If they’d put this much effort into finding Jimmy Hoffa, they probably would’ve found D.B. Cooper while they were at it, along with Osama Bin Laden, the 18 missing minutes of Watergate tape, Paris Hilton’s virginity, all those ballpoint pens you misplaced over the past 20 years, Atlantis, and Waldo.
I’m referring, of course, to the tizzy that has gripped New York since it was revealed on Friday that a construction worker had tried to curse the Yankees last summer by entombing a Red Sox jersey in the concrete at the new Yankee Stadium. Once the jersey’s likely coordinates were determined, a jackhammer crew toiled for five hours on Saturday (imagine the union’s weekend rate — the Yankees really do spare no expense!) until the renegade jersey was located about two feet down, extracted, taken into custody, and displayed like a trophy. After the jersey was sent off to Guantánamo for interrogation, the Yanks announced that Kyle Farnsworth will be buried in its place held the year’s most surreal press conference.
The guy behind all of this is a Bronx construction worker named Gino Castignoli. As you can see, he looks like a real prize, although he comes off as a rather amusing character in this interview. And let’s give him credit for a good prank, no matter who you root for. But as some readers have already noted, Castignoli gets low marks for trying to pull his stunt with a replica jersey instead of an authentic — wrong number font, should be NNOB, etc. Yeah, an authentic is pricier, but you can’t expect to create a curse on the cheap. Am I right?
And now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to bury a blue Mets cap under Charlie Samuels’s house.
Uni Watch News Ticker: More 42er news here and here. ”¦ Sri Lankan cricket player Jerome Taylor was victimized by a pretty serious typo the other day. “With some of the Sri Lankan names being long and complicated you could forgive the suppliers for a misspelling,” says Stuart Capel, “but how could they make an error on something as simple as ‘Taylor’?” ”¦ Awesome T-shirt available here (with thanks to Chris LaHaye). ”¦ And check the out the amazing typography on this basketball jersey (great find by Alain Nana-Sinkam). ”¦ Interesting note from Charlie Usas, who writes: “I attended the Rangers/Devils playoff game in Newark on Friday night. Even as a Rangers fan, you can’t beat the deal on the tickets you can get there, and I wasn’t the only Blueshirt in attendance who felt that way (it looked like a neutral-site college game in the stands). Anyway, as we got off the train, there was a truck handing out blue pom-poms from rangers.com — I think the plan was to counteract the Devils’ white towels. Upon arrival, however, Rangers fans “in uniform” were searched for pom-poms, forced to surrender them, and then not allowed to take one of the white towels.” Bummer! Anyone know of any similar tales of fan discrimination? ”¦ That new Speedo swimsuit keeps generating more controversy (with thanks to Greg Riffenburgh). ”¦ “You can just barely see Adidas’s ubiquitous three-stripe logo blazing a trail across Brandt Snedeker’s back writes Steven Wojtowicz. “So Adidas has chosen the hallowed turf of the Masters to unveil golf’s first rear-shirt logo.” ”¦ Georgia Tech relief pitcher Michael Hutts died suddenly on Friday, so all team members wore his uni number, 40, on their caps (with thanks to Mike Rich). ”¦ “I was watching part of the Colorado Avalanche 2001 Stanley Cup video and noticed these two sweaters hanging up behind Peter Forsberg,” writes John Muir. “The one on the right seems like it could be a Team Canada sweater, but the one on the left stumps me.” Anyone..? ”¦ What did Angel Hernandez have written on (or woven into) his headwrap the other night? ”¦ The Royals unveiled their powder blues over the weekend (additional views here, here, here, and here). I can’t really get worked up about them one way or the other. As solid-color alt jerseys go, they look fine, but that’s basically the definition of damning with faint praise. ”¦ Marshall’s spring practice game featured an amusing uni number snafu (with thanks to Matt O’Bryant). ”¦ More spring football news: Over at Boise State, most players wore practice jerseys but a few were wearing a new game jersey design, seen on the right here. According to this story, it’s a new Nike prototype. ”¦ And down in Florida, many of the players in the spring game wore their jerseys hiked up to their pads — a style that also caught on in the crowd. ”¦ “While the Sox and Yanks were in a rain delay on Saturday, I surfed around and saw the MSU/Iowa softball game,” says Randy Williams. “The shortstop for MSU was wearing this mask. She kept talking into her friggin’ glove, so I couldn’t get a better shot of it (AND I couldn’t steal any signs while she was talking to the pitcher).” ”¦ Robert Eden notes that the Reds’ coaches had some helmet-inconsistency problems over the weekend. Third base coach Mark Berry wore a solid-red helmet (as did the players), while his first base counterpart, Billy Hatcher, had a black brim. ”¦ Apropos of absolutely nothing, I had a blast eating at both White Mana and the similarly named White Manna on Saturday. The latter was so packed that there was a 20-minute wait just to order, even though there’s a McDonald’s right across the street, and if that doesn’t restore your faith in whatever it is you like to have faith in, nothing will.
link the more reason that “Royals” should be white with royal blue trim……
I am a ranger fan who went to Game 1 of the Stanley Cup Finals at the Nassau mauso-leum and bought an Edmonton Oiler pennant to wave. the ice-landers refused to give me the stick so that I could wave the pennant!!
Also, I went to game 6 of the finals in Vancouver in 1994 and because I was waering a Rangers jersey, they would not give me one the Canuck rally woels.
Lastly, there is a die-hard group of blue-seaters in MSG who always cascade balloons during the National Anthem. This tradition has been shown on the rangers web-site for years. Last night they confiscating the un-blown up balloons at the gate beacuse they are a safety hazard!!!
So the SUX jersey has been exhumed from the bowels of the new stadium. And when you look at it, you see the moron who put it in there didnt even put an authentic jersey in there, he placed a crappy knock off of the real thing in there, which we all read about and saw ourselves.
So I have to just say this…The sh*thead who put it in there could have had the greatest of all pranks for the greatest of all times, IF HE KEPT HIS BIG MOUTH SHUT! I am a Yankee thru and thru and HATE the SAWX, But I have to admit this was a very VERY clever idea that you should tip your hat to. Only trouble is, like most morons who are also pranksters, if you have to brag and blab about it to someone, chances are you will be caught and in the case (HOPEFULLY) brought up on criminal and civil charges. I always thought stupidity was a disease, but I never knew it was a crime!
The Yankees should have this dope sit in the bleachers in RF wearing SAID jersey when the SUX come to town on Wednesday and see how brave and smart he is then!
yes, link
AOL’s got a link slideshow thing up.
That cricket player is from the link: he’s wearing a red uniform, he’s black, and the name “Jerome Taylor” isn’t exactly Asian sounding.
The two jerseys in the Peter Forsberg photo are:
Left – Victoria Cougars (later the Detroit Red Wings)
(Here is a link to a pic and wikipedia explanation – link link)
Right – Montreal Canadiens (I can’t remember the year, but it was their jersey for a short time, I’m trying to find a pic but with no luck.)
I absolutely certain I saw the red sweater in link that I checked out of the library back in December. I’m pretty sure that the red one is a Team Canada sweater from just before WWI. I’m really not certain though. I don’t recall the blue and yellow one, but it could be an old Victorias sweater.
Additionally, if you want to see some really really great old hockey pictures, that book is wonderful. There are picture of players and uniforms going back to the 1880s, and even some pages out of sporting goods catalogs.
OK, not only beaten to it, but wrong.
Couldn’t find a good shot of it, but Justin Rose had a vertical 3-stripe thing running down his back on Saturday at the Masters.
He was also sporting a 3-stripe link on Thursday.
Hey Guys,
I’m in Philly (Old Town – Chestnust St) for the next 2 nights for work. You guys know of anything uni related I need to see while here or a good place within walking distance I can hang out at to watch some games?
I have already seen that the M&N store is very close, so I plan on hitting that tonight, but any help is welcome…I don’t know the area at all? I will have very limited internet access so I will try to get back on here whenever I can to see suggestions.
PS – I already looked into the Baseball as America exhibit, but it closes before I can get free.
Re: Royals alt tops — The University of North Carolina called, they’d like their jerseys back. They look silly without matching pants.
[quote comment=”252125″]So the SUX jersey has been exhumed from the bowels of the new stadium. And when you look at it, you see the moron who put it in there didnt even put an authentic jersey in there, he placed a crappy knock off of the real thing in there, which we all read about and saw ourselves.
So I have to just say this…The sh*thead who put it in there could have had the greatest of all pranks for the greatest of all times, IF HE KEPT HIS BIG MOUTH SHUT! I am a Yankee thru and thru and HATE the SAWX, But I have to admit this was a very VERY clever idea that you should tip your hat to. Only trouble is, like most morons who are also pranksters, if you have to brag and blab about it to someone, chances are you will be caught and in the case (HOPEFULLY) brought up on criminal and civil charges. I always thought stupidity was a disease, but I never knew it was a crime!
The Yankees should have this dope sit in the bleachers in RF wearing SAID jersey when the SUX come to town on Wednesday and see how brave and smart he is then![/quote]
Please stop calling them the “Sux”, it’s just stupid and makes you sound like a five year old. And believe me, I hate the Red Sox and their fans as much as the next guy, but seriously, stop.
The Yankees should have this dope sit in the bleachers in RF wearing SAID jersey when the SUX come to town on Wednesday and see how brave and smart he is then![/quote]
settle down, Beavis
Actually, if he kept his mouth shut, we — and the press — wouldn’t be talking about it.
I love the new Royals powder blue alternates, but I do agree without the pants it makes it feel like there is something not right….no pants. I read that the reason the lettering and numbers were blue was so that could be easily read instead of the origional white lettering. GO ROYALS! At least black is gone, cant say the same for the Mets.
Looks a lot like Alec Baldwin, he does. And SHOULDA get his mouth shut….til Opening Day 2009. No jackhammers goin’ in THEN, eh?
Sorry if this was addressed in yesterday’s comments, but seeing the highlights of yesterday’s Nats-Braves game after work made me sick. Red home vs. navy away? If I’m being repetitive shoot me, but isn’t the MLB guideline that there can only be one dark colored team per game? Does red not count as dark? I figured that was put in place to keep at least one team in white/gray, since the result was an utterly amateur looking game.
although, who’s to say that he (or anyone else, for that matter) didn’t bury another jersey in the foundation, and used this one just as a bluff? Now THAT would be even better.
[quote comment=”252136″]That cricket player is from the link: he’s wearing a red uniform, he’s black, and the name “Jerome Taylor” isn’t exactly Asian sounding.[/quote]
Race and name shouldn’t be considerations in determining nationality in cricket. Shivanarine Chanderpaul and Ramnaresh Sarwan (both very “Asian” sounding names) are both stars of the West Indies team. Nasser Husain was a former captain of England. That being said, Taylor’s jersey is definitely that of the West Indies, and coincidentally, Brian had Shiv Chanderpaul’s picture up this weekend.
[quote comment=”252150″]Hey Guys,
I’m in Philly (Old Town – Chestnust St) for the next 2 nights for work. You guys know of anything uni related I need to see while here or a good place within walking distance I can hang out at to watch some games?
I have already seen that the M&N store is very close, so I plan on hitting that tonight, but any help is welcome…I don’t know the area at all? I will have very limited internet access so I will try to get back on here whenever I can to see suggestions.
PS – I already looked into the Baseball as America exhibit, but it closes before I can get free.[/quote]
Mitchell & Ness closes at 5:30 like everything else in center city that isn’t a bar or restaurant. Depending on where you are at on Chesnut i’d hit up Moriarty’s(11th and Walnut) they have some nice tvs and great pub food.
[quote comment=”252125″]So the SUX jersey has been exhumed from the bowels of the new stadium. And when you look at it, you see the moron who put it in there didnt even put an authentic jersey in there, he placed a crappy knock off of the real thing in there, which we all read about and saw ourselves.
So I have to just say this…The sh*thead who put it in there could have had the greatest of all pranks for the greatest of all times, IF HE KEPT HIS BIG MOUTH SHUT! I am a Yankee thru and thru and HATE the SAWX, But I have to admit this was a very VERY clever idea that you should tip your hat to. Only trouble is, like most morons who are also pranksters, if you have to brag and blab about it to someone, chances are you will be caught and in the case (HOPEFULLY) brought up on criminal and civil charges. I always thought stupidity was a disease, but I never knew it was a crime!
The Yankees should have this dope sit in the bleachers in RF wearing SAID jersey when the SUX come to town on Wednesday and see how brave and smart he is then![/quote]
Typical Yankee fan. Not bothering to listen or read about what actually happened.
It was two guys he was working with that ratted him out on the prank. He didn’t go around blabbing it anywhere. Man all you had to do was watch and listen to the interview and you would get that piece of information. I know Yankee fans can’t read but I at least thought they could comprehend words.
Although I did find this guy to be quite the idiot this was a hilarious prank… but he is definitely not a “hero” to Red Sox fans. At least not to me.
[quote comment=”252186″]I know Yankee fans can’t read but I at least thought they could comprehend words.[/quote]
OK, that’s it — all Yankees and Sox fans, please take it outside. Any more shit like this will get you tossed from the site. Thanks.
Interesting note from Charlie Usas, who writes: “I attended the Rangers/Devils playoff game in Newark on Friday night. Even as a Rangers fan, you can’t beat the deal on the tickets you can get there, and I wasn’t the only Blueshirt in attendance who felt that way (it looked like a neutral-site college game in the stands). Anyway, as we got off the train, there was a truck handing out blue pom-poms from rangers.com – I think the plan was to counteract the Devils’ white towels. Upon arrival, however, Rangers fans “in uniform” were searched for pom-poms, forced to surrender them, and then not allowed to take one of the white towels.” Bummer! Anyone know of any similar tales of fan discrimination?
In 2006, I went to a Penn State/Notre Dame game in South Bend. They refused to give the green Notre Dame giveaway towels to any fans wearing PSU clothing.
Cut Charlie Samuels some slack. He had the gerat blue jackets and caps yesterday and according to the broadcast, Willie Randolph doesn’t like the all blue jacket. Which of course means until it’s too hot for even Rick Peterson to wear a jacket the Mets will wear black caps if Willie insists on black jackets.
[quote comment=”252192″][quote comment=”252186″]I know Yankee fans can’t read but I at least thought they could comprehend words.[/quote]
OK, that’s it — all Yankees and Sox fans, please take it outside. Any more shit like this will get you tossed from the site. Thanks.[/quote]
My bad… I just meant it as good natured ribbing. I was hoping nobody would take it seriously. But I’ll quit it.
[quote comment=”252195″]Cut Charlie Samuels some slack. He had the gerat blue jackets and caps yesterday and according to the broadcast, Willie Randolph doesn’t like the all blue jacket. Which of course means until it’s too hot for even Rick Peterson to wear a jacket the Mets will wear black caps if Willie insists on black jackets.[/quote]
OK but, the thing is, the blue caps look just fine with the black jackets. In fact, I’d like to see them try the blue caps with the black jerseys.
The mask is a GameFace mask…can be found online…more and more younger players are wearing them
[quote comment=”252192″][quote comment=”252186″]I know Yankee fans can’t read but I at least thought they could comprehend words.[/quote]
OK, that’s it — all Yankees and Sox fans, please take it outside. Any more shit like this will get you tossed from the site. Thanks.[/quote]
Sorry…if was about the mets i guess we wouldnt have to take it outside…. ;-)
[quote comment=”252125″]So the SUX jersey has been exhumed from the bowels of the new stadium. And when you look at it, you see the moron who put it in there didnt even put an authentic jersey in there, he placed a crappy knock off of the real thing in there, which we all read about and saw ourselves.
So I have to just say this…The sh*thead who put it in there could have had the greatest of all pranks for the greatest of all times, IF HE KEPT HIS BIG MOUTH SHUT! I am a Yankee thru and thru and HATE the SAWX, But I have to admit this was a very VERY clever idea that you should tip your hat to. Only trouble is, like most morons who are also pranksters, if you have to brag and blab about it to someone, chances are you will be caught and in the case (HOPEFULLY) brought up on criminal and civil charges. I always thought stupidity was a disease, but I never knew it was a crime!
The Yankees should have this dope sit in the bleachers in RF wearing SAID jersey when the SUX come to town on Wednesday and see how brave and smart he is then![/quote]
Working in the Construction Management Industry myself I can tell you this. That guy will be “back charged” for the re-work required to be performed to remove the jersey from the foundation. Further he could also face charges for altering the design of the foundation, as the jersey could have *(unlikely)* affected the structrural integrity of the foundation. Given that the CM firm on the project is Turner Construction, you can be sure he’ll be seeing a bill sometime soon. The Yanks did not spend the cash to remove the jersey, Turner did, and given that they will recoup the costs from the IDIOT responsible.
Would have been better if he waited until the stadium was finished to open his mouth!
Both White Mana and White Manna originaly had two “N”s in the name, but for some reason the Jersey City location dropped the second “N” a while back.
The Hackensack location is fantastic. Anytime friends come visit from outside of Jersey we head over there.
Both White Mana and White Manna originaly had two “N”s in the name, but for some reason the Jersey City location dropped the second “N” a while back.
The Hackensack location is fantastic. Anytime friends come visit from outside of Jersey we head over there.
Upon first glance, I thought Justin Rose had decided to play goalie in the FA Cup with that vertical Adidas stripe.
[quote comment=”252174″]If I’m being repetitive shoot me, but isn’t the MLB guideline that there can only be one dark colored team per game? Does red not count as dark? I figured that was put in place to keep at least one team in white/gray, since the result was an utterly amateur looking game.[/quote]
No, I believe the guideline is that you can’t have blue and black in the same game. You might think it’s ugly, but I doubt many people have problems telling red from blue (not saying that some color blind people might not have problems, but I doubt it’s a major issue).
It’s probably a good thing the A’s lost yesterday, otherwise I’m pretty sure we’d get Green on Black in the White Sox/A’s game tonight. Who knows, we still might.
[quote comment=”252192″][quote comment=”252186″]I know Yankee fans can’t read but I at least thought they could comprehend words.[/quote]
OK, that’s it — all Yankees and Sox fans, please take it outside. Any more shit like this will get you tossed from the site. Thanks.[/quote]
Does that also pertain to Isles-Rangers “pleasantries”?
[quote comment=”252200″][quote comment=”252195″]Cut Charlie Samuels some slack. He had the gerat blue jackets and caps yesterday and according to the broadcast, Willie Randolph doesn’t like the all blue jacket. Which of course means until it’s too hot for even Rick Peterson to wear a jacket the Mets will wear black caps if Willie insists on black jackets.[/quote]
OK but, the thing is, the blue caps look just fine with the black jackets. In fact, I’d like to see them try the blue caps with the black jerseys.[/quote]
But he won’t. It would be so much better if they finnally just drop the black, but until then let’s hopw Willie agrees to wear the blue jacket.
No need to keep looking, I found link
perhaps it WAS an authentic jersey and the evil emanating from the new yankee stadium lessened it to a mere replica…
[quote comment=”252218″]perhaps it WAS an authentic jersey and the evil emanating from the new yankee stadium lessened it to a mere replica…[/quote]
Nah, he just didn’t have the courage of his convictions.
If he had, he would have sprung for an authentic. What good’s a cut-rate jinx?
[quote]I believe the guideline is that you can’t have blue and black in the same game.[/quote]
unless you’re wearing a mets uni
I guess I’d like to know, from a broadcasting perspective, why they’d have a Victoria Cougars jersey or a early Canada team jersey or an early WHATEVER if it didn’t pertain to either of the teams in the final? That seems sort of silly, right?
[quote comment=”252209″][quote comment=”252200″][quote comment=”252195″]Cut Charlie Samuels some slack. He had the gerat blue jackets and caps yesterday and according to the broadcast, Willie Randolph doesn’t like the all blue jacket. Which of course means until it’s too hot for even Rick Peterson to wear a jacket the Mets will wear black caps if Willie insists on black jackets.[/quote]
OK but, the thing is, the blue caps look just fine with the black jackets. In fact, I’d like to see them try the blue caps with the black jerseys.[/quote]
But he won’t. It would be so much better if they finnally just drop the black, but until then let’s hopw Willie agrees to wear the blue jacket.[/quote]
To be fair, the blue jackets aren’t that great. The blue looks a little too light and washed-out (at least it did on my TV), and the black script and sleeve logo don’t help. A richer blue and more orange trim would help. But beggars can’t be choosers. I was glad to see the blue jackets, and with them the hope that we’ll see more blue this year. But this team is not exactly inspiring hope in any sense at all…
Speaking of Mets …
Saw a clip on the news of the game Saturday night between my SeaWolves and the Binghamton Mets … link but can you tell who is who?
I screamed at my TV and said “See that? How do you know what team is what? That would drive the uni-kids nuts!”
Girlfriend laughed at me. Again. :)
Uniwatchers I need your help… I am getting married in August and am trying to think of what to get my guys as groomsmen’s gifts. All four of them are very much sports fans, and i’d like to know what some of you all may have gotten that you have enjoyed.
[quote comment=”252181″][quote comment=”252136″]That cricket player is from the link: he’s wearing a red uniform, he’s black, and the name “Jerome Taylor” isn’t exactly Asian sounding.[/quote]
Race and name shouldn’t be considerations in determining nationality in cricket. Shivanarine Chanderpaul and Ramnaresh Sarwan (both very “Asian” sounding names) are both stars of the West Indies team. Nasser Husain was a former captain of England. That being said, Taylor’s jersey is definitely that of the West Indies, and coincidentally, Brian had Shiv Chanderpaul’s picture up this weekend.[/quote]
That equally applies to countries. Well, England, at least :*) Since it technically represents Wales as well (and in theory the whole of the UK) and they have a reputation for capping people from all over the place (cf PIETERSEN, Kevin (South Africa), JONES, Geraint (Papua New Guinea) but PANESAR, Monty (Luton).)
International cricket is an intriguing thing indeed
[quote comment=”252229″]Well, England, at least :*) Since it technically represents Wales as well (and in theory the whole of the UK) [/quote]
Wales, yes. But the whole of the UK?
I thought Scotland has its own ICC national squad.
uni-related blurb in today’s Atlanta paper about the Braves’ blue road alts:
Navy blues
After wearing their new navy blue road jerseys for three games in a row, the Braves might pack them up for a while after Glavine injured his hamstring wearing one.
“That’s the end of that,” Glavine said.
He had been following the lead of Tim Hudson and John Smoltz who won back-to-back starts in the jerseys the Braves first broke out in Washington at the season-opener.
The starting pitcher gets to decide which road jerseys the Braves wear after the home team takes first dibs. Hudson chose to go back to the new navy blue jerseys after pitching well in the no-decision here March 30. Friday he pitched eight shutout innings to beat the Nats 3-0.
“I love the blue jersey, I was hoping we’d win [Friday] because if not, we would be 0-2 with it,” Hudson said. “Everybody else likes it a lot. We’ve just got to win while we’re wearing it. If we keep losing, we’re not wearing it. Bobby [Cox] might burn it.”
[quote comment=”252110″]link the more reason that “Royals” should be white with royal blue trim……[/quote]
So, according to your rationale, it’ll be perfectly fine if I suggest that they add link to their official color scheme for the ’09 season? I mean, its “royal”, right? (Paul’s gonna love me for that one.)
Since I’ve noticed a lot of people are sticklers for sports teams being historically, anatomically and/or geographically correct with names, uniforms, and logos, it only makes sense for the Royals to adopt a variation of this link. They should also wear chaps, allow only real bulls to populate the bullpen, and host a nightly cattle drive around the warning track during the seventh-inning stretch.
Sound ridiculous? Yeah, I thought so, too. :)
for all you football/soccer and striped socks fans, link from yesterday’s arsenal-manchester united match
[quote comment=”252236″]uni-related blurb in today’s Atlanta paper about the Braves’ blue road alts:
Navy blues
After wearing their new navy blue road jerseys for three games in a row, the Braves might pack them up for a while after Glavine injured his hamstring wearing one.
“That’s the end of that,” Glavine said.
He had been following the lead of Tim Hudson and John Smoltz who won back-to-back starts in the jerseys the Braves first broke out in Washington at the season-opener.
The starting pitcher gets to decide which road jerseys the Braves wear after the home team takes first dibs. Hudson chose to go back to the new navy blue jerseys after pitching well in the no-decision here March 30. Friday he pitched eight shutout innings to beat the Nats 3-0.
“I love the blue jersey, I was hoping we’d win [Friday] because if not, we would be 0-2 with it,” Hudson said. “Everybody else likes it a lot. We’ve just got to win while we’re wearing it. If we keep losing, we’re not wearing it. Bobby [Cox] might burn it.”[/quote]
Bobby Cox would be doing us all a favor. He should also burn the A’s green softball jerseys, too.
…Reprinted once again from this weekend:
[quote comment=”251495″]reprinted from last nights comments:
[quote comment=”251449″][quote comment=”251364″][quote comment=”251270″]I updated the Baltimash to include the Baltimore Skipjacks (AHL) for Marcus. If anyone can think of another Baltimore team they want in there I’ll try to work it in. This is too much fun! [/quote]
I don’t know if I’m the first person to mention this or not, but Baltimoreans have got to let go of the Colts already. For crying out loud, not only do you guys have another, completely different franchise that has won a Super Bowl, but the Colts have won a Super Bowl as the Indianapolis Colts.
Yes, I know it hurt. But you guys aren’t nearly as screwed over (now) as Seattle basketball fans will be here shortly.[/quote]
We went 13 years without a team. I hope you never get a another basketball team. Jerk![/quote]
For the record, the logo pictured in the “Baltimash” (great work by the way) is NOT a Colts logo, but rather a link logo. The Stallions were a CFL team based in Baltimore in 1994-1995, and were the 1st (and only I beleive) US-based CFL team to win the Grey Cup. I apologize if this was already cleared up as I didn’t read every comment from the weekend.
Also for the record, I think it’s safe to say that pretty much everyone in Baltimore (including myself) has gotten over the Colts situation…but will never forget March 29, 1984 either.
[quote comment=”252253″]…Reprinted once again from this weekend:
[quote comment=”251495″]reprinted from last nights comments:
[quote comment=”251449″][quote comment=”251364″][quote comment=”251270″]I updated the Baltimash to include the Baltimore Skipjacks (AHL) for Marcus. If anyone can think of another Baltimore team they want in there I’ll try to work it in. This is too much fun! [/quote]
I don’t know if I’m the first person to mention this or not, but Baltimoreans have got to let go of the Colts already. For crying out loud, not only do you guys have another, completely different franchise that has won a Super Bowl, but the Colts have won a Super Bowl as the Indianapolis Colts.
Yes, I know it hurt. But you guys aren’t nearly as screwed over (now) as Seattle basketball fans will be here shortly.[/quote]
We went 13 years without a team. I hope you never get a another basketball team. Jerk![/quote]
For the record, the logo pictured in the “Baltimash” (great work by the way) is NOT a Colts logo, but rather a link logo. The Stallions were a CFL team based in Baltimore in 1994-1995, and were the 1st (and only I beleive) US-based CFL team to win the Grey Cup. I apologize if this was already cleared up as I didn’t read every comment from the weekend.
Also for the record, I think it’s safe to say that pretty much everyone in Baltimore (including myself) has gotten over the Colts situation…but will never forget March 29, 1984 either.[/quote]
Hmm…but I just noticed the Horseshoe Colts logo…oh well, I missed that the first time. Still the Colts were a large part of Baltimore sports history, and even if we have “gotten over it”, it doesn’t mind we don’t remember with fondness the days of the Baltimore Colts.
It looks like Angel Hernandez is wearing a link. Everyone on my high school cross country team had one of these about 10 years ago.
As a neutral who dislikes both the Yanks and Red Sox, I have to say my reaction was that this was a great prank by the Red Sox fan and that the Yankees’ reaction — or overreaction — had to be a Red Sox fan’s dream. The Yankees needed to handle this with a light touch; instead they just confirmed every stereotype about themselves.
But I agree, the guy definitely should have sprung for the authentic. That’s the only thing that would have made it better.
[quote comment=”252242″]
Bobby Cox would be doing us all a favor. He should also burn the A’s green softball jerseys, too.[/quote]
The A’s green jerseys are okay – it’s the black ones that need to be burned.
[quote comment=”252239″]for all you football/soccer and striped socks fans, link from yesterday’s arsenal-manchester united match[/quote]
Yeah, the only problem being that Nike totally screwed up United’s socks. They’ve been wearing black with a red and white stripe at home forever. Now they’re just solid black.
[quote comment=”252128″]AOL’s got a link slideshow thing up.[/quote]
As a child of the ’70’s, I say “Feh!” to AOL… Everybody had “big hair” back in the day!
And link is the way I remember Al Hrabosky, “The Mad Hungarian”…
Is link wearing Mizuno baseball cleats in this picture? The only other footballer I can remember wearing baseball spikes is Steve McNair
[quote comment=”252236″]”I love the blue jersey, I was hoping we’d win [Friday] because if not, we would be 0-2 with it,” Hudson said. “Everybody else likes it a lot. We’ve just got to win while we’re wearing it. If we keep losing, we’re not wearing it. Bobby [Cox] might burn it.”[/quote]
If they are to burn the blue jerseys, I’d hope that it takes place far away from Turner Field. I’d hate to see a repeat of link. I doubt that Bobby would set fire to the alts with a can of sterno in a pressbox buffet line, but I don’t want to give him any ideas. Let’s hope he doesn’t read this blog.
[quote comment=”252256″]As a neutral who dislikes both the Yanks and Red Sox, I have to say my reaction was that this was a great prank by the Red Sox fan and that the Yankees’ reaction — or overreaction — had to be a Red Sox fan’s dream. The Yankees needed to handle this with a light touch; instead they just confirmed every stereotype about themselves.
But I agree, the guy definitely should have sprung for the authentic. That’s the only thing that would have made it better.[/quote]
The dude should have saved himself some money and put an authentic cap in instead.
[quote comment=”252257″][quote comment=”252242″]
Bobby Cox would be doing us all a favor. He should also burn the A’s green softball jerseys, too.[/quote]
The A’s green jerseys are okay – it’s the black ones that need to be burned.[/quote]
not only are the green jerseys ok…they’ve been a part of the a’s uni-scheme for decades-even before they were the oakland baseball club (i for one wish they’d bring back the yellow jersey and pair each one with the corresponding pants)…but keep even that to a minimum
the black jersey on the other hand…i think you’d need to bury THAT because the shit won’t burn with conventional incendiary devices
such as sterno or gasoline
[quote comment=”252177″]although, who’s to say that he (or anyone else, for that matter) didn’t bury another jersey in the foundation, and used this one just as a bluff? Now THAT would be even better.[/quote]
Well… I wasn’t going to say anything, but this yahoo wasn’t the only anti-yanks man on the job, and far from the most creative. And only putting it under a floor was lazy and amateurish. Now, putting it in the footings under the facade at the main entrance, where every fan will have to pass over it (I mean WOULD have to, if it were REALLY there) and it would be cost-prohibitive to remove it. THAT’S something. Also, how far down below the pitcher’s mound do you thing they’ll be willing to dig? Not to mention all the pro-Mets or pro-Sox or anti-yanks graffiti they’ll never find without tearing down walls, or worse…
Thank you Robert Eden for noticing that! I noted that about Billy Hatcher’s helmet (it doesn’t match the team’s helmets either, no black-brimmed Reds helmets for away games) to my wife and she told me to go put on my Uni Watch T-Shirt. Technically, Billy’s is correct since it matches the team’s hat, but i’m not sure why Mark Berry doesn’t have a black brim.
As for uni-themed gifts … I gave my groomsmen personalized wood bats, they loved them.
Okay, golf newbie here. I don’t normally watch the Masters but watching it on a 50″ plasma in hi-def while going in and out of a nap is just so relaxing. Onto my question…
What’s with the white coveralls the caddies wear? That’s not the norm for all golf tournaments. Does the Masters have a reason for doing it, or is it one of those “we’ve always done it that way” things?
Say what you want about the NHL but why does a team in California (the Sharks) have one of the best redesign of a jersey. By far a very sharp jersey and logo. I mean if you had to go with modern day style and flair that is the way to go. I didn’t say it’s the best jersey in the league but it certainly isone of the top 10 easily.
This is probably a question that has been answered on this site before (and one that could be easily answered if I watched a game), but do major league coaches and managers have to wear a helmet when making a visit to the mound? I was at a Tennessee Smokies game the other day (Cubs’ AA affiliate; Cubs fans will be happy to know that Samardzija was lights-out on the mound), and both the pitching coach and manager for the home team wore helmets when going to the mound.
And why hasn’t the NCAA adopted the rule for its coaches? It would make more sense there, with the aluminum bats and all.
If I were a Yankees fan I would be completely embarrassed by Steinbrenner’s incitement to violence against a worker. This shows you not only what an idiot he is, but how badly the Red Sox have Yankees brass spooked (and I’m not a Red Sox fan).
On a lighter note, I was disappointed by the Phillies’ Sunday unis. I thought they’d look a little better than that. Too much of a ’70s pajamas feeling.
[quote comment=”252276″]Say what you want about the NHL but why does a team in California (the Sharks) have one of the best redesign of a jersey. By far a very sharp jersey and logo. I mean if you had to go with modern day style and flair that is the way to go. I didn’t say it’s the best jersey in the league but it certainly isone of the top 10 easily.[/quote]
I hate the new EDGE jerseys, but I’ll agree with you on the logo – one of the best updates in years.
[quote comment=”252271″]Okay, golf newbie here. I don’t normally watch the Masters but watching it on a 50″ plasma in hi-def while going in and out of a nap is just so relaxing. Onto my question…
What’s with the white coveralls the caddies wear? That’s not the norm for all golf tournaments. Does the Masters have a reason for doing it, or is it one of those “we’ve always done it that way” things?[/quote]
No, it’s only a Masters thing (or, it may be something that is the norm for all golf at Augusta National; I don’t know, because I would never make enough money to even be considered for membership if I lived to be 10,000). The other three majors (the U.S. Open, the Open Championship, and the PGA Championship) all require caddies to wear certain-colored vests with the tournament’s logo, but the Masters is the only one with the uniform.
An interesting read concerning Masters caddies can be found link.
[quote comment=”252280″][quote comment=”252276″]Say what you want about the NHL but why does a team in California (the Sharks) have one of the best redesign of a jersey. By far a very sharp jersey and logo. I mean if you had to go with modern day style and flair that is the way to go. I didn’t say it’s the best jersey in the league but it certainly isone of the top 10 easily.[/quote]
I hate the new EDGE jerseys, but I’ll agree with you on the logo – one of the best updates in years.[/quote]
not only that, it’s one of the few redesigns that keep the traditional bold horizontal stripe look.
[quote comment=”252269″]Thank you Robert Eden for noticing that! I noted that about Billy Hatcher’s helmet (it doesn’t match the team’s helmets either, no black-brimmed Reds helmets for away games) to my wife and she told me to go put on my Uni Watch T-Shirt. Technically, Billy’s is correct since it matches the team’s hat, but i’m not sure why Mark Berry doesn’t have a black brim.
After I made the observation, I scurried around the house, pausing the DVR, looking for my camera and generally getting all excited. My wife, of course, rolled her eyes and called me a Uni Nerd for the hundredth time.
[quote comment=”252225″]I guess I’d like to know, from a broadcasting perspective, why they’d have a Victoria Cougars jersey or a early Canada team jersey or an early WHATEVER if it didn’t pertain to either of the teams in the final? That seems sort of silly, right?[/quote]
It’s some sort of an all-purpose background/backdrop for some NHL interviews. The short spots of both Joe Thornton and Jerome Iginla saying “You’re watching the NHL Network” both have them in front of that same backdrop.
Re: the Red Sox jersey…as long as we’re talking superstitions, they should have buried the jersey with a mirror; that way, when the jackhammer hit it…shatter.
As a Red Sox fan, I think it is ridiculous if they actually press charges against the guy who left the jersey in the cement.
Also, if you want some additional, junior Uni-watching check out my column link. It’s a weekly feature on sports uniforms and it’s part of a website run by college students who just want to write about sports. We could use the traffic and feel free to tell me what you think.
[quote comment=”252260″]Is link wearing Mizuno baseball cleats in this picture? The only other footballer I can remember wearing baseball spikes is Steve McNair[/quote]
It looks like them with the tongue cover however look at the cleat pattern!
[quote comment=”252292″][quote comment=”252260″]Is link wearing Mizuno baseball cleats in this picture? The only other footballer I can remember wearing baseball spikes is Steve McNair[/quote]
It looks like them with the tongue cover however look at the cleat pattern![/quote]
I’m not a shoe-guy by any stretch of the imagination, but that looks like a swoosh on McNair’s shoe to me.
[quote comment=”252260″]Is link wearing Mizuno baseball cleats in this picture? The only other footballer I can remember wearing baseball spikes is Steve McNair[/quote]
Many, many players began wearing Molded cleats once field turf began appearing, especially at the old Vet. linkwas definitely one of them, although the linked pic was of his Jordan XI Detachable PE’s.
Nike created their “link line of cleats to accommodate the new filed requirements.
Sorry to quite probably repeat someone, but the cricketer is from West Indies, who are playing Sri Lanka.
This is a mistake in the ticker.
Wow, as if having Yankess Red Sox forced down my throat all weekend (really, are all 19 games really worthy of national coverage?) now we have to deal with this jersey fiasco.
This whole thing just seems like a fake. Just something to drum up an aura about this new Yankee Stadium. Because it certainly isn’t worth hosting a press conference over.
And the Red Sox? Wow can this bias stop? During the Japan series, ESPN made it seem like the A’s were privileged to even be shown on tv with the Red Sox, and gave them zero credit. And as of right now I count no less than 7 stories on espn.com’s mlb front page.
Proof that you don’t need to be in first place to get espn’s attention, you just need to be conveniently located near the office.
[quote comment=”252296″][quote comment=”252292″][quote comment=”252260″]Is link wearing Mizuno baseball cleats in this picture? The only other footballer I can remember wearing baseball spikes is Steve McNair[/quote]
It looks like them with the tongue cover however look at the cleat pattern![/quote]
I’m not a shoe-guy by any stretch of the imagination, but that looks like a swoosh on McNair’s shoe to me.[/quote]
I think he was referring to the wearing of baseball/softball style cleats for football.
[quote comment=”252261″]
If they are to burn the blue jerseys, I’d hope that it takes place far away from Turner Field. I’d hate to see a repeat of link. I doubt that Bobby would set fire to the alts with a can of sterno in a pressbox buffet line, but I don’t want to give him any ideas. Let’s hope he doesn’t read this blog.[/quote]
That was Fred McGriff’s first game in Atlanta, where he became the Fire Dog for a day. Great picture.
Wow, as if having Yankess Red Sox forced down my throat all weekend (really, are all 19 games really worthy of national coverage?)
I was thinking the same thing last night.
I would love to see all of the teams in MLB once in a while. Living in the New York metropolitan area usually affords me that luxury.
I am starting to believe in the East Coast Bias!
[quote comment=”252276″]Say what you want about the NHL but why does a team in California (the Sharks) have one of the best redesign of a jersey. By far a very sharp jersey and logo. I mean if you had to go with modern day style and flair that is the way to go. I didn’t say it’s the best jersey in the league but it certainly isone of the top 10 easily.[/quote]
I feel SJ had a average jersey DESIGN (stripes, font, etc). but I think they have one of the worst jersey color schemes in the league. Teal? Really? Show me a teal Shark. Turn that jersey into gray and black (more gray than black, don’t want to copy the old LA Kings) and I’ll says it’s Top 10.
My Top 10: in no perticular order
[quote comment=”252260″]Is link wearing Mizuno baseball cleats in this picture? The only other footballer I can remember wearing baseball spikes is Steve McNair[/quote]
Montana wore mizuno, and finished his career in LA Gear. That picture of Todd McNair is not Mizuno, its NIKE, McNair has been with Nike since he came into the league.
USC Song Girls Fundraiser
[quote comment=”252307″]I feel SJ had a average jersey DESIGN (stripes, font, etc). but I think they have one of the worst jersey color schemes in the league. Teal? Really? Show me a teal Shark. Turn that jersey into gray and black (more gray than black, don’t want to copy the old LA Kings) and I’ll says it’s Top 10.
Teal is aquatic. That’s close enough.
Colors need not be a literal expression of the nickname – how many blue Bears, silver Lions, navy Tigers, teal Hornets, blue Grizzlies, green Eagles, navy Broncos or green Bucks have you seen?
Interesting note from Charlie Usas, who writes: “I attended the Rangers/Devils playoff game in Newark on Friday night. Even as a Rangers fan, you can’t beat the deal on the tickets you can get there, and I wasn’t the only Blueshirt in attendance who felt that way (it looked like a neutral-site college game in the stands). Anyway, as we got off the train, there was a truck handing out blue pom-poms from rangers.com – I think the plan was to counteract the Devils’ white towels. Upon arrival, however, Rangers fans “in uniform” were searched for pom-poms, forced to surrender them, and then not allowed to take one of the white towels.” Bummer! Anyone know of any similar tales of fan discrimination?
Penn St. Football Came to the Linc in Philly to Play Temple for the first time in forever this past season…my brother painted his face like the Penn St. Helmet (all white with a blue stripe down the center) and went up to a table to get a Temple Towel and they refused to give him one. It was technically a Temple home game, although the temple fans were outnumbered about 1,000 to 1
So, at what point would it be too late for the new Yankee Stadium to be torn up to look for Red Sox ‘stuff’? When might we hear that Joe Red Sox left a hat, jersey, or grafitti somewhere?
[quote comment=”252310″]USC Song Girls Fundraiser[/quote]
If I weren’t at work I think I could do an entire column on the uni related items on that page.
[quote]As a Red Sox fan, I think it is ridiculous if they actually press charges against the guy who left the jersey in the cement.[/quote]
as a red sox fan, you would
[quote comment=”252254″][quote comment=”252253″]…Reprinted once again from this weekend:
[quote comment=”251495″]reprinted from last nights comments:
[quote comment=”251449″][quote comment=”251364″][quote comment=”251270″]I updated the Baltimash to include the Baltimore Skipjacks (AHL) for Marcus. If anyone can think of another Baltimore team they want in there I’ll try to work it in. This is too much fun! [/quote]
I don’t know if I’m the first person to mention this or not, but Baltimoreans have got to let go of the Colts already. For crying out loud, not only do you guys have another, completely different franchise that has won a Super Bowl, but the Colts have won a Super Bowl as the Indianapolis Colts.
Yes, I know it hurt. But you guys aren’t nearly as screwed over (now) as Seattle basketball fans will be here shortly.[/quote]
We went 13 years without a team. I hope you never get a another basketball team. Jerk![/quote]
For the record, the logo pictured in the “Baltimash” (great work by the way) is NOT a Colts logo, but rather a link logo. The Stallions were a CFL team based in Baltimore in 1994-1995, and were the 1st (and only I beleive) US-based CFL team to win the Grey Cup. I apologize if this was already cleared up as I didn’t read every comment from the weekend.
Also for the record, I think it’s safe to say that pretty much everyone in Baltimore (including myself) has gotten over the Colts situation…but will never forget March 29, 1984 either.[/quote]
Hmm…but I just noticed the Horseshoe Colts logo…oh well, I missed that the first time. Still the Colts were a large part of Baltimore sports history, and even if we have “gotten over it”, it doesn’t mind we don’t remember with fondness the days of the Baltimore Colts.[/quote]
And this is why I only used the current active teams in my mash-up a few days ago….the above is more of the “Cooperstown Collection” of mash-ups
[quote comment=”252316″]So, at what point would it be too late for the new Yankee Stadium to be torn up to look for Red Sox ‘stuff’? When might we hear that Joe Red Sox left a hat, jersey, or grafitti somewhere?[/quote]
The very wonderful movie The Conversation ends this way, sort of. Gene Hackman becomes convinced that there’s a recording bug planted somewhere in his home (it’s not clear if there really is one, but it’s very clear that he’s paranoid beyond all reason), so he literally tears the place apart trying to find it. Too bad there really was a Sox jersey waiting to be found — the mere SUGGESTION of one would’ve been better, like an itch that could never be scratched.
anyone think benedict’s gone slip a mitre into the house that YES built next week?
[quote comment=”252312″][quote comment=”252307″]I feel SJ had a average jersey DESIGN (stripes, font, etc). but I think they have one of the worst jersey color schemes in the league. Teal? Really? Show me a teal Shark. Turn that jersey into gray and black (more gray than black, don’t want to copy the old LA Kings) and I’ll says it’s Top 10.
Teal is aquatic. That’s close enough.
Colors need not be a literal expression of the nickname – how many blue Bears, silver Lions, navy Tigers, teal Hornets, blue Grizzlies, green Eagles, navy Broncos or green Bucks have you seen?[/quote]
I just think SJ would look 10x better as gray and black. Wish I was tech savy enough to do a mock up. I have always hated teal as a sports color.
The thing on Angel Hernandez’s head wrap was the logo for MaxIt, it is a sleeve looking thing that you can contort into different masks to protect different parts of your face. NFL players used them in the late 90’s before Under Armour and Nike started making their own versions. Heres a link to what it is:link
Sorry heres the link link
Last summer i was at a Red Sox vs Rays baseball game in Tampa and the Rays were giving out free tshirts but wouldn’t give them to anyone wearing Red Sox gear and wouldn’t give it to people not wearing Rays gear. I think they ended up giving out about 50 shirts it seemed like.
Also on Sunday i can’t remember if it was Immelman’s or Snedeker’s caddy but one of the was wearing a Toronto Maple Leafs shirt under his caddy uniform
For the golf-apparel aficionados:
Trevor Immelman (sponsored by Nike) was wearing a Tiger Woods-label shirt on Sunday at the Masters. The evidence was the metal tag on his left sleeve. It’s actually a “TW” crest found only on the Tiger Woods line of Nike Golf apparel.
WOW. My Windies getting attention two days in a row. Life is good.
Uniwatchers I need your help… I am getting married in August and am trying to think of what to get my guys as groomsmen’s gifts. All four of them are very much sports fans, and i’d like to know what some of you all may have gotten that you have enjoyed.
i think i’ve been in 7 weddings and so far i got:
1.a baseball bat with my name on it. really cool gift! go to louisvilleslugger.com for that one
2. i got a heavy duty gym/weekend trip bag with my initials. thats my favorite, and most used groomsman gift!!!
3. hocky puck clock with my name on it.
4. pnc park wall clock.
5. knife and cd case with my name on it.
6. flask with initials.
7. big beer mug with my initials. actually, THATS my most used gift. lol
i’d say uni-watch wise. the baseball bat is AWESOME! everybody LOVED it. but the gym/weekend trip bag is probably the all around best. i use it EVERY time i travel. those would be my suggestions!
[quote comment=”252320″][quote]As a Red Sox fan, I think it is ridiculous if they actually press charges against the guy who left the jersey in the cement.[/quote]
as a red sox fan, you would[/quote]
I can’t imagine they’d charge him with anything worse than Criminal Tampering 3d (NYPL § 145.14), a B misdemeanor. He didn’t actually damage the property so they probably wouldn’t be able to charge him with criminal mischief. Of course, the team can sue him in civil court for the cost of the digging-out…
[quote comment=”252325″][quote comment=”252312″][quote comment=”252307″]I feel SJ had a average jersey DESIGN (stripes, font, etc). but I think they have one of the worst jersey color schemes in the league. Teal? Really? Show me a teal Shark. Turn that jersey into gray and black (more gray than black, don’t want to copy the old LA Kings) and I’ll says it’s Top 10.
Teal is aquatic. That’s close enough.
Colors need not be a literal expression of the nickname – how many blue Bears, silver Lions, navy Tigers, teal Hornets, blue Grizzlies, green Eagles, navy Broncos or green Bucks have you seen?[/quote]
I just think SJ would look 10x better as gray and black. Wish I was tech savy enough to do a mock up. I have always hated teal as a sports color.[/quote]
That would be amazingly boring. Just to continue what the previous poster said, out of your top 10 that would be like having the Washington Caps make a black and white jersey, or Phx having a brownish/gray jersey.
[quote comment=”252150″]Hey Guys,
I’m in Philly (Old Town – Chestnust St) for the next 2 nights for work. You guys know of anything uni related I need to see while here or a good place within walking distance I can hang out at to watch some games?
I have already seen that the M&N store is very close, so I plan on hitting that tonight, but any help is welcome…I don’t know the area at all? I will have very limited internet access so I will try to get back on here whenever I can to see suggestions.
PS – I already looked into the Baseball as America exhibit, but it closes before I can get free.[/quote]
It’s Old City!
Go to the Phils game tomorrow for 42er night.
You should check out the City Tavern (138 2nd St.), est. 1773.
The servers all wear period costumes.
A replay of this game was on GOL TV over the weekend, and I thought of UniWatch. Fiorentina in purple vs. PSV in red & white stripes. Fiorentina won the match and moves on to the next round of the UEFA cup.
[quote comment=”252280″][quote comment=”252276″]Say what you want about the NHL but why does a team in California (the Sharks) have one of the best redesign of a jersey. By far a very sharp jersey and logo. I mean if you had to go with modern day style and flair that is the way to go. I didn’t say it’s the best jersey in the league but it certainly isone of the top 10 easily.[/quote]
I hate the new EDGE jerseys, but I’ll agree with you on the logo – one of the best updates in years.[/quote]
I like the design, however, what bugs me about the EDGE jersey is the bib look, which makes no sense with the striping on the bottom that the Sharks, Habs and Canucks have. I have no idea why they have designed them like this (the Canucks look especially bad with the white jersey on blue pants look). The only team that seems to “get it” are the Rangers, who have hemmed the bottom.
this is a very random question, but hopefully you guys can help me out with this..
i have a screenshot of this on my camera at home, but i was watching PTI a couple of weeks ago during the final four weekend and noticed that whenever they would talk about KU they would always put up the old link like link. um, i would think the boys upstairs at espn would have enough money to update their logos on all their shows to the more link.
and speaking of which, you think link still thinks the new uni’s stink since they did win a bcs bowl and the basketball championship?
(note: i am from missouri, so i have to hate everything ku…even my girlfriend when they play each other. but, props to them on a most deserved and most entertaining of a basketball championship)
I need help, UWers. I have been hard at work attempting to uncover what brand of cleats link has been wearing this year.
I have e-mailed Yankee customer service!
I have e-mailed 3 Yankee beat-writers.
As of now, all to no avail!
[quote comment=”252346″]i have a screenshot of this on my camera at home, but i was watching PTI a couple of weeks ago during the final four weekend and noticed that whenever they would talk about KU they would always put up the old link like link. um, i would think the boys upstairs at espn would have enough money to update their logos on all their shows to the more link.[/quote]
It’s not about money, but awareness – fairly common that minor changes go un-noticed.
Not really Uni-related, but I thought this was interesting…. In last night Jays/Rangers game there were pitchers named A.J., B.J., and C.J. all pitch in the same game. link is the boxscore.
[quote comment=”252329″]Last summer i was at a Red Sox vs Rays baseball game in Tampa and the Rays were giving out free tshirts but wouldn’t give them to anyone wearing Red Sox gear and wouldn’t give it to people not wearing Rays gear. I think they ended up giving out about 50 shirts it seemed like.
Also on Sunday i can’t remember if it was Immelman’s
or Snedeker’s caddy but one of the was wearing a Toronto Maple Leafs shirt under his caddy uniform[/quote]
This has probably been mentioned recently, but I haven’t been able to get on in the past few days, so in case no one’s brought it up…The Stars are encouraging their fans to wear black to all the home playoff games (the first one is tomorrow night).
I know alot of the people here don’t like throwing black into a team’s color scheme, but this Stars fan will be watching the game at a bar in Huntington, WV tmrw. night, wearing all black. Go Stars.
[quote comment=”252174″]If I’m being repetitive shoot me, but isn’t the MLB guideline that there can only be one dark colored team per game? Does red not count as dark? I figured that was put in place to keep at least one team in white/gray, since the result was an utterly amateur looking game.[/quote]
On this note, the second game in the A’s/Jays series last week featured the Jays in their Black home uniforms, and the A’s in their dark greens. It looked absolutely awful. At times, I had trouble telling the teams apart on TV.
It seems that (so far) at home, the Jays are wearing the whites until the lose, then the blacks until they lose, and so on. Not sure if it is just a coincidence, or how the powder blues will affect this ritual, but that seems to be what is going on so far.
[quote comment=”252353″][quote comment=”252174″]If I’m being repetitive shoot me, but isn’t the MLB guideline that there can only be one dark colored team per game? Does red not count as dark? I figured that was put in place to keep at least one team in white/gray, since the result was an utterly amateur looking game.[/quote]
On this note, the second game in the A’s/Jays series last week featured the Jays in their Black home uniforms, and the A’s in their dark greens. It looked absolutely awful. At times, I had trouble telling the teams apart on TV.
It seems that (so far) at home, the Jays are wearing the whites until the lose, then the blacks until they lose, and so on. Not sure if it is just a coincidence, or how the powder blues will affect this ritual, but that seems to be what is going on so far.[/quote]
Agreed re: A’s vs Jays – saw a bit of the game too and do not like the dark vs dark theory (of course I guess the theory is white pants indicate the home team and grey for road) The Jays have been bad this year with the Black jerseys at home (I’ve nly seen one game with the whites)
I seem to remember hearing that when the Browns’ new stadium was built a Steelers’ fan buried a terrible towel at the 50 yard line in the concrete. Such a wonderful thing it brings a tear to my eye…
[quote comment=”252356″]I seem to remember hearing that when the Browns’ new stadium was built a Steelers’ fan buried a terrible towel at the 50 yard line in the concrete. Such a wonderful thing it brings a tear to my eye…[/quote]
And I can bet no one saw it and no one spoke a word of it until it was FINISHED
Here is a link to a video about Hawaii’s new Under Armor Uniforms.
The lettering on Angel Hernandez’ head wrap (neck gaitor) is the Maxit Design logo. Hes got the thing upside down. They make insulated undergarments
Not to be too techinical, but the section of Philly down by 2nd and Market streets is called OLDE CITY. Never knew why they put the extra e at the end.
I also wanted to comment on something I read from Saturday’s comments. There is a couple of pics from the New Zealand Hockey team the Ice Blacks. Two things, first the logo appears to be either a hockey player with his stick on the ice, or a kiwi depending on how you look at it, and a kiwi expat I used to play rugby with said that all of the New Zealand national teams were some variation of All Blacks (ie. Ice Blacks), and the basketball team is called the Tall Blacks. Every time I hear that I chuckle a little at the pun that has become a national team name.
Ice Blacks pics (from Saturday):
#88 by simon on 04.13.08 5:59 am | Quote
[quote comment=”252333″]Uniwatchers I need your help… I am getting married in August and am trying to think of what to get my guys as groomsmen’s gifts. All four of them are very much sports fans, and i’d like to know what some of you all may have gotten that you have enjoyed.
i think i’ve been in 7 weddings and so far i got:
1.a baseball bat with my name on it. really cool gift! go to louisvilleslugger.com for that one
2. i got a heavy duty gym/weekend trip bag with my initials. thats my favorite, and most used groomsman gift!!!
3. hocky puck clock with my name on it.
4. pnc park wall clock.
5. knife and cd case with my name on it.
6. flask with initials.
7. big beer mug with my initials. actually, THATS my most used gift. lol
i’d say uni-watch wise. the baseball bat is AWESOME! everybody LOVED it. but the gym/weekend trip bag is probably the all around best. i use it EVERY time i travel. those would be my suggestions![/quote]
The lettering on Angel Hernandez’ head wrap (neck gaitor) is the Maxit Design logo. Hes got the thing upside down. They make insulated undergarments
How about bowling shirts with their nicknames on it
[quote comment=”252347″]Uni-Mystery
I need help, UWers. I have been hard at work attempting to uncover what brand of cleats link has been wearing this year.
I have e-mailed Yankee customer service!
I have e-mailed 3 Yankee beat-writers.
As of now, all to no avail![/quote]
Abreu link with link this year. Can’t tell if those are the cleats in question in your link though. A friend of my dad’s is apparently involved with Bobby’s glove deal with Worth, I’ll see if that guy knows anything about his shoes too.
I went to the excruciatingly long Mets/Brewers game Sunday (3 hours 45 minutes for a 9 inning game!), and the team store was selling the new blue dugout jackets. They look a lot better up close than on TV, but the black logos and trim is awful. Orange would make the whole jacket look better, especially as the black “Mets” script on the front kinda clashes with their home jerseys.
[quote comment=”252337″][quote comment=”252325″][quote comment=”252312″][quote comment=”252307″]I feel SJ had a average jersey DESIGN (stripes, font, etc). but I think they have one of the worst jersey color schemes in the league. Teal? Really? Show me a teal Shark. Turn that jersey into gray and black (more gray than black, don’t want to copy the old LA Kings) and I’ll says it’s Top 10.
Teal is aquatic. That’s close enough.
Colors need not be a literal expression of the nickname – how many blue Bears, silver Lions, navy Tigers, teal Hornets, blue Grizzlies, green Eagles, navy Broncos or green Bucks have you seen?[/quote]
I just think SJ would look 10x better as gray and black. Wish I was tech savy enough to do a mock up. I have always hated teal as a sports color.[/quote]
That would be amazingly boring. Just to continue what the previous poster said, out of your top 10 that would be like having the Washington Caps make a black and white jersey, or Phx having a brownish/gray jersey.[/quote]
OK, might have mis-spoken about the ‘show me a teal shark’ thing. Didn’t mean that every team should have colors that match their logo, just saying teal is a horrible sports color in my opinion, and gray would look better. Put the Kings back in their old blsck and grays and I’ll call it a wash. Because thise are horrible too. I am surprised to see no one else’s Top 10 list.
[quote comment=”252336″][quote comment=”252320″][quote]As a Red Sox fan, I think it is ridiculous if they actually press charges against the guy who left the jersey in the cement.[/quote]
as a red sox fan, you would[/quote]
I can’t imagine they’d charge him with anything worse than Criminal Tampering 3d (NYPL § 145.14), a B misdemeanor. He didn’t actually damage the property so they probably wouldn’t be able to charge him with criminal mischief. Of course, the team can sue him in civil court for the cost of the digging-out…[/quote]
This story came out with the right timing, season just opened, floor not tiled yet, etc… That Gino may not be a hero but at least he stands for his “beliefs” against big business Yankees, so it’s surprising he didn’t get much support here. And it’s not like he did it for fun or fame, since someone else leaked it. A die hard Sox fan from the Bronx, who pledged never to step in Yankee Stadium and then has to work there being teased by everyone must have some extenuating circumstances.However, seeing all the overreacting, they’re definately going after him. Of course he harmed no one, jackhammer cost is not significant compared to all the publicity, but the intent was there, like if the stadium was finished and it’s too late, and he had pics and vids that could damage the club’s image forever. I don’t know how serious is baseball to each of you but either it is and the man might have a point, or it’s just a game and then let it go. Personnally I’d rather see hidden curses in every ballparks than any hooligan prick who thinks he’s a real fan.
[quote comment=”252228″]Uniwatchers I need your help… I am getting married in August and am trying to think of what to get my guys as groomsmen’s gifts. All four of them are very much sports fans, and i’d like to know what some of you all may have gotten that you have enjoyed.
ONe of the best ideas I have seen in a long time is a replica, vintage baseball glove, or you could give them personalized wood baseball bats.
[quote comment=”252381″][quote comment=”252228″]Uniwatchers I need your help… I am getting married in August and am trying to think of what to get my guys as groomsmen’s gifts. All four of them are very much sports fans, and i’d like to know what some of you all may have gotten that you have enjoyed.
ONe of the best ideas I have seen in a long time is a replica, vintage baseball glove, or you could give them personalized wood baseball bats.[/quote]
I gave my groomsmen cufflinks. A few were not sports-related, but the ones that were included a bicycle tire, a soccer ball, a golf ball, and a fishing reel.
[quote comment=”252381″]Uniwatchers I need your help… I am getting married in August and am trying to think of what to get my guys as groomsmen’s gifts. All four of them are very much sports fans, and i’d like to know what some of you all may have gotten that you have enjoyed.
my best man (belatedly) gave me a taylor R-580 driver…when i returned the favor as his best man years later…i still use it
i gave my guys (non-sports fans-except for my best man, who co-owned a golf shop) personalized gifts, like a silver-plated and engraved lighter for the cigar affectionado, similarly personalized flask for one of the big drinkers, cuff-links and collar pins (yes, it was long ago) for one guy…stuff like that…
i have also received personalized golf balls as a party favor at one wedding
i think the gifts you get them are less important in their commonality as in their uniqueness…think about each one’s specific likes/dislikes/needs/talents/hobbies and then tailor each gift to that…and maybe as a “gag” group gift get like custom wedding ‘softball team’ shirts to tie it all together…if you want to make each gift sports related, that’s awesome…i would just give each one something unique to him
[quote comment=”252375″]That Gino may not be a hero but at least he stands for his “beliefs” against big business Yankees[/quote]
All he’s standing for is a silly prank.
Only b/c someone brought the Terrible Towel buried in Browns Stadium up — I seem to remember something like this is in 2002 Winter Olympics. Did someone working at the hockey arena plant a Canadian dollar coin directly beneath the surface at center ice?
[quote]That Gino may not be a hero but at least he stands for his “beliefs” against big business Yankees, so it’s surprising he didn’t get much support here.[/quote]
why is it surprising?
the man’s a menace…and how is his borderline-criminal act (or hero-like fun prank to sawks fans) even moderately related to ‘big business yankees’? a sox fan calling the yankees big spenders is like britney spears calling lindsay lohan a lush
why should this jackass get any support (other than from sox fans)?
[quote comment=”252402″]Only b/c someone brought the Terrible Towel buried in Browns Stadium up — I seem to remember something like this is in 2002 Winter Olympics. Did someone working at the hockey arena plant a Canadian dollar coin directly beneath the surface at center ice?[/quote]
It’s on display at the link.
[quote comment=”252403″][quote]That Gino may not be a hero but at least he stands for his “beliefs” against big business Yankees, so it’s surprising he didn’t get much support here.[/quote]
why is it surprising?
the man’s a menace…and how is his borderline-criminal act (or hero-like fun prank to sawks fans) even moderately related to ‘big business yankees’? a sox fan calling the yankees big spenders is like britney spears calling lindsay lohan a lush
why should this jackass get any support (other than from sox fans)?[/quote]
I wouldn’t quite call him a menace.
It would have been funnier if the Yankees had gone on a ten year losing streak and THEN it came out that the jersey was there.
But, as far as curses go, it’s the cursees that have the problem. They have a mental block, sometimes, because of the alleged curse.
about the softball mask…..I believe it is a DEFENDER SHIELD. All the girls in our Youth fastPitch League will be required to wear one next year. Here’s a site…
[quote comment=”252333″]Uniwatchers I need your help… I am getting married in August and am trying to think of what to get my guys as groomsmen’s gifts. All four of them are very much sports fans, and i’d like to know what some of you all may have gotten that you have enjoyed.
i think i’ve been in 7 weddings and so far i got:
1.a baseball bat with my name on it. really cool gift! go to louisvilleslugger.com for that one
2. i got a heavy duty gym/weekend trip bag with my initials. thats my favorite, and most used groomsman gift!!!
3. hocky puck clock with my name on it.
4. pnc park wall clock.
5. knife and cd case with my name on it.
6. flask with initials.
7. big beer mug with my initials. actually, THATS my most used gift. lol
i’d say uni-watch wise. the baseball bat is AWESOME! everybody LOVED it. but the gym/weekend trip bag is probably the all around best. i use it EVERY time i travel. those would be my suggestions![/quote]
I would suggest a link! ;)
[quote comment=”252310″]USC Song Girls Fundraiser[/quote]
One of the best posts to this site…EVER!!!
The biggest thing with the new NHL jerseys is that any way you cut them, they still dont look good. Either the massive logo creep on the back, or the absolutely bonehead rounded shirt-tail hems, to the apron stripping or the half stripe arms, or the half stripe swoosh socks, they all just look plain horrible.
Im a Canadian so I am extremely biased to my sport, and I want to love it for anything it does regardless at the idiocracy(made up word, I know) but I really can’t be happy with anything they did jersey wise. The shirt tail, as Paul pointed out makes any kind of horizontal stripes look dumb. You cant even tuck the jerseys in as it eliminates any kind of stripes all together. So really, we might as well just hold our breath with the NHL jerseys, one of these days (hopefully soon) Bettman will be gone or actually have to answer a question with a straight answer. Until then, the NHL is by far the worst looking sport of any of the ‘major’ 4 and most minor sports or fringe sports look much better.
We might as well give a hand to the Canadians, Red Wings, Blackhawks and other teams that kept there traditional and great look. Don’t ever change
[quote comment=”252141″]The two jerseys in the Peter Forsberg photo are:
Left – Victoria Cougars (later the Detroit Red Wings)
(Here is a link to a pic and wikipedia explanation – link
Right – Montreal Canadiens (I can’t remember the year, but it was their jersey for a short time, I’m trying to find a pic but with no luck.)[/quote]
good call on the sweaters, i’m glad someone had a photo because i recognized them but wasn’t 100% sure on the answers. here seems to be a photo of the montreal sweater, as modeled by Newsy Lalonde
Snedecker was far from the first to rock the so called rear-shirt logo. As someone who wears adidas golf products and works in the sale of them I can attest that their Clima-Cool line has the adidas logo on the back of the shirt right in between the shoulder blades and this has been the case for quite some time. I have shirts that are 2 years old bearing this moniker. So saying this type of branding was originated at the Masters was slightly erroneous. You can somewhat see the what I’m talking about in the text in white on the back of Justin Rose’s shirt link.
[quote comment=”252375″][quote comment=”252336″][quote comment=”252320″][quote]As a Red Sox fan, I think it is ridiculous if they actually press charges against the guy who left the jersey in the cement.[/quote]
as a red sox fan, you would[/quote]
I can’t imagine they’d charge him with anything worse than Criminal Tampering 3d (NYPL § 145.14), a B misdemeanor. He didn’t actually damage the property so they probably wouldn’t be able to charge him with criminal mischief. Of course, the team can sue him in civil court for the cost of the digging-out…[/quote]
This story came out with the right timing, season just opened, floor not tiled yet, etc… That Gino may not be a hero but at least he stands for his “beliefs” against big business Yankees, so it’s surprising he didn’t get much support here. And it’s not like he did it for fun or fame, since someone else leaked it. A die hard Sox fan from the Bronx, who pledged never to step in Yankee Stadium and then has to work there being teased by everyone must have some extenuating circumstances.However, seeing all the overreacting, they’re definately going after him. Of course he harmed no one, jackhammer cost is not significant compared to all the publicity, but the intent was there, like if the stadium was finished and it’s too late, and he had pics and vids that could damage the club’s image forever. I don’t know how serious is baseball to each of you but either it is and the man might have a point, or it’s just a game and then let it go. Personnally I’d rather see hidden curses in every ballparks than any hooligan prick who thinks he’s a real fan.[/quote]
The “Big Business” Yankees? Ummmm, pretty sure every team is “Big Business”. Not to mention the fact that the Red Sox spent $133,440,037 this year to field their team, aka 4th highest payroll in baseball, not exactly in the poor house, eh? The guy was a prankster, nothing more, nothing less. Are the Yankees overeacting of course they are, but I think that’s par for the course for a Steinbrenner owned team. Neither side is any smarter in this case. can we move on please?
Scroll down at the bottom of link for confirmation that the Brew Crew will be going retro this year.
[quote comment=”252403″]
why is it surprising?
the man’s a menace…and how is his borderline-criminal act (or hero-like fun prank to sawks fans) even moderately related to ‘big business yankees’? a sox fan calling the yankees big spenders is like britney spears calling lindsay lohan a lush
why should this jackass get any support (other than from sox fans)?[/quote]
Did the jersey carry an explosive device? I didn’t mean support from a Yankee or Sox point of view but from a Uniwatch perspective, we’re not on a fan forum. He sounds more like a man who walked the talk, even if he wishes he had enjoyed his quiet glory a few longer. Call him a jackass or whatever, I’m not picking sides but :
-he’s not a follower
-he’s had hardtime breaking his pledge
-he hurt no one
Of course today a lot of people try to make him look bad but I like the way he took a stand (except he’s NOT a hero) and fought back against Steinbrenner, who as an executive should also watch his mouth.
Now, had he succeeded he would be praised by all the Nike haters, the Mets lovers, and even by the Yankees fans who see this new stadium as a blasphemic money machine.
[quote comment=”252370″][quote comment=”252347″]Uni-Mystery
I need help, UWers. I have been hard at work attempting to uncover what brand of cleats link has been wearing this year.
I have e-mailed Yankee customer service!
I have e-mailed 3 Yankee beat-writers.
As of now, all to no avail![/quote]
Abreu link with link this year. Can’t tell if those are the cleats in question in your link though. A friend of my dad’s is apparently involved with Bobby’s glove deal with Worth, I’ll see if that guy knows anything about his shoes too.[/quote]
That would be great. The only other high-profile player wearing Verdero, that I can think of is link. link are extremely nice looking cleats, by the way!
They actually look very similar to the link.
I highly doubt that Abreu is wearing Verderos because of how different they look from all other examples.
Here ya go:
Verdero: link
Mystery Shoe: link
link some heinous link Hybrid MCS cleats.
Andruw Jones PE’s I believe.
Hi Guys,
Anyone got pictures of this new Mets blue jacket? Can’t find any in the MLB.com shop, so would be grateful for a pic.
[quote comment=”252457″]Hi Guys,
Anyone got pictures of this new Mets blue jacket? Can’t find any in the MLB.com shop, so would be grateful for a pic.
Not the greatest picture (can’t see the word mark, but I’ve heard it’s black with orange trim), but I offer you linkproof that they exist. Photo 3 of 10 from the ESPN.com gallery Sat 12 April 2008 (Brewers v Mets).
Interesting that the picture of Forsberg should come up with the jersey on the left. Back when I was a kid, my grandfather got me this monthly collection of NHL patches, all from the league’s great teams. I have a full collection (I think) of about 50 patches, all with huge cards detailing the season the team had that year. They go as far back as the 1800s.
Some guy put together a bunch of the worst hockey logos ever, some funny ones
[quote comment=”252453″]link some heinous link Hybrid MCS cleats.
Andruw Jones PE’s I believe.[/quote]
haha i didnt know those were AJF 5’s I thought they were regular PE V’s
just need to say that white manna is fantastic and would strongly suggest anyone visitng the area check it out. very retro-chique
I’m watching the new new Iowa Barnstormers of Arena Football 2 on local TV tonight, and I noticed a wall ad proclaiming the field to be “Blue Cross Blue Shield Field”. This got me wondering, would you call it Shield Field or the Well at the Well? Also, I realize that it’s not the NFL, but they could’ve done a much better job with the end zones. I wish they would have gone with the “Flying Skyline” logo like they did back in the day, but I would’ve settled for having the team name at least fill up the available space instead of looking like someone pasted it together using Microsoft Paint.
[quote]had he succeeded he would be praised by all the Nike haters, the Mets lovers, and even by the Yankees fans who see this new stadium as a blasphemic money machine.[/quote]
im not following…
how is burying a red sox jersey in the bowels of the gorgeous non-taxpayer funded yankee stadium a victory for nike haters?
and what yankee fan, even if there were any who view the new stadium as a “blasphemic money machine,” would possibly be praising a disgruntled sawks fan who entombed a papi jersey (only to have it disinterred) in the new park?
[quote]had he succeeded he would be praised by all the Nike haters, the Mets lovers, and even by the Yankees fans who see this new stadium as a blasphemic money machine.[/quote]
im not following…
how is burying a red sox jersey in the bowels of the gorgeous non-taxpayer funded yankee stadium a victory for nike haters?
and what yankee fan, even if there were any who view the new stadium as a “blasphemic money machine,” would possibly be praising a disgruntled sawks fan who entombed a papi jersey (only to have it disinterred) in the new park?
Interesting note from Charlie Usas, who writes: “I attended the Rangers/Devils playoff game in Newark on Friday night. Even as a Rangers fan, you can’t beat the deal on the tickets you can get there, and I wasn’t the only Blueshirt in attendance who felt that way (it looked like a neutral-site college game in the stands). Anyway, as we got off the train, there was a truck handing out blue pom-poms from rangers.com – I think the plan was to counteract the Devils’ white towels. Upon arrival, however, Rangers fans “in uniform” were searched for pom-poms, forced to surrender them, and then not allowed to take one of the white towels.” Bummer! Anyone know of any similar tales of fan discrimination
A couple of years back the Ottawa Senators “banned” Maple Leaf jerseys from their arena for an upcoming Sens-Leafs game (I think there was an actual measure passed by the Ottawa city government as well). No one was actually turned away though, there was a plan in place for Leafs fans to pay a “fine” by donating canned goods to the local food bank. The Leafs wound up making something like a $5,000 donation to the food bank instead, and Leaf jerseys outnumbered Sens jerseys, as per usual.
On a lighter note, I was disappointed by the Phillies’ Sunday unis. I thought they’d look a little better than that. Too much of a ’70s pajamas feeling.[/quote]
There not a Sunday alternate, they are worn for all home day games.
On a lighter note, I was disappointed by the Phillies’ Sunday unis. I thought they’d look a little better than that. Too much of a ’70s pajamas feeling.[/quote]
There not a Sunday alternate, they are worn for all home day games.
Just out of curiosity…
I’m watching a bit of the BoSox and Indians and I noticed a discrepancy when Jason Varitek got up to bat.
The normal Boston Typography on the front of the jersey was unique. However, his linkis in a Block style font. Why is that?
linkan even better pic of Tek’s jersey!
[quote comment=”252494″]Just out of curiosity…
I’m watching a bit of the BoSox and Indians and I noticed a discrepancy when Jason Varitek got up to bat.
The normal Boston Typography on the front of the jersey was unique. However, his linkis in a Block style font. Why is that?[/quote]
Probably because the letter C does not appear in BOSTON RED SOX. Don’t you think the C would get “lost” if it were the same font?
The Reds had a really cool C: a little wishbone C on the right chest. link
[quote comment=”252501″]link[/quote]
JD to Zeke: “Sorry, I don’t decide whether you can be in my band or not. That’s up to Donnie.”
does anybody know the URL/name of the website that makes up NHL jerseys???
does anybody know the URL/name of the website that makes up NHL jerseys???
On the Marlins broadcast on Sunday, the announcers mentioned that third base coach Bo Porter would be wearing #42 on Jackie Robinson Day. They didn’t say if any players would also wear it, and I don’t see any articles on it yet.
Further elaboration on the “Taylor” typo: Taylor is actually a member of the West Indian cricket team. Sri Lanka wears this:
[quote comment=”252206″][quote comment=”252174″]If I’m being repetitive shoot me, but isn’t the MLB guideline that there can only be one dark colored team per game? Does red not count as dark? I figured that was put in place to keep at least one team in white/gray, since the result was an utterly amateur looking game.[/quote]
No, I believe the guideline is that you can’t have blue and black in the same game. You might think it’s ugly, but I doubt many people have problems telling red from blue (not saying that some color blind people might not have problems, but I doubt it’s a major issue).
It’s probably a good thing the A’s lost yesterday, otherwise I’m pretty sure we’d get Green on Black in the White Sox/A’s game tonight. Who knows, we still might.[/quote]
And you’re link. Seven games in a row and counting.
that jersey has a V and a C maybe it s a Canucks jersey… although I realize that wouldnt make much sense.
Following up late on the Forsberg background / NHL jersey thread, the following link suggests that the design is right but the colour is wrong for an early Habs sweater, while this link suggests that the design is right but the colour is wrong for the logo. However, lloks like good old link settles it once and for all.
Now how sweet would it be for the Canadiens to celebrate their 100th anniversary in 2009 by playing a game in their original blue and white — and to do it outside.
Sorry, screw-up on the link for the previous post. The Canadiens jersey with the right design but the wrong colour is link.
what happened to the pic of the Carolina and Georgetown themed Jordan sneakers…?
You gotta love the independent leagues. The KC T-Bones will be having a Michael Vick night, with the home team wearing black-and-white prison-type uniforms, with the visiting team donning jumpsuit orange uniforms.
ovechkin (8) had to wear boyd gordon’s helmet (15) early in the flyers/caps first period after losing his own helmet somewhere