and 7. Why wouldn’t it be OK to wear an int’l jersey to an NHL game as long as the participant is in the game? I don’t ever think I’ll even have the opportunity to watch an int’l game in person.
MLB2PDX, I’m glad to see I’m not the only that thought that line when I read the blog today! He’s also said something about jeans not being as baggy as they were. Not sure if it was something he had designed for Rockafella, but I clearly remember him saying something like “I’m not in my 20s anymore, I need to wear better fitting jeans.”
wow kenn…
a drew curtis ref, a pianoman quote and an emphatic you’re not the boss of me now in one post…
/does your dog want steak?
[quote comment=”286377″]As for the Texas Rangers Rumors…
I like the idea of branding the jerseys with “Texas”. It has always looked better than “Rangers”. Bringing back some of the red is also a plus. Red alternate? Could go either bad or good.
Disappointed in the decision to terminate the sleeveless jerseys. Texas has remained one of the bright spots in the sleeveless design.[/quote]
I think they should do what they did back in 2000, when they had blue hats and blue trim for the road, and the red hats and red trim for home. Except maybe have blue numbering/lettering to distinguish themselves from the angels. Because they looked awesome with the blue alt jerseys and red hats/trim. I also think that they should keep the sleeveless jerseys, except maybe changing to red trim/undershirt on the home alt.
[quote comment=”286316″]If I were offered some opportunity to get a “hero shit” (as they’re called in soccer circles) [/quote]
To get a what? ;)
[quote comment=”286369″][quote comment=”286334″]anyone else notice the pink backpack in the mets bullpen last night? i’d imagine it belongs to a rookie.[/quote]
I didn’t notice it last night, but I read somewhere- the Times maybe- that being forced to carry around a pink backpack is the Mets’ idea of rookie hazing.[/quote]
Cubs do it, too. This is the best pic I could find.
Does it seem to anyone else that the ratio of hockey fans/other sports fans is higher on this blog than in real life? If so, is that just random chance, or is there some reason?
[quote comment=”286402″]Does it seem to anyone else that the ratio of hockey fans/other sports fans is higher on this blog than in real life? If so, is that just random chance, or is there some reason?[/quote]
I think that steams from the perception that no one cares about hockey/soccer when the actually do.
[quote comment=”286401″][quote comment=”286369″][quote comment=”286334″]anyone else notice the pink backpack in the mets bullpen last night? i’d imagine it belongs to a rookie.[/quote]
I didn’t notice it last night, but I read somewhere- the Times maybe- that being forced to carry around a pink backpack is the Mets’ idea of rookie hazing.[/quote]
Cubs do it, too. This is the best pic I could find.
Been covered here in UniWatch a couple of times. At the end of the season the rookies get to destroy the bag.
Anyone know why Dressed to the Nines pays so little attention to the shoes? Was looking over Rangers unis and it doesn’t show them ever wearing red shoes, which of course they did.
If a certain shoe color is mandated as part of the uni—as it still is with Phillies, Cardinals and others—shouldn’t it be documented?
(of course, the use a template illustration that shows nothing of any pants striping, so I guess the kinds don’t get it. Not 100%, anyway.
[quote comment=”286313″]Wisconsin natives can back be up on this one…
It is almost mandatory to wear Packers apparel or Green and Gold on Packer game day.
Even if you are not attending the game, it almost is required to wear the gear. That’s just the way it is in Packer country.
I was in Las Vegas last year, and on NFL Sunday, you can always spot the Packer fans, because you know they will be fully dressed, head to toe, in Green and Gold.
As a side note, Wisconsin Badger fans are very good about wearing at least red on game day.
When I worked in retail, we had to wear that stores’ clothes, but on Packer days, we could wear whatever green and gold we wanted.
My typing even worse today than usual. My apologies.
[quote comment=”286405″]Anyone know why Dressed to the Nines pays so little attention to the shoes? Was looking over Rangers unis and it doesn’t show them ever wearing red shoes, which of course they did.
If a certain shoe color is mandated as part of the uni—as it still is with Phillies, Cardinals and others—shouldn’t it be documented?
(of course, the use a template illustration that shows nothing of any pants striping, so I guess the kinds don’t get it. Not 100%, anyway.
It would also be great if they could show a representation of the backs of all the jerseys. Kinda doubles the amount of work, though.
I second the no collared shirts under jerseys and couldn’t stop talking about how ACTUAL PLAYERS rocked the look at a signing event here in Milwaukee.
Why, oh why, would you wear a purple button up, Gabe Kapler?
[quote comment=”286393″][quote comment=”286380″]I visited Dachau last year while on vacation with my girlfriend. Probably the most humbling experience of my life. [/quote]
Went there with my dad and son when we went to the World Cup in 2006. Yeah, humbling. Saddening. I can’t describe it without going into much more detail than should be done on a blog about sports uniforms, but, yeah, I’m right there with ya.[/quote]
Yeah, I didnt want to start much on here. If anyone’s been there, or the others, you kind of just know the feeling. Walking around outside (freezing and hungry) I dont think me or my girlfriend said a word to each other for well over an hour. Which, for her says something. :-)
[quote comment=”286396″]MLB2PDX, I’m glad to see I’m not the only that thought that line when I read the blog today! He’s also said something about jeans not being as baggy as they were. Not sure if it was something he had designed for Rockafella, but I clearly remember him saying something like “I’m not in my 20s anymore, I need to wear better fitting jeans.”[/quote]
It’s from his song What More Can I Say? “And I don’t wear jerseys I’m thirty plus, give me a crisp pair of jeans nigga button ups”. I always think of it when I see ‘adults’ wearing unis. Which, again, I have no problem with…
Personally, I have no opinion on who should wear what to games. If I’m attending a sporting event, I wear whatever the hell I have on, whether it’s jeans, a Ramones tee shirt and chucks or color appropriate attire to support the team I am going to see.
I don’t own any jerseys, but I have no problem with people wearing jerseys to games. I will get on that boat of wearing the jersey of a team not playing in the game. That is a little annoying, but to each is own.
I think we’ve covered all the rules – good job!
Anyway, I want to stress that these should be applicable to adults only. My 4 year old proudly wears his Team Canada jersey everywhere.
[quote comment=”286403″][quote comment=”286402″]Does it seem to anyone else that the ratio of hockey fans/other sports fans is higher on this blog than in real life? If so, is that just random chance, or is there some reason?[/quote]
I think that steams from the perception that no one cares about hockey/soccer when the actually do.[/quote]
I think you’re absolutely right.
I understand that living on the East Coast might give me an inflated sense of the sport’s popularity, but the number of Premier League shirts I saw in Milwaukee last week tells me something of its global fanbase.
[quote comment=”286403″][quote comment=”286402″]Does it seem to anyone else that the ratio of hockey fans/other sports fans is higher on this blog than in real life? If so, is that just random chance, or is there some reason?[/quote]
I think that steams from the perception that no one cares about hockey/soccer when the actually do.[/quote]
true…we usually only discuss the major sports on here
*waits for teebz’ whaddyamean hockey isn’t a major sport reply* ;o)
[quote comment=”286414″][quote comment=”286403″][quote comment=”286402″]Does it seem to anyone else that the ratio of hockey fans/other sports fans is higher on this blog than in real life? If so, is that just random chance, or is there some reason?[/quote]
I think that steams from the perception that no one cares about hockey/soccer when the actually do.[/quote]
true…we usually only discuss the major sports on here
*waits for teebz’ whaddyamean hockey isn’t a major sport reply* ;o)[/quote]
Careful Phil….. watch what you say about my beloved sport… :)
[quote comment=”286400″][quote comment=”286316″]If I were offered some opportunity to get a “hero shit” (as they’re called in soccer circles) [/quote]
To get a what? ;)[/quote]
Hey, when you gotta go, you gotta go. Even if you are a hero…
Ha! Forgot the second line of that song… goes with what I said about the jeans thing too! I always thought Jigga was a really stylish artist. He isn’t overly hip hop but enough that you know he’s a rapper. Definitely a trend-setter, not a follower. Look at some of the styles he’s worn recently, rapping on stage in dress clothes to the gear he wore during the mash-up with Linkin Park (work shirts, etc).
…and even when he wore the annoying straight bill cap, most times it was the proper 59/50 on field Yanks cap.
Here’s the rules for jerseys:
NOB is OK if you are:
a. A family member of the player – including girlfriend, or
b. A kid, or
c. Wearing a game-used jersey.
An adult wearing NOB is just WRONG WRONG WRONG.
[quote comment=”286396″]
Teebz, just curious, and this is truly one of those “there is no wrong answer” type topics, but I’m just curious as to your rationale of #5 because it doesn’t really match the logic in 4, 6 and 7. Why wouldn’t it be OK to wear an int’l jersey to an NHL game as long as the participant is in the game? I don’t ever think I’ll even have the opportunity to watch an int’l game in person.[/quote]
I’m not saying it’s not ok to wear one, but 9 times out 10 people don’t have them customized. If you have, say, a Lecavalier Team Canada jersey, go ahead and wear it to a Tampa Bay game. But don’t show up to a Toronto-Montreal game in a Team Sweden’s Tre Kronor jersey unless you have Sund… no wait, scratch that… unless you have Anton Stralman’s info on the back.
I view the respect thing akin to going to a wedding. You never want to upstage the bride and groom – the people you are there to pay your respects to.
Paul, I don’t have any modern jerseys for the same reason – I HATE POLYESTER. I would LOVE to have a big collection of baseball and hockey jerseys, but synthetics are such an abomination.
[quote comment=”286414″]
*waits for teebz’ whaddyamean hockey isn’t a major sport reply* ;o)[/quote]
I’m aware I live in one of the smaller Uni Watch wings of the Uni Watch castle, Phil. No harm done in that comment. ;o)
This “teaser” headline from AOL…
“Pics Show Pregnant Actress in Bikini”
Yeah, and WE’RE weird because we discuss uniforms.
[quote comment=”286379″]
8. Wearing obscure jerseys of long-time players gets you a huge thumbs-up in my book. A Sakic #88 Nordiques jersey at an Avs game would be phenomenal. A Marty Biron #00 Sabres jersey at a Flyers game, though, would rank lower unless the Sabres and Flyers were playing each other. This refers back to Rule #7.[/quote]
Funny you mention that, as a Sabres fan, I’m getting my Sabres white vintage Biron #00 back from Jersey Express any day now! And I’ll be wearing it to whatever Sabres game I go to this year. (And wherever else!)
I think hockey is prominent here because they have the most historically awesome laundry short of baseball.
I have a 1991 Washington Capitals start & stripes (or clown suit) gamer that I wear now and then, I have custom modern Steelers jersey for on stage that has my nickname on it (an inside joke)
[quote comment=”286424″][quote comment=”286379″]
8. Wearing obscure jerseys of long-time players gets you a huge thumbs-up in my book. A Sakic #88 Nordiques jersey at an Avs game would be phenomenal. A Marty Biron #00 Sabres jersey at a Flyers game, though, would rank lower unless the Sabres and Flyers were playing each other. This refers back to Rule #7.[/quote]
Funny you mention that, as a Sabres fan, I’m getting my Sabres white vintage Biron #00 back from Jersey Express any day now! And I’ll be wearing it to whatever Sabres game I go to this year. (And wherever else!)[/quote]
link, in my humble opinion, deserves to be in the Hockey Hall of Fame.
[quote comment=”286370″]Absolute rule:
If you are attending a sporting event, do no wear the jersey of a team not competing. I will grant exceptions to wearing a national team jersey of a player competing at the game.
If I see one more d-bag wearing a Maple Leafs jersey at Canucks vs Flames game one more time, I’m going to lose it.[/quote]
You’re not alone in your frustration my friend. I wish I had a dollar for all the times I’ve attended an Islanders home game that’s NOT against the Rangers….and seen numerous people running around the place in their Rangers jerseys. They are a species all their own.
I have a friend who routinely gets knockoffs from some hole in the wall 3rd world country – and he prefers obscure players – he has a Tom Tupa Jets jersey, a Ron Tugnutt jersey (because as he says “Tugnutt is the greatest goalie name EVER – you can not be a high scoring forward and be named TUGNUTT” and he went so far as to get an old Wales Conference All Star jersey and get Rudy Poeschek’s name and number on it, because he loved theat no-talent hack and figured that would be the only All-Star jersey Rudy would ever have.
[quote comment=”286426″][quote comment=”286424″][quote comment=”286379″]
8. Wearing obscure jerseys of long-time players gets you a huge thumbs-up in my book. A Sakic #88 Nordiques jersey at an Avs game would be phenomenal. A Marty Biron #00 Sabres jersey at a Flyers game, though, would rank lower unless the Sabres and Flyers were playing each other. This refers back to Rule #7.[/quote]
Funny you mention that, as a Sabres fan, I’m getting my Sabres white vintage Biron #00 back from Jersey Express any day now! And I’ll be wearing it to whatever Sabres game I go to this year. (And wherever else!)[/quote]
link, in my humble opinion, deserves to be in the Hockey Hall of Fame.[/quote]
Obviously, I concur, as my link would bear out. I’m also waiting for them to finish up a green North Stars jersey with #17 Basil McRae on it. Always loved him, and it’s practically the only green thing I own, so it gets worn on St. Patrick’s Day all the time. Used to rock it blank, but now it’ll have #17 on it, and his name is McRae… close enough for me!
[quote comment=”286393″]Paul: “When I was growing up, the licensed apparel market didn’t exist yet –”[/quote]
That is no excuse:-)
I guess I join the mis-spellers hall of fame today – can’t type well today.
I love hockey jerseys, and if I’m spending the money, I don’t see it as a sin to put my name on it – is that as bad as creating yourself in these video games? If I could, I’d have a collection of home and away of every team, especially older teams like the Nordiques and Jets, all with my name, the number 18 and a Captain’s C on them. WHat’s the point of a collection if you can’t personalize it?
[quote comment=”286430″][quote comment=”286393″]Paul: “When I was growing up, the licensed apparel market didn’t exist yet –”[/quote]
That is no excuse:-)
And before anyone asks, that is just ‘fold-over’ issue, no missing letters.
[quote comment=”286428″]a Ron Tugnutt jersey (because as he says “Tugnutt is the greatest goalie name EVER – you can not be a high scoring forward and be named TUGNUTT”[/quote]
Hey, don’t knock Tugnutt!
He still holds the modern day NHL record for most saves in one game without recording a loss (70 saves on 73 shots vs. Boston on March 21, 1991). Quebec and Boston tied 3-3 that game. He also holds the record for most regular season wins for a goalie on an expansion team with 22 (Columbus, 2000-01).
But yeah, he does have a great name. On what team’s jersey does he have Tugger’s name displayed? ;o)
[quote comment=”286355″][quote comment=”286306″]Jersey wearing etiquette:
1. Never, ever, under any circumstances, tuck it in.
2. Matching undershirt required – white, or one of the colors on the jersey.
3. Never wear matching team jersey/cap unless attending a sporting event of same sport in any city or alternate sport only in the same city. For example, Indians jersey/cap combo is OK at an Indians game, a Cavs game, or at a Nationals-Mets game as a show of support for your team, but NOT OK at a Dallas Mavericks game or at the mall.
4. Avoid wearing jerseys around my mother, as she will no doubt complain about how sloppily you are dressed.
5. Jerseys can be worn with jeans and sneakers or with cargo-type shorts and suitable casual shoes, but never in conjunction with one or more of the following: dress shoes, jean shorts, a collared undershirt (yes, I’ve seen it done), khaki pants, dress pants, and hiking boots.
SIDEBAR: Men, please throw your jean shorts away. They are not cool. Ladies, please wear CUTOFF jean shorts every day, as they are very cool.[/quote]
Agree with most of this. But I gotta ask…what’s wrong with jean shorts?? I’m talking about carpenter or painters jean shorts. Not jeans, cut off to make shorts. If jeans go well with an authentic, why not shorts that are denim?? I think an authentic MLB or NFL looks pretty good with denim. Assuming you finish it off with the proper shoes.
And under no circumstances do you put your last name, in authentic lettering, on any kind of authentic jersey. Looks cheesey.[/quote]
Just a personal taste, as far as the jean shorts go.
I’m just sayin’.
[quote comment=”286418″]Ha! Forgot the second line of that song… goes with what I said about the jeans thing too! I always thought Jigga was a really stylish artist. He isn’t overly hip hop but enough that you know he’s a rapper. Definitely a trend-setter, not a follower. Look at some of the styles he’s worn recently, rapping on stage in dress clothes to the gear he wore during the mash-up with Linkin Park (work shirts, etc).
…and even when he wore the annoying straight bill cap, most times it was the proper 59/50 on field Yanks cap.[/quote]
Not a huge hip hop fan, just a ‘all around’ music fan. All in all, I like what Jay-Z has done and puts out there. I couldnt remember if Jay-Z or Diddy stated the different color hats (red Yankees, etc.) that are now all over the place. Or, were for awhile at least. I thought it was Diddy, and you just answered my question…
And with Jay-Z on board, I expect the Brooklyn Nets to have some pretty classic looking unis. Almost ABA looking.
[quote comment=”286427″][quote comment=”286370″]Absolute rule:
If you are attending a sporting event, do no wear the jersey of a team not competing. I will grant exceptions to wearing a national team jersey of a player competing at the game.
If I see one more d-bag wearing a Maple Leafs jersey at Canucks vs Flames game one more time, I’m going to lose it.[/quote]
You’re not alone in your frustration my friend. I wish I had a dollar for all the times I’ve attended an Islanders home game that’s NOT against the Rangers….and seen numerous people running around the place in their Rangers jerseys. They are a species all their own.[/quote]
I think there are other exceptions: like wearing an ’04 Moscow Dynamo Datsyuk jersey to a Red Wings game (which I do), or a University of Wisconsin Dany Heatley jersey at a Senators game.
[quote comment=”286433″][quote comment=”286428″]a Ron Tugnutt jersey (because as he says “Tugnutt is the greatest goalie name EVER – you can not be a high scoring forward and be named TUGNUTT”[/quote]
Hey, don’t knock Tugnutt!
He still holds the modern day NHL record for most saves in one game without recording a loss (70 saves on 73 shots vs. Boston on March 21, 1991). Quebec and Boston tied 3-3 that game. He also holds the record for most regular season wins for a goalie on an expansion team with 22 (Columbus, 2000-01).
But yeah, he does have a great name. On what team’s jersey does he have Tugger’s name displayed? ;o)[/quote]
I’m pretty sure it’s an old Nordiques number 1. I loved Tugnutt. I think my friend prefers goalies mostly – I think he said his next one will be a knockoff Hartford Whalers #1 Mike Liut jersey, then a Blackhawks #40 Darren Pang.
[quote comment=”286435″][quote comment=”286418″]Ha! Forgot the second line of that song… goes with what I said about the jeans thing too! I always thought Jigga was a really stylish artist. He isn’t overly hip hop but enough that you know he’s a rapper. Definitely a trend-setter, not a follower. Look at some of the styles he’s worn recently, rapping on stage in dress clothes to the gear he wore during the mash-up with Linkin Park (work shirts, etc).
…and even when he wore the annoying straight bill cap, most times it was the proper 59/50 on field Yanks cap.[/quote]
Not a huge hip hop fan, just a ‘all around’ music fan. All in all, I like what Jay-Z has done and puts out there. I couldnt remember if Jay-Z or Diddy stated the different color hats (red Yankees, etc.) that are now all over the place. Or, were for awhile at least. I thought it was Diddy, and you just answered my question…
And with Jay-Z on board, I expect the Brooklyn Nets to have some pretty classic looking unis. Almost ABA looking.[/quote]
It was actually Spike Lee.
I understand why someone might roll their eyes at personalized jerseys with that person’s own NOB, a little pompus I guess. Sorta like when people say “we” when refering to “their” teams-on-the-field activities. “Man, we(meaning the Packers and myself?) really stunk it up against the Niners!” But why do people care if they wear a jersey with a current of former player’s NOB? I just don’t get that frustration I guess. If I wanted to go buy a Quentin White Sox jersey because I love the Sox, and Quentin’s my current favorite player, how does that make me weird? But hey, that’s just one man opinion.
My personal guidelines when it comes to wearing a jersey to a sporting event:
[1] Make sure that the jersey you’re wearing represents one of the 2 teams competing.
[2] If the jersey has NOB, it should be of a current player, customized or the name of one of the team’s all-time greats (in the style of the era).
[3] Boderline acceptable are jerseys for a player currently on the team from a special team (ie All Star or Olympics).
Other than that, don’t bother. Don’t show up to an Arena game with an NFL jersey. Don’t come to a college game wearing the pro jersey of a former player and vice-versa (especially if the colors don’t match). I saw a guy at every Saints game last year wearing a Reggie Bush USC jersey. It drove me insane. Also, seeing people with Kobe Bryant jerseys at New Orleans Hornets games when they weren’t playing the Lakers made me want to throw my shrimp po-boy at them (but I didn’t ’cause those things are so freaking good).
[quote comment=”286437″][quote comment=”286433″][quote comment=”286428″]a Ron Tugnutt jersey (because as he says “Tugnutt is the greatest goalie name EVER – you can not be a high scoring forward and be named TUGNUTT”[/quote]
Hey, don’t knock Tugnutt!
He still holds the modern day NHL record for most saves in one game without recording a loss (70 saves on 73 shots vs. Boston on March 21, 1991). Quebec and Boston tied 3-3 that game. He also holds the record for most regular season wins for a goalie on an expansion team with 22 (Columbus, 2000-01).
But yeah, he does have a great name. On what team’s jersey does he have Tugger’s name displayed? ;o)[/quote]
I’m pretty sure it’s an old Nordiques number 1. I loved Tugnutt. I think my friend prefers goalies mostly – I think he said his next one will be a knockoff Hartford Whalers #1 Mike Liut jersey, then a Blackhawks #40 Darren Pang.[/quote]
What is it with the affection for “obscure” or seemingly-obscure goalie jerseys? I’ve long told friends that if I were ever to get a Hawks jersey, it’d be #40 Pang. I think my Whalers might be #30 Sidorkiewicz instead :) The whole Tugnutt discussion had me sighing/chuckling to myself. But the best one may be an old acquaintance of mine actually had a #37 Habs Racicot jersey made (silkscreened and cheap, but still!). That one was a riot.
I just found a very interesting eBay store with some very cool patches.
The ’85 Fleer stickers are cool – but the A’s jersey is wrong. They’d changed to the lettered “OAKLAND” variations by ’85
Also on eBay:
Check out the last photo in this listing. A game used Andruw Jones Braves jersey, sporting Velcro.
[quote comment=”286441″]
What is it with the affection for “obscure” or seemingly-obscure goalie jerseys? I’ve long told friends that if I were ever to get a Hawks jersey, it’d be #40 Pang. I think my Whalers might be #30 Sidorkiewicz instead :) The whole Tugnutt discussion had me sighing/chuckling to myself. But the best one may be an old acquaintance of mine actually had a #37 Habs Racicot jersey made (silkscreened and cheap, but still!). That one was a riot.[/quote]
I still want a Brett Lindros NYI jersey.
People would undoubtedly break into hysterical laughter at that one.
This has Paul written all over it:
[quote comment=”286441″][quote comment=”286437″][quote comment=”286433″][quote comment=”286428″]a Ron Tugnutt jersey (because as he says “Tugnutt is the greatest goalie name EVER – you can not be a high scoring forward and be named TUGNUTT”[/quote]
Hey, don’t knock Tugnutt!
He still holds the modern day NHL record for most saves in one game without recording a loss (70 saves on 73 shots vs. Boston on March 21, 1991). Quebec and Boston tied 3-3 that game. He also holds the record for most regular season wins for a goalie on an expansion team with 22 (Columbus, 2000-01).
But yeah, he does have a great name. On what team’s jersey does he have Tugger’s name displayed? ;o)[/quote]
I’m pretty sure it’s an old Nordiques number 1. I loved Tugnutt. I think my friend prefers goalies mostly – I think he said his next one will be a knockoff Hartford Whalers #1 Mike Liut jersey, then a Blackhawks #40 Darren Pang.[/quote]
What is it with the affection for “obscure” or seemingly-obscure goalie jerseys? I’ve long told friends that if I were ever to get a Hawks jersey, it’d be #40 Pang. I think my Whalers might be #30 Sidorkiewicz instead :) The whole Tugnutt discussion had me sighing/chuckling to myself. But the best one may be an old acquaintance of mine actually had a #37 Habs Racicot jersey made (silkscreened and cheap, but still!). That one was a riot.[/quote]
Andre Racicot!! Good one. Peter Sidorkiewicz – OUTSTANDING!! I could also go for a Washington Capitals Don Beaupre because my brother always called him BURP.
[quote comment=”286447″][quote comment=”286441″][quote comment=”286437″][quote comment=”286433″][quote comment=”286428″]a Ron Tugnutt jersey (because as he says “Tugnutt is the greatest goalie name EVER – you can not be a high scoring forward and be named TUGNUTT”[/quote]
Hey, don’t knock Tugnutt!
He still holds the modern day NHL record for most saves in one game without recording a loss (70 saves on 73 shots vs. Boston on March 21, 1991). Quebec and Boston tied 3-3 that game. He also holds the record for most regular season wins for a goalie on an expansion team with 22 (Columbus, 2000-01).
But yeah, he does have a great name. On what team’s jersey does he have Tugger’s name displayed? ;o)[/quote]
I’m pretty sure it’s an old Nordiques number 1. I loved Tugnutt. I think my friend prefers goalies mostly – I think he said his next one will be a knockoff Hartford Whalers #1 Mike Liut jersey, then a Blackhawks #40 Darren Pang.[/quote]
What is it with the affection for “obscure” or seemingly-obscure goalie jerseys? I’ve long told friends that if I were ever to get a Hawks jersey, it’d be #40 Pang. I think my Whalers might be #30 Sidorkiewicz instead :) The whole Tugnutt discussion had me sighing/chuckling to myself. But the best one may be an old acquaintance of mine actually had a #37 Habs Racicot jersey made (silkscreened and cheap, but still!). That one was a riot.[/quote]
Andre Racicot!! Good one. Peter Sidorkiewicz – OUTSTANDING!! I could also go for a Washington Capitals Don Beaupre because my brother always called him BURP.[/quote]
Something tells me that this is a product of when one started really paying attention to hockey, I know for myself, 87-88-89-90 (coinciding with me being 7-10 years old) are seasons I have fond memories of watching the Sabres, Hockey Night in Canada, and whatever ESPN had on. And thus, these goalies (Beaupre included, and his former partner in Minnesota, Kari Takko!) are near and dear to me, regardless of how good or bad they actually were. My first favorite? Jacques Cloutier for the Sabres. :)
[quote comment=”286446″]This has Paul written all over it:
Yes, it does (and, please, don’t anyone says, “No, it doesn’t; it has ‘ALCOA’ written all over it”).
Love the drawstrings instead of elastics a ends of pantlegs.
I will pledge $10 if we start a kitty to have someone try to win it for Our Flounder, IF…
A) It would fit him,
B) He’ll have it dry-cleaned and pressed (sort of a given, actually)
B) He’ll wear the whole kit n’kaboodle, pants and all, for softball, and post photographic evidence of same,
3) Get…(oh, never mind; was gonna say “get his cleats cleaned up and shined”, but no sense pushing it).
Anyone else up for the “Put Paul in Alcoa Flannels” Pledge Drive?
[quote comment=”286448″]
Something tells me that this is a product of when one started really paying attention to hockey, I know for myself, 87-88-89-90 (coinciding with me being 7-10 years old) are seasons I have fond memories of watching the Sabres, Hockey Night in Canada, and whatever ESPN had on. And thus, these goalies (Beaupre included, and his former partner in Minnesota, Kari Takko!) are near and dear to me, regardless of how good or bad they actually were. My first favorite? Jacques Cloutier for the Sabres. :)[/quote]
Speaking of Kari Takko, Ron Tugnutt, and Hakan Loob (ok, no one mentioned Loob, but it’s relevant) … this is a little NSFW, so turn the volume down, but link. HILARIOUS!!!
Someone on a Seahawks message board was looking to get a jersey and asked what they should get. Because the ‘Hawks have #12 retired just for the fans the overwhelming trend is to get a 12 jersey with your name/nickname on it rather than “FAN.” I think the fans having their own number creates its own rules system. Why shouldn’t you put your name on a jersey that is retired for you?
[quote comment=”286419″]Here’s the rules for jerseys:
NOB is OK if you are:
a. A family member of the player – including girlfriend, or
b. A kid, or
c. Wearing a game-used jersey.
An adult wearing NOB is just WRONG WRONG WRONG.[/quote]
So, in your opinion, nobody can ever wear a football jersey?
[quote comment=”286450″][quote comment=”286448″]
Something tells me that this is a product of when one started really paying attention to hockey, I know for myself, 87-88-89-90 (coinciding with me being 7-10 years old) are seasons I have fond memories of watching the Sabres, Hockey Night in Canada, and whatever ESPN had on. And thus, these goalies (Beaupre included, and his former partner in Minnesota, Kari Takko!) are near and dear to me, regardless of how good or bad they actually were. My first favorite? Jacques Cloutier for the Sabres. :)[/quote]
Speaking of Kari Takko, Ron Tugnutt, and Hakan Loob (ok, no one mentioned Loob, but it’s relevant) … this is a little NSFW, so turn the volume down, but link. HILARIOUS!!![/quote]
I always liked the Winnipeg tandem of Daniel Berthiaume and Rick Tabaracci and Eldon “Pokey” Reddick!
[quote comment=”286439″]I understand why someone might roll their eyes at personalized jerseys with that person’s own NOB, a little pompus I guess. Sorta like when people say “we” when refering to “their” teams-on-the-field activities. “Man, we(meaning the Packers and myself?) really stunk it up against the Niners!” But why do people care if they wear a jersey with a current of former player’s NOB? I just don’t get that frustration I guess. If I wanted to go buy a Quentin White Sox jersey because I love the Sox, and Quentin’s my current favorite player, how does that make me weird? But hey, that’s just one man opinion.[/quote]
Bad example – when somebody says that about the Packers, they very well might be a stockholder. So “we” is very appropriate in that case.
I share your sentiment about having a player’s NOB. Seems okay to me.
I have my own NOB on 2 jerseys (authentic) which I rarely wear, even to games. I know there is a huge amount of disapproval for this (which first came to my attention in a Bill Simmons column a few years back). The reason I did it is twofold. First, it’s becoming virtually impossible to be a fan of any player because they’re only around for a short while. Second, I don’t feel that a middle age, middle class, suburban guy should run around glorifying a 23 year old billionaire. I am a fan of the game, the team, the uni’s, and I’ve been that way for longer than the entire roster of my favorite teams. It’s my NOB.
Disclaimer: I don’t, under any circumstances refer to the teams as “we.” In fact, when someone says “we won” etc., I ask them what position they played in the game.
Disclaimer 2: I am not waiting for the gm to put me into the game.
[quote comment=”286370″]Absolute rule:
If you are attending a sporting event, do no wear the jersey of a team not competing.[/quote]
I am at the ‘Stick last year for the 49ers and the Rams game and two rows in front of me is a guy wearing a TCU LT jersey, a Barry Sanders OSU hat and sunglasses with the Steelers logo.
Who do you root for?
OK, if we’re gonna make numbered lists, mine would be, and these are my personal standards; I generally do not judge other people by them, because really, there’s no right or wrong here:
(1) No NOB, unless you’ve actually been called on to play for the team at some point in your career, and you’re wearing your own name. Numbers are fine. Be a fan; don’t play dress-up.
(2) For baseball, do not match jersey and cap from the same uniform. Be a fan; don’t play dress-up.
(3) Jerseys for teams not participating are fine. It’s OK to show that you love the sport, or have a favorite player who’s not playing, or whatever.
(4) Jerseys that relate in any way to the contest at hand, but obscurely, are awesome, and the more obscure the connection, the awesomer. Wearing a Bowie Baysox jersey to an Orioles game? Awesome. Wearing an Expos jersey to a Nats game? Awesome. Wearing an Ohio State baseball jersey to a Texas Rangers game because Frank Howard was your favorite expansion Senators player? Very awesome. Wearing an Eden Prairie High School football jersey to a Vikings game because former Vikes coach Bud Grant’s son Mike coached Eden Prairie to the state championship? Extremely awesome.
(5) Collared shirt under the jersey? Fine, as long as you’ve actually come to the game from a situation that requires wearing a tie, and you are still wearing that tie under the jersey.
(6) Do not straddle the fence. If you grew up a Cardinals fan but you live in Milwaukee now, do not combine your Cardinals jersey with your Brewers cap. Pick one for the day and root for a good game. Corollary: If you have children, teach them to root for the home team, no matter what team you grew up rooting for, and if you’re gonna wear a jersey to the game with them, support their home team, not your old home team. You’re supposed to be a grown-up, for crying out loud.
(7) If you’re a man, be very certain that you can actually pull off a kilt before you wear a kilt with a jersey. But if you can pull it off, go for it. Jerseys worn with kilts should always be tucked.
[quote comment=”286454″][quote comment=”286439″]I understand why someone might roll their eyes at personalized jerseys with that person’s own NOB, a little pompus I guess. Sorta like when people say “we” when refering to “their” teams-on-the-field activities. “Man, we(meaning the Packers and myself?) really stunk it up against the Niners!” But why do people care if they wear a jersey with a current of former player’s NOB? I just don’t get that frustration I guess. If I wanted to go buy a Quentin White Sox jersey because I love the Sox, and Quentin’s my current favorite player, how does that make me weird? But hey, that’s just one man opinion.[/quote]
Bad example – when somebody says that about the Packers, they very well might be a stockholder. So “we” is very appropriate in that case.
I share your sentiment about having a player’s NOB. Seems okay to me.[/quote]
Ooooo good point, I stand corrected in that instance.
I have just one jersey. A mid 80s SF Giants home jersey with no name or number on the back. The only time I have ever worn it was to games at the ‘Stick (OK, once to Three Rivers in Pittsburgh but the Giants were playing). I thought about doing a name/number on the back but would probably have only gotten a retired player. None of those guys ever wore that style jersey, so I left it blank. I indulged myself with my membership card, though…
My only rule for others is if you’re going to get a name/number on the back, just make damn sure its the right font and lettering style to go with that jersey. It doesn’t matter to me if it is your own name or not.
[quote comment=”286452″][quote comment=”286419″]Here’s the rules for jerseys:
NOB is OK if you are:
a. A family member of the player – including girlfriend, or
b. A kid, or
c. Wearing a game-used jersey.
An adult wearing NOB is just WRONG WRONG WRONG.[/quote]
So, in your opinion, nobody can ever wear a football jersey?[/quote]
That the point I was trying to make. According to a lot of the people here, we can’t I disagree completly. To me a NFL jersey without a name and number would look strange.
is it possible favre brought his old shoulder pads with him?
I have about 80 jerseys from various sports and wouYou d have more had some not been lost in a move 20 years ago. My brothers have other collections (apothecary bottles,folk music vinyl); this one’s mine.
As for wearing jerseys, I have one rule: I will wear what I want, when I want, where I want. You may do the same.
[quote comment=”286400″][quote comment=”286316″]If I were offered some opportunity to get a “hero shit” (as they’re called in soccer circles) [/quote]
To get a what? ;)[/quote]
Oh shirt! Me and my tpyos…
[quote]I still want a Brett Lindros NYI jersey.
People would undoubtedly break into hysterical laughter at that one.[/quote]
after they helped you back up, maybe :o)
About “We”. Gotta agree. If you have never played for the team, it isn’t “we”. If you don’t receive a paycheck from the organization, it isn’t “we”.
Sorry, just sounds like you live in a fantasy world…even if you do own stock in the Packers…or you graduated from that school.
Seen so many fans all costumed or jerseyed up, hollering coaching and/or playing instructions, apparently under the impression that their particular bit of unique, individual knowledge and devotion will have a profound affect on the outcome of the game.
Here’s the truth. Fans are faceless, easily interchangeable parts of the event. As long as SOMEONE is there cheering that’s all that matters. Precisely WHO those people are is irrelevant.
If you think it’s “we,” do this: Name a player who loved “your” team so much he stayed despite an offer of more money elsewhere.
I often think of Mork: “Reality, what a concept.”
(Don’t tell this to anyone under 11 or so, though. Let them find it out later, on their own).
[quote comment=”286464″][quote]I still want a Brett Lindros NYI jersey.
People would undoubtedly break into hysterical laughter at that one.[/quote]
after they helped you back up, maybe :o)[/quote]
Are you saying that I’d come down with sort of concussion-like syndrome and would be unable to wear my Lindros #75 jersey proudly? ;o)
[quote comment=”286466″][quote comment=”286464″][quote]I still want a Brett Lindros NYI jersey.
People would undoubtedly break into hysterical laughter at that one.[/quote]
after they helped you back up, maybe :o)[/quote]
Are you saying that I’d come down with sort of concussion-like syndrome and would be unable to wear my Lindros #75 jersey proudly? ;o)[/quote]
New University of Idaho uni’s:
I like the “I” on the collar, but of course, the swoosh is waaaay too big…
here’s one scenario that hasn’t been covered, as it pretains to jersey etiquette…
when i was married, i went to many local (mets, jankmees, one jest game, one g-men, ducks, knicks, isles, and some of the lesser sports — MISL, indoor lax, arena, shit like that) games, and wore mets gear to mets games (nothing to yanks), and g-men (was early september game) jersey (nothing to jest), knicks cap, isles sweater…nothing to the non-major sports…so it was never a problem…as far as wearing “my” team’s gear…
however…had an ex (ex-fiancee, actually) in central florida, so i “became” a bucs fan for the game we caught at raymond james (could not EVER root for nor support any other fla teams even then), and another ex-GF in winnipeg, and i “became” a goldeye/blue bomber/moose fan (wouldn’t have conflicted with any ‘LI’ loyalties) for those games we attended, purchasing (or been given as gifts) those teams gear…
is that wrong? i was supporting “her” team in her teams’ stadia, even though i wasn’t truly a fan of said team(s)…
what’s the etiquette there? is there any? should one NOT wear the colors of one’s gf (and show support for her team) if said team is not one’s own?
[quote comment=”286469″]k…
here’s one scenario that hasn’t been covered, as it pretains to jersey etiquette…
when i was married, i went to many local (mets, jankmees, one jest game, one g-men, ducks, knicks, isles, and some of the lesser sports — MISL, indoor lax, arena, shit like that) games, and wore mets gear to mets games (nothing to yanks), and g-men (was early september game) jersey (nothing to jest), knicks cap, isles sweater…nothing to the non-major sports…so it was never a problem…as far as wearing “my” team’s gear…
however…had an ex (ex-fiancee, actually) in central florida, so i “became” a bucs fan for the game we caught at raymond james (could not EVER root for nor support any other fla teams even then), and another ex-GF in winnipeg, and i “became” a goldeye/blue bomber/moose fan (wouldn’t have conflicted with any ‘LI’ loyalties) for those games we attended, purchasing (or been given as gifts) those teams gear…
is that wrong? i was supporting “her” team in her teams’ stadia, even though i wasn’t truly a fan of said team(s)…
what’s the etiquette there? is there any? should one NOT wear the colors of one’s gf (and show support for her team) if said team is not one’s own?[/quote]
If you have no allegiance, I say “when in Rome…”. Besides, unless you’re Ron Burgandy, you can’t go wrong with that expression. LOL!
[quote comment=”286469″]k…
here’s one scenario that hasn’t been covered, as it pretains to jersey etiquette…
when i was married, i went to many local (mets, jankmees, one jest game, one g-men, ducks, knicks, isles, and some of the lesser sports — MISL, indoor lax, arena, shit like that) games, and wore mets gear to mets games (nothing to yanks), and g-men (was early september game) jersey (nothing to jest), knicks cap, isles sweater…nothing to the non-major sports…so it was never a problem…as far as wearing “my” team’s gear…
however…had an ex (ex-fiancee, actually) in central florida, so i “became” a bucs fan for the game we caught at raymond james (could not EVER root for nor support any other fla teams even then), and another ex-GF in winnipeg, and i “became” a goldeye/blue bomber/moose fan (wouldn’t have conflicted with any ‘LI’ loyalties) for those games we attended, purchasing (or been given as gifts) those teams gear…
is that wrong? i was supporting “her” team in her teams’ stadia, even though i wasn’t truly a fan of said team(s)…
what’s the etiquette there? is there any? should one NOT wear the colors of one’s gf (and show support for her team) if said team is not one’s own?[/quote]
Here’s what I do.
Wear a sweatshirt, sweater or hat in the local teams’s color(s), but not “team” gear. Pretty hard for someone at, for example, a Vikings game to say, “What, you’re not supporting our team???’ if you’re sitting there wearing a purple sweater, logo-ed or not.
(Or in your case, LI Phil, perhaps that purple shirt you wore to work the other day).
Okay, purple’s a little extreme.
Wear a nice navy blue sweater–the one Aunt Lucille gave you, maybe–to, say, a Michigan game in Ann Arbor.
(No, no, LI Phil, not the reindeer one…the OTHER one from Aunt Lucille)
I think that wearing apparel of a team that’s not playing to a game is fine, as long as the other team plays in the same city of one of the teams playing. For instance, I cannot (and probably never will) find a San Jose Earthquakes hat that I like. So I almost always wear a Sharks hat with my Quakes jersey. However, if a team has a very strong color that everyone wears at the stadium, don’t wear anything from a local team that has other colors. Wearing a Rams jersey to a Cardinals game (blue shirt in a red crowd) makes you look like an idiot.
Throwback jerseys of relocated or folded teams is fine, as long as it’s for the same sport. A Pilots hat to a Mariners game is cool (unless they’re playing the Brewers, obviously), but a Pilots hat at a Seahawks game is no good.
Not this one…
(Oh, man would be fun to show up wearing something like that on Christmas Eve and freak out the kids, though).
[quote comment=”286474″]Not this one…
(Oh, man would be fun to show up wearing something like that on Christmas Eve and freak out the kids, though).[/quote]
Yes, I know those are moose. It’s a general fashion concept we’re discussing here.
Snowflakes, for example, are always a nice alternative…and oh-so-festive.
ricko…you didn’t confuse the green & white pills with the blue pills again, i hope ;)
[quote comment=”286469″]k…
here’s one scenario that hasn’t been covered, as it pretains to jersey etiquette…
when i was married, i went to many local (mets, jankmees, one jest game, one g-men, ducks, knicks, isles, and some of the lesser sports — MISL, indoor lax, arena, shit like that) games, and wore mets gear to mets games (nothing to yanks), and g-men (was early september game) jersey (nothing to jest), knicks cap, isles sweater…nothing to the non-major sports…so it was never a problem…as far as wearing “my” team’s gear…
however…had an ex (ex-fiancee, actually) in central florida, so i “became” a bucs fan for the game we caught at raymond james (could not EVER root for nor support any other fla teams even then), and another ex-GF in winnipeg, and i “became” a goldeye/blue bomber/moose fan (wouldn’t have conflicted with any ‘LI’ loyalties) for those games we attended, purchasing (or been given as gifts) those teams gear…
is that wrong? i was supporting “her” team in her teams’ stadia, even though i wasn’t truly a fan of said team(s)…
what’s the etiquette there? is there any? should one NOT wear the colors of one’s gf (and show support for her team) if said team is not one’s own?[/quote]
I was recently in Bucharest and went to a Rapid match. Bought the scarf, wore it displayed it, waved it a the appropriate times. It’ll now go on my wall as a souvenir of a great trip, complete with memories of an event-filled match and fan experience. I’ll even keep an eye on their results for a while, especially since my cousin / host is a fan of the hated rivals, Steaua.
But Rapid are miles away from my beloved Manchester United (yes, MY and I refer to things as “WE” – I don’t care how much I’m not paid by the club, I’ve got more passion invested in them than 90% of the people ever paid by the club to wear the colours.) They’ll never come close in my heart and that’s that. Fun flirt, great time, now back to the loch with ye, Nessie!
If that’s what it was for you, it’s aces in my book. Have fun, soak up some local flavour. Thats’ the stuff the average tourist never really gets to see, and it really shows the true heart beat of a community.
On the other hand, there are teams where I’ve refused tickets, refuse to put their players in my fantasy team, won’t enter contests if the prize deals with them. I will NEVER compromise my principles on those fronts.
Now, if you played around with the enemy, SHAME ON YOU. Return all your violated fan gear and never wear it again.
[quote comment=”286468″]New University of Idaho uni’s:
I like the “I” on the collar, but of course, the swoosh is waaaay too big…[/quote]
Definitely grasping when your coach thinks that simply having Nike versus Adidas will help with recruiting. Not sure what he meant by “better gold”
It is good to see the I return to the helmet (“Big Black Eye” rivalry jokes aside)
Overall a huge improvement over last year:
I’m sorry if this has been previously discussed. but I’m watching the Tour of Ireland (don’t ask.) anyway i think their logo it pretty cool. tho not alphanumeric, it still has that kind of double entendre seen in the Hartford Whalers, Milwaukee Brewers, or International Harvester. No?
check it out.
I have about 20 jerseys, I like collecting them. 4 of them are authentic.
As a UF fan, I have tried to own any football jersey that they would possibly wear on any given gameday. I have a blue #1 jersey w/ 100 year patch, a white #1 jersey (no patches), a blue #15 jersey w/ Nat. Champ Patch, a white #15 jersey with Nat. Champ Patch (I resisted this one because it was never actaully worn, but I might remove the patch later), and a blue #1 jersey that has… wait for it… one ORANGE SLEEVE!!! (/sarcasm) I used to have an orange jersey (Emmitt Smith style) but I outgrew it…
With my obsession over Gators football jerseys comes good laughs too: I was shown a jersey, that had any blue replaced with black, by a salesperson, and I laughed for about 5 minutes. When I finally stopped, he asked “what was so funny?” I responded with a simple: If ya don’t know, ya don’t deserve to…
My feeling on jerseys is that I never get a jersey with a current player. Thay’ll probably get traded or go somewhere else as a free agent. I have a Steve Grogan #14 Patriots (Retro red) jersey and a Luis Tiant Red Sox shirt.
I have about 5 Jerseys, 2 Authentics, 3 Replicas.
2 are Yankees, one Pinstriped Jeter Replica with no NOB (BC sports has all Yankee replicas w/ NNOB, only place I’ve ever found with them) and one is a blank old BP authentic. I wear the BP a lot, it’s a decent casual look, however the Pinstripes I only wear to games or on big days (OD, after a big win, clinching the playoffs, etc)
1 is an authentic Navy jersey with #1 and “Midshipmen” on the back as the NOB. This is something I don’t think has been addressed. To me, this is the best compromise for college football jerseys, since football with no name or number looks awful, and since most schools have the school name, rather than nickname on the front. This does not work for pro however, as jerseys like this tend to look awful.
2 are Giants cheep replicas, screen printed on mesh.
My rules have always been:
1. Never wear a jersey tucked in. Looks awful.
2. You can wear a jersey for a team not playing so long as you are visiting from out of town and the jersey is from the same sport and not of a rival (IE no red sox at Yankee stadium) or from the same city but different sports (Giants at Yankees=OK Mets at Yankees=No)
3. Never wear hat + jersey combo outside of the stadium or a bar watching the game, save after big wins.
4. Farm teams are OK at major league team games, and vice versa.
5. Wearing jerseys casually is perfectly fine.
6. NO jerseys designed for a team that is supposed to look like a jersey for a different sport. I’ve seen a few Yankee jerseys that are supposed to look like football jerseys. I hate this.
7. This is most important. If the team makes the cheaper jerseys with NOB but the jersey should be NNOB, there is no reason that a person should be ridiculed for it. I don’t know how many times I’ve had people come up to me at the stadium and as where I found the replica with NNOB, fans want them, they just cant afford the extra $70 for NNOB and a ruber MLB patch. It’s stupid, you could buy two NOB replicas for that.
I’ve got 6 jersies (an authentic David Robinson black Spurs jersey, a replica Mark Brunnell Jags jersey, a replica orange Emmit Smith Gator jersey with NNOB that I’m going to have J.L. WILLIAMS put on when I get some money, a replica NNOB Pops Mensah-Bonsu GWU Colonials jersey, a Dontrell Willis National League All-Star jersey t-shirt, and a very poorly done replica Accra Hearts of Oak soccer jersey with no name and no number). I don’t wear any of them more than a couple of times a year but when I do I don’t play by any rules. I might wake up tomorrow and throw on a pair of cords, my flops, a cotton dress shirt and my Pops jersey to go to the super market to pick up a case of High Life. That’s how I roll, live with it or don’t.
[quote comment=”286449″][quote comment=”286446″]This has Paul written all over it:
Yes, it does (and, please, don’t anyone says, “No, it doesn’t; it has ‘ALCOA’ written all over it”).
Love the drawstrings instead of elastics a ends of pantlegs.
I will pledge $10 if we start a kitty to have someone try to win it for Our Flounder, IF…
A) It would fit him,
B) He’ll have it dry-cleaned and pressed (sort of a given, actually)
B) He’ll wear the whole kit n’kaboodle, pants and all, for softball, and post photographic evidence of same,
3) Get…(oh, never mind; was gonna say “get his cleats cleaned up and shined”, but no sense pushing it).
Anyone else up for the “Put Paul in Alcoa Flannels” Pledge Drive?
I appreciate the thought, but I’ve seen this listing several times now (it hasn’t sold, so the seller keeps re-listing it) and it doesn’t quite excite me. One-color lettering, no pinstriping, no vertically arched lettering, etc. It’s OK, but I don’t quite think it’s special.
Also: The 22-inch pit-to-pit measurement means it’s a 44 chest, which in turn means it’s too big for me.
More thoughts:
1. Baseball and hockey jerseys look cool blank backed. Football and basketball look awful without a player name & number on back. So everyone who says wearing names of players on your back is dumb, what’s on the back of your basketball/football jerseys?
2. Collared shirts look cool under hockey jerseys ONLY. Looks like you just got drafted, and put on the teams jersey for a photograph. A very cool look.
3. Hoodies under hockey jerseys, with the hood popping out the neck for use on the head is a super look for cold winter days. The hockey jersey is really a fantastic fashion accessory.
[quote comment=”286476″]ricko…you didn’t confuse the green & white pills with the blue pills again, i hope ;)[/quote]
Oooo, nooo….I never confuse the blue pills with anything.
Don’t wanna waste THEM.
Those are for, like…showtime.
[quote comment=”286487″][quote comment=”286476″]ricko…you didn’t confuse the green & white pills with the blue pills again, i hope ;)[/quote]
Oooo, nooo….I never confuse the blue pills with anything.
Don’t wanna waste THEM.
Those are for, like…showtime.
This is the very definition of “too much information,” folks. Let’s please move on. Thanks.
In my own jersey collection, I have a surprising amount of hockey jerseys, despite the fact that I don’t follow it too closely. I simply love the designs and the feel of a nice sweater. Wear ’em everywhere (in winter of course). My favorite’s gotta be the Boston Bruins (makes me feel like Happy Gilmore).
Completely agree with the guy that said basketball and football jerseys need numbers to look normal, and baseball/hockey/soccer look fine numberless.
I also have a number of Mexican/European soccer jerseys, which I also have no set rules about wearing. My three European jerseys were the three major souvenirs I brought back from a study abroad that encompassed Paris, Frankfurt and Florence.
I do feel weird wearing basketball jerseys as a normal outfit, but only because I don’t like the sleevelessness.
And lastly, I do own a personalized jersey – Packers white away #22 (unfortunately too big, got it when I was a bit heavier, but I’ll still wear it till the day I shrivel up in it).
Okay, but it WAS a really cool moose sweater.
Speaking of things that can my you itch, anybody hear Joe Morgan last night, saying something about, “You see an red socks on the Red Sox?”
Hey, Joe, check out ESPN right now, focus on the Boston pitcher for a second.
Collar under hockey jersey fashion trend-you saw it first on uniwatch.
[quote]Speaking of things that can my you itch[/quote]
no seriously…im not busting on your typing, as i can usually figger out what you mean…
but…for real…what did you mean there?
There’s one small exception to the rules that needs to be mentioned. Wearing a jersey at a game where neither team is currently playing IS acceptable if the player on said jersey is playing in the game (albeit with a different team).
For example, its NOW ok (although I don’t know why you would) to wear your Atlanta Braves’ Mark Kotsay jersey at a Red Sox game.
[quote]Fun flirt, great time, now back to the loch with ye, Nessie!
If that’s what it was for you, it’s aces in my book.[/quote]
not quite how i would have phrased it (particularly with the ex-fiancee)…but in retrospect…
at the risk of being admonished for TFMI…lets just say the jersey’s weren’t only worn for the game…
so yeah…;)
I think I must violate everyone’s rules everytime I go outside.
1. I wear my hockey sweaters or baseball jerseys or futbol kits as casual wear (once it gets cold enough).
2. I never wear a sweater of a team actually playing in the event I’m at.
Maybe because I’m a contrarian, but I love seeing as many different sweaters at a game as possible. Anyone can wear the stuff for the home team. Think outside the box a little.
The one thing I won’t do is mix and match either teams or sports. No Bowling Green hockey sweater with Padres hat.
This topic is also a wonderful lead-up to Paul’s appearance on Dave Dameshek’s podcast. He has been making a “fan conduct policy” and many of the entries are uni-related.
[quote comment=”286493″][quote]Speaking of things that can my you itch[/quote]
no seriously…im not busting on your typing, as i can usually figger out what you mean…
but…for real…what did you mean there?[/quote]
that MAKE you itch….as in sweater and Morgan’s comments (my typing is just…odd…since I messed up that finger; ended up a litle crooked, lol). Sorry about that.
what is the cutoff age for bringing a glove to a baseball game? me and my cousin go to every sunday mets game and have had many drunken conversations about this. we’ve come to the conclusion that 15 yrs. old is the limit. any older and u start to look like a total homo. and don’t bring it if you’re sitting in a section that has no chance of a foul ball!
[quote]any older and u start to look like a total homo[/quote]
a what?
Here are the pics I’ve seen of the link. I know it’s not on topic for today, but I posted about Baylor’s 2008 uni’s a little while back, and I’ve been meaning to get these up for a while.
Not a huge change…last year’s link link link. Then there were the link which I hesitate to even mention – but at least they’re gone now (supposedly reconditioned w/ gold paint for practice). And that means no more Gumby look for the Bears, which we’ll just try to forget. Why mess w/ such a link?
The new helmets use some elements of link (which haven’t changed much link) and add a new stripe pattern that will match the pants. Hopefully we’ll play as good as we’ll look. We’ll see tomorrow night as the Bears open the season at home against nationally ranked Wake Forest on TV to open the Art Briles era. Here’s hoping…
[quote comment=”286499″][quote]any older and u start to look like a total homo[/quote]
a what?[/quote]
sorry i meant dumb/nerd. not the sexual orientation. i apologize
Penguins are wearing third jerseys next season:
[quote comment=”286500″]Here are the pics I’ve seen of the link. I know it’s not on topic for today, but I posted about Baylor’s 2008 uni’s a little while back, and I’ve been meaning to get these up for a while.
Not a huge change…last year’s link link link. Then there were the link which I hesitate to even mention – but at least they’re gone now (supposedly reconditioned w/ gold paint for practice). And that means no more Gumby look for the Bears, which we’ll just try to forget. Why mess w/ such a link?
The new helmets use some elements of link (which haven’t changed much link) and add a new stripe pattern that will match the pants. Hopefully we’ll play as good as we’ll look. We’ll see tomorrow night as the Bears open the season at home against nationally ranked Wake Forest on TV to open the Art Briles era. Here’s hoping…[/quote]
The new helmets aren’t a big change, but the little change has benefited the Bears this year.
The green helmets actually looked nice on the road. Gave the Bears more of an intimidating look.
Duckstyle, I was born in Rockford at St. Anthony’s, and grew up in Loves Park. Huskie Pride. I’ve lived in Racine since 1990.
It is almost mandatory to wear Packers apparel or Green and Gold on Packer game day.
Including to church.
Admittedly, casual attire is common at Mass in recent years. But yes, Packers jerseys at church.
Make of that what you will.
[quote comment=”286498″]what is the cutoff age for bringing a glove to a baseball game? me and my cousin go to every sunday mets game and have had many drunken conversations about this. we’ve come to the conclusion that 15 yrs. old is the limit. any older and u start to look like a total homo. and don’t bring it if you’re sitting in a section that has no chance of a foul ball![/quote]
Total pet peeve of mine… I think your 15-year old cutoff is good.
The only, and I mean ONLY exception to this rule is if your with your kids and they have gloves also.
So, whereas I can see everyone’s rules on jersey wearing and get some, don’t get others, I have NO wiggle room on this.
Grown men should not wear gloves to ball games.
[quote comment=”286413″][quote comment=”286403″][quote comment=”286402″]Does it seem to anyone else that the ratio of hockey fans/other sports fans is higher on this blog than in real life? If so, is that just random chance, or is there some reason?[/quote]
I think that steams from the perception that no one cares about hockey/soccer when the actually do.[/quote]
I think you’re absolutely right.
I understand that living on the East Coast might give me an inflated sense of the sport’s popularity, but the number of Premier League shirts I saw in Milwaukee last week tells me something of its global fanbase.[/quote]
I was at WI State Fair a couple of weekends ago and was shocked at the number of soccer jerseys I saw – all replicas. It was at least 15. At State Fair!
I’m with Ricko (there’s a surprise) on you only get to use “we” if you are, or ever were, employed by the team.
I once read a great piece of advice on foul ball etiquette: If you catch one, have your “I got it” moment … then find a kid and give him/her the ball.
News on OKC hoops. We can only hope for the best…. and my vote is Marshalls.
OKLAHOMA CITY — Oklahoma City’s new NBA franchise has finally set a date to announce its name and team colors.
The team said Wednesday that it would unveil the name and colors simultaneously on its Web site and at a downtown event Sept. 3.
Clay Bennett’s ownership group has applied for trademarks for six names: Thunder, Energy, Wind, Marshalls, Barons and Bison.
Oklahoma City television station KOCO has reported that the choice will be Thunder, but Bennett has refused to comment on what the name will be.
The former Seattle SuperSonics announced on July 2 that they would be moving to Oklahoma City.
Copyright 2008 by The Associated Press
[quote]I once read a great piece of advice on foul ball etiquette: If you catch one, have your “I got it” moment … then find a kid and give him/her the ball.[/quote]
hold on there chief…
that ONLY applies to your SECOND (and any subsequent) foul ball(s)
i had been to maybe 50 games (granted, in some seats where fouls dared not tread), and never got one…FINALLY…at a mets game in, i believe, 1989 (wearing a dead tye-dye, not my usual quirky t-shirt, btw)..i got one! somewhere, i still have that…still has bill white’s signature on it, and a bit of the leather was schmeared from gregg jeffries (ugh) bat…
now..a few years later i got my second foul ball and i did give it to the kid seated in front of me (who turned out to be an ungrateful sumbiotch…it wasn’t MY fault i knocked him to the concrete to get the foul…of course the other fans and ushers disagreed, as i was asked to please have a nice day outside of shea…maybe i shouldn’t have wung the ball back to the kid???)
anyhoo…first foul ever=YOURS
any subsequent fouls=NOT YOURS
AP really needs to do spell check…unless the seventh option was tj maxx
[quote comment=”286509″][quote]I once read a great piece of advice on foul ball etiquette: If you catch one, have your “I got it” moment … then find a kid and give him/her the ball.[/quote]
hold on there chief…
that ONLY applies to your SECOND (and any subsequent) foul ball(s)
i had been to maybe 50 games (granted, in some seats where fouls dared not tread), and never got one…FINALLY…at a mets game in, i believe, 1989 (wearing a dead tye-dye, not my usual quirky t-shirt, btw)..i got one! somewhere, i still have that…still has bill white’s signature on it, and a bit of the leather was schmeared from gregg jeffries (ugh) bat…
now..a few years later i got my second foul ball and i did give it to the kid seated in front of me (who turned out to be an ungrateful sumbiotch…it wasn’t MY fault i knocked him to the concrete to get the foul…of course the other fans and ushers disagreed, as i was asked to please have a nice day outside of shea…maybe i shouldn’t have wung the ball back to the kid???)
anyhoo…first foul ever=YOURS
any subsequent fouls=NOT YOURS[/quote]
Agreed. How many of us have been going to games since we were kids and never got a foul ball? (just don’t use a glove over 15yrs)
True story
I live in Calgary – a couple of years ago I’m at the mall and there’s a guy up ahead of me wearing a Darren McCarty jersey. A little weird (99% of custom jerseys here are Iginla, Phaneuf or Kiprusoff). I get up ahead of the guy and have a look, its actually Darren McCarty.
So I guess to add to all the rules above, you’re allowed to wear the jersey if its actually your jersey.
I feel like a bad UniWatcher: I mostly lurk, posting every six months or so, and I often don’t get to the blog until very late in the day (or very early the next day, like tonight). But, I have a few unrelated comments that I want to get on the record.
1) The Philly Phanatic carried out the Mets pink backpack to the bullpen tonight. (I heard something about Mr. Met was visiting him tonight but missed the video.)
2) The “Pedro Porthole” shows how redundant that second button is on shirts with velcro in the place where it would be on, say, a Cardinals jersey.
3) Paul, you said what I have been thinking for 30 years. I always thought that I’d get custom made cotton-poly blend uniforms if I ever played on an organized team. Polyester just feels like a plastic bag and wool itches me too much. Perhaps the wool-cotton blend flannel of the 60s would be okay. Or else, there is always cashmere. ;)
For me its all about hockey jerseys. My brother got me a no nob New Jersey devils uni in high school. Its a bit too big but i love it. He also got me a Michigan button up basketball warm-up top. Its awesome but i only wear it when playing some sort of official basketball game (which happens once every 2 or 3 years). Mainly they are worn in admiration of him.
My favorite, Columbus Blue Jackets warm up jersey, with the jacket head on the front- Rick Nash name and number on back. I like it and wear it because here in Pittsburgh, people fail to see that there is talent outside of the city
[quote comment=”286514″]For me its all about hockey jerseys. My brother got me a no nob New Jersey devils uni in high school. Its a bit too big but i love it. He also got me a Michigan button up basketball warm-up top. Its awesome but i only wear it when playing some sort of official basketball game (which happens once every 2 or 3 years). Mainly they are worn in admiration of him.
My favorite, Columbus Blue Jackets warm up jersey, with the jacket head on the front- Rick Nash name and number on back. I like it and wear it because here in Pittsburgh, people fail to see that there is talent outside of the city[/quote]
That’s a practice jersey if it is one solid colour. The NHL doesn’t have different jerseys for warm-ups – they wear what they wear in the game.
[quote comment=”286465″]If you think it’s “we,” do this: Name a player who loved “your” team so much he stayed despite an offer of more money elsewhere.
Easy – Robin Yount.
But your point is well taken. We as fans think the job must be a higher calling (as do Star Trek fans with the actors), but to them it’s really just a job.
[quote comment=”286510″]marshalls?
AP really needs to do spell check…unless the seventh option was tj maxx[/quote]
The spelling error didn’t come from the AP, but the team.
Bennett’s group applied for a trademark on the misspelled name.
[quote comment=”286333″][quote comment=”286306″]Jersey wearing etiquette:
1. Never, ever, under any circumstances, tuck it in.
2. Matching undershirt required – white, or one of the colors on the jersey.
3. Never wear matching team jersey/cap unless attending a sporting event of same sport in any city or alternate sport only in the same city. For example, Indians jersey/cap combo is OK at an Indians game, a Cavs game, or at a Nationals-Mets game as a show of support for your team, but NOT OK at a Dallas Mavericks game or at the mall.
4. Avoid wearing jerseys around my mother, as she will no doubt complain about how sloppily you are dressed.
5. Jerseys can be worn with jeans and sneakers or with cargo-type shorts and suitable casual shoes, but never in conjunction with one or more of the following: dress shoes, jean shorts, a collared undershirt (yes, I’ve seen it done), khaki pants, dress pants, and hiking boots.
SIDEBAR: Men, please throw your jean shorts away. They are not cool. Ladies, please wear CUTOFF jean shorts every day, as they are very cool.[/quote]
Kevin from Ohio in Virginia GREAT STUFF! This should be the standard.
-For extra credit your sneakers may match your jersey.
…and my personal Jersey etiquette rule, “DO NOT PURCHASE ANY JERSEY WITH ANY CURRENT PLAYER ON THE BACK. No way no how. I still see Mark Prior jerseys everywhere at Wrigley Field. All my jerseys (I own 7 authentic) have been either customized with my name or bear the name of a legend (Sandberg, Banks, Payton, Sayers, Jordan and Pippen).
-Going BLANK on the back is just fine.[/quote]
With regards your comments about current player jerseys, I agree that if you have a situation like Prior I would just put it in the back of the closet rather than wear it. I split Cubs season tix with 3 other guys and so far this season I have only seen a few “Prior” jerseys, most of them on Kids, which I think are exempt from any rule on this — and probably hand-me-downs anyway. I think you can easily wear jerseys for current players, thats part of the fun for many fans, to wear the jersey of your favorite player while they are still relevant to the team. And heck when they make the HOF or not (Santo for example) you can wear with pride the jersey you once wore in support of that player. I disagree with putting ones name on the jersey, unless you at one time played for the team it is silly. Plus, if you follow the Cubs like I do, you see those personalized jerseys and think someone is touting some obscure up-and-coming minor leaguer, only to find out its Bob from Rockford. My 2 cents.
[quote comment=”286545″][quote comment=”286465″]If you think it’s “we,” do this: Name a player who loved “your” team so much he stayed despite an offer of more money elsewhere.
Easy – Robin Yount.
But your point is well taken. We as fans think the job must be a higher calling (as do Star Trek fans with the actors), but to them it’s really just a job.[/quote]
Many Cubs players have given a “home team” discount, and not only the Cubs but since thats my team I know about them. Heck, Dawson took a blank check. Most recently, both Kerry Wood and Aramis Ramirez took a discount to stay.
I really wish the Texas Rangers would stay away from red. I always hated that 1990s look. The Rangers are blue, they should stay that way and stop trying to relive 1990s glory. Or it could be their merchandise sales are in the tank.