Rob Ullman likes to draw girls. Slinky girls, hipster girls, rocker girls, hairy girls. Tough girls, nasty girls, superheroine girls, naked girls.
All of which is great, but it wouldn’t much matter from a Uni Watch perspective if not for a unique sub-niche that Ullman’s developed along the way: He specializes in drawing pin-up girls wearing hockey jerseys.
Ullman’s hockey girls are sexy, for sure. But like most classic pin-up art, they’re fun, playful girl-next-door cuties, not sex-bomb porno vixen types. The key element: They’re always smiling, which usually makes them look endearingly wholesome. And yes, their charms are definitely enhanced by the jerseys they’re wearing.
Ullman, who works as an illustrator and cartoonist, has been a Uni Watch reader for some time, but I only became aware of his sports-themed cheesecake material a few weeks ago. If you’re a comics or illustration fan, you’ll spot lots of classic and contemporary influences in his work; if you don’t know anything about that world, that’s a pity, but Rob’s jersey-clad gals are an ideal introduction. Cheesecake and uniforms: two great tastes that taste great together.
Rob recently stepped away from his drafting board long enough to chat about his work. Here’s the scoop:
Uni Watch: How old are you, and where do you live?
Rob Ullman: I’m 36, and I live in Richmond, Virginia, with my wife and our baby daughter.
UW: Where’d you grow up?
RU: In northeast Ohio, around the Akron area, about halfway between Pittsburgh and Cleveland.
UW: And how long have you been an illustrator?
RU: I’ve been drawing forever. I’ve been doing professional illustration for about 10 years now, and I’ve been working at it full-time for about four years.
UW: So you make a living at it?
RU: Pretty much, yeah.
UW: What kind of sports fan are you?
RU: I’m a big NFL fan, big hockey fan. I always get excited about Opening Day for baseball, and I’ll watch a little bit of the NBA playoffs. My favorite part of the year is probably the NHL playoffs.
UW: Have you always been into uniforms?
RU: Pretty much, yeah. I still have an old Lynn Swann jersey I had when I was a little kid. And I was always fascinated by football helmets, and I’d draw them, draw the logos.
UW: That was my next question: Were you doodling logos in the margins of your notebooks and stuff like that?
RU: Yeah, always, always. The Steelers’ hypocycloids were especially hard to master, but I eventually did. The Pirates’ “P” was a lot easier.
UW: Did you save that stuff?
RU: Some of it, yeah. In 1989, when I was in high school, the Steelers finally got back to the playoffs for the first time in years, and I was so jazzed that I made a little Steelers-vs.-Oilers sign that I hung in my room [Rob couldn’t find that one, but he did turn up a similar piece from his youth — PL]. I drew the helmets all meticulously, drew the logos exactly how they were supposed to look — so, uh, yeah, I guess I was a little obsessive.
UW: In addition to liking uniforms, you also clearly have a fondness for classic girlie pin-up art. How’d you get into that specialty niche?
RU: It was an aptitude that just sort of developed. There’s this sex advice column by Dan Savage, called “Savage Love,” which runs in a lot of alt-weeklies, and I started illustrating that for City Paper in Washington, D.C. in 2000 or so”¦
UW: Here in New York, “Savage Love” runs in the Village Voice, but they don’t run any illustrations with it.
RU: It’s so much better with illustrations — not necessarily mine, but anyone’s, just to provide some visual interest. Anyway, if you’re familiar with the column, it tends to be pretty raw, and it basically gave me the opportunity to draw lots of women in various ridiculous situations.
UW: Okay, but there are lots of different ways to draw women. How’d you come up with that classic pin-up style? Were you consciously patterning your work on that look?
RU: Kind of. I’ve always described my style as Archie Comics gone bad. Dan DeCarlo, who was an Archie Comics artist for years and years [and who also did lots of pin-up work of his own — PL], my style sort of went that way. It wasn’t really a conscious choice. It’s just sort of the way it developed.
UW: Are there any other artists who’ve been particularly big influences on you, like Vargas or anyone like that?
RU: Gil Elvgren is my favorite of those guys. Fritz Willis is another one whose style I always liked. There are also a couple of comic artists, like Bruce Timm — he developed the look of the Batman cartoon from around 1992. Real simple, kinda Art Deco cartoon-y sort of style. Another guy who worked on that show, named Shane Glines — I like him too. Oh, and I should probably mention Coop.
UW: Yeah, I was gonna ask if he was on your list.
RU: Definitely.
UW: So how did you hit upon the notion of combining your artwork with your passion for sports and uniforms?
RU: I’m not sure exactly, but at some point I just thought that a girl wearing a hockey sweater, and very little else, seemed very appealing to me.
UW: As it might be to many of us.
RU: Right. It seems kind of, uh, obvious, I guess. So I drew that. And as an artist, your first attempt at something is usually pretty rough, and you say, “Okay, I’ll try it again and do better this time, and do better the time after that,” and I just kept on going back to it.
UW: Do you recall when that first one was?
RU: Yeah, back around 1993 or so. I just saw that Devils jersey and thought of the whole concept of the devil, and being sinful, being lustful, that sort of thing — it just seemed like a no-brainer. I’ve gone back to that Devils idea several times. And it’s a good way to keep people interested if I want to talk about hockey on my blog, since most of the people who come to my site probably haven’t watched a hockey game in their entire lives. But they’ll stay for the cheesecake pictures and maybe end up reading my little Western Conference preview or whatever.
UW: You’ve just touched upon something I’ve written about before, namely that most artists and creative people and alterna-people, or whatever you want to call them, aren’t into sports at all.
RU: Exactly.
UW: So do you, as an artist and a sports fan, sometimes feel a bit isolated in that regard?
RU: Sometimes. In high school, I ran with the arty crowd, and those people all hated jocks, hated sports. ”¦ Recently I was posting a bunch of knocks on the Patriots on my blog, and a lot of people were saying, “Okay, enough of that. Enough pigskin — more skin.” That sort of thing.
UW: So it’s been about 15 years now — do you have any idea how many of these uniform-related cheesecake pieces you’ve done?
RU: I’ve probably done a girl in a hockey sweater at least 30 times.
UW: Do you know how many teams you’ve depicted?
RU: Maybe half the league. It pretty much comes down to the fact that there are certain logos I like better, that are more fun to draw.
UW: Which logos are your favorites?
RU: I think the Devils have a great logo. Same goes for the Bruins and the Penguins — love that skatin’ penguin.
UW: Are there any that you particularly dislike?
RU: Being from Ohio, I really want to like the Columbus Blue Jackets, but they just cannot seem to get it together with their logo. The one they have now is an improvement over their first one, but there’s still nothing I really like about it. Florida is another one that seems very forgettable, nothing special. That seems to be the case with most new logos over the past 10 years or so. They just don’t have that iconic quality.
UW: What about other sports? You sent me two versions of a girl wearing an Indians jersey, but have you done many other non-hockey pieces?
RU: Not many. I’ve done a couple of football ones, including one that was a commission for a fan — he’s a graduate of Vanderbilt and wanted a girl dressed in a Vanderbilt jersey. And I’ve done a few baseball pieces — that Indians one is the most successful example. But hockey seems to be the one that gets the most play.
UW: Whatever the sport, do you try to get the uniform details exactly right, or do you tend to take some liberties?
RU: I try to get them as right as I can. I probably wouldn’t sacrifice an artistic choice just for the sake of some little detail, but I try to be as accurate as possible in terms of piping, logos, and all that.
UW: Like that NHL Winter Classic patch that you included on that Penguins jersey.
RU: Yeah, exactly.
UW: But on that Indians illustration, it appears that you depicted the jersey as zipper-front, and I don’t think the Indians ever had a zip-front jersey with that logo on it.
RU: Actually, that was more a matter of just leaving the buttons out. It’s supposed to be a button-front. I did consider all of that, and I basically decided that including the buttons would get in the way of the pleasing lines of the jersey. So that was a case of artistic license. The buttons are more implied.
UW: When you’re doing these, do you use actual jerseys on a live model?
RU: No. I pretty much draw ’em out of my head. Sometimes I’ll use some visual reference for the figure, but about 80% of the time I just come up with a pose and then try to drape the jersey onto it. It’s tough, because a real hockey jersey probably wouldn’t sit on a woman’s body the way I draw it.
UW: So you’re not using a live model, and you’re also not using a real jersey on a mannequin or something like that?
RU: Right. Just out of my head, and matching the jersey to what’s shown on NFLshop.com or some place like that.
UW: Have you ever tried to depict an older vintage design with more textured fabric, back from the days when hockey sweaters really were sweaters?
RU: I did a comic a few years ago called Old-Timey Hockey Tales, and in that I tried to go for a tighter-fitting, woolen jersey.
UW: But have you ever tried to get that effect with the pin-up art?
RU: Not so much, no.
UW: Have you done any other sports-oriented comics?
RU: A couple summers ago I did a piece called “Brave Old World” for Richmond magazine. Basically, I can’t stand the shape that baseball’s in here in Richmond, and I wanted to vent about it. Our stadium is ugly and our team looks exactly like the Atlanta Braves, which strikes me as preposterous for a city with Richmond’s identity. A few weeks ago, the R-Braves announced that they’re moving after this season, but I don’t think my comic had anything to do with it.
UW: I know you are the perfect person for me to pose this question to: Would you care to hold forth on the greatness of striped socks?
RU: Things are so much more visually interesting when they have stripes on them. You can’t go wrong with them. It says sports.
UW: Plus a sexy girl looks even sexier with striped socks.
RU: That’s something I just recently added to the girl in a hockey shirt paradigm — to put the socks on her. And let me tell you, man, it makes all the difference. It’s too much. I actually bought some striped socks for my wife — she was going to her office Halloween party as Poison Ivy, the Batman villain. So I got her these long striped socks from American Apparel, thigh-high. And they’re, like, kelly green with white stripes — they just look awesome. It’s just the coolest thing. It’s kinda weird, taking something that looks good on a really tough-ass hockey player and putting in a more feminine context. I don’t know why it works both ways, but it really does.
Of course, Poison Ivy doesn’t actually wear striped socks, but chalk that up to artistic license.
Postscript: Shortly after our interview, Rob surprised me by whipping up a special baseball-themed illo that he knew I’d like. Interested in commissioning him to give the pin-up treatment to your favorite team? Contact him here.
It sucks that I even have to say this… but don’t interpret today’s mildly racy content as an excuse (much less an invitation) for an outbreak of the stupids in the comments section. If the discussion takes a turn for the juvenile, I’ll simply turn off the commenting function. Maybe for a few days. But I’m sure that won’t be necessary because you’ll all keep things on an intelligent level, right? Right.

Uni Watch Travel Update: Looks like the the Uni Watch party in Seattle will take place on the night of March 14th. Time and place details to follow shortly.
Meanwhile, here’s a little nugget for you to chew on: Imagine if a minor league team held a Uni Watch Night promotion, with the home team wearing stirrups and yours truly throwing out the first pitch. Sound preposterous? Actually, yeah, it does, but it’s in the works anyway. Still very provisional at this point, but the wheels are turning. Stay tuned.
Uni Watch News Ticker: Joe Skiba’s upcoming live chat on Giants.com is next Friday, March 7th (not this Friday, as I initially reported yesterday before correcting the text). You still have to register here. ”¦ Yesterday I wondered aloud whether Yankee Stadium vendors actually wore this thing in the 1970s. Now Todd Radom has provided this photo of Jackie O at the ballpark in 1967– note the vendor behind the usher behind Jackie. ”¦ New baseball uniforms this season for the Florida Gators, plus an ice cream man alternate cap (with thanks to Josh Coney). ”¦ “During the the Mets’ spring game versus the U of Michigan on Tuesday, I noticed that the Michigan catcher had the school’s standard ‘wings’ logo on his catcher’s helmet,” writes Cork Gaines. “What’s great about is that the wings are facing forward even though he’s wearing the helmet backwards.” ”¦ ” I’ve noticed that teams across D1 NCAA lacrosse are wearing bright green shoelaces,” writes Andrew Matthews. “Is this part of the whole ‘going green’ phenomenon? What’s the deal?” Anyone..? ”¦ Jere Smith has stumbled upon an oddity: According to this page, the Cincy Reds’ uni numbers in 1938 were all 35 or higher. “Everything was normal the years before and after,” he writes. “I came across this because I’ve been trying to figure out why no Reds players wore Nos. 1 through 4, from basically the ’40s to the ’90s. And they’re not retired. I figure they may have been reserved for coaches.” Anyone know more about either of these mysteries? ”¦ Interesting note from Ariel Shosan, who writes: “I just returned from a Cubs practice at Hohokam in Mesa. The main gate now features 6 ‘batting circles’ — one is a Cubs logo, and the others are Santo 10, Banks 14, Sandberg 23, Williams 26, and … Jenkins 31. The thing is, the Cubs haven’t retired Fergie Jenkins’ number. Fans have long thought that they would retire 31 for Fergie and Maddux when the time came, à la Berra and Dickey.” Hmmmm. ”¦ It’s no surprise that many teams still have old, gray-underbrimmed 5950s in stock. But check out Rajai Davis yesterday — he was wearing an old 5950 and a Russell jersey, which is several years out of date (great catch by Bryan). ”¦ Looks like the stirrups policy adopted by the Giants’ starting pitchers is trickling down to the club’s younger hurlers. Check out double-A prospect Eugene Espineli (with thanks to Jameson Costello). ”¦ Steelers broadcaster Myron Cope, inventor of the Terrible Towel, died yesterday. A memorial helmet decal seems likely, although I’m hoping for a towel-shaped jersey patch with “Myron” in stencil lettering (or, really, anything involving the word, “Myron,” which would be the single greatest word to adorn an NFL uni in league history). ”¦ The White Sox wore NIU caps yesterday.
Ullman’s hockey girls are sexy
“sexy” link is broken.
The green lacrosse laces are part of the Headstrong Foundation’s “Laces for Lymphoma” campaign:
The women drawings are extremely interesting. But what I really enjoyed was the editorial about the Richmond Braves. Is that a weekly editorial comic strip that he does? Very, VERY cool.
I agree link make the pic so much better. Excellent article today!!!!
In reference to the Reds numerical item, #1 was worn by manager Fred Hutchison and retired shortly after he stepped down (1964?). Numbers 2-4 were worn by many coaches throughout the 1940’s to 1980’s.
Looks the vendor linkhas matching pants
Great column today. Great artwork. Thank Rob and thanks Paul.
I’ve live in a minor league city all my life. No promotion is too preposterous. Good luck with Stirrup Night.
not sure if this was ever posted before…apologies in advance if it was
[quote comment=”231323″]Great column today. Great artwork. Thank Rob and thanks Paul.[/quote]
I agree. Great stuff!
WOW…I am impressed, no Nike put downs today! Although the Oregon uniforms are hard to read on TV, I commend Nike with trying to change and bring innovation to sports. While I agree that Oregon is a guinea pig school, could you just imagine being a student athlete there…what a cool place to go to school…wish I went there. If you think about it, Under Armour’s uniforms are getting VERY gaudy, if they havent already, they are eye sores.
Thanks as well for bringing attention to the Iowa Girls state basketball tournament. Its always a great time of year, although it never fails the first day of the tournament always brings crappy weather or a major storm.
Any Myron Cope sticker needs just three letters:
It’s sad, of course, but the first thing I thought when I saw the Mets pin-up girl was, “Hey, he forgot to put a name on the back of the jersey.”
Dynamite interview! And great Richmond Braves cartoon.
My son (1.5 years old) saw the Mets model on the screen and said, “Mama?” I wish!
[quote comment=”231326″]link
not sure if this was ever posted before…apologies in advance if it was[/quote]
Hey Phil, Have you noticed that we now aplologize in advance if we don’t know if something has been posted? Maybe too many people getting irate because a newbie or part time Watcher posts something that isn’t new? Maybe we need a little more compassion and respect for each other? Whadda ya think?
paul said:
[quote]It sucks that I even have to say this… but don’t mistake today’s mildly racy content of today’s entry is an excuse (much less an invitation) for an outbreak of the stupids in the comments section. If the discussion takes a turn for the juvenile, I’ll simply turn off the commenting function. Maybe for a few days. But I’m sure that won’t be necessary because you’ll all keep things on an intelligent level, right? Right.[/quote]
rick said:
[quote]Hey Phil, Have you noticed that we now aplologize in advance if we don’t know if something has been posted? Maybe too many people getting irate because a newbie or part time Watcher posts something that isn’t new? Maybe we need a little more compassion and respect for each other? Whadda ya think?[/quote]
point taken on my end…im not gonna be responsible for the comments being turned off
i hope everyone else agrees
/peace yo
Eugene Espineli wore real stirrups last year while playing for the Connecticut Defenders. So, if anything, the idea of the pitchers on the Giants wearing real stirrups is trickling UP.
[quote comment=”231338″]It’s sad, of course, but the first thing I thought when I saw the Mets pin-up girl was, “Hey, he forgot to put a name on the back of the jersey.”[/quote]
That was intentional. It’s a 1969 Mets jersey — note the slightly off-white color, no drop shadow on the number, no MLB logo on the collar.
Here’s a picture of Espineli from last season from the Connecticut Defenders blog:
That’s prety bizarre seeing all those high uniform numbers on the 1938 Reds — I’d had no idea!
The 1944 Cubs had something similar going as they had no single digits at all.
I also notice that in 1940, Cincinnati seems to have begun the semi-tradition that the Cubs also used on occasion: catchers and coaches wearing 1-9, infielders 10-19, outfielders 20-29, pitchers 30s and 40s. Normally I’m not a fan of regimentation like this, but if it’ll get those ugly 50+ numbers off people’s jerseys, I say bring it back.
Maybe the Reds made up 70 jerseys the previous season and wanted to make use of the ones that they’d designed but not used? Maybe the 1937 team’s jerseys were all weathered and torn, and the ’38 team decided they’d rather wear less-used jerseys with weird numbers than the knocked-around uniforms from the previous season?
I bet the Rajai Davis thing was from picture day, so I wouldn’t be surprised if the photo company just provided a jersey or whatever
[quote comment=”231315″]Ullman’s hockey girls are sexy
“sexy” link is broken.[/quote]
Now fixed.
Great drawings Rob! That Met girl is now my new background.
[quote comment=”231349″]paul said:
[quote]It sucks that I even have to say this… but don’t mistake today’s mildly racy content of today’s entry is an excuse (much less an invitation) for an outbreak of the stupids in the comments section. If the discussion takes a turn for the juvenile, I’ll simply turn off the commenting function. Maybe for a few days. But I’m sure that won’t be necessary because you’ll all keep things on an intelligent level, right? Right.[/quote]
rick said:
[quote]Hey Phil, Have you noticed that we now aplologize in advance if we don’t know if something has been posted? Maybe too many people getting irate because a newbie or part time Watcher posts something that isn’t new? Maybe we need a little more compassion and respect for each other? Whadda ya think?[/quote]
point taken on my end…im not gonna be responsible for the comments being turned off
i hope everyone else agrees
/peace yo[/quote]
Ok then. Anyone notice the green dots?
Wow, the redhead in the Pens powder blue is one of the coolest things ever. Great article and great art.
[quote comment=”231331″]WOW…I am impressed, no Nike put downs today! Although the Oregon uniforms are hard to read on TV, I commend Nike with trying to change and bring innovation to sports. While I agree that Oregon is a guinea pig school, could you just imagine being a student athlete there…what a cool place to go to school…wish I went there.[/quote]
I’ve heard worse reasons for wanting to attend a school. On second thought, no I haven’t.
Shortly after our interview, Rob surprised me by whipping up a special baseball-themed illo that he knew I’d like
Boy Jose Reyes got a lot lighter…..and better looking…….
Great column today. Great artwork. Thank Rob and thanks Paul. I agree. Great stuff!
A great article on a great illustrator. UniWatch bloggers talents have no limit and we are reminded of that with Rob’s piece.
Rob’s work reminds me of another illustrator (who worked with me on the AFL Philadelphia Soul logo)… Scrojo. Great lines, colors and the ability to make womens’ drawings look HOT!!!
I selected Scrojo to illustrate the cover for this sensational book called: Art of Modern Rock, devoted to the best of the best rock poster artists since the early 70’s…a must read for any graphic designer…over 600 pages!!! Lavish!!!
Book jacket artwork//
Between heaven (angel girl) and hell (devil girl) there’s a little bit of rock and roll (spine)…
Anyone notice that NFL Network has adapted the new shield lettering? Real quick work there in Lala Land, considering that they haven’t had a team since 1995.
Reds numbers:
For a long time, 1-4 were mostly used by managers and coaches (Bill McKechnie, Bucky Walters, Birdie Tebbetts and Fred Hutchinson all wore 1) — or not used at all (Luke Sewell and Rogers Hornsby wore No. 50 and their coaches 51-53.) Sometimes though a player did sneak into those numbers.
The Reds did use that high series of numbers. My guess at an explanation is that at the time one school of thought in numbering sports teams was to issue them in a series. I remember reading a John R. Tunis basketball book from the ’30s or ’40s where a coach explained to a church’s ladies auxiliary to pick a series of numbers for the church’s basketball team…
Johnny VanderMeer threw his consecutive no-hitters wearing 57. And that year Bill McKechnie exchanged his No. 1 for No. 65…
Wow, the redhead in the Pens powder blue is one of the coolest things ever. Great article and great art.
Bettman might want to redo all his EDG Reebok Authentic jersey hang tags using Rob’s work in place of this?
This is very cool. Rob’s a great illustrator. I like his work and his blog. Good stuff, Paul.
As for Florida’s baseball unis, are we sure those are new? Seems to me they’ve worn ones like that for a bit now. Looking over their site this morning, I see some of the styles I remember from days past and some really period-specific ones that mirrored what was going on in baseball fashion back in the 1970s and 1980s.
As an avid comic book reader and sports fan, today’s article is right up my alley. I love the art work and combining beautiful women with sports attire is over the top cool. I think most guys (at least most that read this blog) have a fantasy of their better half wearing nothing but their favorite teams jersey. Excellent work Paul and Rob.
P.S. Striped socks always make sexy women sexier.
I posted this last night but the link was bad:
West Virginia
and the
Oregon Blacks
Georgetown hasn’t even worn them yet!
[quote comment=”231366″][quote comment=”231349″]paul said:
[quote]It sucks that I even have to say this… but don’t mistake today’s mildly racy content of today’s entry is an excuse (much less an invitation) for an outbreak of the stupids in the comments section. If the discussion takes a turn for the juvenile, I’ll simply turn off the commenting function. Maybe for a few days. But I’m sure that won’t be necessary because you’ll all keep things on an intelligent level, right? Right.[/quote]
rick said:
[quote]Hey Phil, Have you noticed that we now aplologize in advance if we don’t know if something has been posted? Maybe too many people getting irate because a newbie or part time Watcher posts something that isn’t new? Maybe we need a little more compassion and respect for each other? Whadda ya think?[/quote]
point taken on my end…im not gonna be responsible for the comments being turned off
i hope everyone else agrees
/peace yo[/quote]
Ok then. Anyone notice the green dots?[/quote]
Funny guy! :)
Phil, I wasn’t meaning you when I made those comments. I’ve just noticed, in general, that when someone brings up a topic that they haven’t seen, but that has been discussed, they tend to get berated in general. I was more commenting on the need to apoligize ahead of time.
On a uni-note … striped knee socks and hockey sweaters … what could possibly be better?
Here’s a Mets cartoon with the #5 on it, from his blog…….
Meanwhile, here’s a little nugget for you to chew on: Imagine if a minor league team held a Uni Watch Night promotion, with the home team wearing stirrups and yours truly throwing out the first pitch. Sound preposterous? Actually, yeah, it does, but it’s in the works anyway. Still very provisional at this point, but the wheels are turning. Stay tuned.
Paul, I love the idea! I’m guessing you’d go with the Brooklyn Cyclones?
You need to throw out the first pitch at Shea and get all of the Mets to wear stirrups! Maybe their bat boy (the one who’s a Uni Watch member) can hook you up!
These cartoons remind me of one of my favorite Ashley Judd posters:
Finally, some hockey love. Canada sends its thanks.
Keep that guy on speed dial, get a weekly drawing from him on here, eh?
[quote comment=”231392″]Here’s a Mets cartoon with the #5 on it, from his blog…….
That was the original version Rob sent me. I asked him to make a few changes, which is how we ended up with the version linked in the text.
The real visual gem of link (featured in the ticker) isn’t the stirrups (though they are cool); check out the inconsistent “Giants” script!
[quote comment=”231317″]The green lacrosse laces are part of the Headstrong Foundation’s “Laces for Lymphoma” campaign:
Nick Colleluori, the Hofstra player who died due to Lymphoma, has a brother who’s still on the team. During fall ball, the Pride, who normally wear Blue and Yellow, wore link.
Couldn’t help think of this today…
Party on March 14, eh? At that rate, consider members Ben Beck and Gregg Goletz guests of honor if they come.
[quote comment=”231394″]
Meanwhile, here’s a little nugget for you to chew on: Imagine if a minor league team held a Uni Watch Night promotion, with the home team wearing stirrups and yours truly throwing out the first pitch. Sound preposterous? Actually, yeah, it does, but it’s in the works anyway. Still very provisional at this point, but the wheels are turning. Stay tuned.
Paul, I love the idea!
I’m guessing you’d go with the Brooklyn Cyclones?[/quote]
I wish. But no, it’s not the Cyclones. And don’t bother going into a guessing game about which team it is — all I’m saying for now is that it’s not the Cyclones. Oh, and it’s not the Staten Island Yankees or Long Island Ducks (or any other NYC-area team) either.
Kudos on the Great tangent today, Paul.
Steamy stuff…. indeed! :)
Paul, at risk of sounding juvenile about the issue myself, the threats of banishment over the weekend and now the threat of disabling the comments section come off as a little heavy-handed, and dare-I-say self-righteous. I’m usually a big fan of this blog, and still am, but the threats are rubbing me the wrong way.
[quote comment=”231404″]Couldn’t help think of this today…
any pics of the NOB?
/time to retire it
During the the Mets’ spring game versus the U of Michigan on Tuesday, I noticed that the Michigan catcher had the school’s standard ‘wings’ logo on his catcher’s helmet,” writes Cork Gaines. “What’s great about is that the wings are facing forward even though he’s wearing the helmet backwards.”
I was commenting on this last night. That means that the catcher’s helmet was made specifically for that as opposed to this goalie style catchers mask.
From last night’s comments”
Wouldn’t the link or that hideous design by link be perfect for thelink baseball team?
I forgot to copy and paste this nugget as well:
[quote comment=”231415″]Paul, at risk of sounding juvenile about the issue myself, the threats of banishment over the weekend and now the threat of disabling the comments section come off as a little heavy-handed, and dare-I-say self-righteous. I’m usually a big fan of this blog, and still am, but the threats are rubbing me the wrong way.[/quote]
Not directed at you, but honestly, I think Paul has been extremely lenient with the comments section. Things have gotten out of hand a lot, and Paul just rolled with it. If we could all just behave like adults, it wouldn’t have to come to this….
“at risk of sounding juvenile….”
“Phil, I wasn’t meaning you…”
“Have you noticed…”
“not sure if this was ever posted before…”
“Not directed at you…”
Welcome to “Qualify Your Comments Day”
[quote comment=”231427″][quote comment=”231415″]Paul, at risk of sounding juvenile about the issue myself, the threats of banishment over the weekend and now the threat of disabling the comments section come off as a little heavy-handed, and dare-I-say self-righteous. I’m usually a big fan of this blog, and still am, but the threats are rubbing me the wrong way.[/quote]
Not directed at you, but honestly, I think Paul has been extremely lenient with the comments section. Things have gotten out of hand a lot, and Paul just rolled with it. If we could all just behave like adults, it wouldn’t have to come to this….[/quote]
Oh, I realize this and appreciate it a lot, but preemptive threats sound a little Bush-administration to me. Just kidding, that would be mean to Paul, but at the same time you know what I’m saying.
“Yea. He link must work out.”
[quote comment=”231321″]In reference to the Reds numerical item, #1 was worn by manager Fred Hutchison and retired shortly after he stepped down (1964?). Numbers 2-4 were worn by many coaches throughout the 1940’s to 1980’s.[/quote]
Right. Dave Bristol, manager in the late 60s and Sparky’s predecessor, wore #4. I think Dick Sisler, who succeeded Hutchinson, wore #2. Sparky’s long-time lieutenant/3rd base coach Alex Grammas wore #2. Pitching coach Larry Shepard was #4, and first-base coach George Scherger was #3. Sparky’s successor John McNamara wore #3. And so on.
The Reds, in the 60s and 70s at least, had a fairly strict numbering system. Coaches/managers had low single digits, catchers higher single digits (Bench 5, Edwards 6, Corrales 7, Plummer 9), infielders 10-19, outfielders 20-29, pitchers 30-49. There were exceptions, but that was the basic system.
[quote comment=”231437″][quote comment=”231427″][quote comment=”231415″]Paul, at risk of sounding juvenile about the issue myself, the threats of banishment over the weekend and now the threat of disabling the comments section come off as a little heavy-handed, and dare-I-say self-righteous. I’m usually a big fan of this blog, and still am, but the threats are rubbing me the wrong way.[/quote]
Not directed at you, but honestly, I think Paul has been extremely lenient with the comments section. Things have gotten out of hand a lot, and Paul just rolled with it. If we could all just behave like adults, it wouldn’t have to come to this….[/quote]
Oh, I realize this and appreciate it a lot, but preemptive threats sound a little Bush-administration to me. Just kidding, that would be mean to Paul, but at the same time you know what I’m saying.[/quote]
You can’t let the inmates run the asylum. Some people do get a little out of hand and way off topic in the comments, myself included. I think Paul’s done a pretty good job of keeping it in check, his blog, his rules. Btw, not being able to check out the cartoons is killin me(at work).
For those of us who can’t email Rob right now, will you please provide his actual email? Thanks.
And Paul, you’ll be here in Seattle on a friday night? My gf is going to kill me…”You want to go to what?” Oi.
[quote comment=”231442″]”Yea. He link must work out.”[/quote]
Me and the strikethru function are gonna have words!
[quote comment=”231396″]These cartoons remind me of one of my favorite Ashley Judd posters:
All but one game at midnight!
Btw, would link be considered FNOB, NOB, NOA’s?
I’m not trying to be too childish… but when I read this out of context it made me chuckle:
“RU: I’ve probably done a girl in a hockey sweater at least 30 times.”
[quote comment=”231453″][quote comment=”231437″][quote comment=”231427″][quote comment=”231415″]Paul, at risk of sounding juvenile about the issue myself, the threats of banishment over the weekend and now the threat of disabling the comments section come off as a little heavy-handed, and dare-I-say self-righteous. I’m usually a big fan of this blog, and still am, but the threats are rubbing me the wrong way.[/quote]
Not directed at you, but honestly, I think Paul has been extremely lenient with the comments section. Things have gotten out of hand a lot, and Paul just rolled with it. If we could all just behave like adults, it wouldn’t have to come to this….[/quote]
Oh, I realize this and appreciate it a lot, but preemptive threats sound a little Bush-administration to me. Just kidding, that would be mean to Paul, but at the same time you know what I’m saying.[/quote]
You can’t let the inmates run the asylum. Some people do get a little out of hand and way off topic in the comments, myself included. I think Paul’s done a pretty good job of keeping it in check, his blog, his rules. Btw, not being able to check out the cartoons is killin me(at work).[/quote]
All I was saying is that I generally don’t like running across threats that assume the reader is guilty before he/she has done anything. I know that that may sound irrational or whatever, but I know that there are others like me who feel the same way, and I was just letting Paul know that that kind of thing grinds my gears. Not an attack on him, I just thought perhaps it would be helpful to let him know.
[quote comment=”231457″][quote comment=”231442″]”Yea. He link must work out.”[/quote]
Me and the strikethru function are gonna have words![/quote]
there must be a bug…what you need to do is type “” whatever you wish to cross out, then “” to close the tags…to see this graphically…just hit the quote button and look at the following:
strikeI am glad Paul said something because when I saw what the topic was for the day, I was hesitant to even read the comments. I don’t think it’s a threat; I think it’s a consequence. Given the assortment of crude comments posted with increasing frequency (and yes, I have been guilty of this myself a few times), it’s not a stretch to think that pictures of near-naked women will spur some less than savory comments.
As for a Myron Cope memorial–I go for a black terrible towel sticker with the initials MC in yellow/gold.
[quote comment=”231413″][quote comment=”231394″]
Meanwhile, here’s a little nugget for you to chew on: Imagine if a minor league team held a Uni Watch Night promotion, with the home team wearing stirrups and yours truly throwing out the first pitch. Sound preposterous? Actually, yeah, it does, but it’s in the works anyway. Still very provisional at this point, but the wheels are turning. Stay tuned.
Paul, I love the idea!
I’m guessing you’d go with the Brooklyn Cyclones?[/quote]
I wish. But no, it’s not the Cyclones. And don’t bother going into a guessing game about which team it is — all I’m saying for now is that it’s not the Cyclones. Oh, and it’s not the Staten Island Yankees or Long Island Ducks (or any other NYC-area team) either.[/quote]
If it is the Durham Bulls, or anywhere else within driving distance, I would certainly get tickets.
The renderings are great. What I like about them is the wholesome yet barely perceptible hint towards naughty.
Their appeal is akin to older movies, no matter the content. The imagination was left to conjure what it would without being presented everything in High Definition!
[quote comment=”231475″][quote comment=”231457″][quote comment=”231442″]”Yea. He link must work out.”[/quote]
Me and the strikethru function are gonna have words![/quote]
there must be a bug…what you need to do is type “” whatever you wish to cross out, then “” to close the tags…to see this graphically…just hit the quote button and look at the following:
strike[/quote]I hope this
doesn’twork…P.S. Striped socks always make sexy women sexier.
And if it’s within relatively easy distance to NYC, I’ll get tickets.
Not sure if anybody saw this, but President Bush ripped on Manny yesterday when he was a no show at the White House……
I love the hockey pinups. It makes me want to work out and get the kind of arms needed for a tattoo and have one commissioned to resemble my wife in my college sweater.
I was only able to see some of the photos as Im at work. I can’t wait to get home to see the rest of them.
[quote comment=”231471″][quote comment=”231453″][quote comment=”231437″][quote comment=”231427″][quote comment=”231415″]Paul, at risk of sounding juvenile about the issue myself, the threats of banishment over the weekend and now the threat of disabling the comments section come off as a little heavy-handed, and dare-I-say self-righteous. I’m usually a big fan of this blog, and still am, but the threats are rubbing me the wrong way.[/quote]
Not directed at you, but honestly, I think Paul has been extremely lenient with the comments section. Things have gotten out of hand a lot, and Paul just rolled with it. If we could all just behave like adults, it wouldn’t have to come to this….[/quote]
Oh, I realize this and appreciate it a lot, but preemptive threats sound a little Bush-administration to me. Just kidding, that would be mean to Paul, but at the same time you know what I’m saying.[/quote]
You can’t let the inmates run the asylum. Some people do get a little out of hand and way off topic in the comments, myself included. I think Paul’s done a pretty good job of keeping it in check, his blog, his rules. Btw, not being able to check out the cartoons is killin me(at work).[/quote]
All I was saying is that I generally don’t like running across threats that assume the reader is guilty before he/she has done anything. I know that that may sound irrational or whatever, but I know that there are others like me who feel the same way, and I was just letting Paul know that that kind of thing grinds my gears. Not an attack on him, I just thought perhaps it would be helpful to let him know.[/quote]
Not an attack? If you feel the “threats” (as you yourself put it) were not appropriate, fine. But don’t try to paint yourself as the good guy by saying your expressions aren’t what they actually are. Your comments have consequences, live with them.
perhaps a uni watch pin up calendar using rob’s creations is in the works?
various sports peppered throughout the year…
i think id buy one.
[quote comment=”231492″]perhaps a uni watch pin up calendar using rob’s creations is in the works?
various sports peppered throughout the year…
i think id buy one.[/quote]
I second this. You choose the sport for each month based on what season it is.
Wow, great art, Rob. Right up my alley, I love the simpler, thicker lined styles of guys like Bruce Timm and Darwyn Cooke – yours fits right in with those.
And agreed with that redhead in the Pens jersey. Two of my absolute favorites right there, red hair and light blue.
[quote comment=”231488″]Not sure if anybody saw this, but President Bush ripped on Manny yesterday when he was a no show at the White House……
I don’t know if this is a repost because I don’t read all the comments everday, but there is an article on espn about the upton brothers. I just thought it’s interesting because they play for the “Rays” and the “D-backs” and are among the worst dressed brothers in sports history (I’m not partial to either teams unis). Any other poorly clad brother combinations come to mind? I’m thinking at some point a couple of sutters might have laced up for ugly teams. Oh here is the link to the article.
Great post today…combining two of my great loves: pinups and sports. Rob is probably the only person that could make my Cubs look good!
I’ll be enjoying some Atom-Bomb Bikinis today. Thanks for ruining my productivity.
New link.
[quote comment=”231487″]And if it’s within relatively easy distance to NYC, I’ll get tickets.[/quote]
As will I.
[quote comment=”231486″]P.S. Striped socks always make sexy women sexier.
The renderings are great. What I like about them is the wholesome yet barely perceptible hint towards naughty.
Not exactly in the same ballpark. I think the “hint towards naughty” in the pic in the link is MUCH more than perceptible!!!
[quote comment=”231491″][quote comment=”231471″][quote comment=”231453″][quote comment=”231437″][quote comment=”231427″][quote comment=”231415″]Paul, at risk of sounding juvenile about the issue myself, the threats of banishment over the weekend and now the threat of disabling the comments section come off as a little heavy-handed, and dare-I-say self-righteous. I’m usually a big fan of this blog, and still am, but the threats are rubbing me the wrong way.[/quote]
Not directed at you, but honestly, I think Paul has been extremely lenient with the comments section. Things have gotten out of hand a lot, and Paul just rolled with it. If we could all just behave like adults, it wouldn’t have to come to this….[/quote]
Oh, I realize this and appreciate it a lot, but preemptive threats sound a little Bush-administration to me. Just kidding, that would be mean to Paul, but at the same time you know what I’m saying.[/quote]
You can’t let the inmates run the asylum. Some people do get a little out of hand and way off topic in the comments, myself included. I think Paul’s done a pretty good job of keeping it in check, his blog, his rules. Btw, not being able to check out the cartoons is killin me(at work).[/quote]
All I was saying is that I generally don’t like running across threats that assume the reader is guilty before he/she has done anything. I know that that may sound irrational or whatever, but I know that there are others like me who feel the same way, and I was just letting Paul know that that kind of thing grinds my gears. Not an attack on him, I just thought perhaps it would be helpful to let him know.[/quote]
Not an attack? If you feel the “threats” (as you yourself put it) were not appropriate, fine.
But don’t try to paint yourself as the good guy by saying your expressions aren’t what they actually are. Your comments have consequences, live with them.[/quote]
Ok, perhaps you are correct. What I meant to say was that they were not an ad hominem attack on Paul. My comments were a complaint about one small aspect of his blog, not his person. If you remember, I said the “threats” (perhaps not the right word, perhaps it was, whatever) came off as heavy-handed, and I don’t back down from that. However, I also realize that the last thing Paul wanted his comments to result in is semantic debate, so I’ll put the issue to bed. I retract my complaint. I think I’ll go “deal with the consequences of my comments” whatever the hell that means lwiedy.
edit: “Live with the consequences of my comments” – not “deal with the consequences of my coments”
Let’s please stop the discussion of commenting protocol. I just wanted to head off any threads along the lines of “Boy, I’d love to fuck one of those hockey jersey girls right now!” If anyone thought my pre-emptive admonition was heavy-handed, we can agree to disagree.
Please don’t respond to this comment, or to other posting-protocol comments. Let’s move on.
[quote comment=”231510″]“New link.”[/quote]
One little prob with dat. NOB on a Red Sawx home jersey! SACRALIGE I TELL YA!
[quote comment=”231321″]In reference to the Reds numerical item, #1 was worn by manager Fred Hutchison and retired shortly after he stepped down (1964?). [/quote]
Something I learned from trying to figure out this number thing. Fred’s # 1 was retired in ’65. He resigned in October ’64, as he was dying, and would only live another three weeks. Thanks to everyone who shared theories on my little number question.
Rip Simonick fashioned a skate resistent AreBeeKay collar onto Hank Tallinder’s Nike undergarments. It was shown on the MSG broadcast last night.
Kids – let’s link together
Has link been posted already?
[quote comment=”231351″][quote comment=”231338″]It’s sad, of course, but the first thing I thought when I saw the Mets pin-up girl was, “Hey, he forgot to put a name on the back of the jersey.”[/quote]
That was intentional. It’s a 1969 Mets jersey — note the slightly off-white color, no drop shadow on the number, no MLB logo on the collar.[/quote]
Shouldn’t the ’69 jerrsey have the MLB patch on the left sleve?link?
[quote comment=”231525″]Kids – let’s link together
Has link been posted already?[/quote]
No, but it was referenced. Good job, super sleuth. Visual proof that Vieira had her jersey on backwards.
The green shoelaces are part of a promotion for a cancer research charity named after or started by a lacrosse player.
– kyle golrick
Good story on number selection for the Georgia football team:
[quote comment=”231396″]These cartoons remind me of one of my favorite Ashley Judd posters:
That is great, and started a great tradition.
Thing is, I don’t know if it was on that poster (originally) or one of the succeeding ones in the series, but one of them said “Lexinton” on it when it was originally printed.
And I think Ashley Judd is properly a “UK Alumna,” not an “alumnus.”
[quote comment=”231528″][quote comment=”231351″][quote comment=”231338″]It’s sad, of course, but the first thing I thought when I saw the Mets pin-up girl was, “Hey, he forgot to put a name on the back of the jersey.”[/quote]
That was intentional. It’s a 1969 Mets jersey — note the slightly off-white color, no drop shadow on the number, no MLB logo on the collar.[/quote]
Shouldn’t the ’69 jerrsey have the MLB patch on the left sleve?link?[/quote]
Methinks that patch belongs on the link
Left sleeve was reserved for the link
And I second the notion of Rob doing a calendar. Could be a charity thing.
[quote comment=”231370″][quote comment=”231331″]WOW…I am impressed, no Nike put downs today! Although the Oregon uniforms are hard to read on TV, I commend Nike with trying to change and bring innovation to sports. While I agree that Oregon is a guinea pig school, could you just imagine being a student athlete there…what a cool place to go to school…wish I went there.[/quote]
I’ve heard worse reasons for wanting to attend a school. On second thought, no I haven’t.[/quote]
Oh just relax, it was a joke….there are athletes out there who choose schools depending on the shoes they wear.
[quote comment=”231536″][quote comment=”231528″][quote comment=”231351″][quote comment=”231338″]It’s sad, of course, but the first thing I thought when I saw the Mets pin-up girl was, “Hey, he forgot to put a name on the back of the jersey.”[/quote]
That was intentional. It’s a 1969 Mets jersey — note the slightly off-white color, no drop shadow on the number, no MLB logo on the collar.[/quote]
Shouldn’t the ’69 jerrsey have the MLB patch on the left sleve?link?[/quote]
Methinks that patch belongs on the link
Left sleeve was reserved for the link[/quote]
Not in link.
[quote comment=”231541″][quote comment=”231370″][quote comment=”231331″]WOW…I am impressed, no Nike put downs today! Although the Oregon uniforms are hard to read on TV, I commend Nike with trying to change and bring innovation to sports. While I agree that Oregon is a guinea pig school, could you just imagine being a student athlete there…what a cool place to go to school…wish I went there.[/quote]
I’ve heard worse reasons for wanting to attend a school. On second thought, no I haven’t.[/quote]
Oh just relax, it was a joke….there are athletes out there who choose schools depending on the shoes they wear.[/quote]
Or what kind of cell phone package they offer, link
[quote comment=”231543″][quote comment=”231536″][quote comment=”231528″][quote comment=”231351″][quote comment=”231338″]It’s sad, of course, but the first thing I thought when I saw the Mets pin-up girl was, “Hey, he forgot to put a name on the back of the jersey.”[/quote]
That was intentional. It’s a 1969 Mets jersey — note the slightly off-white color, no drop shadow on the number, no MLB logo on the collar.[/quote]
Shouldn’t the ’69 jerrsey have the MLB patch on the left sleve?link?[/quote]
Methinks that patch belongs on the link
Left sleeve was reserved for the link[/quote]
Not in link.[/quote]
Hmmmm….because the pic of Seaver and Gentry is definitely taken during the 1969 season – note the chunks of sod scattered about – most likely the day after they clinched the NL East
Love those american apparel thigh high socks. I got linkfor my finace about 2 weeks ago. All I can say is mmmm mmmm mmmmmmmmmm!
[quote comment=”231589″]Love those american apparel thigh high socks. I got linkfor my finace about 2 weeks ago. All I can say is mmmm mmmm mmmmmmmmmm![/quote]
haha, that should be fiance not finace
[quote comment=”231592″][quote comment=”231589″]Love those american apparel thigh high socks. I got linkfor my finace about 2 weeks ago. All I can say is mmmm mmmm mmmmmmmmmm![/quote]
haha, that should be fiance not finace[/quote]
I hope it’s actually fiancee.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
[quote comment=”231521″][quote comment=”231510″]“New link.”[/quote]
One little prob with dat. NOB on a Red Sawx home jersey! SACRALIGE I TELL YA![/quote]
Very true! Maybe it’s me, but I usually don’t see a signed jersey being held up by the president. Usually they’re unsigned, no?
[quote comment=”231571″][quote comment=”231543″][quote comment=”231536″][quote comment=”231528″][quote comment=”231351″][quote comment=”231338″]It’s sad, of course, but the first thing I thought when I saw the Mets pin-up girl was, “Hey, he forgot to put a name on the back of the jersey.”[/quote]
That was intentional. It’s a 1969 Mets jersey — note the slightly off-white color, no drop shadow on the number, no MLB logo on the collar.[/quote]
Shouldn’t the ’69 jerrsey have the MLB patch on the left sleve?link?[/quote]
Methinks that patch belongs on the link
Left sleeve was reserved for the link[/quote]
Not in link.[/quote]
Hmmmm….because the pic of Seaver and Gentry is definitely taken during the 1969 season – note the chunks of sod scattered about – most likely the day after they clinched the NL East[/quote]
link a few link, however obvoiusly these are the road jersey. Maybe their home jerseys had the patch in the pre season when the team photo was taken, and they switched it later on.
[quote comment=”231593″][quote comment=”231592″][quote comment=”231589″]Love those american apparel thigh high socks. I got linkfor my finace about 2 weeks ago. All I can say is mmmm mmmm mmmmmmmmmm![/quote]
haha, that should be fiance not finace[/quote]
I hope it’s actually fiancee.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that.[/quote]
well…as some of learned…the difference between fiancee and finance aint much
[/marriage jokes]
good luck to you tho
*ok…that should read “some of us have learned”
Appalachian State football–what is the common demoninator between the fist and last temas they played this year?
[quote comment=”231599″]well…as some of learned…the difference between fiancee and finance aint much[/quote]
No, but the difference between a fiancé and a fiancéé sure is!
[quote comment=”231593″][quote comment=”231592″][quote comment=”231589″]Love those american apparel thigh high socks. I got linkfor my finace about 2 weeks ago. All I can say is mmmm mmmm mmmmmmmmmm![/quote]
haha, that should be fiance not finace[/quote]
I hope it’s actually fiancee.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that.[/quote]
…guess i shouldn’t be entering any spelling bees today
[quote comment=”231604″]Hello
Appalachian State football–what is the common demoninator between the fist and last temas they played this year?[/quote]
they beat teams with “winged” princeton helmets?
[what…you thought i’d say the kelly colored circle?]
[quote comment=”231606″][quote comment=”231599″]well…as some of learned…the difference between fiancee and finance aint much[/quote]
No, but the difference between a fiancé and a fiancéé sure is![/quote]
well as you said kenn, NTTAWWT
[quote comment=”231604″]Hello
Appalachian State football–what is the common demoninator between the fist and last temas they played this year?[/quote]
Without any research I’d have to guess Winged Helmets (Michigan/Delaware)?
Anybody noticed the weird soulder style of the bengals player depicted on espn frontpage today (Justin Smith, I think). Looks like he’s missing a few stripes no ? I never thought those unis could get any worse, but this “block” shoulder design may actually be the cherry on top of the manure pile.
Between today’s Rob Ullman profile and yesterday’s photo of that Yankee Stadium vendors “smock”, it’s been a very enjoyable Uniwatch week. (Hey that would be good- one of Rob’s pinup girls in that vendor’s smock…but I digress)
Let me throw my support behind a Rob Ullman Uniwatch pinup calender. That would be freaking awesome.
Good work as usual Paul.
Is it just me, or does the photo of Mr. Ullman give the (probably illusional) appearance of a certain Scott Spiezo flair?
[quote comment=”231617″]Is it just me, or does the photo of Mr. Ullman give the (probably illusional) appearance of a certain Scott Spiezo flair?[/quote]
like link?
[quote comment=”231617″]Is it just me, or does the photo of Mr. Ullman give the (probably illusional) appearance of a certain Scott Spiezo flair?[/quote]
Ha ha, that’s the wood floor, not a soul patch. But nice false catch, though. (Nice trap?)
[quote comment=”231571″][quote comment=”231543″][quote comment=”231536″][quote comment=”231528″][quote comment=”231351″][quote comment=”231338″]It’s sad, of course, but the first thing I thought when I saw the Mets pin-up girl was, “Hey, he forgot to put a name on the back of the jersey.”[/quote]
That was intentional. It’s a 1969 Mets jersey — note the slightly off-white color, no drop shadow on the number, no MLB logo on the collar.[/quote]
Shouldn’t the ’69 jerrsey have the MLB patch on the left sleve?link?[/quote]
Methinks that patch belongs on the link
Left sleeve was reserved for the link[/quote]
Not in link.[/quote]
Hmmmm….because the pic of Seaver and Gentry is definitely taken during the 1969 season – note the chunks of sod scattered about – most likely the day after they clinched the NL East[/quote]
The Seaver/Gentry Pic is, I’ve read elsewhere, after the World Series (Perhaps they were thinking “Crap! How are the Jets gonna play here on Sunday?”). Patches must have been redone during the year.
The stuff you find on YouTube: link.
has anyone seen the back of the new black a’s jersey. just picked one up and don’t know the specs of the name and number. thanks
[quote comment=”231621″][quote comment=”231571″][quote comment=”231543″][quote comment=”231536″][quote comment=”231528″][quote comment=”231351″][quote comment=”231338″]It’s sad, of course, but the first thing I thought when I saw the Mets pin-up girl was, “Hey, he forgot to put a name on the back of the jersey.”[/quote]
That was intentional. It’s a 1969 Mets jersey — note the slightly off-white color, no drop shadow on the number, no MLB logo on the collar.[/quote]
Shouldn’t the ’69 jerrsey have the MLB patch on the left sleve?link?[/quote]
Methinks that patch belongs on the link
Left sleeve was reserved for the link[/quote]
Not in link.[/quote]
Hmmmm….because the pic of Seaver and Gentry is definitely taken during the 1969 season – note the chunks of sod scattered about – most likely the day after they clinched the NL East[/quote]
The Seaver/Gentry Pic is, I’ve read elsewhere, after the World Series (Perhaps they were thinking “Crap! How are the Jets gonna play here on Sunday?”). Patches must have been redone during the year.[/quote]
Must have – check link and link
[quote comment=”231596″][quote comment=”231571″][quote comment=”231543″][quote comment=”231536″][quote comment=”231528″][quote comment=”231351″][quote comment=”231338″]It’s sad, of course, but the first thing I thought when I saw the Mets pin-up girl was, “Hey, he forgot to put a name on the back of the jersey.”[/quote]
That was intentional. It’s a 1969 Mets jersey — note the slightly off-white color, no drop shadow on the number, no MLB logo on the collar.[/quote]
Shouldn’t the ’69 jerrsey have the MLB patch on the left sleve?link?[/quote]
Methinks that patch belongs on the link
Left sleeve was reserved for the link[/quote]
Not in link.[/quote]
Hmmmm….because the pic of Seaver and Gentry is definitely taken during the 1969 season – note the chunks of sod scattered about – most likely the day after they clinched the NL East[/quote]
link a few link, however obvoiusly these are the road jersey. Maybe their home jerseys had the patch in the pre season when the team photo was taken, and they switched it later on.[/quote]
The reference to the link being from pre-season is IMO incorrect. I believe I see Donn Clendenon in the top row. If that is correct this photo was take after mid-June. Perhaps a Mets guy (we got a few of those?) can verify.
[quote comment=”231541″][quote comment=”231370″][quote comment=”231331″]WOW…I am impressed, no Nike put downs today! Although the Oregon uniforms are hard to read on TV, I commend Nike with trying to change and bring innovation to sports. While I agree that Oregon is a guinea pig school, could you just imagine being a student athlete there…what a cool place to go to school…wish I went there.[/quote]
I’ve heard worse reasons for wanting to attend a school. On second thought, no I haven’t.[/quote]
Oh just relax, it was a joke….there are athletes out there who choose schools depending on the shoes they wear.[/quote]
I absolutely agree with the last statement!!!
[quote comment=”231381″]
As for Florida’s baseball unis, are we sure those are new? Seems to me they’ve worn ones like that for a bit now. Looking over their site this morning, I see some of the styles I remember from days past and some really period-specific ones that mirrored what was going on in baseball fashion back in the 1970s and 1980s.[/quote]
In the past the Gators have worn the inter-locking UF logo on their jerseys and caps. Witrh the incoming of Coach O’Sullivan they have switched to the slanted F on their caps along with the slanted Florida (mirroring that of the basketball team) across the front of their home whites.
[quote comment=”231635″]The reference to the link being from pre-season is IMO incorrect. I believe I see Donn Clendenon in the top row. If that is correct this photo was take after mid-June. Perhaps a Mets guy (we got a few of those?) can verify.[/quote]
im not sure WHERE or WHEN link was taken…but grote seems to intimate it was spring training…and that background doesn’t look like shea…maybe it is st. pete???
[quote comment=”231637″][quote comment=”231541″][quote comment=”231370″][quote comment=”231331″]WOW…I am impressed, no Nike put downs today! Although the Oregon uniforms are hard to read on TV, I commend Nike with trying to change and bring innovation to sports. While I agree that Oregon is a guinea pig school, could you just imagine being a student athlete there…what a cool place to go to school…wish I went there.[/quote]
I’ve heard worse reasons for wanting to attend a school. On second thought, no I haven’t.[/quote]
Oh just relax, it was a joke….there are athletes out there who choose schools depending on the shoes they wear.[/quote]
I absolutely agree with the last statement!!![/quote]
Oh relax yourself. Unless you indicate [sarcasm], your intent can’t be deciphered simply from that statement. I myself have said ridiculous things with one intention and had it perceived very differently.
Clendenon’s link with Mets
[quote comment=”231642″][quote comment=”231635″]The reference to the link being from pre-season is IMO incorrect. I believe I see Donn Clendenon in the top row. If that is correct this photo was take after mid-June. Perhaps a Mets guy (we got a few of those?) can verify.[/quote]
im not sure WHERE or WHEN link was taken…but grote seems to intimate it was spring training…and that background doesn’t look like shea…maybe it is st. pete???[/quote]
Ladies and gents – some fairly link – scroll down to “1969”
[quote comment=”231647″][quote comment=”231642″][quote comment=”231635″]The reference to the link being from pre-season is IMO incorrect. I believe I see Donn Clendenon in the top row. If that is correct this photo was take after mid-June. Perhaps a Mets guy (we got a few of those?) can verify.[/quote]
im not sure WHERE or WHEN link was taken…but grote seems to intimate it was spring training…and that background doesn’t look like shea…maybe it is st. pete???[/quote]
Ladies and gents – some fairly link – scroll down to “1969”[/quote]
I’ll buy that for a nickel!
Washington State High School Basketball coach looks link
[quote comment=”231644″][quote comment=”231637″][quote comment=”231541″][quote comment=”231370″][quote comment=”231331″]WOW…I am impressed, no Nike put downs today! Although the Oregon uniforms are hard to read on TV, I commend Nike with trying to change and bring innovation to sports. While I agree that Oregon is a guinea pig school, could you just imagine being a student athlete there…what a cool place to go to school…wish I went there.[/quote]
I’ve heard worse reasons for wanting to attend a school. On second thought, no I haven’t.[/quote]
Oh just relax, it was a joke….there are athletes out there who choose schools depending on the shoes they wear.[/quote]
I absolutely agree with the last statement!!![/quote]
Oh relax yourself. Unless you indicate [sarcasm], your intent can’t be deciphered simply from that statement. I myself have said ridiculous things with one intention and had it perceived very differently.[/quote]
i know matt prolly better than anyone on this board, and trust me…he means it!
As one of the many hockey lovers in here, I’d buy a calendar if that were to happen. However, I’d even go one step further in asking for a completely hockey-devoted calendar, especially if it were for breast cancer research or some other worthy women’s oriented charity.
The problem I see is the NHL’s licensing. I don’t think he’d be able to publish it legally without the NHL’s blessing (read: cut of the money). However, if all the profits went to charity, you might be able to tie it into the Hockey Fights Cancer promotion the NHL and NHLPA endorse if the money was going to breast cancer research.
I’d say it’s worth investigating.
I was just listening to WFAN (660 AM) radio in NY, and Mike and the Mad Dog were interviewing the head of the Arena Football League, and he mentioned that the Arena League uses the same refs as the NFL, and that the refs in the Arena League would be wearing helmets this year, and he thought it might carry over to the NFL.
[quote comment=”231656″]I was just listening to WFAN (660 AM) radio in NY, and Mike and the Mad Dog were interviewing the head of the Arena Football League, and he mentioned that the Arena League uses the same refs as the NFL, and that the refs in the Arena League would be wearing helmets this year, and he thought it might carry over to the NFL.[/quote]
Seems like a good idea, at least for the umpire.
[quote comment=”231656″]I was just listening to WFAN (660 AM) radio in NY, and Mike and the Mad Dog were interviewing the head of the Arena Football League, and he mentioned that the Arena League uses the same refs as the NFL, and that the refs in the Arena League would be wearing helmets this year, and he thought it might carry over to the NFL.[/quote]
Helmets? What? That is a total surprise to me. As a former official I would think that a helmet would make it more difficult to see everything that needs to be seen. Now, what type of helmet are they suggesting? A real football helmet, a hockey style helmet, baseball?
New Caps goalie Huet was assigned 33, changed his mind and is going with 38. He’s also getting a new mask painted. Sticking with his old pads since both the Habs and Caps are red, white and blue.
[quote comment=”231656″]I was just listening to WFAN (660 AM) radio in NY, and Mike and the Mad Dog were interviewing the head of the Arena Football League, and he mentioned that the Arena League uses the same refs as the NFL, and that the refs in the Arena League would be wearing helmets this year, and he thought it might carry over to the NFL.[/quote]
He said similar things to that on First Take a couple days ago. he mentioned that there will be many different kinds of helmets tested by the refs. I specifically remeber him saying a couple different kinds of bicycle-type helmets for starters.
[quote comment=”231662″] As a former official I would think that a helmet would make it more difficult to see everything that needs to be seen. [/quote]
As a current official, I’d agree with you.
I was in favor of the baseball coaches helmets thing, but baseballs travel much faster off the bat. I’ve seen more people get brained with baseballs than with footballs (or even linebackers) in my time.
[quote comment=”231604″]Hello
Appalachian State football–what is the common demoninator between the fist and last temas they played this year?[/quote]
link and link
[quote comment=”231663″]New Caps goalie Huet was assigned 33, changed his mind and is going with 38. He’s also getting a new mask painted. Sticking with his old pads since both the Habs and Caps are red, white and blue.
That completely blows my image of him as a lunchpail-type guy.
Wait, what?
Hey Everybody…Thanks for all the kind words, and I apologize for not jumping on to reply sooner. The aforementioned baby daughter has been keeping me pretty busy all day!
I know there are some comments I need to reply to…I’m gonna read back through and try to nail ’em down one at a time!
Geeze, look at Ian Poulter’s new golf shirt. Just when you thought he couldn’t get any more bizarre with his wardrobe…..
Just finally had a chance to get on the net today.
Imagine my sheer joy when I saw the topic for today’s Uni Watch, considering that Rob’s blog, Atom Bomb Bikini, is the next site after Uni Watch in my favorites bar.
And I too would purchase a calendar based on the girls in jerseys/sweaters.
Today’s New York Times includes a picture of Roger Clemens giving advice to an Astro minor leaguer with an appropriate link.
I’m a graphic designer fresh out of college who has loved the work of Timm, Glines, and Ullman for a long while– thanks for doing a write-up on him! And Rob, if you’re reading this, I love your work, and seeing it is an inspiration. It’s also nice seeing other members of the minimally-sized art-sports hybrid.
[quote comment=”231679″]Today’s New York Times includes a picture of Roger Clemens giving advice to an Astro minor leaguer with an appropriate link.[/quote]
That is classic. Almost too good to be true, like the photoshopped Arkansas sideline pictures.
And on another note:
there are athletes out there who choose schools depending on the shoes they wear.
I absolutely agree with the last statement!!!
This is the part that I was seconding, as Phil pointed out. If this weren’t true, we might never have heard of people like Sonny Vaccaro!
[quote comment=”231679″]Today’s New York Times includes a picture of Roger Clemens giving advice to an Astro minor leaguer with an appropriate link.[/quote]
Too bad the guy’s name wasn’t “MISREMEMBER”
[quote comment=”231665″][quote comment=”231662″] As a former official I would think that a helmet would make it more difficult to see everything that needs to be seen. [/quote]
As a current official, I’d agree with you.
I was in favor of the baseball coaches helmets thing, but baseballs travel much faster off the bat. I’ve seen more people get brained with baseballs than with footballs (or even linebackers) in my time.[/quote]
Is this really an issue in the AFL? I don’t follow the sport.
I can’t see this as being remotely needed in the NFL, and as mentioned above it would seem to hinder the officials.
[quote comment=”231525″]Kids – let’s link together
Has link been posted already?[/quote]
I love the video clip of the infamous “Semi-Pro” Today Show matchup.
However, I have to toot my own horn a little. I too, made an appearance on the linkthis Summer, and no, it had nothing to do with Nate Robinson’s shoes!
My wife and I are in the gym portion of the video numerous times but most visibly at 1:32 of the clip.
Uni-Note: I’m wearing Missouri football team issued Nike practice gear!
[quote comment=”231683″][quote comment=”231679″]Today’s New York Times includes a picture of Roger Clemens giving advice to an Astro minor leaguer with an appropriate link.[/quote]
That is classic. Almost too good to be true, like the photoshopped Arkansas sideline pictures.
And on another note:
there are athletes out there who choose schools depending on the shoes they wear.
I absolutely agree with the last statement!!!
This is the part that I was seconding, as Phil pointed out. If this weren’t true, we might never have heard of people like Sonny Vaccaro![/quote]
That’s cool. It is funny how sometimes we (maybe just me) think someones saying one thing when they mean something else completely. Apologies to all involved. Sometimes it might be better not to respond, but that would be much fun.
[quote comment=”231685″]Is this really an issue in the AFL? I don’t follow the sport.[/quote]
I think it’s more an issue of officials being run into than being hit in the head with thrown footballs. In the Readers Digest world of the AFL, there are bodies in tighter spaces (though there are fewer of them – I’m not sure it’s proportionate because that would mean I’d have to do math), going faster because of turf.
Most professional officials are slightly older and, while they stay fit, they can’t hope to be as quick on the reflex as a professional football player.
So I think they’d be talking about reducing potential injury from collisions with players and then the floor rather than getting brained by a thrown ball. Just a guess.
[quote]I can’t see this as being remotely needed in the NFL, and as mentioned above it would seem to hinder the officials.[/quote]
It might. Depending on what the apparatus looked/felt like.
But you’re right – we do see the occasional umpire (usually) get wiped out, but there haven’t been a whole lot of injuries that I can remember that a helmet would have prevented.
If they were hockey-type helmets, that would be inobtrusive, I guess. But I can’t see football officials wanting to give up the caps, or feeling like there’s a specific need for them.
Maybe (unfortunately) it’ll take someone getting seriously hurt for it to happen. Don’t know.
[quote comment=”231685″][quote comment=”231665″][quote comment=”231662″] As a former official I would think that a helmet would make it more difficult to see everything that needs to be seen. [/quote]
As a current official, I’d agree with you.
I was in favor of the baseball coaches helmets thing, but baseballs travel much faster off the bat. I’ve seen more people get brained with baseballs than with footballs (or even linebackers) in my time.[/quote]
Is this really an issue in the AFL? I don’t follow the sport.
I can’t see this as being remotely needed in the NFL, and as mentioned above it would seem to hinder the officials.[/quote]
Perhaps every one but the umpire. This is the guy that is in all the NFL Films blooper reels getting steamrolled, falling backwards. I am certain that there have been a number of head injuries in the past and it could help this positioned official.
[quote comment=”231604″]Hello
Appalachian State football–what is the common demoninator between the fist and last temas they played this year?[/quote]
Best joke I heard all season about the App. State upset of the Wolverines…
“How many batteries does it take to shock the University of Michigan?”
[quote comment=”231688″][quote comment=”231685″]Is this really an issue in the AFL? I don’t follow the sport.[/quote]
I think it’s more an issue of officials being run into than being hit in the head with thrown footballs. In the Readers Digest world of the AFL, there are bodies in tighter spaces (though there are fewer of them – I’m not sure it’s proportionate because that would mean I’d have to do math), going faster because of turf.
Most professional officials are slightly older and, while they stay fit, they can’t hope to be as quick on the reflex as a professional football player.
So I think they’d be talking about reducing potential injury from collisions with players and then the floor rather than getting brained by a thrown ball. Just a guess.
[quote]I can’t see this as being remotely needed in the NFL, and as mentioned above it would seem to hinder the officials.[/quote]
It might. Depending on what the apparatus looked/felt like.
But you’re right – we do see the occasional umpire (usually) get wiped out, but there haven’t been a whole lot of injuries that I can remember that a helmet would have prevented.
If they were hockey-type helmets, that would be inobtrusive, I guess. But I can’t see football officials wanting to give up the caps, or feeling like there’s a specific need for them.
Maybe (unfortunately) it’ll take someone getting seriously hurt for it to happen. Don’t know.[/quote]
You are quicker on the draw, KT!
[quote comment=”231690″][quote comment=”231604″]Hello
Appalachian State football–what is the common demoninator between the fist and last temas they played this year?[/quote]
Best joke I heard all season about the App. State upset of the Wolverines…
“How many batteries does it take to shock the University of Michigan?”
link here all week, folks!
[quote comment=”231686″][quote comment=”231525″]Kids – let’s link together
Has link been posted already?[/quote]
I love the video clip of the infamous “Semi-Pro” Today Show matchup.
However, I have to toot my own horn a little. I too, made an appearance on the linkthis Summer, and no, it had nothing to do with Nate Robinson’s shoes!
My wife and I are in the gym portion of the video numerous times but most visibly at 1:32 of the clip.
Uni-Note: I’m wearing Missouri football team issued Nike practice gear![/quote]
Very nice. Here’s a screen shot:
Add me to the list of people who would seriously support a worthy cause by buying a calendar of Rob’s artwork. Rob – question for you…ever think of drawing the girls with hockey socks and a garter belt? That’s how I used to fasten mine before the all in one shock doctor with the velcro sock attachments.
[quote comment=”231689″][quote comment=”231685″][quote comment=”231665″][quote comment=”231662″] As a former official I would think that a helmet would make it more difficult to see everything that needs to be seen. [/quote]
As a current official, I’d agree with you.
I was in favor of the baseball coaches helmets thing, but baseballs travel much faster off the bat. I’ve seen more people get brained with baseballs than with footballs (or even linebackers) in my time.[/quote]
Is this really an issue in the AFL? I don’t follow the sport.
I can’t see this as being remotely needed in the NFL, and as mentioned above it would seem to hinder the officials.[/quote]
Perhaps every one but the umpire. This is the guy that is in all the NFL Films blooper reels getting steamrolled, falling backwards. I am certain that there have been a number of head injuries in the past and it could help this positioned official.[/quote]
As a former umpire I have experienced one or two collisions and the only place I would have needed a helmet was on my butt. Of course, I didn’t officiate inside. I don’t know how hard the floor is.
i spose swoosh making the ducks unis could be worse…
what if the link link got the contract?
maybe it’s the stirrups???
link gettin some love from the AP again
and finally…link
(note to self…never stand NEAR don king when there are photogs present)
/at first i thought it was a poster…but link
[quote comment=”231502″][quote comment=”231488″]Not sure if anybody saw this, but President Bush ripped on Manny yesterday when he was a no show at the White House……
Once again, Ramirez showed what little class he has. This further shows that he does not respect anything, including himself and the game.
steeler fans really hate tom brady
St. Louis Cardinals played in Kirkwood hats in their game against St. Louis University Billikens. Photos available in a Post-Dispatch link.
There was a shooting at the Kirkwood City Hall, a suburb of St. Louis on February 7. Not sure if these are Kirkwood High School (Pioneers) caps or what, but their colors are Red and White, so I would imagine that they are.
[quote comment=”231688″]
[quote]I can’t see this as being remotely needed in the NFL, and as mentioned above it would seem to hinder the officials.[/quote]
It might. Depending on what the apparatus looked/felt like.
But you’re right – we do see the occasional umpire (usually) get wiped out, but there haven’t been a whole lot of injuries that I can remember that a helmet would have prevented.
If they were hockey-type helmets, that would be inobtrusive, I guess. But I can’t see football officials wanting to give up the caps, or feeling like there’s a specific need for them.
Maybe (unfortunately) it’ll take someone getting seriously hurt for it to happen. Don’t know.[/quote]
If there’s not specific need for them, then it shouldn’t be done.
After how many thousands of NFL games, has there been a single injury that these helmets would have prevented? If not, then it’s more fuzzy-headed, feel-good nonsense.
Maybe we should all wear helmets while walking down the street, to protect ourselves from meteors. The danger of that seems just about as great….
[quote comment=”231693″][quote comment=”231686″][quote comment=”231525″]Kids – let’s link together
Has link been posted already?[/quote]
I love the video clip of the infamous “Semi-Pro” Today Show matchup.
However, I have to toot my own horn a little. I too, made an appearance on the linkthis Summer, and no, it had nothing to do with Nate Robinson’s shoes!
My wife and I are in the gym portion of the video numerous times but most visibly at 1:32 of the clip.
Uni-Note: I’m wearing Missouri football team issued Nike practice gear![/quote]
Very nice.
Here’s a screen shot:
Very cute! Hanz and Franz could use some uni-help though!
On the subject of teams having a number ‘system’, in Ball Four, when Bouton gets traded from the Pilots – where he wore his ubiquitous ’56’ – to the Astros in mid-season, he gets told that the Astros like to have their pitchers wear numbers in the 30’s and 40’s, and gets issued #44..
great stuff today!
my guess for Uni-Watch Night is the Hudson Valley Renegades – they are owned by the Goldkind/Veeck/Bill Murray group….
[quote comment=”231711″]After how many thousands of NFL games, has there been a single injury that these helmets would have prevented? If not, then it’s more fuzzy-headed, feel-good nonsense.[/quote]
Yes, there have been injuries to NFL officials as a result of getting run into by the behemoths who continue to get bigger, stronger and faster every day. The question is whether or not they’ve been serious enough to warrant everybody wearing helmets (which, let’s reiterate – they’re talking about for the AFL, a quicker game on a harder surface, and we have no information on what the “helmets” would look like). Umpire Scott Dawson got his face lacerated in a game in 1999 after a collision. Jim Duke was hurt in 2000 in a collision. In 2003, Bernie Kukar was injured after getting hit in the back after a blocked punt. I’m sure there have been others.
Maybe we should all wear helmets while walking down the street, to protect ourselves from meteors. The danger of that seems just about as great….[/quote]
Statistically, no. But it makes your point stronger if you say it is about as great, so be my guest.
You’ll never have to wear one, so I wouldn’t worry about it if I were you.
[quote comment=”231711″][quote comment=”231688″]
[quote]I can’t see this as being remotely needed in the NFL, and as mentioned above it would seem to hinder the officials.[/quote]
It might. Depending on what the apparatus looked/felt like.
But you’re right – we do see the occasional umpire (usually) get wiped out, but there haven’t been a whole lot of injuries that I can remember that a helmet would have prevented.
If they were hockey-type helmets, that would be inobtrusive, I guess. But I can’t see football officials wanting to give up the caps, or feeling like there’s a specific need for them.
Maybe (unfortunately) it’ll take someone getting seriously hurt for it to happen. Don’t know.[/quote]
If there’s not specific need for them, then it shouldn’t be done.
After how many thousands of NFL games, has there been a single injury that these helmets would have prevented? If not, then it’s more fuzzy-headed, feel-good nonsense.
Maybe we should all wear helmets while walking down the street, to protect ourselves from meteors. The danger of that seems just about as great….[/quote]
There have been injuries. Maybe not permanent but how can you say when a 50 year-old NFL umpire is knocked straight backwards there isn’t a possibility of head injury? Personally, I could care less, but someone out there thinks it needs to be considered. But the protest against this is starting to make wearing simple headgear sound like torture or a violation of civil rights. It’s just a helmet!!
[quote comment=”231711″]If there’s not specific need for them, then it shouldn’t be done.[/quote]
BTW, I said I couldn’t see football officials feeling like there’s a specific need for the helmets. That’s not the same thing as there being no specific need.
Teenagers often don’t feel the specific need for seat belts, either.
My thought is that there might be a case here or there where an umpire or other official who gets a concussion and might be inclined to suffer another might wear some sort of helpful headgear (a la Alan Mayer, the soccer goalie), but I doubt very seriously they’d be able to mandate them, or that someone would wear one just because.
A mouthguard could probably help prevent some of those type injuries that could result from collisions, but it’s hard to blow your whistle with one in your mouth.
[quote comment=”231687″][quote comment=”231683″][quote comment=”231679″]Today’s New York Times includes a picture of Roger Clemens giving advice to an Astro minor leaguer with an appropriate link.[/quote]
That is classic. Almost too good to be true, like the photoshopped Arkansas sideline pictures.
And on another note:
there are athletes out there who choose schools depending on the shoes they wear.
I absolutely agree with the last statement!!!
This is the part that I was seconding, as Phil pointed out. If this weren’t true, we might never have heard of people like Sonny Vaccaro![/quote]
That’s cool. It is funny how sometimes we (maybe just me) think someones saying one thing when they mean something else completely. Apologies to all involved. Sometimes it might be better not to respond, but that would be much fun.[/quote]
Unfortunately, that’s the one quirk concerning the Internet that is always a gray area: voice inflection and accent. What one person reads and perceives could be 180 degrees from the next person.
We’re all here at UW for the same reason, none of us should ever get our hockey sweaters and nickers in a twist!
perhaps the AFL helmets will be link
im hoping they make first & third base coaches wear them too…ya know, just in case…
maybe all fans should be required to wear them as well
LI Phil – thanks for correcting me on your name…please tell me your middle name isn’t “Land” :)
[quote comment=”231715″]There have been injuries. Maybe not permanent but how can you say when a 50 year-old NFL umpire is knocked straight backwards there isn’t a possibility of head injury? [/quote]
Because chance is a doctor. Duh.
(BTW, chance, link doesn’t work.)
[quote comment=”231718″]im hoping they make first & third base coaches wear them too…ya know, just in case…
maybe all fans should be required to wear them as well[/quote]
You’re not helping. :)
[quote comment=”231716″][quote comment=”231711″]If there’s not specific need for them, then it shouldn’t be done.[/quote]
BTW, I said I couldn’t see football officials feeling like there’s a specific need for the helmets. That’s not the same thing as there being no specific need.
Teenagers often don’t feel the specific need for seat belts, either.
My thought is that there might be a case here or there where an umpire or other official who gets a concussion and might be inclined to suffer another might wear some sort of helpful headgear (a la Alan Mayer, the soccer goalie), but I doubt very seriously they’d be able to mandate them, or that someone would wear one just because.
A mouthguard could probably help prevent some of those type injuries that could result from collisions, but it’s hard to blow your whistle with one in your mouth.[/quote]
Nice Alan Mayer reference. I am born and raised San Diego and he was part of our city’s one and only sports franchise championship. He was a family friend and actually gave me one of his game worn jerseys from the ’83 MISL championships.
[quote comment=”231708″] steeler fans really hate tom brady
I have a great-uncle who retired as a ref in the NFL, in part because he was hit on the sideline by Steve Smith and injured. While it wasn’t serious, it was enough to make him realize he should retire before anything worse happened. I’m not sure of the details, but i believe it was a concussion.
/lousy product, but nice lid
Did no one notice in the Espinelli photo that he and the third baseman behind him are wearing different black alternate jerseys? I guess everyone was busy looking at the stirrups.
Question: are the Tigers the only MLB team that doesn’t wear “spring training” jerseys? It seems from link that they don’t. I mean, they are CoolBase bullshit jerseys, but still. At least they don’t look like a softball team.
[quote comment=”231737″][quote comment=”231708″] steeler fans really hate tom brady
not big fans of link either, are they?
You can’t tell real well by link but it looks like Billy Hall of the Brewers is wearing a regular 5950 cap while Claudio Vargas has the BP cap on during the Brewers 7-1 win over the A’s today.
link may be from the same game, but I’m not sure. Here it clearly shows Hall with the BP jersey on but the 5950 cap.
I don’t know if anyone has noticed Mexico’s Chivas home jerseys this year. Take a look at the sponsor, off-center numbering, NOB below the number, and wavy stripes. They are even uglier on the pitch.
NESN just showed “one of the four finalists for next year’s third jersey” for the Boston Bruins. It was a solid black jersey with single gold striping and gold numbers and name. The alternate logo (currently on the shoulders) was the primary crest on the chest, with small B hubs on the shoulders.
i see we have a new sponsor
I have a comment about the Arena Football officials wearing helmets.
An umpire doesn’t rely that much on peripheral vision to officiate properly. Most, if not all, of the umpire’s primary coverage area is directly in front of him. If you watch, you will barely see the umpire even move his head from side to side.
Seven to ten yards behind the defensive line is far enough to view everything needed, at least until the quarterback scrambles, when at that point the umpire goes to the line of scrimmage to make sure a potential pass is legal.
I think the helmet will not only protect the umpire from bodily contact with other players, but from a passed ball as well. I’ve seen more officials hit with live balls than other players in an attempt to avoid interfering with the play.
Bottom line? I think the helmet is a good idea. To be honest, I think the umpires should be equipped with a little padding (like a hockey official) moreso than a helmet, due to the likelyhood of contact at the position in the defensive backfield.
[quote comment=”231780″]I have a comment about the Arena Football officials wearing helmets.
An umpire doesn’t rely that much on peripheral vision to officiate properly. Most, if not all, of the umpire’s primary coverage area is directly in front of him. If you watch, you will barely see the umpire even move his head from side to side.
Seven to ten yards behind the defensive line is far enough to view everything needed, at least until the quarterback scrambles, when at that point the umpire goes to the line of scrimmage to make sure a potential pass is legal.
I think the helmet will not only protect the umpire from bodily contact with other players, but from a passed ball as well. I’ve seen more officials hit with live balls than other players in an attempt to avoid interfering with the play.
Bottom line? I think the helmet is a good idea. To be honest, I think the umpires should be equipped with a little padding (like a hockey official) moreso than a helmet, due to the likelyhood of contact at the position in the defensive backfield.[/quote]
I agree, padding is probably more important than a helmet. I see refs getting tackled in a pile more than refs getting hit in the head.
Great interview today. That Terry Hawchuk comic is just wonderful. Anyone else remember the comic inserts in O-Pee-Chee hockey cards in the ’70’s?
here’s another link
vlad with a clean helmet…kinda like manny’s lid the other day
[quote comment=”231846″]here’s another link
vlad with a clean helmet…kinda like manny’s lid the other day[/quote]
looks like he’s link to the cool-flo this year
link was form today’s Brewers/A’s game, and you can see Bill Hall wearing the BP jersey, but but not the BP hat. Is this common during Spring Training games? I guess I never noticed it before.
Also, a good article link talking about how Hall had to borrow JJ Hardy’s glove so far this spring until he got his special ordered gloves from nike. (He switched from CF to 3rd base this year, and therefore needed a glove change which the article says takes 6-8 weeks)
If you are looking for places in Seattle for the party, might I suggest link. No?
If you want other suggestions, let me know.
[quote comment=”231529″][quote comment=”231525″]“Has link been posted already?”[/quote]
“No, but it was referenced. Good job, super sleuth. Visual proof that Vieira had her jersey on backwards.”[/quote]
Maybe she had her inner Kris Kross in her meaning that her Mac Daddy made her “Jump, jump!”
link about Butch Goring’s helmet.