It was about a year ago that Ryan Zimmerman pulled a unique version of the hidden-ball trick by losing a ground ball in his jersey (video of the incident is available here). Fifteen years before that, Daryl Boston of the Mets got one of history’s strangest game-winning RBIs when he came to bat with the bases loaded in the bottom of the 13th of a scoreless game and was “hit” by a pitch that lodged inside his jersey (an account of that oddity is here).
Both of those games came to mind yesterday when Braves pitcher Jeff Bennett undressed Pittsburgh’s Jason Michaels — literally. As Michaels tried to dodge Bennett’s inside pitch, the ball buzzed Michaels’s jersey and ripped it open, leaving the hitter seriously exposed. Michaels buttoned up on his way to first base, but he somehow forgot to tuck in.
You can see the whole thing in real time here. Boy, those Atlanta announcers really get caught up in the excitement of the moment, don’t they?
The weirdest thing about this is that the exposed edge of a right-handed batter’s jersey is facing away from the pitcher (if you’re wearing a button-front shirt, look down at your chest and you’ll see what I mean). So the ball couldn’t have caught the edge of the placket, as I had originally assumed; it must have caught a billow or flap. Which means his jersey was probably too billowy to begin with. Which I guess doesn’t really amount to much when you compare it to this jersey.

Raffle Reminder:Today’s the last day to enter the raffle for a free helmet from Gridiron Memories. If you haven’t entered already, send an e-mail to uniraffle [at] earthlink [dot] net (please note that this is not the usual Uni Watch e-mail address) by 10pm tonight. Only one entry per person, I’ll automatically add three bonus entries for all membership program enrollees. The winner will be announced tomorrow.
Uni Watch News Ticker: The Twins wore their Minnesota sesquicentennial sleeve patch over the weekend (betcha all forgot about that one, even though it was in my MLB season-preview column, right?). They were supposed to wear it last night, too, but they went with their patch-free vest look instead. My understanding is that the patch will now be removed for the rest of the season. ”¦ “Here’s Tottenham Hotspur at home in striped socks against Liverpool,” writes Gordon Wood. “Their regular white home kit does not have stripes. According to the match day report, they were wearing next season’s kit.” ”¦ Mike Pelfrey has stopped wearing his mouthpiece, because he was tipping his pitches by chewing on it. ”¦ Memo to the Phillies: Please call Joe Bisenius up to the bigs immediately (with thanks to Danny White). ”¦ Great article plus accompanying video here about the Angels’ laundress/seamstress. This is one of the best articles I’ve ever seen on this type of team employee, with loads of good details — highly recommended. ”¦ Yesterday I linked to this photo. “I’m pretty sure that’s an all-star game thing,” reports Scott Turner. “For a while, Japanese teams were divided East/West for their all-star game, rather than the current Central and Pacific Leagues.” ”¦ Someone posted this 1938 photo over on the Chris Creamer board. Not sure if that’s a logo on top of the Chicago helmets, but it sure looks that way. If so, it’s one of the earliest (and most oddly positioned) helmet logos on record. ”¦ Naru Oda and Jeremy Brahm report that the Hanshin Tigers have unveiled some really awful uniforms (here’s the rear view), which they’ll wear in interleague games. “The new unis now have 100 grams less material weight, which would enhance player’s mobility,” says Naru. “Instead of embroidered logos and names, they’re now printed. The shaded pants stripes are supposed to give the impression of a wild tiger (I question that part).” ”¦ The Houston Texans have “Take It Away!” and “Protect the Ball!” printed on the back of their practice shorts (good find by Chris Smith). ”¦ FNOB alert: Afonso Alves of Middlesbrough (with thanks to Greg Riffenburgh). ”¦ Speaking of NOBs, Mike Kingery was poking around the Sporting News archives and came up with this 1963 article. Among other things, it indicates that the second and third teams to use NOBs (after the White Sox, who as we all know were the first) were the Cardinals and Braves, which I hadn’t been aware of. ”¦ With all the Mother’s Day rainouts, lots of teams wore pink ribbons in the first games of their doubleheaders yesterday, including the Indians, Pirates (tough to see, but it’s there, plus Freddy Sanchez used a pink bat), and Braves. The Braves/Bucs game had pink-accessorized umps, too. ”¦ Here’s something you don’t often see: a Little League throwback game, with the kids wearing uniforms based on the 1978 Cubs road design. “We weren’t able to pull of the white pinstripes,” writes the team’s coach, who prefers to remain anonymous, “but the classic impossible-to-read royal blue lettering on powder blue jersey was preserved. We even did the names on the back in the true to the original vertical arch.” ”¦ Not uni-related, but this video clip is pretty funny. ”¦ “On Friday, La Salle Prep in Milwaukie, Oregon celebrated Senior Day in style,” writes Travis McGuire. “They broke out the striped stirrups for the first time this season. I think they looked pretty sharp with the off-white unis.” ”¦ Speaking of striped hose, check out Chris King of Tennessee Tech (with thanks to Ernie Goens). ”¦ And still more lower-leg goodness, this time from Matt Campbell, who reports that the Toledo Mud Hens were all wearing stirrups on Sunday. He also notes that the Mud Hens had the International League’s 125th Anniversary patch on their vest chests (other teams are wearing it on their sleeves) and that Charlotte player Brad Eldred “must have left his locker in a hurry, because right before the national anthem I happened to glance in the Charlotte dugout and saw this horrifying sight.” Best of all, Matt took a bunch of dynamite shots at the traveling Minor League Baseball Museum (part of this promotion) — check out his slideshow of photos here. … We’ve all seen batters drop their bat in disgust and leave it at home plate if they don’t like an ump’s call. And then there are the players (and managers) who’ll throw stuff from the dugout onto the field after getting tossed from a game. But last night is the first time I’ve seen a catcher shed his gear in protest: Yadier Molina got into an argument and left his gear at the plate. Very short video clip here. … Have you seen these Dodgers wigs thingies? There’s a good article on the woman who makes them here (with thanks to Murketing‘s Rob Walker).
Ryan Zimmerman, not Jeff.
Paul, I will work my hardest to find something, but when Ed Ott was catching for the Pirates, he took his gear off in a similar fashion. It was somewhat of an infamous thing that my parents always talked about but was before my time.
In the early 90s, I got Ott’s autograph at PirateFest and he did confirm it happened. He said he was arguing with the homeplate umpire over a foul tip that he felt he caught for the third strike but the ump said hit the ground and he didn’t make the catch clean.
i went down to toledo to see a mudhens game during curtis granderson’s rehab stint last month. it was a saturday night game, against the louisville bats. everybody wore stirrups during that game, as well. i live north of detroit, so i don’t get down there often, but i wonder if they might wear them all the time..?
Chris King plays for Tennessee Tech not the University of Tennessee
I believe that is the University of Chicago Maroons logo on the top of their helmet in the 1938 picture. Their logo was a wishbone “C”, and that is sure what it looks like.
The same thing happened to Chris Truby while he was playing for the Houston Astros. I forget which year, but it was when Caminiti was still with the Astros and got hurt in the middle of the season. Truby played third base for the rest of the season and, fielding a bouncing grounder not unlike the one shown here, the ball went through the gap where the team name doesn’t have any buttons.
[quote comment=”269718″]Ryan Zimmerman, not Jeff.[/quote]
Thanks. Fixed.
[quote comment=”269721″]Chris King plays for Tennessee Tech not the University of Tennessee[/quote]
Thanks. Fixed.
[quote comment=”269726″]The same thing happened to Chris Truby while he was playing for the Houston Astros. I forget which year, but it was when Caminiti was still with the Astros and got hurt in the middle of the season. Truby played third base for the rest of the season and, fielding a bouncing grounder not unlike the one shown here, the ball went through the gap where the team name doesn’t have any buttons.[/quote]
Good one. An account of that game, and of other ball/jersey interactions, is here:
Is it me or does it seem like a lot of guys will wear stirrups in the minors but not when they get into the majors? It seems most of Paul’s stirrups pictures come from the minors. Wonder if the vet’s tell the rookies to stop wearing them?
Ozzie Guillen still had a pink ribbon on his jacket yesterday, even though the team wore them on Sunday (and they were gone yesterday, even though they were wearing the same uniforms).
Do all little leagues require the cages on batting helmets now? I weep for the future and how soft this country has become. Getting hurt is part of growing up. Shiloh and Dakota can take a shot or two, probably be good for them.
[quote comment=”269720″]i went down to toledo to see a mudhens game during curtis granderson’s rehab stint last month. it was a saturday night game, against the louisville bats. everybody wore stirrups during that game, as well. i live north of detroit, so i don’t get down there often, but i wonder if they might wear them all the time..?[/quote]
My guess is that they do wear them all the time. I live in Columbus and went to a couple Clippers games 2 years ago when they played the Mud Hens, and both times the entire team was wearing stirrups.
name that molina?
suspended molina
also i barely remember jr. wearing stirrups with the mariners…question is…are those REAL stirrups of the link fake pieces of sh*t?
im guessing jr. will take #24 when he returns to the M’s
[quote comment=”269738″]name that molina?
suspended molina
also i barely remember jr. wearing stirrups with the mariners…question is…are those REAL stirrups of the link fake pieces of sh*t?
im guessing jr. will take #24 when he returns to the M’s[/quote]
might help if i include the link of jr. wearing said stirrups
The Houston Texans have “Take It Away!” and “Protect the Ball!” printed on the back of their practice shorts
I thought only girls wore lettering on the butts of their pants/shorts….. guess I was wrong. Kind of weird they have to look at each other’s butts now to be reminded what their motto is. NTTAWWT. Wait, yes there is.
On the Bisenius pic it looks like those are fake stirrups. It all looks like one piece, the stirrup should be raised off the sock and doesn’t appear to be. If so he should stay down in the minors.
[quote comment=”269740″]The Houston Texans have “Take It Away!” and “Protect the Ball!” printed on the back of their practice shorts
I thought only girls wore lettering on the butts of their pants/shorts….. guess I was wrong. Kind of weird they have to look at each other’s butts now to be reminded what their motto is. NTTAWWT. Wait, yes there is.
david carr…your thoughts?
Some organizations require all of their players to wear stirrups in the minor leagues, others don’t. So the Mud Hens wearing stirrups is likely an every-day occurrence.
[quote comment=”269733″]Do all little leagues require the cages on batting helmets now? I weep for the future and how soft this country has become. Getting hurt is part of growing up. Shiloh and Dakota can take a shot or two, probably be good for them.[/quote]
Oh brother…
[quote comment=”269730″]Is it me or does it seem like a lot of guys will wear stirrups in the minors but not when they get into the majors? It seems most of Paul’s stirrups pictures come from the minors. Wonder if the vet’s tell the rookies to stop wearing them?[/quote]
Paul, didn’t you cite a blog that David Wright stated that he’d rather wear the pants high but that the look was frowned upon in the Mets’ clubhouse as being unprofessional?
[quote comment=”269742″][quote comment=”269740″]The Houston Texans have “Take It Away!” and “Protect the Ball!” printed on the back of their practice shorts
I thought only girls wore lettering on the butts of their pants/shorts….. guess I was wrong. Kind of weird they have to look at each other’s butts now to be reminded what their motto is. NTTAWWT. Wait, yes there is.
david carr…your thoughts?[/quote]
He probably already asked Joe Skiba for them for the NY Giants!
A lot of minor league teams require their guys to wear stirrups/high pants.
[quote comment=”269748″][quote comment=”269730″]Is it me or does it seem like a lot of guys will wear stirrups in the minors but not when they get into the majors? It seems most of Paul’s stirrups pictures come from the minors. Wonder if the vet’s tell the rookies to stop wearing them?[/quote]
Paul, didn’t you cite a blog that David Wright stated that he’d rather wear the pants high but that the look was frowned upon in the Mets’ clubhouse as being unprofessional?[/quote]
Yeah. That was in 2006, though. Wright now goes high-cuffed for day games and pajama-pantsed for night games. Carlos Delgado appears to have joined him in this protocol.
link from Angels vid…it happens
So now that we can vote for the Allstars…any one know what the batting practice jerseys will look like for the ASG?
[quote comment=”269733″]Do all little leagues require the cages on batting helmets now? I weep for the future and how soft this country has become. Getting hurt is part of growing up. Shiloh and Dakota can take a shot or two, probably be good for them.[/quote]
Umm, no, protection has evolved. Apparently you must want all hockey goalies to look like this: link or football players like this: link
Look, I think we have become softer, and we coddle kids too much. But this is the avenue of participation rules, mercy rules, everybody’s-a-winner let’s-not-keep-score, etc.
However, if I’m a parent, I think I’m OK with having a little leaguer wear a mask over their helmet. Apples and oranges.
[quote comment=”269738″]name that molina?
suspended molina[/quote]
The ump really pushed this by choosing the middle of the AB to clean the plate right in front of Molina.
Re: Great article plus accompanying video here about the Angels’ laundress/seamstress. This is one of the best articles I’ve ever seen on this type of team employee, with loads of good details – highly recommended. …
The article references a time when the Mariners requested that the seamstress make an unspecified change to their uniform overnight, in an effort to stop a losing streak. Does anyone know what this change was?
[quote comment=”269756″][quote comment=”269738″]name that molina?
suspended molina[/quote]
The ump really pushed this by choosing the middle of the AB to clean the plate right in front of Molina.[/quote]
I have seen a lot of plate arguments get out of control because the ump was trying to upstage the person they were having the argument with. I think some of these umps need to be fined as well for their actions…they can do whatever they want and dont get in any trouble.
[quote comment=”269759″]Speaking of NOBs, Mike Kingery was poking around the Sporting News archives and came up with this 1963 article. Among other things, it indicates that the second and third teams to use NOBs (after the White Sox, who as we all know were the first) were the Cardinals and Braves, which I hadn’t been aware of. … [/quote]
Wow. Great find, Mike.
So the Braves adopted the NOB in 1963, but dropped it at some point before 1965, their last season in Milwaukee….
[quote comment=”269753″]link from Angels vid…it happens[/quote]
Not having that little link button screws me up – link
Why is Yadier Molina not wearing a hard hat while he catches? Does he always wear a soft hat behind the plate?
[quote comment=”269768″]Why is Yadier Molina not wearing a hard hat while he catches? Does he always wear a soft hat behind the plate?[/quote]
He wear the hockey-style mask, which is essentially a helmet. Catchers who wear this type of mask usually wear a cap.
Danny White? As in link Danny White?
“This horrifying sight” — in addition to the woman in the purple shirt, there is a player with his pants down.
[quote comment=”269756″][quote comment=”269738″]name that molina?
suspended molina[/quote]
The ump really pushed this by choosing the middle of the AB to clean the plate right in front of Molina.[/quote]
What probably happened is that Molina was spouting off his mouth about a pitch taht wasn’t called and the umpy stepped out cleaned the plate and gave molina a little talking to/warning. It’s a little subtle umping trick that people use to communicte with the catcher. It’s not as obvious as standing there jawing back and forth with the catcher. It’s only the two of you having a conversation.
Re: Toledo’s Stirrups
The Erie Seawolves, Detroits AA team also wear full stirrups with the sanatries as well. Everyone on the team does. Most of the teams in the Eastern League follow suit with at least the high pant legs. Most teams though choose the colored sock approach.
We are closing in on twenty years since the great Marc Okkonen book “Baseball Uniforms of the 20th Century” was released. In those pre-internet days, this book became like a bible to a Uni Nerd like myself, and to this day, I thumb through it at least once a week.
Does any know whether the book will ever be updated? Or is it just not necessary in the internet age?
Mike Pelfrey has stopped wearing his mouthpiece, because he was tipping his pitches by chewing on it.
Non baseball fan question, what does tipping his pitches mean? Batter can tell what he is going to pitch?
[quote comment=”269776″]Mike Pelfrey has stopped wearing his mouthpiece, because he was tipping his pitches by chewing on it.
Non baseball fan question, what does tipping his pitches mean? Batter can tell what he is going to pitch?[/quote]
This is weird though. I thought he was wearing the piece because his tongue was tipping off pitches…
[quote comment=”269758″][quote comment=”269756″][quote comment=”269738″]name that molina?
suspended molina[/quote]
The ump really pushed this by choosing the middle of the AB to clean the plate right in front of Molina.[/quote]
I have seen a lot of plate arguments get out of control because the ump was trying to upstage the person they were having the argument with. I think some of these umps need to be fined as well for their actions…they can do whatever they want and dont get in any trouble.[/quote]
Sometimes the plate umpire cleans the plate so they can talk to the catcher without upstaging him. I didn’t see the game last night but unless the prior pitch hit in front of the plate, he was likely sweeping the plate to give Molina a warning.
[quote comment=”269778″][quote comment=”269776″]Mike Pelfrey has stopped wearing his mouthpiece, because he was tipping his pitches by chewing on it.
Non baseball fan question, what does tipping his pitches mean? Batter can tell what he is going to pitch?[/quote]
This is weird though. I thought he was wearing the piece because his tongue was tipping off pitches…[/quote]
So for example, he only sticks his tongue out when he thorws a fastball?
Paul, kudos to whatever you had to do with this Page story on an NHL Renaissance: link
[quote comment=”269776″]Mike Pelfrey has stopped wearing his mouthpiece, because he was tipping his pitches by chewing on it.
Non baseball fan question, what does tipping his pitches mean? Batter can tell what he is going to pitch?[/quote]
usually, the answers found link aren’t worth reading…this entry on tipping pitches is a pleasant exception…gives a good description actually
The teaxns shorts thing is so bush league. it looks like a junior high volleyball team. You would think a pro team would come up with something more original then that.
[quote comment=”269775″]We are closing in on twenty years since the great Marc Okkonen book “Baseball Uniforms of the 20th Century” was released. In those pre-internet days, this book became like a bible to a Uni Nerd like myself, and to this day, I thumb through it at least once a week.
Does any know whether the book will ever be updated? Or is it just not necessary in the internet age?[/quote]
I wrote Marc a letter quite a few years ago. He responded with a postcard that said he had no plans on updating the book. He referred to the Dressed to the Nines exhibit page that we reference so often here. I would love to have an addendum from the year he left off to present.
I bought that book at the All Star Game fanfest in Pittsburgh in 1994 and shortly thereafter had a copy special ordered from my brother from the old B. Dalton bookstore. Speaking for both of us, it has been one of most treasured books, used many times for reference and just hours of enjoyment.
This book and my “Simpsons Forever” episode guides could entertain for HOURS in one of those desert island-type scenarios.
[quote comment=”269780″][quote comment=”269758″][quote comment=”269756″][quote comment=”269738″]name that molina?
suspended molina[/quote]
The ump really pushed this by choosing the middle of the AB to clean the plate right in front of Molina.[/quote]
I have seen a lot of plate arguments get out of control because the ump was trying to upstage the person they were having the argument with. I think some of these umps need to be fined as well for their actions…they can do whatever they want and dont get in any trouble.[/quote]
Sometimes the plate umpire cleans the plate so they can talk to the catcher without upstaging him. I didn’t see the game last night but unless the prior pitch hit in front of the plate, he was likely sweeping the plate to give Molina a warning.[/quote]
I’ll buy that. And, I think it is a great idea for an umpire to do something like that. Make it discreet.
What I don’t like is baseball umpires jawing back at players and managers. You don’t see this in football and coaches certainly get into the ears of the side judges and linesmen in football. I’d rather see the umpires just ignore the yelling. If the manager/player goes too far, just toss them. Don’t start yelling too.
In reference to the Tennessee Tech/LSU, don’t the stripes look to be way up too high?
And check out the kid in the grass outside of the fence. I hope that’s a rally visor!
Story about Much-Maligned Johnnie LeMaster changing his NOB to link for a day:
[quote]rather see the umpires just ignore the yelling. If the manager/player goes too far, just toss them. Don’t start yelling too.[/quote]
while i agree that a certain amount of decorum is not only expected but required of blue…especially in the bigs…i have to ask one question rick
you ever ump on any level?
Twins looked horrible last night. The vests were way too baggy looking, imo.
I meant up way too high!
Two other points:
1. Pitchers hat is near flat-brimmed
2. Tech has stolen the Texas A&M logo
Great stirrups by one team….horrible pants by the other.
Alfonso Alves’ full name is Alfonso Alves Martins Junior so he doesn’t really have FNOB.
[quote comment=”269734″][quote comment=”269720″]i went down to toledo to see a mudhens game during curtis granderson’s rehab stint last month. it was a saturday night game, against the louisville bats. everybody wore stirrups during that game, as well. i live north of detroit, so i don’t get down there often, but i wonder if they might wear them all the time..?[/quote]
My guess is that they do wear them all the time. I live in Columbus and went to a couple Clippers games 2 years ago when they played the Mud Hens, and both times the entire team was wearing stirrups.[/quote]
My pics from the Knights/Hens game were from Sunday. They were wearing them again last night in Dontrelle Willis’s rehab start. I put a couple more pics on my Flickr page of link.
[quote comment=”269799″][quote comment=”269734″][quote comment=”269720″]i went down to toledo to see a mudhens game during curtis granderson’s rehab stint last month. it was a saturday night game, against the louisville bats. everybody wore stirrups during that game, as well. i live north of detroit, so i don’t get down there often, but i wonder if they might wear them all the time..?[/quote]
My guess is that they do wear them all the time. I live in Columbus and went to a couple Clippers games 2 years ago when they played the Mud Hens, and both times the entire team was wearing stirrups.[/quote]
My pics from the Knights/Hens game were from Sunday. They were wearing them again last night in Dontrelle Willis’s rehab start. I put a couple more pics on my Flickr page of link.[/quote]
Additionally, if you look at this pic of Dontrelle, you’ll see he has “D-Train” on the top of his cleats.
[quote comment=”269801″][quote comment=”269799″][quote comment=”269734″][quote comment=”269720″]i went down to toledo to see a mudhens game during curtis granderson’s rehab stint last month. it was a saturday night game, against the louisville bats. everybody wore stirrups during that game, as well. i live north of detroit, so i don’t get down there often, but i wonder if they might wear them all the time..?[/quote]
My guess is that they do wear them all the time. I live in Columbus and went to a couple Clippers games 2 years ago when they played the Mud Hens, and both times the entire team was wearing stirrups.[/quote]
My pics from the Knights/Hens game were from Sunday. They were wearing them again last night in Dontrelle Willis’s rehab start. I put a couple more pics on my Flickr page of link.[/quote]
Additionally, if you look at this pic of Dontrelle, you’ll see he has “D-Train” on the top of his cleats.[/quote]
[quote comment=”269791″][quote]rather see the umpires just ignore the yelling. If the manager/player goes too far, just toss them. Don’t start yelling too.[/quote]
while i agree that a certain amount of decorum is not only expected but required of blue…especially in the bigs…i have to ask one question rick
you ever ump on any level?[/quote]
Hey Phil …
Yes sir I have. Mostly softball and anywhere from 10 year olds to adults. I never, ever argued with a player, manager, or fan/parent.
Of course, I also officiated footbal. So, maybe that’s where my demeaner came from.
Thanks for askin’.
A brief mention (second paragraph) in the Philadelphia Inquirer of the the way the Califonia (sic) Angels handle their dirty laundry.
[quote comment=”269803″][quote comment=”269791″][quote]rather see the umpires just ignore the yelling. If the manager/player goes too far, just toss them. Don’t start yelling too.[/quote]
while i agree that a certain amount of decorum is not only expected but required of blue…especially in the bigs…i have to ask one question rick
you ever ump on any level?[/quote]
Hey Phil …
Yes sir I have. Mostly softball and anywhere from 10 year olds to adults. I never, ever argued with a player, manager, or fan/parent.
Of course, I also officiated footbal. So, maybe that’s where my demeaner came from.
Thanks for askin’.[/quote]
never argued? or never vociferiously defended your call? there’s an art (as i am sure you are keenly aware) to reading the opposing manager/coach/player and to convey your point in a manner which will most effectively prove your point, KEEP ORDER, and assert your authority
showboating by umpires has no place in the game to be sure…but there are sometimes when you must show the other team who’s running the show without showing that player/coach/manager up
i guess what im saying is there may be a time when you need to let the other team know you are in charge and no matter what, you will not be bullied…if that means getting in the face (arguing) as a last resort, then i would say then such is what must be done
[quote comment=”269797″]Great stirrups by one team….horrible pants by the other.
Perhaps, if the Jerseys matched, they might pass as unique as opposed to something inmates might be forced to wear!
That Sporting News article also mentions that Bill Veeck’s father was discussing interleague play as far back as the 1930’s. I found that interesting.
Interesting point at the end of the first column of the 1963 article about NOB…Bill Veeck talks about how eventually interleague play will become the norm, much like night games went from oddity to norm. Kind of cool understanding how much of a visionary that guy was.
Hey Paul,
Your site is the first to be featured on my new blog, Homicidal Neckties.
– B Johnson
Whoops, forgot the link.
Matt, those are great photos of the minor league exhibit. Thanks!
I’m particularly interested by the link, as that was the source of link.
They also have a link (best pic I can find of it is on link.
Dang. Forgot again.
RE: Rick and Phil on umpiring/officiating.
The idea is to stay above the fray. To remain cool. To not get into it with a participant.
It’s a skill that I’m still working on, just because of my personality. I don’t like to put up with it from coaches and parents. But in our position, you have to.
I haven’t been perfect in that regard, but it’s something I try to work on. And once I moved from linesman to back judge, it got a whole lot easier because I was 25 yards off the sideline. :)
To make this uni-related, I was watching Cubs/Dbacks on Sunday and the home plate ump had the blazer on, while the base umps had windbreakers. It’s not standard protocol for the home plate ump to wear the blazer anymore, is it? I remember thinking “Wow, that’s old school” and then “actually, that’s fairly pretentious.”
I know home plate umps will wear the short sleeved shirt (either light blue or black) if the weather’s okay. And back in the day, World Series umpires all had the blazer look. Just wondering what the rules are (if there are any rules) about how the umps dress.
never argued? or never vociferiously defended your call? there’s an art (as i am sure you are keenly aware) to reading the opposing manager/coach/player and to convey your point in a manner which will most effectively prove your point, KEEP ORDER, and assert your authority
showboating by umpires has no place in the game to be sure…but there are sometimes when you must show the other team who’s running the show without showing that player/coach/manager up
i guess what im saying is there may be a time when you need to let the other team know you are in charge and no matter what, you will not be bullied…if that means getting in the face (arguing) as a last resort, then i would say then such is what must be done[/quote]
I do understand your point Phil. My philosophy was always to stay calm. If it was a judgement call, then I might explain my judgement. If it was a disagreement about the rules, I would quote the rule. Maybe I was just lucky and never got guys that wanted to yell at me.
I think we agree though. You did indicate that the in your face arguing should be used as a last resort and that umpires shouldn’t be showboating. And, I can agree that there could be circumstances in which the umpire might need to be more assertive than normal.
Gee … did we just have a discussion without resorting to name calling?? Isn’t that against some rule?
It’s funny how some of the facemasks worn by today’s high school baseball players resemble those seen in the NFL in the ’50s or ’60s, and which we view today as being so quaint and unsophisticated.
[quote comment=”269819″]RE: Rick and Phil on umpiring/officiating.
The idea is to stay above the fray. To remain cool. To not get into it with a participant.
It’s a skill that I’m still working on, just because of my personality. I don’t like to put up with it from coaches and parents. But in our position, you have to.
I haven’t been perfect in that regard, but it’s something I try to work on. And once I moved from linesman to back judge, it got a whole lot easier because I was 25 yards off the sideline. :)
To make this uni-related, I was watching Cubs/Dbacks on Sunday and the home plate ump had the blazer on, while the base umps had windbreakers. It’s not standard protocol for the home plate ump to wear the blazer anymore, is it? I remember thinking “Wow, that’s old school” and then “actually, that’s fairly pretentious.”
I know home plate umps will wear the short sleeved shirt (either light blue or black) if the weather’s okay. And back in the day, World Series umpires all had the blazer look. Just wondering what the rules are (if there are any rules) about how the umps dress.[/quote]
Good points KT. Personally, I liked moving from Line Judge to Umpire in football for similar reasons. I kinda got tired of tripping over coaches and players on the sideline. I knew where the players were on the field … mostly.
[quote comment=”269819″]RE: Rick and Phil on umpiring/officiating.
The idea is to stay above the fray. To remain cool. To not get into it with a participant.[/quote]
thanks kenn…last post from me on this
i agree that the best umpire is the one who is, in a manner of speaking, neither seen nor heard…no calls questioned, no controversy, etc…
all im saying is that when all else has failed, it is still the umpire who is the final arbiter of things…i remember when i was a young pup in my first season umping 12 YOs, an opposing dad (coincidentally the manager of the WORST kid on the team) got into it with me on what he perceived to be a blown call at first…i made the mistake of saying “tie goes to the runner” and in no uncertain terms this jackass undressed me in front of about 35-40 parents…i was intimidated and scared, not being but 3-4 years older than the players…by the time the older blue behind the dish came to my rescue i was almost in tears…well…
he let that dad know in no uncertain terms that this was a game, played by kids and in this case, umped by kids, that if he ever stepped foot out of the dugout again, he’d be removed from the field of play, and to sit his butt back down (no cursing, no shouting by my savior)…i never forgot that
i figured, hey…that’s cool
after another close play at first (just my luck) this guy stormed out of the dugout AGAIN…to confront a 15 YO shaking kid (me)…true blue behind the dish made sure he never reached me…this time he was loud (but in control) and demonstrative, and the opposing manager not only managed his last game, he was barred from the league…apparently blue’s first discussion didn’t have the proper effect…
sorry for babbling, but that incident (incidents) always stuck with me…i know this wasn’t the bigs or even anything remotely approaching it, but it taught me that (a) when im on the other side, always RESPECT blue, and (b) sometimes turning the opposite cheek doesn’t always work
/done…thanks for listening
Did Gary Coleman lend Messier his towel?
“Who wears short shorts?”
[quote comment=”269829″]Did Gary Coleman lend Messier his towel?
“Who wears short shorts?”[/quote]
So many aspects of that picture are disturbing to me!
[quote comment=”269826″]all im saying is that when all else has failed, it is still the umpire who is the final arbiter of things…[/quote]
Oh, absolutely. You’re 100% correct.
You have to assert your authority.
The key is how you do it. I’ve known guys who could do it just with a calm word and a palm facing the ranter. I’ve also been guilty of snapping back at someone who snaps back at me.
Officials are the final authority. That should be respected. And in a youth scenario, or at a level where the officials in question are not full-time professionals working major-league games, they should be given a bit of slack because the job is really, really difficult. But it’s one of those jobs that every Joe Schmoe sitting on his couch figures he could do (hint: he couldn’t) and we’re an easy target.
The best officials defuse those situations while asserting their authority as the final arbiter. If they rant at me, they’re just ranting at the stripes more than they are me. But if they rant at a kid who’s just getting started in officiating, I’m probably going to be a little more stern and stick up for the kid so that he or she doesn’t get turned off and quit the avocation forever. We already have a lack of officials – we don’t need to lose people because they take unnecessary abuse.
This isnt uni-related, but it is an amazing story about sportsmanship. Check out the video too.
I went to high school with Mike Pelfrey and don’t remember him using a mouth guard. According to this article Pelfrey uses his mouth guard because he has TMJ (which started in 2004). He doesn’t want his jaw to lock up while he is pitching. Wonder what he is going to do now.
[quote comment=”269826″][quote comment=”269819″]RE: Rick and Phil on umpiring/officiating.
The idea is to stay above the fray. To remain cool. To not get into it with a participant.[/quote]
thanks kenn…last post from me on this
i agree that the best umpire is the one who is, in a manner of speaking, neither seen nor heard…no calls questioned, no controversy, etc…
all im saying is that when all else has failed, it is still the umpire who is the final arbiter of things…i remember when i was a young pup in my first season umping 12 YOs, an opposing dad (coincidentally the manager of the WORST kid on the team) got into it with me on what he perceived to be a blown call at first…i made the mistake of saying “tie goes to the runner” and in no uncertain terms this jackass undressed me in front of about 35-40 parents…i was intimidated and scared, not being but 3-4 years older than the players…by the time the older blue behind the dish came to my rescue i was almost in tears…well…
he let that dad know in no uncertain terms that this was a game, played by kids and in this case, umped by kids, that if he ever stepped foot out of the dugout again, he’d be removed from the field of play, and to sit his butt back down (no cursing, no shouting by my savior)…i never forgot that
i figured, hey…that’s cool
after another close play at first (just my luck) this guy stormed out of the dugout AGAIN…to confront a 15 YO shaking kid (me)…true blue behind the dish made sure he never reached me…this time he was loud (but in control) and demonstrative, and the opposing manager not only managed his last game, he was barred from the league…apparently blue’s first discussion didn’t have the proper effect…
sorry for babbling, but that incident (incidents) always stuck with me…i know this wasn’t the bigs or even anything remotely approaching it, but it taught me that (a) when im on the other side, always RESPECT blue, and (b) sometimes turning the opposite cheek doesn’t always work
/done…thanks for listening[/quote]
Very well stated. Congrats by the way!
They look more like the \’78 Royals or the \’78 Blue Jays. \’78 Cubs didn\’t have a waistband like that.
[quote comment=”269758″][quote comment=”269756″][quote comment=”269738″]name that molina?
suspended molina[/quote]
The ump really pushed this by choosing the middle of the AB to clean the plate right in front of Molina.[/quote]
I have seen a lot of plate arguments get out of control because the ump was trying to upstage the person they were having the argument with. I think some of these umps need to be fined as well for their actions…they can do whatever they want and dont get in any trouble.[/quote]
Oh, an umpire can get fined or reprimanded by MLB… it’s just not made public! With umpires now allowed to take in-season “vacations”, one could even get suspended and nobody but MLB and the umpire would know!
Best guess on what the umps wear from their “collection” of league-issued shirts? I’d guess the crew chief makes the selection for the base umpires, while the plate umpire wears whatever he finds most comfortable.
[quote comment=”269780″][quote comment=”269758″][quote comment=”269756″][quote comment=”269738″]name that molina?
suspended molina[/quote]
The ump really pushed this by choosing the middle of the AB to clean the plate right in front of Molina.[/quote]
I have seen a lot of plate arguments get out of control because the ump was trying to upstage the person they were having the argument with. I think some of these umps need to be fined as well for their actions…they can do whatever they want and dont get in any trouble.[/quote]
Sometimes the plate umpire cleans the plate so they can talk to the catcher without upstaging him. I didn’t see the game last night but unless the prior pitch hit in front of the plate, he was likely sweeping the plate to give Molina a warning.[/quote]
The previous pitch was a home run by Ryan Braun. Molina was upset that the Cardinals weren’t getting any pitches.
Happy 2 Year Anniversary!
Here’s to a lifetime of annual congratulatory happy anniversaries!
Very well stated. Congrats by the way![/quote]
[quote comment=”269848″]LI PHIL
Happy 2 Year Anniversary!
Here’s to a lifetime of annual congratulatory happy anniversaries![/quote]
thanks matt and todd…i appreciate your support!
one day at a time adds up don’t it
[quote comment=”269843″]
Sometimes the plate umpire cleans the plate so they can talk to the catcher without upstaging him. I didn’t see the game last night but unless the prior pitch hit in front of the plate, he was likely sweeping the plate to give Molina a warning.[/quote]
The previous pitch was a home run by Ryan Braun. Molina was upset that the Cardinals weren’t getting any pitches.[/quote]
I thought the original poster was referring the the umpire cleaning the plate in the middle of the AB which is usually used to give a discreet warning. As a base umpire I do the same thing while cleaning the pitcher’s plate – reminding him to come to a complete stop.
I enjoyed and agreed with the umpire argument discussion – the key is to simultaneously remain in authority and control and if they argue a call that you know you missed – own it – the call is not changing but discreetly admiting you may have missed it usually goes a long way with the manager.
This reminded me of the Obama of Dreams shirts – makes me want to start collected uni-related election apparel.
[quote comment=”269830″][quote comment=”269829″]Did Gary Coleman lend Messier his towel?
“Who wears short shorts?”[/quote]
So many aspects of that picture are disturbing to me![/quote]
Is Mess drinking a Red Stripe?!?!
With the Mets/Yankees subway series approaching this weekend, a look back to the 2004 series…..
“The Mets relied on a battery of (Matt) Ginter and Tom Wilson, a catcher making his first start with the team. The Mets did not even bring the right uniform for Wilson or reliever Jose Parra. While everyone else wore the black road alternate jerseys with ”New York” across the front, Wilson and Parra wore black home alternate jerseys with ”Mets” across the front.”
[quote comment=”269855″]This reminded me of the Obama of Dreams shirts – makes me want to start collected uni-related election apparel.
morris levin is not amused
[quote comment=”269859″][quote comment=”269830″][quote comment=”269829″]Did Gary Coleman lend Messier his towel?
“Who wears short shorts?”[/quote]
So many aspects of that picture are disturbing to me![/quote]
Is Mess drinking a Red Stripe?!?![/quote]
My guess would be a Molson Export. All Canadian beers were sold in glorious ‘stubbies’ until 1984.
[quote comment=”269733″]Do all little leagues require the cages on batting helmets now? I weep for the future and how soft this country has become. Getting hurt is part of growing up. Shiloh and Dakota can take a shot or two, probably be good for them.[/quote]
God, i hope not. The pitchers are probably more at risk for facial injuries with those fancy bats.
Found something very interesting over on the gem mint tin blog. It’s a card of Ellis Valentine of the Expos from 1980 (81 card = 80 pic). Has the most interesting modification to a batting helmet I’ve ever seen. He’s got half of what appears to be a 2-bar football facemask attached to his earflap!
Anyone on here get a chance to go to the Sports Museum Of America (in NYC) yet?
[quote comment=”269835″]I went to high school with Mike Pelfrey and don’t remember him using a mouth guard. According to this article Pelfrey uses his mouth guard because he has TMJ (which started in 2004). He doesn’t want his jaw to lock up while he is pitching. Wonder what he is going to do now.
I’m pretty sure the TMJ thing is B.S., the Mets just didn’t want to acknowledge that he tips his pitches with his tongue. But now that he is doing the same thing with the mouthguard, I guess he is just going to keep a conscious effort to kep his tongue in his mouth.
I was a licensed soccer referee for most of my teenage and college years. Being female, I often found that coaches tried to bully me.
My approach was to be a hard-as* from the start so that they knew they couldn’t walk all over me. I didn’t take jawing from anyone – coaches and parents – and carded more than one person and sent them to watch from their car. I developed a reputation pretty quickly, but it was worth it to get the respect that came with it. Once I worked with teams multiple times, they knew I was a good ref and that I was fair and therefore we all relaxed.
Remember this was the mid 90s and “there was no way a girl could know anything about soccer” so I found it best to assert my authority from the get-go. If you’re wishy-washy, they’ll walk all over you. You have to have confidence that you know what you’re doing and that you’re making the best call possible.
[quote comment=”269833″]This isnt uni-related, but it is an amazing story about sportsmanship. Check out the video too.
you know, I was thinking about this the other day and one thing doesn’t quite make sense to me. In baseball and softball when someone hits a home run the base coaches routinely high-five or ass slap the person rounding the bases, which obviously counts as touching the player, so why in this situation could the 1st or 3rd base coach not touch the player to help her around the bases?
Watching a video of the 1986 (1985 season) Fiesta Bowl between Michigan and Nebraska.
I found it quite interesting because Michigan feature a number of players who are FNOB, I assume because of brothers, although I struggled to find a roster.
However, what’s interesting is the different styles of FNOB used (in the same game!). I made some caps of the video:
link has the double line FNOB and link has just the single line FNOB.
I found it quite interesting anyway!!!
link has a review of the game
link has footage
[quote comment=”269859″][quote comment=”269830″][quote comment=”269829″]Did Gary Coleman lend Messier his towel?
“Who wears short shorts?”[/quote]
So many aspects of that picture are disturbing to me![/quote]
Is Mess drinking a Red Stripe?!?![/quote]
how old is arnold in that pic anyway? 27?
[quote comment=”269876″][quote comment=”269833″]This isnt uni-related, but it is an amazing story about sportsmanship. Check out the video too.
you know, I was thinking about this the other day and one thing doesn’t quite make sense to me. In baseball and softball when someone hits a home run the base coaches routinely high-five or ass slap the person rounding the bases, which obviously counts as touching the player, so why in this situation could the 1st or 3rd base coach not touch the player to help her around the bases?[/quote]
There is, what I believe to be, poor wording in the story. I think by “touching” they mean assist them around the bases, becuase that would be an out. Also it came out afterwards that the umps had the wrong call, a person could have ran for her and it still counted as a home run if the player that hit the home run was injured while running the bases.
Does anyone know who’s helmet this is?
[quote comment=”269886″]Does anyone know who’s helmet this is?
guessing here, but art shell?
[quote comment=”269883″][quote comment=”269876″][quote comment=”269833″]This isnt uni-related, but it is an amazing story about sportsmanship. Check out the video too.
you know, I was thinking about this the other day and one thing doesn’t quite make sense to me. In baseball and softball when someone hits a home run the base coaches routinely high-five or ass slap the person rounding the bases, which obviously counts as touching the player, so why in this situation could the 1st or 3rd base coach not touch the player to help her around the bases?[/quote]
There is, what I believe to be, poor wording in the story. I think by “touching” they mean assist them around the bases, becuase that would be an out. Also it came out afterwards that the umps had the wrong call, a person could have ran for her and it still counted as a home run if the player that hit the home run was injured while running the bases.[/quote]
I always thought it was wierd to have runners wear helmets while standing on bases defended by players not wearing them. And they are sometimes even standing next to the runner.
[quote comment=”269889″]
I always thought it was wierd to have runners wear helmets while standing on bases defended by players not wearing them. And they are sometimes even standing next to the runner.[/quote]
I guess runners should be able to take them off once they reach base, since the primary purpose is to protect their heads while at bat.
As far as the fielders not needing them, the difference is that fielders have to be aware or the location of the baseball at all times, while the runners don’t focus on the ball (they have coaches to help them do that).
[quote comment=”269888″][quote comment=”269886″]Does anyone know who’s helmet this is?
guessing here, but art shell?[/quote]
I looked, but he didn’t have the extra padding. That was my 1st thought
[quote comment=”269878″]INTERESTING FNOB PHOTOS
Watching a video of the 1986 (1985 season) Fiesta Bowl between Michigan and Nebraska.
I found it quite interesting because Michigan feature a number of players who are FNOB, I assume because of brothers, although I struggled to find a roster.
However, what’s interesting is the different styles of FNOB used (in the same game!). I made some caps of the video:
link has the double line FNOB and link has just the single line FNOB.
I found it quite interesting anyway!!!
link has a review of the game
link has footage[/quote]
There were indeed Hammerstein brothers. I want to say the other one’s name was Mark. Mike and Mark. There were a number of Michigan football players in the 1980’s who wore the FNOB, though that’s the first double-line I’ve seen. Michigan was also fairly inconsistent with their letter sizes, so some would have huge letters and others would have smaller letters.
Michigan jerseys had a ton of anomalies in the 1980’s and into the 1990’s, with some instances of players wearing mismatched jerseys.
[quote comment=”269878″]INTERESTING FNOB PHOTOS
Watching a video of the 1986 (1985 season) Fiesta Bowl between Michigan and Nebraska.
I found it quite interesting because Michigan feature a number of players who are FNOB, I assume because of brothers, although I struggled to find a roster.
However, what’s interesting is the different styles of FNOB used (in the same game!). I made some caps of the video:
link has the double line FNOB and link has just the single line FNOB.
I found it quite interesting anyway!!!
link has a review of the game
link has footage[/quote]
Very nice catch. I’d also like to mention the LNOB fonts. Very inconsistent. It appears as if #17 “HICKS” has many more serifs than #15 “ARNOLD.”
[quote comment=”269859″][quote comment=”269830″][quote comment=”269829″]Did Gary Coleman lend Messier his towel?
“Who wears short shorts?”[/quote]
So many aspects of that picture are disturbing to me![/quote]
Is Mess drinking a Red Stripe?!?![/quote]
No. That is a Molson Canadians. Stubbies were a standard in Canada for longer than in the States.
[quote comment=”269756″][quote comment=”269738″]name that molina?
suspended molina[/quote]
The ump really pushed this by choosing the middle of the AB to clean the plate right in front of Molina.[/quote]
He did it to give him a chance to cool off, sort fo like “im gonna clean the plate, you chill out”
[quote comment=”269829″]Did Gary Coleman lend Messier his towel?
“Who wears short shorts?”[/quote]
ok…this is f’ed up…a female coworker happened to approach my desk while i was commenting earlier on this photo (post #95)…she stared at said pic for a good 30 seconds and then gave me somewhat of a weird look and said, “messier’s jewish?”
i didn’t even get what she meant…thought about it over lunch, and then it hit me…and im guessing what she meant requires more careful scrutiny of that photo that im gonna give it…if you know what i mean
[quote comment=”269888″][quote comment=”269886″]Does anyone know who’s helmet this is?
guessing here, but art shell?[/quote]
Didn’t OT Bob Brown wear that style helmet?
Nope, not Brown. Just did a google image search. Checked Gene Upshaw, too.
It’s great to know there are a lot of current and former sports officials around these (online) parts. And today’s discussion about umpire onfield deportment has been a lot of fun.
[quote comment=”269905″][quote comment=”269829″]Did Gary Coleman lend Messier his towel?
“Who wears short shorts?”[/quote]
ok…this is f’ed up…a female coworker happened to approach my desk while i was commenting earlier on this photo (post #95)…she stared at said pic for a good 30 seconds and then gave me somewhat of a weird look and said, “messier’s jewish?”
i didn’t even get what she meant…thought about it over lunch, and then it hit me…and im guessing what she meant requires more careful scrutiny of that photo that im gonna give it…if you know what i mean[/quote]
Ewwwww. I don’t wanna look no more.
But … it does remind on that in the movie Twister, early on, Phillip Seymour Hoffman’s character is sitting in a fold out chair and, apparently, exposing the jewels for the camera. It was editted out of the DVD.
[quote comment=”269756″][quote comment=”269738″]name that molina?
suspended molina[/quote]
The ump really pushed this by choosing the middle of the AB to clean the plate right in front of Molina.[/quote]
No, that’s the ump coming around to give Molina a chance to state what he needed to without having to turn around, an almost certain provocation for ejection. Seeing the play live and on replays, knowing that this particular umpire is a very patient man, and being a catcher myself, I would bet that the umpire went so far as to say the he did miss the call, but Molina probably didn’t sleep too well last night, and needed a nap…
[quote comment=”269895″][quote comment=”269888″][quote comment=”269886″]Does anyone know who’s helmet this is?
guessing here, but art shell?[/quote]
I looked, but he didn’t have the extra padding. That was my 1st thought[/quote]
according to link and if you look at link from the same gallery as the helmet in question…it does mention that the Three main exhibits in the new gallery are grouped by specific artifacts — shoes, helmets and footballs — from historic moments provided by Hall of Famers such as Lanier, Lavelli, Art Shell, Bronko Nagurski, Gene Hickerson, Earl Campbell, Jack Lambert, Eric Dickerson, Troy Aikman, Roger Wehrli, Jan Stenerud and Harry Carson..
that…plus the fact that the only raider IN the HOF with a number ending in “8” (as per the helmet in the photo) is art shell…not that being a HOFer is required to have one’s helmet displayed…but it seems to me it’s likely his
[quote comment=”269876″][quote comment=”269833″]This isnt uni-related, but it is an amazing story about sportsmanship. Check out the video too.
you know, I was thinking about this the other day and one thing doesn’t quite make sense to me. In baseball and softball when someone hits a home run the base coaches routinely high-five or ass slap the person rounding the bases, which obviously counts as touching the player, so why in this situation could the 1st or 3rd base coach not touch the player to help her around the bases?[/quote]
b/c the ball is out of play and their is no advantage to be had by making contact with the base coach.
[quote comment=”269925″][quote comment=”269876″][quote comment=”269833″]This isnt uni-related, but it is an amazing story about sportsmanship. Check out the video too.
you know, I was thinking about this the other day and one thing doesn’t quite make sense to me. In baseball and softball when someone hits a home run the base coaches routinely high-five or ass slap the person rounding the bases, which obviously counts as touching the player, so why in this situation could the 1st or 3rd base coach not touch the player to help her around the bases?[/quote]
b/c the ball is out of play and their is no advantage to be had by making contact with the base coach.[/quote]
there, i’m a dumba$$
some interesting uniforms from the espn.com article about a japanese pitcher link
[quote comment=”269921″][quote comment=”269895″][quote comment=”269888″][quote comment=”269886″]Does anyone know who’s helmet this is?
guessing here, but art shell?[/quote]
I looked, but he didn’t have the extra padding. That was my 1st thought[/quote]
according to link and if you look at link from the same gallery as the helmet in question…it does mention that the Three main exhibits in the new gallery are grouped by specific artifacts — shoes, helmets and footballs — from historic moments provided by Hall of Famers such as Lanier, Lavelli, Art Shell, Bronko Nagurski, Gene Hickerson, Earl Campbell, Jack Lambert, Eric Dickerson, Troy Aikman, Roger Wehrli, Jan Stenerud and Harry Carson..
that…plus the fact that the only raider IN the HOF with a number ending in “8” (as per the helmet in the photo) is art shell…not that being a HOFer is required to have one’s helmet displayed…but it seems to me it’s likely his[/quote]
Good job Phil! I saw the ‘8’ and knew his number ended in 8, but from that article, it has to be him.
[quote comment=”269895″][quote comment=”269888″][quote comment=”269886″]Does anyone know who’s helmet this is?
guessing here, but art shell?[/quote]
I looked, but he didn’t have the extra padding. That was my 1st thought[/quote]
I thought Art Shell too cuz it looks like an 8 on the right side…but look here:
looks like the same helmet worn by Gene Upshaw
[quote comment=”269939″][quote comment=”269895″][quote comment=”269888″][quote comment=”269886″]Does anyone know who’s helmet this is?
guessing here, but art shell?[/quote]
I looked, but he didn’t have the extra padding. That was my 1st thought[/quote]
I thought Art Shell too cuz it looks like an 8 on the right side…but look here:
looks like the same helmet worn by Gene Upshaw[/quote]
wow…the mystery (as is the UW way) deepens…
sure would love to get a clearer shot of that number…because, although it definitely looks like an “8”…it could easily be a “3” because the final portion is not easily discernable and the font would match a “3” as well
perhaps someone has either (a) a better photo of the helmet or (b) a contact in the HOF…or (c) a pic of art shell wearing a helmet (which i shall look for henceforth)
dammit phil…the helmet looks the same as (or similar to) gene upshaw’s
[quote comment=”269941″][quote comment=”269939″][quote comment=”269895″][quote comment=”269888″][quote comment=”269886″]Does anyone know who’s helmet this is?
guessing here, but art shell?[/quote]
I looked, but he didn’t have the extra padding. That was my 1st thought[/quote]
I thought Art Shell too cuz it looks like an 8 on the right side…but look here:
looks like the same helmet worn by Gene Upshaw[/quote]
wow…the mystery (as is the UW way) deepens…
sure would love to get a clearer shot of that number…because, although it definitely looks like an “8”…it could easily be a “3” because the final portion is not easily discernable and the font would match a “3” as well
perhaps someone has either (a) a better photo of the helmet or (b) a contact in the HOF…or (c) a pic of art shell wearing a helmet (which i shall look for henceforth)[/quote]
I REALLY think that’s an 8 digit. Look at the bottom half of the number. I see four sides to the square, which should probably tell us “not 3”
link link link pics
Apologies if this has been addressed:
Apologies for even bringing this up.
[quote comment=”269946″][quote comment=”269941″][quote comment=”269939″][quote comment=”269895″][quote comment=”269888″][quote comment=”269886″]Does anyone know who’s helmet this is?
guessing here, but art shell?[/quote]
I looked, but he didn’t have the extra padding. That was my 1st thought[/quote]
I thought Art Shell too cuz it looks like an 8 on the right side…but look here:
looks like the same helmet worn by Gene Upshaw[/quote]
wow…the mystery (as is the UW way) deepens…
sure would love to get a clearer shot of that number…because, although it definitely looks like an “8”…it could easily be a “3” because the final portion is not easily discernable and the font would match a “3” as well
perhaps someone has either (a) a better photo of the helmet or (b) a contact in the HOF…or (c) a pic of art shell wearing a helmet (which i shall look for henceforth)[/quote]
I REALLY think that’s an 8 digit. Look at the bottom half of the number. I see four sides to the square, which should probably tell us “not 3″[/quote]
I’m willing to go with it being Art Shell’s helmet…the more I look at it the more it looks like an 8
However I did find another one of Upshaw
[quote comment=”269953″][quote comment=”269946″][quote comment=”269941″][quote comment=”269939″][quote comment=”269895″][quote comment=”269888″][quote comment=”269886″]Does anyone know who’s helmet this is?
guessing here, but art shell?[/quote]
I looked, but he didn’t have the extra padding. That was my 1st thought[/quote]
I thought Art Shell too cuz it looks like an 8 on the right side…but look here:
looks like the same helmet worn by Gene Upshaw[/quote]
wow…the mystery (as is the UW way) deepens…
sure would love to get a clearer shot of that number…because, although it definitely looks like an “8”…it could easily be a “3” because the final portion is not easily discernable and the font would match a “3” as well
perhaps someone has either (a) a better photo of the helmet or (b) a contact in the HOF…or (c) a pic of art shell wearing a helmet (which i shall look for henceforth)[/quote]
I REALLY think that’s an 8 digit. Look at the bottom half of the number. I see four sides to the square, which should probably tell us “not 3″[/quote]
I’m willing to go with it being Art Shell’s helmet…the more I look at it the more it looks like an 8
However I did find another one of Upshaw
I live two blocks from the HOF. I’ll try to give them a call and see who it is. I’ll update tomorrow.
[quote comment=”269957″][quote comment=”269953″][quote comment=”269946″][quote comment=”269941″][quote comment=”269939″][quote comment=”269895″][quote comment=”269888″][quote comment=”269886″]Does anyone know who’s helmet this is?
guessing here, but art shell?[/quote]
I looked, but he didn’t have the extra padding. That was my 1st thought[/quote]
I thought Art Shell too cuz it looks like an 8 on the right side…but look here:
looks like the same helmet worn by Gene Upshaw[/quote]
wow…the mystery (as is the UW way) deepens…
sure would love to get a clearer shot of that number…because, although it definitely looks like an “8”…it could easily be a “3” because the final portion is not easily discernable and the font would match a “3” as well
perhaps someone has either (a) a better photo of the helmet or (b) a contact in the HOF…or (c) a pic of art shell wearing a helmet (which i shall look for henceforth)[/quote]
I REALLY think that’s an 8 digit. Look at the bottom half of the number. I see four sides to the square, which should probably tell us “not 3″[/quote]
I’m willing to go with it being Art Shell’s helmet…the more I look at it the more it looks like an 8
However I did find another one of Upshaw
I live two blocks from the HOF. I’ll try to give them a call and see who it is. I’ll update tomorrow.[/quote]
lol. the HOF
Iowa State has officially unveiled its new football uniforms (i.e., an link. Up to this point, it was nothing but renderings and speculation.
[quote]I live two blocks from the HOF. I’ll try to give them a call and see who it is. I’ll update tomorrow.[/quote]
or you could walk there today
j/k…thanks…maybe you can say you’re doing a research project for an ESPN writer and you need access to that one particular helmet; they’ll comp you i’m sure
Does anyone know of a good website that allows you to design your jersey online? I have been charged with designing the departments softball jersey this year and I want to do it up right. Any suggestions?
Anyone know what uniform Whitey Ford is wearing in the minor league slideshow? It looks similar to the Twins current TC logo.
[quote comment=”269970″]Anyone know what uniform Whitey Ford is wearing in the minor league slideshow? It looks similar to the Twins current TC logo.[/quote]
Might be Tri-Cities.
[quote comment=”269859″][quote comment=”269830″][quote comment=”269829″]Did Gary Coleman lend Messier his towel?
“Who wears short shorts?”[/quote]
So many aspects of that picture are disturbing to me![/quote]
Is Mess drinking a Red Stripe?!?![/quote]
Horrrraaaay beer!
[quote comment=”269831″][quote comment=”269826″]all im saying is that when all else has failed, it is still the umpire who is the final arbiter of things…[/quote]
Oh, absolutely. You’re 100% correct.
You have to assert your authority.
The key is how you do it. I’ve known guys who could do it just with a calm word and a palm facing the ranter. I’ve also been guilty of snapping back at someone who snaps back at me.
Officials are the final authority. That should be respected. And in a youth scenario, or at a level where the officials in question are not full-time professionals working major-league games, they should be given a bit of slack because the job is really, really difficult. But it’s one of those jobs that every Joe Schmoe sitting on his couch figures he could do (hint: he couldn’t) and we’re an easy target.
The best officials defuse those situations while asserting their authority as the final arbiter. If they rant at me, they’re just ranting at the stripes more than they are me. But if they rant at a kid who’s just getting started in officiating, I’m probably going to be a little more stern and stick up for the kid so that he or she doesn’t get turned off and quit the avocation forever. We already have a lack of officials – we don’t need to lose people because they take unnecessary abuse.[/quote]
Boy, does this ring true for me. This is my first year as a hockey referee – certified by USA Hockey. I officiate for everything from mites all the way to adult rec leagues. I tell lthe coaches in our pre-game introductions “If your players disagree with a call, tell them to talk to you, you can talk to me during a stoppage as long as we can talk civilly. If there is screaming or cursing, there will be no discussion, because I don’t need to deal with it, and you won’t be on the bench because I can call a game misconduct that quickly. I don’t need to justify any calls, but if you want an interpretation, we can talk.”
The adult players are the worst – I give them a very short leash. Oddly enough though, I love officiating as much as I love playing.
[quote comment=”269972″][quote comment=”269970″]Anyone know what uniform Whitey Ford is wearing in the minor league slideshow? It looks similar to the Twins current TC logo.[/quote]
Might be Tri-Cities.[/quote]
It is definitely the Tri-Cities (Binghamton, Johnson City, Endicott) N.Y. Triplets. The Trips went under when they built Route 17 thru the field…
[quote comment=”269961″]Iowa State has officially unveiled its new football uniforms (i.e., an link. Up to this point, it was nothing but renderings and speculation.[/quote]
I don’t like the helmets or the maroon pants (yellow would be so much better), but the rest of the look is very nice and presentable. In the face of so many college football uniform disasters that we have witnessed over the past few years, I take off my hat to ISU.
[quote comment=”269979″]…when they built Route 17 thru the field…[/quote]
Since then their home games are all on the road.
I go to medical school in Toledoal school in Toledo and have seen 15-20 Mud Hens games. They definitely all wear stirrups for the last three years. I haven’t seen any games this year, but I cannot imagine they would change.
[quote comment=”269979″][quote comment=”269972″][quote comment=”269970″]Anyone know what uniform Whitey Ford is wearing in the minor league slideshow? It looks similar to the Twins current TC logo.[/quote]
Might be Tri-Cities.[/quote]
It is definitely the Tri-Cities (Binghamton, Johnson City, Endicott) N.Y. Triplets. The Trips went under when they built Route 17 thru the field…[/quote]
LOL, I remember being about 10 years old, reading Street & Smith’s, etc., and wondering where and what the HECK the Tri-Cities and the Quad-Cities were. Also recall being perplexed about what the “SALLY” League was. But, figuring out such things is part of falling in love with baseball.
Okay, here’s a question for everyone.
What questions to you still remember investigating as a kid.
This is one I remember:
“What exactly is a ‘Solon,’ anyway?”
[quote comment=”269979″][quote comment=”269972″][quote comment=”269970″]Anyone know what uniform Whitey Ford is wearing in the minor league slideshow? It looks similar to the Twins current TC logo.[/quote]
Might be Tri-Cities.[/quote]
It is definitely the Tri-Cities (Binghamton, Johnson City, Endicott) N.Y. Triplets. The Trips went under when they built Route 17 thru the field…[/quote]
Triple Cities, not Tri-Cities, I believe.
The Binghamton Mets stadium has a little Triple Cities Hall of Fame, honoring players who played in the region. Whitey is among the honorees, natch. So is Wee Willie Keeler, who came up thru the minors in Binghamton.
So, let me get this right. The Pirates uniforms button like a woman’s shirt?!? (women’s shirts button opposite of a man’s) That’s awkward….
[quote comment=”270004″]So, let me get this right. The Pirates uniforms button like a woman’s shirt?!? (women’s shirts button opposite of a man’s) That’s awkward….[/quote]
no…they button like a man’s shirt…that’s why it was so bizarre that the pitch was able to ‘get in there’…it didn’t get in by catching in the opening created by the buttons…as paul indicated, it must have caught on a fold or something
[quote comment=”269999″]Okay, here’s a question for everyone.
What questions to you still remember investigating as a kid.
This is one I remember:
“What exactly is a ‘Solon,’ anyway?”[/quote]
I still wonder what the f*ck a Hoya is, and also why balls caroming off of the foul pole are fair (and generally home runs).
My eternal question is “How come when the bad guys would shoot at Superman, he’d just let the bullets bounce off his chest, but then when they’d throw the empty gun at him, he would duck?”
This is the George Reeves Superman we’re talking about here.
You will all be happy to know that the Gold “C” in the UCLA uniforms is now link
anyone see/like those nba “there can only be one” split screen commercials?
link featuring a couple ex-big leaguers
[quote comment=”269897″][quote comment=”269878″]INTERESTING FNOB PHOTOS
Watching a video of the 1986 (1985 season) Fiesta Bowl between Michigan and Nebraska.
I found it quite interesting because Michigan feature a number of players who are FNOB, I assume because of brothers, although I struggled to find a roster.
However, what’s interesting is the different styles of FNOB used (in the same game!). I made some caps of the video:
link has the double line FNOB and link has just the single line FNOB.
I found it quite interesting anyway!!!
link has a review of the game
link has footage[/quote]
Very nice catch. I’d also like to mention the LNOB fonts. Very inconsistent. It appears as if #17 “HICKS” has many more serifs than #15 “ARNOLD.”[/quote]
Michigan wore Sand-Knit uniforms during the regular season, and Rawlings uniforms for the bowl game. (In fact, they wore Sand-Knit during the 1982-85 regular seasons, and Rawlings in each bowl game. They went to Russell Athletic in 1986.)
UM may have worn Rawlings sometime during the regular season. “HICKS” is the Rawlings font, while “ARNOLD” is the Sand-Knit font.
[quote comment=”270072″]anyone see/like those nba “there can only be one” split screen commercials?
link featuring a couple ex-big leaguers[/quote]
Man that’s an instant classic…
Scroll to bottom of page
[quote comment=”269878″]INTERESTING FNOB PHOTOS
Watching a video of the 1986 (1985 season) Fiesta Bowl between Michigan and Nebraska.
I found it quite interesting because Michigan feature a number of players who are FNOB, I assume because of brothers, although I struggled to find a roster.
However, what’s interesting is the different styles of FNOB used (in the same game!). I made some caps of the video:
link has the double line FNOB and link has just the single line FNOB.
I found it quite interesting anyway!!!
link has a review of the game
link has footage[/quote]
Hope this helps…
Click on link for full roster.
I live in Toledo and I go to Hens games all the time. Yes, the stirrups are a regular part of their uniforms.
[quote comment=”269786″][quote comment=”269775″]We are closing in on twenty years since the great Marc Okkonen book “Baseball Uniforms of the 20th Century” was released. In those pre-internet days, this book became like a bible to a Uni Nerd like myself, and to this day, I thumb through it at least once a week.
Does any know whether the book will ever be updated? Or is it just not necessary in the internet age?[/quote]
I wrote Marc a letter quite a few years ago. He responded with a postcard that said he had no plans on updating the book. He referred to the Dressed to the Nines exhibit page that we reference so often here. I would love to have an addendum from the year he left off to present.
I bought that book at the All Star Game fanfest in Pittsburgh in 1994 and shortly thereafter had a copy special ordered from my brother from the old B. Dalton bookstore. Speaking for both of us, it has been one of most treasured books, used many times for reference and just hours of enjoyment.
This book and my “Simpsons Forever” episode guides could entertain for HOURS in one of those desert island-type scenarios.[/quote]
Hot damn! You must be my evil twin. I first saw the Okkonen book back in the early 90’s in a bookstore but couldn’t afford it. I finally bought it a few years ago. I also have the Simpsons books you referenced. I’m a big fan of reference books!
For shame, Paul…I told you a couple of years ago that there are jerseys on display in the Braves HOF at Turner Field with NOB…that the curator told me they were from the early 60’s. The lettering is huge, like the Big Red Machine wore in the 70’s. Guess I’ll have to take a camera next time. There is further evidence in that previously mentioned baseball card website, when you view Braves from that era pictured in a batting stance, with part of their back exposed.
Francoeur has mentioned that Braves minor leaguers are encouraged to wear pants legs high, showing a lot of sock, though big leaguers discourage the look.
stay classy, philly
[quote comment=”270120″]link
stay classy, philly[/quote]
Shouldn’t “Why Not Us!” end in a question mark?
/Stop me before I boo.
[quote comment=”269830″][quote comment=”269829″]”Did Gary Coleman lend Messier his towel?
“‘Who wears short shorts?'”
“So many aspects of that picture are disturbing to me!”[/quote][/quote]
“What you talkin’ ’bout, Willis?” Sorry, but I am required by law to say that after seeing that.
BTW, Peter Puck is making a comeback for the record. They’re selling stuff on link with his likeness.
[quote comment=”270253″][quote comment=”269830″][quote comment=”269829″]”Did Gary Coleman lend Messier his towel?
“‘Who wears short shorts?'”
“So many aspects of that picture are disturbing to me!”[/quote][/quote]
“What you talkin’ ’bout, Willis?” Sorry, but I am required by law to say that after seeing that.
BTW, Peter Puck is making a comeback for the record. They’re selling stuff on link with his likeness.[/quote]
Bought the brown Peter Puck Hat couple months ago, LOVE IT!!
[quote comment=”270147″][quote comment=”270120″]link
stay classy, philly[/quote]
Shouldn’t “Why Not Us!” end in a question mark?
/Stop me before I boo.[/quote]
I wish Fleury would go back to his yellow pads, those were sweet. I know he does the white so it makes his pads look smaller, but the yellow pads were awesome.
As for Peter Puck’s history…