Astros phenom Hunter Pence made his big league debut on Saturday night and drew immediate attention from readers John Ryan and Kevin Gee, both of whom noted that Pence wears only one batting glove. As you can see in the photo at right, Pence also takes pains to hike up his pants, which led to a spirited discussion between ’Stros announcers Bill Brown, Jim Deshaies, and Greg Lucas during the top of the 6th on Saturday evening:
Bill Brown: Hunter Pence was very excited tonight, because he got to pull up his uniform pants and show some socks. The Astros do not allow their minor league players to wear the uniform pants that way. But he asked Tom Wiedenbauer, the field coordinator of the minor leagues, “Now, in the major leagues we can wear the pants the way we want to, right?” And he said yup.
Jim Deshaies: Why can’t they wear their pants like that in the minor leagues?
Brown: I don’t know.
Deshaies: That’s the way you’re supposed to wear your pants! That’s how it’s been done for 100 years!
Brown: That’s the rule.
Greg Lucas: But that’s my point. My point is I’m old-school — I wanna see the white sanitaries, which they don’t wear anymore.
Brown: No.
Lucas: I wanna see the stirrups. Not those soccer socks.
Brown: Well, you can probably find a league where they wear those somewhere, Greg.
Lucas: Y’know, I remember when I first was coming in, and a lot of Latin players started doing it. I was working with the Rangers and I asked the equipment manager, “Do you supply them with these?” And he said, “No way, they get ’em on their own.” Of course, that’s changed now.
Deshaies: Those two-in-one socks, those are kinda bogus.
Lucas: Little hokey.
Deshaies: Little stripe painted on the side of ’em. ”¦ I’ll have to do some further research on minor league dress codes.
[Johnny Estrada, who wears stirrups, comes up to bat and promptly singles.]
Deshaies: There you go, Greg — Johnny Estrada’s old-school.
Lucas: See, good things happen to guys who wear stirrups.
Deshaies: He doesn’t have his pants bloused, but he’s got ’em up. I remember when I was coming up in the youth leagues and the minor leagues, you had to blouse your pants. In the Yankee organization, yeah. You had to kind of fold ’em under and put your pants on inside-out. And then you’d fold your stirrup down over the pant leg.
Lucas: Most of the players now don’t have any idea how to do that. Even if they wanted to.
Deshaies: That was a ritual.
Lucas: Yeah.
The big news there, of course, is that the Astros don’t allow their farmhands to go high-cuffed. We’ve all heard of organizations that require their minor leaguers to show plenty of sock (the Reds, Cardinals, and Mets have all done this in recent years), but this is the first I’ve heard of a team instituting a low-cuff policy. Lots of people in that front office who Don’t Get Itâ„¢, apparently. John Ryan, who first brought this matter to my attention, is so distressed that he says he’s “seriously considering writing the Astros front office to complain,” and who can blame him? If you want to do likewise, you can reach the Astros at 501 Crawford Street, Houston, TX 77002, and (713) 259-8000.
A Few Comments About Comments: For those of who you participate in the comments section (something that everyone is welcome and encouraged to do, of course), here are some pointers, suggestions, requests, and things to keep in mind:
• If you try to post a comment and it doesn’t appear in the listing, and/or if you get message saying that your comment is a “duplicate,” it probably means your comment has mistakenly been captured by our spam filter. Sometimes this is because a comment had a lot of links (a common spambot tip-off); at other times it’s because, um, I really have no idea. In any case, I realize how frustrating it is — my apologies to anyone who’s had to deal with this problem. If it happens to you in the future, try posting under a different user name (just put a space in front of your usual name, for example) and/or a different e-mail (it can be a fake one) — that sometimes helps. If you still can’t get your post to appear, e-mail me and let me know that one of your comments may be caught in the spam filter. I’ll deal with it and restore your post as soon as I can. And believe me, if you could see the hundreds of spams that get caught in the filter every day, you’d agree that the inconvenience is worth it.
• If you’re composing a long comment, it’s always good to highlight it (command-A) and then save it (command-C) before posting it, just in case something goes wrong, so you won’t have to type it all over again. Basically, treat a comment like you’d treat any other document that you don’t want to lose: Back it up.
• Interpersonal etiquette in the comments section is pretty good these days, but every now and then an asshole shows up. If you see a comment that’s abusive (toward me, toward another reader, even toward you), please-please-please resist the urge to respond in kind. The best way to frustrate a blowhard who’s seeking attention is to not give him that attention. Instead, just e-mail me and let me know what’s up. I’ll delete the offensive post and, if necessary, block the offender from posting again.
• I can’t tell you how thrilled I’d be if the terms “threw up in my mouth” and “not so much” and “tool” never appeared in the comments section again. Ever. These mindless buzz phrases are, to me, much more irksome than the occasional vulgarity.
• Please, I beg of you, try to avoid the predictably stupid comment. If someone links to a photo of sexy female athlete and comments on her uniform, ask yourself if you really want to be the moron who then posts, “What uniform? I didn’t notice any uniform!” It’s lazy, pointless, and embarrassing for everyone. Also, please remember the simple rule I instituted a few months ago: If you post, “Whoo-hoo, first post of the day!” as the first post of the day, it will be deleted.
Uni Watch News Ticker: In case you missed it on Friday, the Steelers’ new throwback uniform will look like this (additional pics here, here, here, and here). ”¦ Torii Hunter got a facelift the other day (okay, he actually he got hit by a pitch and had to get bandaged up). ”¦ Uni Watch intern and proud Cleveland resident Vince Grzegorek reports that the city’s Terminal Tower has been bedecked with giant Cavs jerseys, weighing over 100 pounds each, in honor of the team’s playoff run. Further details and pics here and here. The name on the back of each jersey reads, “Rise Up” (ugh), which is part of a marketing plan discussed in greater detail (somehow with a straight face) here. ”¦ Vince also notes that Sri Lankan bowler Lasith Malinga has an eyebrow piercing. ”¦ New uniforms for the Japanese Table Tennis Association (with thanks to Jeremy Brahm, who notes, “This is the first time that the women have had a skirt to wear with their top instead of shorts”). ”¦ Jeremy also reports that Celtic FC in Scotland will be wearing special commemorative uniforms next season, to mark the 40th anniversary of the 1967 European Championship team, and that the Houston Dynamo wore a jersey patch yesterday, in commemoration of their 2006 MLS Cup. ”¦ Not truly uni-related, but there’s a good article here about how the reliever with the least service time has to stock and carry the bullpen bag full of snacks and supplies. ”¦ Major shirt-tag issues the other night for Rockies starter Jason Hirsh (with thanks to Andrew Bashuk). ”¦ Uni Watch singer-songwriter czarette Jules Verdone reports that Vin Scully referred to the Padres’ 1970s design as “those ugly taco- and mustard-colored uniforms” during yesterday’s broadcast. ”¦ DC United wore Virginia Tech colors and a memorial patch on Saturday. Further details here. ”¦ The London College of Fashion is redesigning Scotland Yard’s uniforms (with thanks to Brinke Guthrie). ”¦ Here’s something I’ve never seen before: Japanese catcher Tomoya Satozaki has his name and uni number on the side of his shinguards (yet another great catch by Jeremy Brahm). ”¦ Nice work by Sara Corman (that’s her in the navy cap), who attended a rainy Springfield Cardinals game on Friday night and snapped several pics of Cory Rauschenberger, whose 14-letter surname would be an MLB record if he ever makes it to the bigs (unless Braves prospect Jarrod Saltalamacchia gets promoted first). “Like I said in the comments section a few weeks ago, Cory legally changed his last name from Meacham to Rauschenberger before the start of this season,” Sara writes. “It would be interesting to find out if he changed his name with that record in mind.” ”¦ I have no idea what this is, but they linked to Uni Watch. Anyone know what language that is? ”¦ My condolences to all Cardinals fans regarding the loss of Josh Hancock, who’ll be memorialized with a “32” sleeve patch for the rest of this season.
Looks like that blog is finnish
linkone of the contributors
Are those Steelers throwbacks circa or vintage 1961? That was the year they wore that yellow helmet, although they also had long-sleeve jersey!
This a small glimpse of what the link looked like.
It seems that Martin Brodeur is wearing different socks from his teammates opting for the link instead of the link
speaking of stirrups…
My dad and I were watching yesterday’s yankee game and m y dad says, “how cool would it be if A-Rod wore old-school stirrups”…
I guess the yankees (as well as other teams) just don’t provide stirrup socks anymore with the sanitarys underneath.
I should start a petition. It would make a great father’s day gift.
Hey Paul, great column today! It’s always nice to see someone make it to The Show and demand that he’s allowed to wear his pants properly!
One little typo though. It’s Celtic’s 40th anniversary, not 30th.
Like the Steelers throwbacks, but I hate it when the helmet yellow doesn’t match the uni yellow.
It seems that Martin Brodeur is wearing different socks from his teammates opting for the white pair instead of the red pair.
That’s more common than you might think. My brother is a goalie at the collegiate level right now and he’s been doing the same thing since he was 7. If he finds a pair of socks that he really likes, then he’ll just wear that one pair all season.
Some goalies that do that will tell you it’s good luck or that pair is real comfy or something like that. Truly, I believe they just don’t want to wash two pairs of socks.
Yesterday’s starter for the Indians, Fausto Carmona, appeared to still have the hologram sticker on the under side of him brim. No pic though…
[quote comment=”78471″]Like the Steelers throwbacks, but I hate it when the helmet yellow doesn’t match the uni yellow.[/quote]
I’m with you, Joe, I like the Steelers unis, too.
And I didn’t even notice the slight shade difference of yellow between the helmet and the jersey! But the link doesn’t seem as sharp, with maybe the other pics it is a lighting or materials difference!!!
Looks like some bogus stirrups from our long named friend there.
Manny Ramirez likes to wear other players gear if they are doing well, hoping for the luck to wear off on him. Well here you can see that he’s got David Ortiz’s cap. link season I remember the two of them switched one wrist band, as they like to each wear one on each are with their uni number on them. (sorry, no photo)
Also, Saturday when the Yanks and sox played on another, there were 3 pitchers with glasses on, Ken Igawa link, Kyle Farnsworth link, and Brendan Donnely link (not from the Yankees game, but always wears glasses)
Thank you so much for pseudo-outlawing the use of the phrase “threw up in my mouth”. I thought if I ever saw that again, I would, well,… just kidding.
The Josh Hancock thing really puts all that crap about Schilling’s sock in perspective, doesn’t it?
Sorry, here’s the Manny with Papi’s hat link
Whats with the “blousing” of the pants, weren’t the pants just made shorter so they just came to below the knee? When I played Little League the pants just came to mid-shin instead of to my ankles.
Speaking of the pitchers providing the bag for the bullpen supplies, as I was watching the Cubs-Cardinals game either Friday or Saturday one of the announcers spoke about the Cubs pitcher that had that same responsibility. They showed the bag that he had to carry out to the bullpen. It was a pink Dora the Explorer backpack. I’m not sure which pitcher it was, but I’m sure he caught a lot of grief from the St. Louis fans.
The Astros announcers clarified the minor league rule yesterday. They said that the minor leaguers’ pants are required to cover the calf, but can be no lower than two inches above the shoe. Their only reason is to create uniformity among the players. If there is anything positive about the rule, its that none of the players will be dressing like Manny.
My major gripe with this is that the astros have been claiming a lack of excitement lately. It just seems all you are going to get is a lack of excitement when you raise drones in your farm club. While it is important to create a team bond, that isnt done with pant legs. Let them wear the pant legs how they want. Maybe its cliche, or untrue, or just dumb, but the better you feel about being in that uniform will play a part in how you actually play in that uniform.
[quote comment=”78486″]Whats with the “blousing” of the pants, weren’t the pants just made shorter so they just came to below the knee? When I played Little League the pants just came to mid-shin instead of to my ankles.[/quote]
Mine were the same way back in the ’70s and early ’80s. The pants hit at mid-shin and we would then hike them up to just under the knee, to give them a bit of bagginess and to show off as much sock as possible.
[quote comment=”78493″]Maybe its cliche, or untrue, or just dumb, but the better you feel about being in that uniform will play a part in how you actually play in that uniform.[/quote]
Or as Dick Stuart was quoted saying in Ball Four, “I add 20 points to my average if I know I look bitchin’ out there.”
Speaking of NHL goalies socks, Tim Thomas of the Bruins likes to wear solid black socks with his uni: link
This was true for a good chunk of the season, late in the season, although there were plenty of times where he would wear what the skaters wear for the B’s:
Here’s to hoping QB’s in the 20’s make a comeback…can only hope Brady Quinn makes a statement by wearing #22
What do you guys expect from the Astros? They have twice in the past 15 years redesigned their unifgorms to jump on uniform trends. That stupid shooting star logo and the switch to red and black, they went from having instantly recognizable uniforms to the garbage they wear now. They don’t have to bring back the tequila sunrise look, but the blue and orange color scheme will always be prefered to what they have now. The orange hat with the blue star and white H was a great look.
as far as blousing, you cuff the pant under itself, so the actual cuff of the pant is higher up your leg than what shows (does this make sense?) If you look at older pics of baseball players (up until sometime in the 60s) you can see what I mean better. Sometime in the 60s or 70s you see guys wearing shorter and tighter pants. Probably coinciding with a change in fabrics in uniforms.
The Houston Dynamo MLS Cup patch is what the league calls a ‘link‘. It’s a gimmick stolen from Italy, where last year’s champion gets to wear an extra badge.
The idea is that the champion wears the patch for a year, and then adds a star over their logo.
The LA Galaxy were the first team to wear it last year. While it may be a decent idea, I find the patch/logo design to be weak. And what if Toronto FC wins? Will they get to wear a badge that evokes the US flag?
As far as the patch for the Houston Dynamo (MLS), that patch is worn all season by the team that won the MLS Cup the previous year. It is called a scudetto and is a tradition taken from Serie A in Italy.
[quote comment=”78494″][quote comment=”78486″]Whats with the “blousing” of the pants, weren’t the pants just made shorter so they just came to below the knee? When I played Little League the pants just came to mid-shin instead of to my ankles.[/quote]
Mine were the same way back in the ’70s and early ’80s. The pants hit at mid-shin and we would then hike them up to just under the knee, to give them a bit of bagginess and to show off as much sock as possible.[/quote]
When I played high school ball in the late ’90s, my pants went to my ankles. I would turn them inside out and put my feet through the ankle holes, pulling the elastic at the bottom of the pants up around the knee. Then I would pull the pants up , flipping the pants right-side out and getting the high-sock look I wanted.
Couple comments-
I checked out the book “The Boys of Summer” about the Brooklyn Dodgers this past week and have been reading it. Some great pictures in there showing the bloused pants look with perfect stirrups. Wow.
Has anybody noticed the last names on the back of the Toronto Blue Jays jerseys? The letters are huge and the font is this real weird bubbly, rounded looking thing. Looks simply awful.
[quote comment=”78480″]link
Looks like some bogus stirrups from our long named friend there.[/quote]
I dont understand. Are you saying the stirrups are fake?
[quote comment=”78480″]link
Looks like some bogus stirrups from our long named friend there.[/quote]
Matt, I picked up on that as well. Look at how the red line near the bottom of the stirrup ends before it gets to the shoe…
Took it into Photoshop link that its not a real stirrup…
woo-hoo!! 28th comment!!
[quote comment=”78507″]The Houston Dynamo MLS Cup patch is what the league calls a ‘link‘. It’s a gimmick stolen from Italy, where last year’s champion gets to wear an extra badge.
The idea is that the champion wears the patch for a year, and then adds a star over their logo.
The LA Galaxy were the first team to wear it last year. While it may be a decent idea, I find the patch/logo design to be weak. And what if Toronto FC wins? Will they get to wear a badge that evokes the US flag?[/quote]
Most leagues do this. Not sure if the EPL still does, but the league champ from the previous year had the EPL patches in Gold on thier sleeves, while everyone else had the standard patch. I think it is a good idea, but maybe the MLS patch on the sleeve should be bordered in gold, more subtle, instead of an additional crest on the jersey.
Your mystery language looks like Finnish.
Sorry for the flashback, folks, but the OSU uni fiasco still haunts. Those OSU unis give off a scent of a Project Runway episode gone especially bad. Where the Hell was the adult supervision when that decision was made?!
[quote comment=”78519″][quote comment=”78480″]link
Looks like some bogus stirrups from our long named friend there.[/quote]
Matt, I picked up on that as well. Look at how the red line near the bottom of the stirrup ends before it gets to the shoe…
Took it into Photoshop link that its not a real stirrup…[/quote]
I wonder why the fake-stirrup manufacturer has a straight line instead of an arch where the top of the fake-sanitary meets the fake-stirrup.
And why do the fake-stirrups always end before reaching the shoe? This goes way back to the Chris Sabo days, as well as the Oakland A’s fake-stirrup World Series appearances. Would it be that hard to take the color down another couple of inches, so that the fake-stirrup would disappear into the shoe?
Have i missed any mention of the chargers uni change? That blew me away on Saturday.
Last night, Houston Dynamo wore maroon jerseys (along with white shorts and their usual orange socks), which were auctioned off to benefit the Virginia Tech Hokie Spirit Fund.
Those yellow Steelers helmets are freaking me out a little.
But the longer I look at them, the more I like them. Not “wear them from now on” like, but I do like them.
I wish my Falcons would go back to red helmets…
Oh, and am I the only one who wishes that the Padres still had some brown in their color scheme? NOthing wrong with their current unis, but I don’t see anything wrong with link
Last year, I went to see my hometown Nashville Sounds play (I think it was) the Oklahoma Red Hawks. Greer stadium is normally pretty empty on a weeknight, and I normally like to sit on the first base side, about ten rows up from the where the first base coach stands. A Red Hawks player acted as the first base coach for an inning, and he was wearing real stirrups. I yelled, “Hey 45, Thank you for wearing real stirrups!” He turned around and said, “Thank you. I had to buy them myself.” I couldn’t believe that, even if a player wanted to look like a real ball player, he was left to funding it himself.
[quote comment=”78519″][quote comment=”78480″]link
Looks like some bogus stirrups from our long named friend there.[/quote]
Matt, I picked up on that as well. Look at how the red line near the bottom of the stirrup ends before it gets to the shoe…
Took it into Photoshop link that its not a real stirrup…[/quote]
Good work Beef! I bet those faux stirrups are more comfortable than real ones but they sure look lame-o when the stripe runs out.
[quote comment=”78480″]link
Looks like some bogus stirrups from our long named friend there.[/quote]
I noticed that too. It looks like they were printed by a computer. Instead of tapering like a stirrup would, they stair-step like a pyramid. I’d rather see the pants down than that mess.
[quote comment=”78493″]…While it is important to create a team bond, that isnt done with pant legs. Let them wear the pant legs how they want. Maybe its cliche, or untrue, or just dumb, but the better you feel about being in that uniform will play a part in how you actually play in that uniform.[/quote]
I definately see your point, but not sure I agree. The lack of uniformity displayed on the baseball field today makes the players look slopy, IMO. I don’t think you need to go the NFL route, where the uniform guidlines are very strict, and I have no problems letting the players personalize their look a little bit, but there need to be some standards in place. You watch a baseball game now and some players have baggy pants, some are tighter; some have high socks (with or without stirrups), others have what appear to be bell-bottom pants that fall over their shoes, as well as everything in between.
Obviously we all have our own idea of what looks best, but at the very least I wish they (the MLB teams) would try to employ some sort of uniform standard and make players adhere to it.
…sorry, that is “sloppy”, not “slopy” in post #40.
Another soccer player wearing head gear (along with the VT uni).
I don’t know if this brought this up but all year Roberto Luongo has used different pads and mask when the Canucks wear there third jerseys including last night. I don’t know of anyother goalie that does that.
link link
link link
Away mask
[quote comment=”78537″]Oh, and am I the only one who wishes that the Padres still had some brown in their color scheme? NOthing wrong with their current unis, but I don’t see anything wrong with link[/quote]
Recognizing that I am in a distinct minority on this one, I present to you a fine-looking Padres uniform, as depicted on one of my favorite baseball cards of all time.
The blog is definitely Finnish, I was a foreign exchange student there in high school.
if i was brady quinn’s agent, id be on the phone with snickers to see if he could endorse it. id love to see a recreation of the nfl draft in a brady quinn “not going anywhere?” commercial.
[quote comment=”78551″]if i was brady quinn’s agent, id be on the phone with snickers to see if he could endorse it. id love to see a recreation of the nfl draft in a brady quinn “not going anywhere?” commercial.[/quote]
Great Googly Moogly!!!
[quote comment=”78557″][quote comment=”78551″]if i was brady quinn’s agent, id be on the phone with snickers to see if he could endorse it. id love to see a recreation of the nfl draft in a brady quinn “not going anywhere?” commercial.[/quote]
Great Googly Moogly!!![/quote]
I absolutely LOVE Luongo’s link. Not sure why I like it so much, though. Simplicity maybe.
[quote comment=”78528″][quote comment=”78519″][quote comment=”78480″]link
Looks like some bogus stirrups from our long named friend there.[/quote]
Matt, I picked up on that as well. Look at how the red line near the bottom of the stirrup ends before it gets to the shoe…
Took it into Photoshop link that its not a real stirrup…[/quote]
I wonder why the fake-stirrup manufacturer has a straight line instead of an arch where the top of the fake-sanitary meets the fake-stirrup.[/quote]
Because it almost impossible to knit a curve into a sock. You can only do straight lines.
[quote comment=”78528″]And why do the fake-stirrups always end before reaching the shoe?[/quote]
Again, it has to do with knitting patterns: As you get down toward the heel of the sock, the pattern changes because the manufacturer uses a thicker knit to create a reinforced heel. And it’s a pain in the ass to continue the stripe within the reinforced heel section, so they don’t bother.
And yes, it looks like shit.
[quote comment=”78529″]Have i missed any mention of the chargers uni change? That blew me away on Saturday.[/quote]
linkthey were discussed here, both before and after they were officially introduced.
[quote comment=”78561″]I absolutely LOVE Luongo’s link. Not sure why I like it so much, though. Simplicity maybe.[/quote]
I love the canucks alt jerseys, and the mask goes perfect with them. So much better then the orca crap which is suposed to be gone next season.
Can anyone translate the part of the Finnish blog that mentions Uni Watch?
[quote comment=”78561″]I absolutely LOVE Luongo’s link. Not sure why I like it so much, though. Simplicity maybe.[/quote]
Simplicity is one thing, but I could do without the MASSIVE logo creep (The RBK logo). But I guess you get what you pay for . . .
[quote comment=”78567″]Can anyone translate the part of the Finnish blog that mentions Uni Watch?[/quote]
I think someone else can do better but I get the amusingly incoherent:
“Now what link laitetaan ton Deez Nutz denomination? Sleep Watch is näköjään blogimuodossa and if sometimes equipment klikkailtavaa thus yonder it is ” few “.” from: link
I guess that’s why it’s free…
Hello everyone! I was silent for a couple days due to moving.
I took a day off from unpacking in order to go to Philly to see Jamie Moyer’s stirrups (and a pitching gem). They all were sweet, as reported elsewhere!
The Steelers’ throwbacks are a little disconcerting, if for nothing else the yellow helmet along with the yellow numbers. Wow. Lots of yellow.
[quote comment=”78567″]Can anyone translate the part of the Finnish blog that mentions Uni Watch?[/quote]
I’ll ask a Finnish friend of mine.
If you go to the lower-left corner of link, you’ll find a little something I wrote about bloody athletes.
Speaking of the “Bullpen Bag” that the junior relief pitcher is responsible for, the Minnesota Twins not only have a bag, but i’ts the least dignified one they can find, a brightly-colored small child’s backpack, Barbie in 2005, SpongeBob Squarepants in 2006. I haven’t caught onto to what they are using this year, but sure wouldn’t want to try to top the pink Barbie backpack.
[quote comment=”78576″]If you go to the lower-left corner of link, you’ll find a little something I wrote about bloody athletes.[/quote]
How does a link do that much damage????
Believe the Finnish blog says something about Uni Watch being unique (in a good way) in that it looks with a critical eye at sports uniforms and equipment.
Something along those lines. That’s not word for word, just based on the little bit of Swedish I know, which Finnish ain’t too far from.
[quote comment=”78582″][quote comment=”78576″]If you go to the lower-left corner of link, you’ll find a little something I wrote about bloody athletes.[/quote]
How does a link do that much damage????[/quote]
Cardboard sign edges tend to be very sharp. Plus this occurred right at the finish during the sprint, so he was also travelling at a very high rate of speed.
Anyone else really like the single-colored sleeve look in this japanese pic from today’s post?
[quote comment=”78568″][quote comment=”78561″]I absolutely LOVE Luongo’s link. Not sure why I like it so much, though. Simplicity maybe.[/quote]
Simplicity is one thing, but I could do without the MASSIVE logo creep (The RBK logo). But I guess you get what you pay for . . .[/quote]
Hey check out his glove…its different also depending on which uni he wears.
For the record, I LOVE the old school look canuck uni, and also the alt mask has the Canuck guy on it (Whats his name? Johnny Canuck or something?)
The Houston Dynamo MLS Cup patch is what the league calls a ‘Scudetto‘. It’s a gimmick stolen from Italy, where last year’s champion gets to wear an extra badge.
The idea is that the champion wears the patch for a year, and then adds a star over their logo.
In Italy you get a star for every 10 titles won, not for each. Juventus has two stars (20+ titles) and some other teams have one–Milan and Inter. Genoa have nine titles from the old, old days when they were a good team and got robbed on the tenth–they will never get another chance at that star.
How does a cardboard sign do that much damage????
Imagine a Paper Cut on Steroids (OOPS – Not a good cycling term!) at 40 MPH.
[quote comment=”78549″][quote comment=”78537″]Oh, and am I the only one who wishes that the Padres still had some brown in their color scheme? NOthing wrong with their current unis, but I don’t see anything wrong with link[/quote]
Recognizing that I am in a distinct minority on this one, I present to you a fine-looking Padres uniform, as depicted on one of my favorite baseball cards of all time.
Never was too crazy about the mustard yellow being so dominant in those uniforms. But what do I know, I’ve always loved the White Sox unis from the 70’s…!
Nice little bit on Page 2. When I think of bloodied athletes, link is the first to come to mind. But I guess thats cause its still fresh in my mind after the World Cup.
[quote comment=”78593″]The Houston Dynamo MLS Cup patch is what the league calls a ‘Scudetto‘. It’s a gimmick stolen from Italy, where last year’s champion gets to wear an extra badge.
The idea is that the champion wears the patch for a year, and then adds a star over their logo.
In Italy you get a star for every 10 titles won, not for each. Juventus has two stars (20+ titles) and some other teams have one–Milan and Inter. Genoa have nine titles from the old, old days when they were a good team and got robbed on the tenth–they will never get another chance at that star.[/quote]
Yeah, the MLS idea is to add a single star for a single championship. Once an MLS team gets to ten and starts looking like some dictator/general with too many stars, they can start thinking of using dimes and nickels.
Re: Page 2 blurb – Those are the most disturbing and grotesque pictures I have ever seen on a mainstream, family friendly website.
[quote comment=”78504″]Here’s to hoping QB’s in the 20’s make a comeback…can only hope Brady Quinn makes a statement by wearing #22[/quote]
why would he wear #22, he never wore that, hes wearing #10 for them
I dont know if you’ve seen the newest sportscenter commercial yet but it involves some hat hijinx.Big Papi/Jorge Pasada
Apologies if this has already been mentioned (it gets hard to keep track), but the link.
[quote comment=”78605″][quote comment=”78504″]Here’s to hoping QB’s in the 20’s make a comeback…can only hope Brady Quinn makes a statement by wearing #22[/quote]
why would he wear #22, he never wore that, hes wearing #10 for them[/quote]
How bout the number he got picked to stick it to all the other teams
I enjoyed Paul’s ESPN article on “It’s A Numbers Game”. However, for No. 10, Tony La Russa is cited because of the quest for the Cardinals’ 10th World Series Championship.
But he also wore No. 10 while managing the Athletics. Was this just a coincidence or is he in fact wearing No. 10 for a different reason?
[quote comment=”78525″]Sorry for the flashback, folks, but the OSU uni fiasco still haunts. Those OSU unis give off a scent of a Project Runway episode gone especially bad. Where the Hell was the adult supervision when that decision was made?![/quote]
Normally, I’m all for experimentation and uniform accents, but I REALLY don’t think the sports bra look is a good look for a football uniform.
Did anyone see what Eric Dampier was wearing under his jersey?
Kinda sexy.
[quote comment=”78467″]It seems that Martin Brodeur is wearing different socks from his teammates opting for the link instead of the link[/quote]
Looking at the photo, It looks like the white you see is actualy from Marty’s leg pad. Today’s leg pads have wrap around knee protection and the white, to me, appeared to be part of that paddings. The color on his calf appeared to be red, matching his teammates.
It isn’t all that uncommon for a goalie to not even wear team socks but rather sweat pants or somethign similar. Other goalies where solid color socks. Or in some cases, they just pick one pair, home or away and stick with them, mostly becasue that team doesn’t supply their goaltender with socks like they do forwards, this is mostly in college hockey though, not NHL.
[quote comment=”78613″][quote comment=”78605″][quote comment=”78504″]Here’s to hoping QB’s in the 20’s make a comeback…can only hope Brady Quinn makes a statement by wearing #22[/quote]
why would he wear #22, he never wore that, hes wearing #10 for them[/quote]
How bout the number he got picked to stick it to all the other teams[/quote]
I’d have to go back and look at NFL numbering rules, but I don’t even think he’s allowed to. Someone can correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought QB’s had to wear 1-19.
I turned on the Rangers vs. Blue(black) Jays game last night, and it literally took me about 15 seconds to realize the Jays were in the black unis and the Rangers were in the blue. It’s in your damn name!!! Ditch the black and wear some blue!
[quote comment=”78605″][quote comment=”78504″]Here’s to hoping QB’s in the 20’s make a comeback…can only hope Brady Quinn makes a statement by wearing #22[/quote]
why would he wear #22, he never wore that, hes wearing #10 for them[/quote]
Aren’t quarterbacks restricted to # 1-20?
[quote comment=”78622″]I turned on the Rangers vs. Blue(black) Jays game last night, and it literally took me about 15 seconds to realize the Jays were in the black unis and the Rangers were in the blue. It’s in your damn name!!! Ditch the black and wear some blue![/quote]
Happened to me on Sunday…same teams, same opinion.
[quote comment=”78620″][quote comment=”78613″][quote comment=”78605″][quote comment=”78504″]Here’s to hoping QB’s in the 20’s make a comeback…can only hope Brady Quinn makes a statement by wearing #22[/quote]
why would he wear #22, he never wore that, hes wearing #10 for them[/quote]
How bout the number he got picked to stick it to all the other teams[/quote]
I’d have to go back and look at NFL numbering rules, but I don’t even think he’s allowed to. Someone can correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought QB’s had to wear 1-19.[/quote]
OK – first of all I said hoping tongue in cheek…i didn’t actually think he was going to wear #22!!!
[quote comment=”78623″]Aren’t quarterbacks restricted to # 1-20?[/quote]
QB’s and kickers, 1-19
Running backs – 20-49.
[quote comment=”78631″][quote comment=”78623″]Aren’t quarterbacks restricted to # 1-20?[/quote]
QB’s and kickers, 1-19
Running backs – 20-49.[/quote]
Forgot: Wide receivers can now get numbers 10-19 as well.
If you are compelled to use one of the catch phrases Paul advised against, I suggest you say this instead:
Having been in high school when Snoop (ne Doggy) Dogg coined “Deez Nutz” — which we beat into the dirt as a catch phrase — I find it insanely funny to see it hanging out in the middle of a Finnish sentence.
Can I make a request for phrases to be dropped. How about “Am I the only one…” to notice something? No, this is uniwatch, we notice everything. That likes a particular uni? No, someone has to like it, even Oregon.
It takes every ounce of what little restraint I have to not immediately type “Yup, just you.” every time. Thanks rant over.
Teebz, what’s up with Brodeur’s new pads? Are they staying or going?
As a Tampa fan, whenever I think of bloody athletes, I always think of Martin St. Louis in the 2004 Finals.
ive had it with the following words, and their plurals…
[quote comment=”78507″]And what if Toronto FC wins? Will they get to wear a badge that evokes the US flag?[/quote]
Do you mean win the championship or win a game? Hell, they should get to wear a patch if they score a goal this year!
To my recollection, link is the first photo I’ve seen of the 75th-anny throwbacks that includes the player’s shoes, which of course are of the garish modern variety. Hopefully for these throwback games, the players can get a hold of some shoes that look more period-appropriate, ie, plain black.
I’m just disappointed they don’t let NFL players wear 0 or 00 anymore.
And regarding post 9: Did you bold Joe’s name to make sure everyone knows you weren’t doing a “you’re with me, leather” reference?
big time stros fan, and hunter pence is the man
[quote comment=”78608″]I dont know if you’ve seen the newest sportscenter commercial yet but it involves some hat hijinx.link [/quote]
And, the hat featured is an old 5950 with the grey underbrim.
[quote comment=”78573″]Hello everyone! I was silent for a couple days due to moving.
I took a day off from unpacking in order to go to Philly to see Jamie Moyer’s stirrups (and a pitching gem). They all were sweet, as reported elsewhere!
The Steelers’ throwbacks are a little disconcerting, if for nothing else the yellow helmet along with the yellow numbers. Wow. Lots of yellow.[/quote]
I was wondering where the mouthy lawyer with a penchant for redheads went! Where are the pics of the liberty stirrups? Welcome back!
MetsfanAZ, I, too, dislike “Am I the only one” and it’s cousin, “I may be the only one”. In fact, I think I wrote a mini-screed about it once. I also joked that I was one in three that liked a certain uniform because I wasn’t going to say, “I may be the only one.” Like you, I have the urge to type, “Yes, you are the only one” every time I see it.
The ping-pong outfits: Putting aside how I feel about the women wearing skirts (I’m against), why aren’t the unis the same? At least have black skirts for the women to match the men’s unis.
The Cavs ridiculous ‘Rise Up’ thing: If I was at a game and the announcers did that, I would give the finger, throw the jersey on the ground, spit on it, then leave. No, I wouldn’t, but I certainly wouldn’t put the thing on, and I might leave. All the antics and the really loud decibels are two reasons I don’t like going to games. I just want to watch the game, eat a hotdog (at baseball. Gotta eat a hotdog at a baseball game) and cheer for my team. I don’t want flashing lights, pulsating music, or wine-colored jersey.
However, if it were the Wild! giving away the alternate soon to be the home unis, that’s another story.
[quote comment=”78466″]Are those Steelers throwbacks circa or vintage 1961? That was the year they wore that yellow helmet, although they also had long-sleeve jersey!
This a small glimpse of what the link looked like.[/quote]
the yellow helmet with the “steel” logo was worn for the last 5 or 6 games in 1962.
the jerseys in that particular style was worn from as far back as the mid-30’s (then the sleeve stripes were dropped until 1945 or so). they added sleeve numerals in 1956, then dropped them from 1957-1961 (they had numbers on their helmets instead), then added the sleeve numbers back in 1962. the jerseys stayed the same thru 1965. in 1966 and 1967 they had the lovely yellow shoulder insert and had white numerals. in 1968 they adopted the look that has remained in place since (adding the yellow nameplate in 1970 and the italicized round numerals with logo patch in 1997).
[quote comment=”78649″]To my recollection, link is the first photo I’ve seen of the 75th-anny throwbacks that includes the player’s shoes, which of course are of the garish modern variety. Hopefully for these throwback games, the players can get a hold of some shoes that look more period-appropriate, ie, plain black.[/quote]
Philly Bill, I didn’t even notice the shoes (not my thing), but those are u-g-l-y! I’m with you. Plain black.
Interesting sanitary and stirrup link
and more traditional here
[quote comment=”78632″][quote comment=”78631″][quote comment=”78623″]Aren’t quarterbacks restricted to # 1-20?[/quote]
QB’s and kickers, 1-19
Running backs – 20-49.[/quote]
Forgot: Wide receivers can now get numbers 10-19 as well.[/quote]
To me, numbers 17-19 look great on receivers, but numbers 10-16 look like crap. And I’m sick of receivers wearing #11 – there’s like a gazillion of ’em out there now.
[quote comment=”78647″]ive had it with the following words, and their plurals…
You know what term I hate seeing all the time. For example: that jersey looked like a “dime store replica”. What the F is that supposed to mean? Well, I understand that it is meant as a synonym for cheap, but there is no such thing a a dime store or dime store replica for that matter. Maybe there was in 1937, but not now. Also, it pisses me off when someone says a new Uni design looks like a cheap replica you could get at Walmart. Since Walmart does not sell any sort of sports Jerseys, Authentic or Replica, this comes off a stupid to me.
Rant over.
Paul or anyone else with the info.
Are stripped stirrups even an option for most MLB teams? It seems that players that do elect to wear bloused pants to show their socks wear solid color soccer style. With the exeption of a few teams the Cards and Phillies a few more that I may be forgetting is the option even available?
I like the Steelers’ throwbacks, especially the striped socks. The yellow looks like a different shade than the current uniforms. Does anyone have any insight on this?
The 43rd post questioned if any other goalie has had different pads or helmet for home and away games. Ed Belfour started wearing a different helemet to match his jersey in Dallas, then included different pads when in Toronto. Good pictures at Belfour.com
I have a good friend who is from Wisconsin so we went to all three Astros and Brewers games this weekend. I noticed Pence wearing one glove and pointed it out to my friends. He gave me a wierd look.
On Sunday Biggio came to bat with the bases loaded and did not wear his signature arm pad. Again, I pointed it out to more wierd looks.
Obviously, my friends do not “get it.”
[quote comment=”78639″]Can I make a request for phrases to be dropped. How about “Am I the only one…” to notice something? No, this is uniwatch, we notice everything. That likes a particular uni? No, someone has to like it, even Oregon.
It takes every ounce of what little restraint I have to not immediately type “Yup, just you.” every time. Thanks rant over.[/quote]
Good one.
Another one that always gets me is when someone posts the same exact thing that someone did about 20 posts up. Why not take the time out to read the posts and see if someone answered your question or see if someone already made that point? And if you’re too lazy to do that (because admittedly there are some occasions where I don’t blame someone for not wanting to go through 300+ posts), why not hit CTL+F to search for it?
I will say this, though: It was funny on Saturday when JaMarcus Russell had the Nike lapel pin removed from his jacket, and about 30 people jumped on here to comment on it. I’m surprised the planet’s equilibrium wasn’t affected by so many people jumping up and running to their computers to post something that you know all Uniwatchers noticed……
The Steelers Throwbacks remind me of the generic jerseys they used to sell at Sears and JCPenney, in the 70s. They had the correct team colors, but were off-model.
[quote comment=”78573″]
All the antics and the really loud decibels are two reasons I don’t like going to games. I just want to watch the game, eat a hotdog (at baseball. Gotta eat a hotdog at a baseball game) and cheer for my team. I don’t want flashing lights, pulsating music, or wine-colored jersey.
Howdy, Minna! I agree with you on the antics and pulsating music.
I went to a local minor league game on Friday, and the speakers were blown out. It was the loveliest game. They used the real organ, without piping it through speakers. Everyone could actually tell from whence the organ music came. The old man who has been playing there for years finally got the recognition he deserved when everyone turned to look at him.
I hate the player-chosen music that precedes each at-bat (with the exception of Mariano Rivera coming in to Enter Sandman). Maybe it is an outgrowth of growing up in Chicago and going to games at Wrigley with my Dad.
There are two errors with the Steelers throwback link.
First, the facemask should be gray.
Second, the text should read “Steel”, not “Steelers”. The team started using the U.S. Steel logo on their gold helmets in 1962, and the text simply read “Steel”. In 1963, they switched to black helmets with “Steelers”.
One thing I noticed on draft weekend was that the Bucs were still sporting their red(current) uniforms, when are they upgrading?
[quote comment=”78682″][quote comment=”78573″]
All the antics and the really loud decibels are two reasons I don’t like going to games. I just want to watch the game, eat a hotdog (at baseball. Gotta eat a hotdog at a baseball game) and cheer for my team. I don’t want flashing lights, pulsating music, or wine-colored jersey.
Howdy, Minna! I agree with you on the antics and pulsating music.
I went to a local minor league game on Friday, and the speakers were blown out. It was the loveliest game. They used the real organ, without piping it through speakers. Everyone could actually tell from whence the organ music came. The old man who has been playing there for years finally got the recognition he deserved when everyone turned to look at him.
I hate the player-chosen music that precedes each at-bat (with the exception of Mariano Rivera coming in to Enter Sandman). Maybe it is an outgrowth of growing up in Chicago and going to games at Wrigley with my Dad.[/quote]
Hey, Tessa, now that would be an excellent game. When I DO go to a game, I make sure to bring my earplugs with me. I forgot them the last game I went to, and my ears went numb in an hour flat. I also sat next to that guy who claims he predicted everything that just happened. Wait, that was the game before.
I do have to say, being at a Twins/Yankees game (first home game of last season, I believe) with Joe Nathan pitching in the top of the ninth to save the win with the entire crowd on its feet chanting, that’s pretty special.
I am glad we don’t have the pre-player batting song thing. I think that would put me over the top.
Mr. Met, I was snickering at all the people who mentioned Peterson to the Vikings and his uni problems. That’s the most notice the Vikes have gotten on this board since the changing of the unis. I think there were ten postings in a row. I am probably exaggerating, but it was close. Very funny.
[quote comment=”78662″][quote comment=”78608″]I dont know if you’ve seen the newest sportscenter commercial yet but it involves some hat hijinx.link [/quote]
And, the hat featured is an old 5950 with the grey underbrim.[/quote]
Yeah, it was probably shot at the end of 2006 pr in early 2007 sometime, before the season started.
One thing I noticed on draft weekend was that the Bucs were still sporting their red(current) uniforms, when are they upgrading?
Where did you hear that? Are you confusing with the Devil Rays?
[quote comment=”78682″]Howdy, Minna! I agree with you on the antics and pulsating music.
I went to a local minor league game on Friday, and the speakers were blown out. It was the loveliest game. They used the real organ, without piping it through speakers. Everyone could actually tell from whence the organ music came. The old man who has been playing there for years finally got the recognition he deserved when everyone turned to look at him.
I hate the player-chosen music that precedes each at-bat (with the exception of Mariano Rivera coming in to Enter Sandman). Maybe it is an outgrowth of growing up in Chicago and going to games at Wrigley with my Dad.[/quote]
Nice one Tessa. Yeah, it’s pretty funny when you have the guy that is hitting .091 come up with his theme music blaring. I would think that he would want to hide the fact that he’s up there to kill another rally.
Being a Mets fan, the funniest one to me has always been Ramon Castro’s theme song, The Imperial March from The Empire Strikes Back. The other day after his 0-3 performance with 3 strikeouts, I was thinking, how appropriate; he’s up there to choke out another rally Darth Vader style……
Minna, I’m mouthy? I have a penchant for dating redheads?
Well, I’ll plead guilty to the 2nd!
As for the Liberty Bell stirrups, I just went to the game with my dad and sat back and relaxed. We both enjoyed a game together.
While testing out some new golf clubs on Friday for golf season I tried all the good ones, Callaway, Titleist, Taylor Made etc. I asked the ‘pro’ what he thinks about the Nike golf clubs, he said “don’t get wrong but it’s Nike, they make shoes..” I just chuckled and said “yeah right” They were ugly looking clubs too, on each club there was at least 4-5 swooshs.
[quote comment=”78687″]One thing I noticed on draft weekend was that the Bucs were still sporting their red(current) uniforms, when are they upgrading?
Where did you hear that? Are you confusing with the Devil Rays?[/quote]
No actually I read it here. I have no idea when it was though.
The blousing method described turning the pants inside out and then putting them on is the method employed by footbal officials.
[quote comment=”78684″]One thing I noticed on draft weekend was that the Bucs were still sporting their red(current) uniforms, when are they upgrading?[/quote]
Not to make any assumptions, but are you talking about the jerseys that the Bucs wear during training camp? They have these jerseys that have an odd numerical font that a few people on here in the past have confused with being new jerseys. There hasn’t been any talk about the Bucs changing their unis so far as I know……
Sorry I don’t have a picture to link to. I’m sure someone on here will find one, though.
[quote comment=”78689″]Minna, I’m mouthy? I have a penchant for dating redheads?
Well, I’ll plead guilty to the 2nd!
As for the Liberty Bell stirrups, I just went to the game with my dad and sat back and relaxed. We both enjoyed a game together.[/quote]
Anthony, all lawyers are mouthy, yes? It’s how you get paid!
And shame on you for not getting your loyalties straight. First, you are a member of the UniWatch Nation. Second, you are a loving and dutiful son. Your obligation is to US!
I’m just ragging on you. It’s great that you got to spend some quality time with your dad, drink a few beers, eat a hotdog or two (you better have), and check out the redheads–and watch a game, of course. We don’t need more grainy, out-of-focus pics of stirrups, no matter how amazing, anyway.
my favorite “dad” game had to be this past december when we went to the army/navy game… a game my father, as a veteran of the navy, had wanted to see for his whole life…
Yes, my Terry Butcher suggestion made it onto Page 2!!! Doesn’t get much more bloody than that. Amazingly, England tied the game and qualified for Italia 90. A terrific example of a captain leading his team, if there ever was one.
here’s your link Definitely not the Game Jersey.
My favorite dad game was the one where he didn’t want to have to pay an arm and a leg for a beer at the stadium, so he packed a large thermos full of beer, then gave it to my little sister, who told the security guy that it was full of hot cocoa. No problem, says the security guy.
It taught us to think outside the box, which has come in handy in my later years.
[quote comment=”78697″]I’m just ragging on you. It’s great that you got to spend some quality time with your dad, drink a few beers, eat a hotdog or two (you better have), and check out the redheads–and watch a game, of course. We don’t need more grainy, out-of-focus pics of stirrups, no matter how amazing, anyway.[/quote]
I didn’t see any redheads!
And we didn’t have hot dogs. We did get cheesesteaks, though. We both agreed that they “weren’t bad.”
This link in Cleveland has a link. Of course, it failed miserably there (swept ignominiously in the Finals, Terry Murray fired), as it surely will in Cleveland. (We are talking about Philly and Cleveland, after all.)
Also: Why did they hang link on Terminal Tower? The William Penn jersey was the same — at the time, the orange jersey was the Flyers’ road jersey.
[quote comment=”78704″]This link in Cleveland has a link. Of course, it failed miserably there (swept ignominiously in the Finals, Terry Murray fired), as it surely will in Cleveland. (We are talking about Philly and Cleveland, after all.)
Also: Why did they hang link on Terminal Tower? The William Penn jersey was the same — at the time, the orange jersey was the Flyers’ road jersey.[/quote]
Billy Penn also wore a link hat for the 1993 World Series. Also to no avail.
[quote comment=”78703″]And we didn’t have hot dogs. We did get cheesesteaks, though. We both agreed that they “weren’t bad.”[/quote]
thank god they bailed on geno’s… i HATE geno’s steaks… im a jim’s steaks guy… i wont turn down pat’s, but i think jim’s rules philly…
[quote comment=”78714″][quote comment=”78703″]And we didn’t have hot dogs. We did get cheesesteaks, though. We both agreed that they “weren’t bad.”[/quote]
thank god they bailed on geno’s… i HATE geno’s steaks… im a jim’s steaks guy… i wont turn down pat’s, but i think jim’s rules philly…[/quote]
Tony Luke’s, brah. Tony Luke’s.
Also, Dalessandro’s in Roxborough (preferred steak shop of Marvin Harrison) is excellent.
I used to live about 8 blocks from Pat’s and Geno’s, and at least once a week while I was walking around in my neighborhood, a car would pull over and someone would ask me for directions to one or the other.
[quote comment=”78690″]While testing out some new golf clubs on Friday for golf season I tried all the good ones, Callaway, Titleist, Taylor Made etc. I asked the ‘pro’ what he thinks about the Nike golf clubs, he said “don’t get wrong but it’s Nike, they make shoes..” I just chuckled and said “yeah right” They were ugly looking clubs too, on each club there was at least 4-5 swooshs.[/quote]
To respectfully disagree, Nike put a lot of money into their club design, research and hiring the right people away from other clubmakers. And, their stuff has gotten steadily better. I mean, if the best player in the world plays their clubs how bad do you think they are? The story I heard was that Tiger signed with Nike as soon as he turned pro, Shoes, shirts, caps and equipment. But as long as he found something better out there he could play that. Pretty sure Tiger has an all Nike bag now but he was almost all Titleist for a long time.
[quote comment=”78714″][quote comment=”78703″]And we didn’t have hot dogs. We did get cheesesteaks, though. We both agreed that they “weren’t bad.”[/quote]
thank god they bailed on geno’s… i HATE geno’s steaks… im a jim’s steaks guy… i wont turn down pat’s, but i think jim’s rules philly…[/quote]
Which is the place that uses the Cheez Wiz instead of the real (or “almost” real) cheese? I saw them on some travel/food show a while back. I’d probably avoid the Cheez Wiz guy.
Oh, sorry…I didn’t mean Cheez Wiz. I mean that cheese sauce stuff. I hit “Say It” and suddenly remembered The Blues Bros/Family Guy can of Cheez Wiz.
[quote comment=”78725″][quote comment=”78714″][quote comment=”78703″]And we didn’t have hot dogs. We did get cheesesteaks, though. We both agreed that they “weren’t bad.”[/quote]
thank god they bailed on geno’s… i HATE geno’s steaks… im a jim’s steaks guy… i wont turn down pat’s, but i think jim’s rules philly…[/quote]
Which is the place that uses the Cheez Wiz instead of the real (or “almost” real) cheese? I saw them on some travel/food show a while back. I’d probably avoid the Cheez Wiz guy.[/quote]
Whiz wit!
[quote comment=”78728″][quote comment=”78725″][quote comment=”78714″][quote comment=”78703″]And we didn’t have hot dogs. We did get cheesesteaks, though. We both agreed that they “weren’t bad.”[/quote]
thank god they bailed on geno’s… i HATE geno’s steaks… im a jim’s steaks guy… i wont turn down pat’s, but i think jim’s rules philly…[/quote]
Which is the place that uses the Cheez Wiz instead of the real (or “almost” real) cheese? I saw them on some travel/food show a while back. I’d probably avoid the Cheez Wiz guy.[/quote]
Whiz wit![/quote]
[quote comment=”78716″][quote comment=”78714″][quote comment=”78703″]And we didn’t have hot dogs. We did get cheesesteaks, though. We both agreed that they “weren’t bad.”[/quote]
thank god they bailed on geno’s… i HATE geno’s steaks… im a jim’s steaks guy… i wont turn down pat’s, but i think jim’s rules philly…[/quote]
Tony Luke’s, brah. Tony Luke’s.
Also, Dalessandro’s in Roxborough (preferred steak shop of Marvin Harrison) is excellent.
I used to live about 8 blocks from Pat’s and Geno’s, and at least once a week while I was walking around in my neighborhood, a car would pull over and someone would ask me for directions to one or the other.[/quote]
ahh, to hear someone say “brah” in an online forum. im outside of allentown (catasauqua) and we overuse that as well!
i think people go to geno’s just cuz of the flashy store front and obnoxious neon (and cuz it makes a cameo in boyz II men’s mowtownphilly video).
but no love for jim’s?
dont know how far you strayed from philly but you can get the best roast beef sandwich you ever had at a place called ye olde ale house in springfield.
PL can tell you about Yocco’s hot dogs which are indigenous to my area…
oh, and im whiz wit and mushrooms…
[quote comment=”78717″][quote comment=”78690″]While testing out some new golf clubs on Friday for golf season I tried all the good ones, Callaway, Titleist, Taylor Made etc. I asked the ‘pro’ what he thinks about the Nike golf clubs, he said “don’t get wrong but it’s Nike, they make shoes..” I just chuckled and said “yeah right” They were ugly looking clubs too, on each club there was at least 4-5 swooshs.[/quote]
To respectfully disagree, Nike put a lot of money into their club design, research and hiring the right people away from other clubmakers. And, their stuff has gotten steadily better. I mean, if the best player in the world plays their clubs how bad do you think they are? The story I heard was that Tiger signed with Nike as soon as he turned pro, Shoes, shirts, caps and equipment. But as long as he found something better out there he could play that. Pretty sure Tiger has an all Nike bag now but he was almost all Titleist for a long time.[/quote]
I am a golf pro from Wisconsin, and I agree that Nike as made huge strides in the game of golf. Their first try at clubs wasn’t too successful, but they have stepped it up since 2000 and have become a premium brand in the name of golf clubs. (their putters are not anything special though)
Tiger currently does have all Nike clubs and rumors have been started that he is trying out the Sumo2 (square driver). As for the looks of the clubs.. there are not too many swooshes, and they actually look visually pleasing. (I even like the yellow they added in their clubs)
But I am on Titleist staff, so I have already said too much.
I’ve been scrolling through MLB photos and keep seeing the link and it’s starting to piss me off..
Can’t the morons look at link and realize that their new uni’s are a malfunction?
[quote comment=”78735″]But I am on Titleist staff, so I have already said too much.[/quote]
got any scotty cameron’s to give away?
Related back to Celtic FC, why do they only have one star on their kit?
[quote comment=”78701″]here’s your link Definitely not the Game Jersey.[/quote]
Seriously, why go through so much trouble with the font and piping for just a practice jersey?! Some things never make sense to me.
From my Finnish friend:
Uni Watch and link committee
“So, what kinda links should we put to the Deez Nutz category?
Uni watch appears to be in a blog format and if you ever need to click on something, then this is where you can ‘a bit’.”
I hope this makes sense. Kinda hard to do this when I’m not sure of the context.
It makes enough sense to me.
[quote comment=”78735″][quote comment=”78717″][quote comment=”78690″]While testing out some new golf clubs on Friday for golf season I tried all the good ones, Callaway, Titleist, Taylor Made etc. I asked the ‘pro’ what he thinks about the Nike golf clubs, he said “don’t get wrong but it’s Nike, they make shoes..” [/quote]
To respectfully disagree, Nike put a lot of money into their club design, research and hiring the right people away from other clubmakers. And, their stuff has gotten steadily better. I mean, if the best player in the world plays their clubs how bad do you think they are? The story I heard was that Tiger signed with Nike as soon as he turned pro, Shoes, shirts, caps and equipment. But as long as he found something better out there he could play that. Pretty sure Tiger has an all Nike bag now but he was almost all Titleist for a long time.[/quote]
I am a golf pro from Wisconsin, and I agree that Nike as made huge strides in the game of golf. Their first try at clubs wasn’t too successful, but they have stepped it up since 2000 and have become a premium brand in the name of golf clubs. (their putters are not anything special though)
Tiger currently does have all Nike clubs and rumors have been started that he is trying out the Sumo2 (square driver). As for the looks of the clubs.. there are not too many swooshes, and they actually look visually pleasing. (I even like the yellow they added in their clubs)
But I am on Titleist staff, so I have already said too much.[/quote]
I view Nike’s foray into golf to be similar to that of when they moved into soccer in the mid 90’s, the shoes were awful, and rumor was a lot of the players that had Nike contracts would wear another brand, rip off the other logo and slap a swoosh on it.
But now they’re on par with the world’s best.
[quote comment=”78742″]Related back to Celtic FC, why do they only have one star on their kit?[/quote]
There’s no standard, but I think Celtic chooses to recognize thier European Championship from the 60’s.
Something that has really been annoying me lately is the linkat Minute Maid. I remember seeing them on tv and thinking, thats ugly and stupid. Then I went to a game the other day and, my God, they were horrible. This has to be the stupidest thing I’ve seen in a while, well other than putting a hill in center field. I should have taken a picture cause the one in the link I posted was obviously taken at an angle that does not make it look as garrish as it actually is.
[quote comment=”78703″][quote comment=”78697″]I’m just ragging on you. It’s great that you got to spend some quality time with your dad, drink a few beers, eat a hotdog or two (you better have), and check out the redheads–and watch a game, of course. We don’t need more grainy, out-of-focus pics of stirrups, no matter how amazing, anyway.[/quote]
I didn’t see any redheads!
And we didn’t have hot dogs. We did get cheesesteaks, though. We both agreed that they “weren’t bad.”[/quote]
Ahhh, cheesesteaks. I dated a guy from Philly. When I went to visit, he insisted I had to try one with Cheez Whiz. I protested; he insisted. It was awesome. It was either Geno’s or Pat’s (the less flashy one where you get it at a window). We also went to Jim’s , which was just as tasty.
The game I went to with the know-it-all guy, I went with my mom. The guys in my family don’t like sports. It was a grand old time, and, yes, I had a hot dog.
Check this out hockey fans: blade tape that got lots of airtime during intermission of the NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs by Ron Maclean and Kelly Hrudey, I went to the website to find out more info on the product and link
[quote comment=”78754″][quote comment=”78703″][quote comment=”78697″]I’m just ragging on you. It’s great that you got to spend some quality time with your dad, drink a few beers, eat a hotdog or two (you better have), and check out the redheads–and watch a game, of course. We don’t need more grainy, out-of-focus pics of stirrups, no matter how amazing, anyway.[/quote]
I didn’t see any redheads!
And we didn’t have hot dogs. We did get cheesesteaks, though. We both agreed that they “weren’t bad.”[/quote]
Ahhh, cheesesteaks. I dated a guy from Philly. When I went to visit, he insisted I had to try one with Cheez Whiz. I protested; he insisted. It was awesome. It was either Geno’s or Pat’s (the less flashy one where you get it at a window). We also went to Jim’s , which was just as tasty.
The game I went to with the know-it-all guy, I went with my mom. The guys in my family don’t like sports. It was a grand old time, and, yes, I had a hot dog.[/quote]
Pat’s (whiz wit)
Jim’s (nothing liek a cherry sode to go along with cheese fries and cheesteak)
Gino’s (not really a fan at all but you gotta mention it). We sent a pledge down to Philly from hartford ot get us Cheese steaks during hellweek.
[quote comment=”78757″]
Pat’s (whiz wit)
Jim’s (nothing liek a cherry sode to go along with cheese fries and cheesteak)
Gino’s (not really a fan at all but you gotta mention it). We sent a pledge down to Philly from hartford ot get us Cheese steaks during hellweek.[/quote]
patrick, so is Pat’s the less chichi one? I think that’s the one I went to. It was delicious. Yum.
Ok, how can I get one in MN?
big shout out to Uniwatch at link for their work on uniform numbers
[quote comment=”78730″][quote comment=”78716″][quote comment=”78714″][quote comment=”78703″]And we didn’t have hot dogs. We did get cheesesteaks, though. We both agreed that they “weren’t bad.”[/quote]
thank god they bailed on geno’s… i HATE geno’s steaks… im a jim’s steaks guy… i wont turn down pat’s, but i think jim’s rules philly…[/quote]
Tony Luke’s, brah. Tony Luke’s.
Also, Dalessandro’s in Roxborough (preferred steak shop of Marvin Harrison) is excellent.
I used to live about 8 blocks from Pat’s and Geno’s, and at least once a week while I was walking around in my neighborhood, a car would pull over and someone would ask me for directions to one or the other.[/quote]
ahh, to hear someone say “brah” in an online forum. im outside of allentown (catasauqua) and we overuse that as well!
i think people go to geno’s just cuz of the flashy store front and obnoxious neon (and cuz it makes a cameo in boyz II men’s mowtownphilly video).
but no love for jim’s?
dont know how far you strayed from philly but you can get the best roast beef sandwich you ever had at a place called ye olde ale house in springfield.
PL can tell you about Yocco’s hot dogs which are indigenous to my area…[/quote]
Ye Ole Ale House is 5 minutes from my house!! But I must state that Nick’s has the best Roast Beef. South Philly and now in Springfield, too!!
So, when is the Philly Uni Watch party, Paul??
[quote comment=”78730″][quote comment=”78716″][quote comment=”78714″][quote comment=”78703″]And we didn’t have hot dogs. We did get cheesesteaks, though. We both agreed that they “weren’t bad.”[/quote]
thank god they bailed on geno’s… i HATE geno’s steaks… im a jim’s steaks guy… i wont turn down pat’s, but i think jim’s rules philly…[/quote]
Tony Luke’s, brah. Tony Luke’s.
Also, Dalessandro’s in Roxborough (preferred steak shop of Marvin Harrison) is excellent.
I used to live about 8 blocks from Pat’s and Geno’s, and at least once a week while I was walking around in my neighborhood, a car would pull over and someone would ask me for directions to one or the other.[/quote]
ahh, to hear someone say “brah” in an online forum. im outside of allentown (catasauqua) and we overuse that as well!
i think people go to geno’s just cuz of the flashy store front and obnoxious neon (and cuz it makes a cameo in boyz II men’s mowtownphilly video).
but no love for jim’s?
dont know how far you strayed from philly but you can get the best roast beef sandwich you ever had at a place called ye olde ale house in springfield.
PL can tell you about Yocco’s hot dogs which are indigenous to my area…[/quote]
Gotta agree with you on ye olde ale house. I live right around the corner from it and honestly would take a hot roast beef from there over a cheesesteak any day.
I’m assuming today’s blog entry title is a play on “Of Mice and Men.”
Would a play on “Pirates of Penzance” be better?
Pants of Pence…
[quote comment=”78759″]Ok, how can I get one in MN?[/quote]
thats a toughy because they lose their personality reheated…
usually when im in philly, i’ll get 5.
one for me to eat there.
two to drop off at the parents house upon my return.
the remaining is for, well, whenever i want a steak.
they dont taste the same unless you eat them there…
[quote comment=”78735″][quote comment=”78717″][quote comment=”78690″]While testing out some new golf clubs on Friday for golf season I tried all the good ones, Callaway, Titleist, Taylor Made etc. I asked the ‘pro’ what he thinks about the Nike golf clubs, he said “don’t get wrong but it’s Nike, they make shoes..” I just chuckled and said “yeah right” They were ugly looking clubs too, on each club there was at least 4-5 swooshs.[/quote]
To respectfully disagree, Nike put a lot of money into their club design, research and hiring the right people away from other clubmakers. And, their stuff has gotten steadily better. I mean, if the best player in the world plays their clubs how bad do you think they are? The story I heard was that Tiger signed with Nike as soon as he turned pro, Shoes, shirts, caps and equipment. But as long as he found something better out there he could play that. Pretty sure Tiger has an all Nike bag now but he was almost all Titleist for a long time.[/quote]
I am a golf pro from Wisconsin, and I agree that Nike as made huge strides in the game of golf. Their first try at clubs wasn’t too successful, but they have stepped it up since 2000 and have become a premium brand in the name of golf clubs. (their putters are not anything special though)
Tiger currently does have all Nike clubs and rumors have been started that he is trying out the Sumo2 (square driver). As for the looks of the clubs.. there are not too many swooshes, and they actually look visually pleasing. (I even like the yellow they added in their clubs)
But I am on Titleist staff, so I have already said too much.[/quote]
Nike Slingshot OSS… freaking magical. Back to uni stuff (sort of) I’ve been to dozens of stadiums and Minute Maid Park is the most ‘commercial’ of them all. Stand still long enough at MMP and Drayton McLane will have a logo slapped on you somewhere.
[quote comment=”78759″][quote comment=”78757″]
Pat’s (whiz wit)
Jim’s (nothing liek a cherry sode to go along with cheese fries and cheesteak)
Gino’s (not really a fan at all but you gotta mention it). We sent a pledge down to Philly from hartford ot get us Cheese steaks during hellweek.[/quote]
patrick, so is Pat’s the less chichi one? I think that’s the one I went to. It was delicious. Yum.
Ok, how can I get one in MN?[/quote]
Pat’s is usually considered the “original”. I would say its the less chichi one… a rude guy behind the counter, lots of cheez wiz, and no indoor seating. Unfdortunately, the pledge tha treturned with cheesesteaks were good, but far too soggy. If you are going to get one shipped, heat it in the over with some tinfoil around it.
[quote comment=”78770″][quote comment=”78759″]Ok, how can I get one in MN?[/quote]
thats a toughy because they lose their personality reheated…
usually when im in philly, i’ll get 5.
one for me to eat there.
two to drop off at the parents house upon my return.
the remaining is for, well, whenever i want a steak.
they dont taste the same unless you eat them there…[/quote]
I know. And what they consider a ‘Philly’ cheesesteak here…Don’t tell anyone, but it includes Swiss cheese and lettuce.
On the actual uni front–Hunter Pence is my new fave non-local player for wearing his pants high.
[quote comment=”78773″][quote comment=”78759″][quote comment=”78757″]
Pat’s (whiz wit)
Jim’s (nothing liek a cherry sode to go along with cheese fries and cheesteak)
Gino’s (not really a fan at all but you gotta mention it). We sent a pledge down to Philly from hartford ot get us Cheese steaks during hellweek.[/quote]
patrick, so is Pat’s the less chichi one? I think that’s the one I went to. It was delicious. Yum.
Ok, how can I get one in MN?[/quote]
Pat’s is usually considered the “original”. I would say its the less chichi one… a rude guy behind the counter, lots of cheez wiz, and no indoor seating. Unfdortunately, the pledge tha treturned with cheesesteaks were good, but far too soggy. If you are going to get one shipped, heat it in the over with some tinfoil around it.[/quote]
pat, yeah, that’s the one I went to. I remember eating it outside (in the summer, of course) and loving it.
I didn’t quite get this sentence:
Unfdortunately, the pledge tha treturned with cheesesteaks were good, but far too soggy.
Is this telling me where I can order one? You guys are the best.
[quote comment=”78759″]Ok, how can I get one in MN?[/quote]
Make one. Go to your butcher/grocery store and ask for thinly-sliced steak. They’ll do it.
Go get some bread. Not Wonder, but long rolls. Philly calls them hoagie rolls; NYC and other places I’ve visited call them sub rolls.
Put steak into a heated pan – you can add onions or mushrooms or peppers at your own choice. Then add cheese on top (my preference is either provolone or white American cheese).
Simple. (And avoid grease or oil as cooking the steak will add enough lubrication to the pan.)
[quote comment=”78752″][quote comment=”78742″]Related back to Celtic FC, why do they only have one star on their kit?[/quote]
There’s no standard, but I think Celtic chooses to recognize thier European Championship from the 60’s.[/quote]
Be that as it may … the Celtic uniforms should be seen as the epitome of classic soccer kits. Stripes (aka “hoops”) all around. Nothing could be nicer.
[quote comment=”78780″][quote comment=”78752″][quote comment=”78742″]Related back to Celtic FC, why do they only have one star on their kit?[/quote]
There’s no standard, but I think Celtic chooses to recognize thier European Championship from the 60’s.[/quote]
Be that as it may … the Celtic uniforms should be seen as the epitome of classic soccer kits. Stripes (aka “hoops”) all around. Nothing could be nicer.[/quote]
Except, perhaps, a white, pointed collar. That would be the finishing touch ….
[quote comment=”78777″][quote comment=”78759″]Ok, how can I get one in MN?[/quote]
Make one. Go to your butcher/grocery store and ask for thinly-sliced steak. They’ll do it.
Go get some bread. Not Wonder, but long rolls. Philly calls them hoagie rolls; NYC and other places I’ve visited call them sub rolls.
Put steak into a heated pan – you can add onions or mushrooms or peppers at your own choice. Then add cheese on top (my preference is either provolone or white American cheese).
Simple. (And avoid grease or oil as cooking the steak will add enough lubrication to the pan.)[/quote]
But beware, up to 75% of the goodness of a cheesesteak is in the roll from Amoroso’s bakery, and is a Philadelphia area thing.
That’s why it’s extremely hard to replicate a true cheesesteak experience outside of the Philadelphia metro area.
[quote comment=”78777″][quote comment=”78759″]Ok, how can I get one in MN?[/quote]
Make one. Go to your butcher/grocery store and ask for thinly-sliced steak. They’ll do it.
Go get some bread. Not Wonder, but long rolls. Philly calls them hoagie rolls; NYC and other places I’ve visited call them sub rolls.
Put steak into a heated pan – you can add onions or mushrooms or peppers at your own choice. Then add cheese on top (my preference is either provolone or white American cheese).
Simple. (And avoid grease or oil as cooking the steak will add enough lubrication to the pan.)[/quote]
try this
[quote comment=”78777″][quote comment=”78759″]Ok, how can I get one in MN?[/quote]
Make one. Go to your butcher/grocery store and ask for thinly-sliced steak. They’ll do it.
Go get some bread. Not Wonder, but long rolls. Philly calls them hoagie rolls; NYC and other places I’ve visited call them sub rolls.
Put steak into a heated pan – you can add onions or mushrooms or peppers at your own choice. Then add cheese on top (my preference is either provolone or white American cheese).
Simple. (And avoid grease or oil as cooking the steak will add enough lubrication to the pan.)[/quote]
Last Philly cheesesteak post from me for the day–I swear!
Anthony, you are presuming that I cook. Ha! This sounds simple enough. I would have to add Cheeze Whiz, of course.
Kim, maybe they sell those rolls online. I’m going to look now.
Did anyone else notice Adrian Peterson’s gold Nike swoosh pin in the green room Saturday? I can’t find any pictures since the NFL made him take if off before going on stage.
[quote comment=”78776″][quote comment=”78773″][quote comment=”78759″][quote comment=”78757″]
Pat’s (whiz wit)
Jim’s (nothing liek a cherry sode to go along with cheese fries and cheesteak)
Gino’s (not really a fan at all but you gotta mention it). We sent a pledge down to Philly from hartford ot get us Cheese steaks during hellweek.[/quote]
patrick, so is Pat’s the less chichi one? I think that’s the one I went to. It was delicious. Yum.
Ok, how can I get one in MN?[/quote]
Pat’s is usually considered the “original”. I would say its the less chichi one… a rude guy behind the counter, lots of cheez wiz, and no indoor seating. Unfdortunately, the pledge tha treturned with cheesesteaks were good, but far too soggy. If you are going to get one shipped, heat it in the over with some tinfoil around it.[/quote]
pat, yeah, that’s the one I went to. I remember eating it outside (in the summer, of course) and loving it.
I didn’t quite get this sentence:
Unfdortunately, the pledge tha treturned with cheesesteaks were good, but far too soggy.
Is this telling me where I can order one? You guys are the best.[/quote]
Sorry Minna thats me not looking at the screen. Its supposed to read “unfortunately, the cheese steaks our pledge returned with were good, but far too soggy. Pledge as in, Fraternity pledge.. made the poor kid drive 4 hours to philly, wait order 30+ cheese steaks, then drive back to hartford.
[quote comment=”78786″]Did anyone else notice Adrian Peterson’s gold Nike swoosh pin in the green room Saturday? I can’t find any pictures since the NFL made him take if off before going on stage.[/quote]
After his name was called as he left the green room he was stoped and the guy that handed him the jersey removed the pin.
As a lifelong St. Louis Cardinals fan, this is a sad day.
I did want to touch on the point that Paul made about the Cardinals minor leaguers (and the talk about the faux stirrups).
All the Cardinals minor leaguers are required to show the stripes on the socks. I’m not sure about the A level Swing of the Quad Cities, since they are the only Cardinals affiliate to not have a matching red & navy color scheme.
This year, however, the Cardinals AAA Memphis affiliate has abandoned the rule and is allowing its players to wear their pants however they want.
The real stirrups are still around. A few of the Memphis players have worn them in the past, but most players wear the faux-stirrups because they’re more comfortable.
Jim’s Steaks will ship steaks overnight anywhere in the U.S.
Jim’s is pretty good, but I prefer Tony Lukes. Also, Ye Olde Ale House is seriously a two minute drive from my house. Great place to get a roast beef. Nick’s is even closer, and just as good, but a little messier.
Celtic Hoops the greatest kits in the world for the greatest team in the world. HAIL HAIL
[quote comment=”78495″][quote comment=”78493″]Maybe its cliche, or untrue, or just dumb, but the better you feel about being in that uniform will play a part in how you actually play in that uniform.[/quote]
Or as Dick Stuart was quoted saying in Ball Four, “I add 20 points to my average if I know I look bitchin’ out there.”[/quote]
“You look good you feel good, you feel good you play good, you play good they pay good.”
A teacher at my school always used to say this and always attributed it to Deion Sanders
[quote comment=”78786″]Did anyone else notice Adrian Peterson’s gold Nike swoosh pin in the green room Saturday? I can’t find any pictures since the NFL made him take if off before going on stage.[/quote]
There was a comment or two about that on Saturday. I can’t find a pic either.
PL is getting some serious material on the pennsylvania food tree.
i dont know how much writing you do on food anymore, PL, or if youve written about steaks, or roast beef, but you have some seriously great tastes listed above!!!
I broke down and bought a new 59/fifty-nine at the Pirates/Reds game at PNC park the other day. It’s not a bad hat, but I am thinking I might preform some surgery on it. Anyone else have any luck getting it wet and molding it, or does the whicking power deny you the chance to do that?
And to jump on the PA food bandwagon, I was able to not only get Primanti’s at the Bucs game Saturday, I also went over and grabbed a hot dog at the “O” over in Oakland. Best hot dogs ever…and the fries are nothing to sneeze at.
[quote comment=”78806″]jeez!
PL is getting some serious material on the pennsylvania food tree.
i dont know how much writing you do on food anymore, PL, or if youve written about steaks, or roast beef, but you have some seriously great tastes listed above!!![/quote]
Indeed Uni Watch has link in the past. (And chicken skin.)
[quote comment=”78704″]This link in Cleveland has a link. Of course, it failed miserably there (swept ignominiously in the Finals, Terry Murray fired), as it surely will in Cleveland. (We are talking about Philly and Cleveland, after all.)
Also: Why did they hang link on Terminal Tower? The William Penn jersey was the same — at the time, the orange jersey was the Flyers’ road jersey.[/quote]
Not to mention the link. I think they only put up the uni if a team gets deep enough into the playoffs–that means conference finals for the NBA and NHL. I was wondering what they would do this year should both the Red Wings and Pistons advance. I think they use a blue (road) jersey for the Pistons, too. That trend is odd, since it is at home. Maybe the people who came up with the idea thought fans would like the colors over the whites?
[quote comment=”78809″]And to jump on the PA food bandwagon, I was able to not only get Primanti’s at the Bucs game Saturday, I also went over and grabbed a hot dog at the “O” over in Oakland. Best hot dogs ever…and the fries are nothing to sneeze at.[/quote]
primanti’s? phenomenal
the O? O pizza- smells like vomit, but it does the job. GOTTA get O fries though.
[quote comment=”78786″]Did anyone else notice Adrian Peterson’s gold Nike swoosh pin in the green room Saturday? I can’t find any pictures since the NFL made him take if off before going on stage.[/quote]
Only the 1,931 people that made the exact same post on Saturday within the span of 30 seconds.
1,932 and counting……
[quote comment=”78812″][quote comment=”78704″]This link in Cleveland has a link. Of course, it failed miserably there (swept ignominiously in the Finals, Terry Murray fired), as it surely will in Cleveland. (We are talking about Philly and Cleveland, after all.)
Also: Why did they hang link on Terminal Tower? The William Penn jersey was the same — at the time, the orange jersey was the Flyers’ road jersey.[/quote]
Not to mention the link. I think they only put up the uni if a team gets deep enough into the playoffs–that means conference finals for the NBA and NHL. I was wondering what they would do this year should both the Red Wings and Pistons advance. I think they use a blue (road) jersey for the Pistons, too. That trend is odd, since it is at home. Maybe the people who came up with the idea thought fans would like the colors over the whites?[/quote]
I’m thinking that the colored jerseys wouldn’t be nearly as likely to get stained by weather, birds, etc.
[quote comment=”78740″][quote comment=”78735″]But I am on Titleist staff, so I have already said too much.[/quote]
got any scotty cameron’s to give away?[/quote]
I just got a Scotty Cameron Detour putter last week, but it’s too light for me. (I like a heavy putter). I only used for one round, and my Titleist is getting me a new putter next week. So I would be willing to sell this one.
*My Titleist Rep will be getting me a different one
Dangit, I forgot to add something earlier. When I walked into the Pirates team store they had one whole wall of nothing but the red vests. Nothing can prepare you for that sight….horrible. I talked to a friend who works for the team and the plan is to stay with the red vests for Friday nights and the pinstripes for Sundays. I think the red has only been worn once, which is of course, one too many times.
I did like the “throwback” pullover, it’s really nice. link
The new “fleece” pullovers look like crap, in my opinion. link
Too shiny…the old fleece is much better
And this looks much better in person…just not on my person….
[quote comment=”78808″]I broke down and bought a new 59/fifty-nine at the Pirates/Reds game at PNC park the other day. It’s not a bad hat, but I am thinking I might preform some surgery on it. Anyone else have any luck getting it wet and molding it, or does the whicking power deny you the chance to do that?[/quote]
I performed sugery on my new 59Fifty a couple weeks ago, and it turned out great. The bills on the new ones hold their curve a lot better than the old wool ones.
Lucas: I wanna see the stirrups. Not those soccer socks.
I agree with Mr. Lucas (not to be confused with Mr. Lukas)
And I’m not talking about link stirrup either. Also, it’s probably just the angle of the picture and the lighting, but this girl’s right knee appears to be doing something knees are not meant to do.
[quote comment=”78831″][quote comment=”78808″]I broke down and bought a new 59/fifty-nine at the Pirates/Reds game at PNC park the other day. It’s not a bad hat, but I am thinking I might preform some surgery on it. Anyone else have any luck getting it wet and molding it, or does the whicking power deny you the chance to do that?[/quote]
I performed sugery on my new 59Fifty a couple weeks ago, and it turned out great. The bills on the new ones hold their curve a lot better than the old wool ones.[/quote]
was that the full surgery, removing of the guts and all?
[quote comment=”78613″][quote comment=”78605″][quote comment=”78504″]Here’s to hoping QB’s in the 20’s make a comeback…can only hope Brady Quinn makes a statement by wearing #22[/quote]
why would he wear #22, he never wore that, hes wearing #10 for them[/quote]
How bout the number he got picked to stick it to all the other teams[/quote]
By being the 22nd pick, he was passed over by 21 teams – including Cleveland.
On foul poles, in Oakland they used to be painted like a pencil and used as an Office Depot ad.
I’ll see if I can find a pic.
Went to a Lake Elsinore Storm game on Sunday (Class A California League), and was struck by how much the Stockton Ports away uniforms resembled the Chicago Cubs away uniforms. However, the Ports are an A’s affiliate. link
[quote comment=”78827″][quote comment=”78740″][quote comment=”78735″]But I am on Titleist staff, so I have already said too much.[/quote]
got any scotty cameron’s to give away?[/quote]
I just got a Scotty Cameron Detour putter last week, but it’s too light for me. (I like a heavy putter). I only used for one round, and my Titleist is getting me a new putter next week. So I would be willing to sell this one.
Hmmm, Titleist staff + P.U.D. = I’ll give you $40 for it.
How has Uni Watch turned into a cheesesteak and Nike golf clubs discussion?
[quote comment=”78512″]Couple comments-
I checked out the book “The Boys of Summer” about the Brooklyn Dodgers this past week and have been reading it. Some great pictures in there showing the bloused pants look with perfect stirrups. Wow.
Has anybody noticed the last names on the back of the Toronto Blue Jays jerseys? The letters are huge and the font is this real weird bubbly, rounded looking thing. Looks simply awful.[/quote]
…and the Blue Jays road jersey has gray numbers, albeit different shades of gray, but still very blends in and makes it hard to read. By far the worst uniforms in MLB.
[quote comment=”78848″]How has Uni Watch turned into a cheesesteak and Nike golf clubs discussion?[/quote]
Slow Uni day.
[quote comment=”78848″]How has Uni Watch turned into a cheesesteak and Nike golf clubs discussion?[/quote]
Beats the hell out of Irish Catholic and Protestant relations.
[quote comment=”78755″]Check this out hockey fans: blade tape that got lots of airtime during intermission of the NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs by Ron Maclean and Kelly Hrudey, I went to the website to find out more info on the product and link[/quote]
I’ve seen this before, but I don’t remember where. While I’m sure it performs some of the same functions as the current cloth tape (certainly seems to provide grip), there’s something about the act of taping up your stick that makes it an important part of preparing for a game. To me, it’s the time during preperation when you get to visualize the glorious offensive outpouring that you’ll have in the coming game. There’s a work for this, but I can’t think of it. I was thinking “cathartic”, but I don’t know if that applies here (certainly not the medical version of the word). Any help from those with a better grasp of the English language?
Dave (post #108) THANK YOU for noticing the black masks on the Steelers helmet as it was bothering me as well. (I posted similar comments on Friday or Saturday.) Very lame (and cheap?) of the Steelers part to go with the black masks. Chargers, Browns, Bills and even the NCAA champs Florida Gators all did it correct last year.
link a good look at the Chargers new uniforms with three of their newest draft picks.
I caught about 5 minutes of a ‘This Week in Baseball’ episode from ’82 on ESPN Classic this afternoon. In that span they managed to show the Pirates in all-white, all-yellow, and the black jersey/yellow pants combo. I was getting misty for the good old days. It was also the week of the Joel Youngblood two-teams-in-one-day feat so I got to see the classic Expo powder blue roadie with tri-color batting helmet.
Its a good day.
[quote comment=”78842″]Went to a Lake Elsinore Storm game on Sunday (Class A California League), and was struck by how much the Stockton Ports away uniforms resembled the Chicago Cubs away uniforms. However, the Ports are an A’s affiliate. link[/quote]
The similarities are quite striking. But notice that the Ports wear white shoes, just like the parent club.
I was on the yahoo sports page and saw these
I say these practice jerseys are better than the regular canucks jerseys
[quote comment=”78872″]I caught about 5 minutes of a ‘This Week in Baseball’ episode from ’82 on ESPN Classic this afternoon. In that span they managed to show the Pirates in all-white, all-yellow, and the black jersey/yellow pants combo. I was getting misty for the good old days. It was also the week of the Joel Youngblood two-teams-in-one-day feat so I got to see the classic Expo powder blue roadie with tri-color batting helmet.
Its a good day.[/quote]
Stuby, you and I must have been watching at the same time. The one thing I noticed were the orange sanitaries the Giants wore with black stirrups back in the late 1970s and early ’80s. I did not know about those. “Dressed to the Nines” confirmed that they were an alternate to be worn with the orange jerseys.
Until I saw that clip, I thought only the A’s and Padres had ever worn colored sanitaries in MLB.
Cards will be wearing “32” patches on their sleeves tonight. They look just like link but without any initials. Also because the MLB becan cracking down on players writing on their hats, Jim Edmonds had “link” tattooed onto his right wrist since he could no longer write it on his hat, and as a permanent reminder.
[quote comment=”78848″]How has Uni Watch turned into a cheesesteak and Nike golf clubs discussion?[/quote]
…… because the Mets haven’t played yet?
Which reminds me: All black for the Mets today. So much for “we’ll be using [the] black less this year”……
Tim Hudson of the braves has JH on his upper left chest on the front of his jersey.
[quote comment=”78868″]link a good look at the Chargers new uniforms with three of their newest draft picks.[/quote]
I personally love the use of the powder-blue as an accent on the numbers. Very sharp.
[quote comment=”78879″][quote comment=”78872″]I caught about 5 minutes of a ‘This Week in Baseball’ episode from ’82 on ESPN Classic this afternoon. In that span they managed to show the Pirates in all-white, all-yellow, and the black jersey/yellow pants combo. I was getting misty for the good old days. It was also the week of the Joel Youngblood two-teams-in-one-day feat so I got to see the classic Expo powder blue roadie with tri-color batting helmet.
Its a good day.[/quote]
Stuby, you and I must have been watching at the same time. The one thing I noticed were the orange sanitaries the Giants wore with black stirrups back in the late 1970s and early ’80s. I did not know about those. “Dressed to the Nines” confirmed that they were an alternate to be worn with the orange jerseys.
Until I saw that clip, I thought only the A’s and Padres had ever worn colored sanitaries in MLB.[/quote]
The Giants also wore the black cap with the orange bill during those years. I wish I had seen the part of TWIB with the Giants uniforms. They tried to do a Turn Back the Clock day at Candlestick in ’99 with the orange jerseys, but I can’t recall whether they had the orange sanis. Might have just been that none of the players knew how to wear them or the pants were down to the shoe tops. A great look, though. I think they also sported white cleats.
[quote comment=”78883″]Tim Hudson of the braves has JH on his upper left chest on the front of his jersey.[/quote]
I think he and Josh Hancock both went to Auburn.
[quote comment=”78880″]Cards will be wearing “32” patches on their sleeves tonight. They look just like link but without any initials. Also because the MLB becan cracking down on players writing on their hats, Jim Edmonds had “link” tattooed onto his right wrist since he could no longer write it on his hat, and as a permanent reminder.[/quote]
link is the patch
[quote comment=”78850″][quote comment=”78848″]How has Uni Watch turned into a cheesesteak and Nike golf clubs discussion?[/quote]
Slow Uni day.[/quote]
Beer last week, cheesesteaks this week. What’s for dessert next week?
[quote comment=”78886″][quote comment=”78879″][quote comment=”78872″]I caught about 5 minutes of a ‘This Week in Baseball’ episode from ’82 on ESPN Classic this afternoon. In that span they managed to show the Pirates in all-white, all-yellow, and the black jersey/yellow pants combo. I was getting misty for the good old days. It was also the week of the Joel Youngblood two-teams-in-one-day feat so I got to see the classic Expo powder blue roadie with tri-color batting helmet.
Its a good day.[/quote]
Stuby, you and I must have been watching at the same time. The one thing I noticed were the orange sanitaries the Giants wore with black stirrups back in the late 1970s and early ’80s. I did not know about those. “Dressed to the Nines” confirmed that they were an alternate to be worn with the orange jerseys.
Until I saw that clip, I thought only the A’s and Padres had ever worn colored sanitaries in MLB.[/quote]
The Giants also wore the black cap with the orange bill during those years. I wish I had seen the part of TWIB with the Giants uniforms. They tried to do a Turn Back the Clock day at Candlestick in ’99 with the orange jerseys, but I can’t recall whether they had the orange sanis. Might have just been that none of the players knew how to wear them or the pants were down to the shoe tops. A great look, though. I think they also sported white cleats.[/quote]
I’m nearly positive that they had orange sanitaries with black stirrups in their “80’s Night” vs. the A’s last June.
[quote comment=”78667″][quote comment=”78632″][quote comment=”78631″][quote comment=”78623″]Aren’t quarterbacks restricted to # 1-20?[/quote]
QB’s and kickers, 1-19
Running backs – 20-49.[/quote]
Forgot: Wide receivers can now get numbers 10-19 as well.[/quote]
To me, numbers 17-19 look great on receivers, but numbers 10-16 look like crap. And I’m sick of receivers wearing #11 – there’s like a gazillion of ’em out there now.[/quote]
I like 11 for receivers. I wish the NFL would chill out a little bit on the number rules. I would love to see some single digit numbers for receivers (and even running backs) and the numbers 20 and 22 for quarterbacks.
If I may add my 2 cents on the cheesesteak debate.
Geno’s is great, but its in south philly and I love in NE Philly, so for me my top 2 places would be Steve’s Prince Of Steaks, and Frusco Steak’s , both make them really good.
I had “Ricks Steaks” when I went to a phillies game last week, it wasnt too bad, I may try Tony Luke’s next.
[quote comment=”78682″][quote comment=”78573″]
All the antics and the really loud decibels are two reasons I don’t like going to games. I just want to watch the game, eat a hotdog (at baseball. Gotta eat a hotdog at a baseball game) and cheer for my team. I don’t want flashing lights, pulsating music, or wine-colored jersey.
Howdy, Minna! I agree with you on the antics and pulsating music.
I went to a local minor league game on Friday, and the speakers were blown out. It was the loveliest game. They used the real organ, without piping it through speakers. Everyone could actually tell from whence the organ music came. The old man who has been playing there for years finally got the recognition he deserved when everyone turned to look at him.
I hate the player-chosen music that precedes each at-bat (with the exception of Mariano Rivera coming in to Enter Sandman). Maybe it is an outgrowth of growing up in Chicago and going to games at Wrigley with my Dad.[/quote]
i agree to some extent, but i think “voodoo child” is a great intro for joel zumaya when he enters a game at comerica park.
[quote comment=”78887″][quote comment=”78883″]Tim Hudson of the braves has JH on his upper left chest on the front of his jersey.[/quote]
I think he and Josh Hancock both went to Auburn.[/quote]
They were roommates.
The Cards also have Hancock’s jersey hanging on the bullpen fence and in the dugout.
[quote comment=”78592″][quote comment=”78568″][quote comment=”78561″]I absolutely LOVE Luongo’s link. Not sure why I like it so much, though. Simplicity maybe.[/quote]
Simplicity is one thing, but I could do without the MASSIVE logo creep (The RBK logo). But I guess you get what you pay for . . .[/quote]
Hey check out his glove…its different also depending on which uni he wears.
For the record, I LOVE the old school look canuck uni, and also the alt mask has the Canuck guy on it (Whats his name? Johnny Canuck or something?)[/quote]
Not only glove, but whole set of pads. I believe there are pictures of him in the throwback jersey with his regular pads.
Watching the Angels-Royals game… noticed that the Royals are wearing black spikes. I’m assuming they switched to black spikes when they added black caps and jerseys a few years ago. But now that they got rid of the black, shouldn’t they go back to blue spikes?
As an addendum to the black/blue spikes debate… I remember in 1998 the Mets wore blue spikes early in the season with the blue caps/sleeves, and black spikes for black cap/sleeves. However, after a while, I guess it got too cumbersome to have 2 different colored spikes, so they DITCHED THE BLUE spikes all together.
[quote comment=”78901″][quote comment=”78886″][quote comment=”78879″][quote comment=”78872″]I caught about 5 minutes of a ‘This Week in Baseball’ episode from ’82 on ESPN Classic this afternoon. In that span they managed to show the Pirates in all-white, all-yellow, and the black jersey/yellow pants combo. I was getting misty for the good old days. It was also the week of the Joel Youngblood two-teams-in-one-day feat so I got to see the classic Expo powder blue roadie with tri-color batting helmet.
Its a good day.[/quote]
Stuby, you and I must have been watching at the same time. The one thing I noticed were the orange sanitaries the Giants wore with black stirrups back in the late 1970s and early ’80s. I did not know about those. “Dressed to the Nines” confirmed that they were an alternate to be worn with the orange jerseys.
Until I saw that clip, I thought only the A’s and Padres had ever worn colored sanitaries in MLB.[/quote]
The Giants also wore the black cap with the orange bill during those years. I wish I had seen the part of TWIB with the Giants uniforms. They tried to do a Turn Back the Clock day at Candlestick in ’99 with the orange jerseys, but I can’t recall whether they had the orange sanis. Might have just been that none of the players knew how to wear them or the pants were down to the shoe tops. A great look, though. I think they also sported white cleats.[/quote]
I’m nearly positive that they had orange sanitaries with black stirrups in their “80’s Night” vs. the A’s last June.[/quote]
they did, looked cool.
[quote comment=”78879″][quote comment=”78872″]Until I saw that clip, I thought only the A’s and Padres had ever worn colored sanitaries in MLB.[/quote]
The White Sox wore link sanitaries in ’69 and ’70.
Um… My favorite bloody athletes are from the Detroit Redwings vs. Colorado Avalanche fights in 1997. link looks great, and I can’t find a good picture of Lemieux.
[quote comment=”78682″][quote comment=”78573″]
I hate the player-chosen music that precedes each at-bat (with the exception of Mariano Rivera coming in to Enter Sandman). Maybe it is an outgrowth of growing up in Chicago and going to games at Wrigley with my Dad.[/quote]
i agree to some extent, but i think “voodoo child” is a great intro for joel zumaya when he enters a game at comerica park.[/quote]
So maybe we allow music for the first time that the batter/pitcher comes to the plate/mound, then cut it off after that. Sound good?
Randomly Uni-relatedish. I was thinking about this today – Everyone assumes that the Yankees will have no more single-digit numbers after the numbers of Jeter (2) and Torre (6) are retired. If Joe gets fired this year (as opposed of retiring), does this still hold true, or does someone else get a crack at #6?
[quote comment=”78946″][quote comment=”78682″][quote comment=”78573″]
Randomly Uni-relatedish. I was thinking about this today – Everyone assumes that the Yankees will have no more single-digit numbers after the numbers of Jeter (2) and Torre (6) are retired. If Joe gets fired this year (as opposed of retiring), does this still hold true, or does someone else get a crack at #6?[/quote]
My guess is that the Yankees would retire Torre’s number rather quickly. You wouldn’t want a situation like Nettles wearing #9 after Maris. Of course, they didn’t retire Lou Piniella’s number (presumably because he performed badly as manager), and as well as he played for the Yankees, they probably should have. So we’ll have to wait and see.
[quote comment=”78937″]Um… My favorite bloody athletes are from the Detroit Redwings vs. Colorado Avalanche fights in 1997. link looks great, and I can’t find a good picture of Lemieux.[/quote]
Roy couldn’t hear what you said with his two rings in his ears.
The bloody athlete that came to me first was link when he was fullback in Oakland. His head would bleed every game. Minnesota had him custom fit for a helmet to stop the hemorrhaging.
[quote comment=”78812″][quote comment=”78704″]This link in Cleveland has a link. Of course, it failed miserably there (swept ignominiously in the Finals, Terry Murray fired), as it surely will in Cleveland. (We are talking about Philly and Cleveland, after all.)
Also: Why did they hang link on Terminal Tower? The William Penn jersey was the same — at the time, the orange jersey was the Flyers’ road jersey.[/quote]
Not to mention the link. I think they only put up the uni if a team gets deep enough into the playoffs–that means conference finals for the NBA and NHL. I was wondering what they would do this year should both the Red Wings and Pistons advance. I think they use a blue (road) jersey for the Pistons, too. That trend is odd, since it is at home. Maybe the people who came up with the idea thought fans would like the colors over the whites?[/quote]
When the Tigers made the run last year, they put a home white jersey on the Spirit of Detroit
Paul mentioned that the Reds’ minor league affilitate has rules governing pant length and style. This is true.
The Reds’ AAA team is my hometown Louisville Bats, who, except for the unfortunate inclusion of some purple here and there and sleeveless home jerseys, usually look pretty sharp.
At home they ALL wear white with purple pinstripes, high cuffs with black socks and black undershirts. I’ve definitely seen worse.
linkthey wear plain grey with long pants and black undershirts. The arm holes (no sleeves) and pants have very subtle purple stripes.
i screwed up the link for the tigers jersey, link
[quote comment=”78848″]How has Uni Watch turned into a cheesesteak and Nike golf clubs discussion?[/quote]
schuby, I’m going to put the blame squarely where it belongs: on Anthony V.’s shoulders!
Just kidding. I want to thank everyone for helping me on my quest to get a Philly cheesesteak in MN. Kieran K. (love the name, by the way)–thanks for the link to Jim’s since I don’t cook. todd k., thanks for the link to the recipe in case I do cook. Kim, Ambroso’s does have national distributors, but the closest one is in Iowa. Anybody from Iowa here?
Since I am allergic to both wheat and dairy, this should be fun.
As for dessert, how about beignets?
Mr. Met! Any pics of the all-black Met unis? I have to see them, even though I am for the ‘Ditch the B****’ campaign in this case.
I am for uniforms that look uniform. I don’t like the laxness of the baseball unis. Then again, I don’t particularly like the NFL being so stringent, either. I think I am looking for a happy medium, like WVU Tom. In fact, he stated it better in post #40 than I just did.
[quote comment=”78946″][quote comment=”78682″][quote comment=”78573″]
I hate the player-chosen music that precedes each at-bat (with the exception of Mariano Rivera coming in to Enter Sandman). Maybe it is an outgrowth of growing up in Chicago and going to games at Wrigley with my Dad.[/quote]
i agree to some extent, but i think “voodoo child” is a great intro for joel zumaya when he enters a game at comerica park.[/quote]
So maybe we allow music for the first time that the batter/pitcher comes to the plate/mound, then cut it off after that. Sound good?
Randomly Uni-relatedish. I was thinking about this today – Everyone assumes that the Yankees will have no more single-digit numbers after the numbers of Jeter (2) and Torre (6) are retired. If Joe gets fired this year (as opposed of retiring), does this still hold true, or does someone else get a crack at #6?[/quote]
I think this is a fair compromise, tessa, though I would prefer no music like the Twins have.
I don’t think your Yanks (got the rosary working overtime?) would give someone else #6. Torre means too much to the team–even if he gets fired. Same with Jeter. If he ever got traded (I know, I should just shut my mouth now), his number would still be sacred, yes?
I like the title of this:
link, which reminds me. I watched Jeopardy earlier, and one of the questions was, “Phil Knight didn’t like the Swoosh before buying this company for $34 million (or some small amount).”
Now, he likes it enough to have it tattoed on his calf!
Because cyclists are frail…they only weigh about a buck oh five on average.
[quote comment=”78582″][quote comment=”78576″]If you go to the lower-left corner of link, you’ll find a little something I wrote about bloody athletes.[/quote]
How does a link do that much damage????[/quote]
[quote comment=”78947″][quote comment=”78946″][quote comment=”78682″][quote comment=”78573″]
Randomly Uni-relatedish. I was thinking about this today – Everyone assumes that the Yankees will have no more single-digit numbers after the numbers of Jeter (2) and Torre (6) are retired. If Joe gets fired this year (as opposed of retiring), does this still hold true, or does someone else get a crack at #6?[/quote]
My guess is that the Yankees would retire Torre’s number rather quickly. You wouldn’t want a situation like Nettles wearing #9 after Maris. Of course, they didn’t retire Lou Piniella’s number (presumably because he performed badly as manager), and as well as he played for the Yankees, they probably should have. So we’ll have to wait and see.[/quote]
Who says the Yankees will retire Torre’s number? That’s a big assumption.
MetsfanAZ: Yes, Brodeur will continue to wear the new pads.
For those of you who complained that Reebok has their logo plastered on Luongo’s mask, he’s paid by Rbk hockey. It might be in his contract. I’ll have to do some more investigating.
I see my comment in Saturday’s thread got totally ignored. :(
[quote comment=”78573″]
I don’t think your Yanks (got the rosary working overtime?) would give someone else #6. Torre means too much to the team–even if he gets fired. Same with Jeter. If he ever got traded (I know, I should just shut my mouth now), his number would still be sacred, yes?[/quote]
If Jeter gets traded, you will also hear news of spontaneous human combustion around Harrisburg, PA. That will be me. I am going to go out now and grab an extinguisher, just in case.
I assume that the decision to retire a number comes from The Boss. If he is livid (providing he is still lucid) enough to fire Torre, it would be a strange move to invite him back for a number-retiring ceremony, don’t you think? Of course, stranger things have happened in the Evil Empire.
[quote comment=”78972″][quote comment=”78573″]
I don’t think your Yanks (got the rosary working overtime?) would give someone else #6. Torre means too much to the team–even if he gets fired. Same with Jeter. If he ever got traded (I know, I should just shut my mouth now), his number would still be sacred, yes?[/quote]
If Jeter gets traded, you will also hear news of spontaneous human combustion around Harrisburg, PA. That will be me. I am going to go out now and grab an extinguisher, just in case.
I assume that the decision to retire a number comes from The Boss. If he is livid (providing he is still lucid) enough to fire Torre, it would be a strange move to invite him back for a number-retiring ceremony, don’t you think? Of course, stranger things have happened in the Evil Empire.[/quote]
tessa, it sounds like you love reluctantly. I don’t presume to know what the Boss will do, but I do think it would be sad not to acknowledge the most winningest manager in Yankee histor. I just made that up. Is it true? I think they should retire his number, regardless. He has done a lot for the team.
Please don’t spontaneously self-combust–I would miss ya on the board! Besides, I think Jeter will retire a Yankee.
Third shift tonite-unexpected.
Bloody athletes: Didn’t Billy Kilmer inspire thousands of Redskin fans to show up with a bandaid over the nose bridge, when he played through an injury to his schnoz?
(Uni note: He had the single-bar facemask. Who knows if a modern one would have prevented the injury.)
I dig the new Steelers throwbacks, although I must add the caveat that all that yellow may get old in a hurry.
As for the Steelers’ regular unis, I don’t like the typography — too froo-froo if you ask me. They need traditional, boxy lettering and numbering to really represent the rough, tough Steel Curtain image that is their golden era.
[quote comment=”78987″]I dig the new Steelers throwbacks, although I must add the caveat that all that yellow may get old in a hurry.
As for the Steelers’ regular unis, I don’t like the typography — too froo-froo if you ask me. They need traditional, boxy lettering and numbering to really represent the rough, tough Steel Curtain image that is their golden era.[/quote]
Beez, actually the typography on the Steelers’ jerseys has always been with them — even 10 years ago when they had boxy numbers, look carefully at the numbers on the helmets!
That font is called Futura, designed in Germany in (I think) the 1920s, and fits well with everything. (Particularly charts of numbers — the Baseball Encyclopedia has used it for years.)
I do like the boxy numbers more for the Steelers, but if they keep the Futura look, they need to dump the italic and make the numbers themselves thicker.
The Celtic FC jerseys are just fantastic!
The Oregon State football jerseys are not.
As far as pants blousing goes, I always just hiked the elastic to just under my knees and then bloused my pants down. Easy.
Oh, and Hunter Pence is the real deal. Got to see hime play in ’05 when he was with Lexington and last year when he was in Corpus Christi. The kid can flat out hit and he’s got a hose on him too.
Here’s a pic of link The kid knows what a baseball uniform’s supposed to look like!
Holy frack the Mets are wearing there blue caps at night and a week night at that.
Mark in Shiga, you are spot on. Futura is not a bad font but the italic version for the jersey blows big chunks. If they would dump the italics, I would be one happy Steeler camper.
Well guess Jarrod Saltalamacchia beat Cory Rauschenberger to the bigs to take the title of longest surname in the majors…Chris Berman was talking about how big his name was on his jersay, noting that the S and the A were under his armpits.