A few thoughts about last night’s Home Run Derby:
• Is there anyone — anyone — who thinks those side panels were a good idea? Like, what is this — an NBA game? And look at this — it’s practically child abuse! (And for anyone who actually likes the side panels, please remain where you are. The Reprogramming Van will be arriving shortly.)
• The Pirates’ uni-number typeface deserves credit for being one of the coolest and most distinctive in the game. No matter who’s wearing it, you immediately think “Pirates.”
• Since the host team’s color scheme ends up being used for everything from the BP jerseys to the stitching on the ball, it is vitally important that the Diamondbacks and Rockies never host an All-Star Game.
Meanwhile, we’ve got some first-hand reports from the front, the first of which comes Doug Keklak, who writes: “As a Pittsburgh native, I’m enjoying all the All-Star Game festivities. So I shelled out $30 to buy a Pirates cap with the 2006 ASG logo on it, and if my hat is any indication, you might want to pay attention to the players’ logos slipping off during the game. It appears to be the same cheap glue used with the American flag caps. One of my corners is already peeling up.”
And then there’s this encouraging report from David Potter: “PlayStation paid some young ladies to walk around with different team shirts, black shorts/miniskirts, and white knee socks with stirrups promoting PSP Portable.” (Emphasis added.) I’m not a video game guy myself, but I think I speak for everyone when I express my profound thanks to PlayStation for this stirring gesture in support of baseball hosiery.
Speaking of which: As promised, today’s New York Times Op-Ed page includes a Uni Watch primer on the subject of MLB pants and socks — check it out here. To be honest, it’s pretty much the boilerplate pro-socks argument that you’re all familiar with by now, except that it’s, y’know, running on the New York Times Op-Ed page, so maybe we’ll gain some new converts to the cause (although we probably won’t get any new readers at this site because they botched the blog’s name in my bio line — ugh). Fun factoid: The original text included the phrase “Steroids, shmeroids,” but my editor got cold feet.
Most interesting thing about the whole experience: this illustration. I love it — love it! — but can you spot the mistake? Take a second to look at the image before moving on the next paragraph.
As I’m sure everyone noticed, the stirrups-clad guy’s jersey has buttons on the left side and buttonholes on the right side, which is how women’s clothing is made. For men’s clothing, including MLB jerseys, the buttons are always on the left side. I’m fairly certain this was a genuine mistake on the illustrator’s part, although I suppose it could’ve been intentional, to see if anyone noticed. I’ll try to find out today. Either way, it all seems appropriate, in a Uni Watch sort of way.
Pedro Relief Fund Tote Board: Our push to pay a portion of Pedro Martinez’s pant-leg fine is now up to $22.06 — which is, frankly, pathetic. This site gets nearly 10,000 hits a day (and only about 8,000 of them are me checking the comments), so why is it taking so long for a few dozen of you to kick in a buck or two? Think big picture, people: When we send the check to Pedro, don’t you want to see if he actually has the nerve to cash it? If he does, don’t you wonder what I’ll do with the canceled check with his signature on it? Has it occurred to you that I might raffle off that canceled check, and that I might restrict the raffle entrants to people who contributed to the fund?
UPDATE: I went out for a few hours and returned home to find a slew of Pedro contributions. We’ve now met our goal, and then some. I’ll send a check to Pedro shortly and will keep you posted regarding further developments. Thanks to everyone who contributed!
BRAVO, Paul!!!
the Times Op-Ed is tremendous… I’ve already received three phone calls (from friends and family who know of my uniform obsession) asking if I knew who you were!!!
a proud day indeed for us in the uni watch world!!
Why is the first baseman in the illustration wearing a women’s jersey?
You may want to send the Reprogramming Van my way because while I am not a big fan of the side panels I do not think they are a travesty. In looking at a lot of the new unis coming out, and looking at the all-star game unis in other sports in the past years, I think baseball could have done much worse. All you need to do is think about Oregon football, the Pro Bowl, mismatched sleeves, or most NBA All-star games and I think we can all come to accept this flaw. they didn’t litter the jersey with stars. They kept logo creep to a minimum. The all-star patch remained on the sleeve. It’s a shame we have to lower our standards this much, but I think overall they are not terrible.
Also, when they were interviewing Phil Garner last night during the HR Derby, he had the same sticker/tape on his underbrim as Ambiorix Burgos in link. Can anyone get a photo of this?
Paul, it’s too late for the Rockies. They hosted the All-Star Game in 1998 and the ball had purple and green (!) seams:
And it looks like MLB has a grudge against the Diamondbacks, so it doesn’t look like they’ll be getting a game anytime soon:
I know they have to use the home teams colors during the all star extravaganza, but the yellow jersey’s clashed with almost every other teams cap. Am i the only one that cringed at the sight of a met cap (which should have been the all blue hat) above a yellow jersey?
By the way can someone let Chris Berman know that he stopped being funny about 10 years ago?
Good job on the NYT article! Hopefully this will bring a few converts. I know if you Google “uniwatch” this blog comes up as the first result (which, incidentally, is not the case when you Google “Uni Watch,” though it does bring you to a site that links to the ESPN archives), so there’s still a chance that people will find their way here (even with the diabolical lack of a space between “Uni” and “Watch”).
There’s also seems to be somthing not right about the illustration. is the runner’s left arm missing in the shadow? and does it look like from that perspective that he is running from 1st to home????
Again, further compliments on the piece, even if it is just the NYT, jk.
Just sent you not one but $2.00, for the Pedro fund, couldn’t be called cheap again!
For those worried about the panels, it has been creeping in for a while, especially evident during the WBC.
Berman sucked long before 1996. He has taken stupid comments to new heights. I cring everytime I hear him especially baseball and when he does US Open Golf it’s just horrible. Just read the scores.
Also, does anyone have a login and pw to use for the op-ed piece. The link has a login and pw that is not working.
Send the reprogramming van my way…I dig the All-Star Unis. I think though it’s because the combination of Red/Yellow/Black has always been attractive, side-panels or not.
All Star game festivites really bother me. I personally think they should wear the jerseys during the game, ala the futures game. And can they all wear the same pants? The mismatched/non uniform team pants are horrible to look at. And why not just make special hats for the game, and put the players team logo on the side or something? I just think it looks kind of ridiculous, when they play the game, that everyone is wearing a different jersey.
I am pretty sure you can sign up for free to view the op ed piece.
[quote comment=”2343″]All Star game festivites really bother me. I personally think they should wear the jerseys during the game, ala the futures game. And can they all wear the same pants? The mismatched/non uniform team pants are horrible to look at. And why not just make special hats for the game, and put the players team logo on the side or something? I just think it looks kind of ridiculous, when they play the game, that everyone is wearing a different jersey.[/quote]
I strongly disagree. I don’t think there’s many things better than seeing a team of whites (home league) versus a team of grays (away league), all representing their own teams. While I don’t like seeing team colors clash with the ridiculous BP/derby jerseys (so I wouldn’t mind full derby uniforms) I think the huge collection of uniforms on one field is one of the coolest looking things in sports. And it’s only possible for the whites/grays in baseball–no other sport has standard whites and grays (instead just lights and darks, which doesn’t look nearly as good).
I’m not a huge fan of the Pirates’ uniform numbers. The link
just doesn’t look right to me.
Did anyone happen to catch David Ortiz’ comments about how he’s been massaging Manny Ramirez with “stuff from home”?! How long before they’re both peeing in cups?
And I agree with the comment regarding the Pirates’ numbers…they’ve always been my favorite!
Your New York Times op-ed piece was terrific. “Field of Slobs” says it all. They all look like crap which is one reason I don’t pay any attention to baseball anymore.
consider my contribution made to the Pedro fund. i cannot contribute to the Derby-jersey discussion, because that shade of yellow makes me throw up in my mouth just a little, unless it’s being worn by Dave Parker or Willie Stargell.
[quote comment=”2341″]Berman sucked long before 1996. He has taken stupid comments to new heights. I cring everytime I hear him especially baseball and when he does US Open Golf it’s just horrible. Just read the scores.
Also, does anyone have a login and pw to use for the op-ed piece. The link has a login and pw that is not working.[/quote]
AGREED, Berman is a joke of an announcer at this point, yet ESPN continues to go to hime for the big events.
Next year I suggest John Sterling, it will be different and give Mike and the Mad Dog a week of programming time.
I love the Pirates numbers/typeface as well, and I’m glad to see that others dig it. It’s a rare deivation from classic number styles that doesn’t come off as too flashy or just plain silly.
Lighten up, the side panels are perfectly acceptable — in a beer league softball game.
I am OK with baseball pants that come down to just above the shoe. It is a somewhat neater look. But the pants that have flared bottoms and break gently on the shoes? What’s next, cuffs?
In little league, I never could figure out why my stirrup socks didn’t do like the big leaguers, where all that showed on the sides was the vertical line from shoe to pantleg bottom. Now I learn that the socks were juiced.
I’m just surprised that they didn’t find a way to incorporate the new “Pirates of the Caribbean” movie into the All-Star festivities.
They did manage to link though.
[quote comment=”2352″][quote comment=”2341″]Berman sucked long before 1996. He has taken stupid comments to new heights. I cring everytime I hear him especially baseball and when he does US Open Golf it’s just horrible. Just read the scores.
Also, does anyone have a login and pw to use for the op-ed piece. The link has a login and pw that is not working.[/quote]
AGREED, Berman is a joke of an announcer at this point, yet ESPN continues to go to hime for the big events.
Next year I suggest John Sterling, it will be different and give Mike and the Mad Dog a week of programming time.[/quote]
No on the John Sterling. How many variants of “player name – bino” could one do?
“It is high, it is far…” ugh.. enough already.
I would like Mike & Dog though. How long have they been doing Mets games? I picked them up on XM recently. Have to say they were really good as baseball announcers.
Have also contributed to the Pedro fund. I mean, I don’t want to to hear Martinez complain that he can’t feed his kids
The illustration got me wondering on if woman’s softball uni’s are opposite of the men’s… I found this picture of the PNC (Purdue Univ North Central):
If you look on the far right side it looks like they have the buttons on the left side, just like the men’s…
Found another…
I wonder if they even make them the other way?
Check out Bugmenot.com for a list of NY Times usernames and passwords.
I love the Derby unis. They type face is unreal. The only question is the #7.
The Buccos have one of the best unis in all of baseball. They need to bring back these socks OGD are they sweet.
The best socks ever:
2nd best:
No National League
RE: the illustration with the NY Times piece.
Could be they had to flip the illustration to have the runner going toward the left for design purposes … managed to remember to change the number’s runner so it’s backward, but weren’t savvy enough to change the buttons on the fielder’s uni?
Den, as a Bucco fan I’ve got to agree with you, at least on sock #2. The first one wouldn’t work with the ’60s-era retro uniforms because that one was from the ’70s. Sock #2, worn by Clemente, would be a pefect fit with the current uniforms.
I seem to be in the minority in not liking our new pinstriped look that was introduced last year, and I definitely miss the black alternate jersey worn with the gold visor (and red underbill!).
All in all, the Pirates do everything right except for when it comes to actual baseball. Sigh.
You better get used to those side panels, because I have seen next years BP jersey designs, and they are that exact jersey for every team. Including the one button on top.
Too late, the Rockies already hosted the All-Star game, in 1998. On the plus side, the BP jerseys were a very inoffensive black for the AL and forest green for the NL. I still have my NL jersey, and it really didn’t look half bad.
I liked the jersey’s to a degree. Using Pittsburgh’s type face was a smart move, but I’d have taken it further. In the future, I’d like to see the BP jersey’s be done as a retro recreation of classic uniforms of the host team. That means no red piping, no side panels. Instead of using these design elements as a starting off point, make it the goal. That’d be way better than these super-futuristic uniforms.
I’d also humbly suggest that white be used for the home team instead of the insistance on using colors for both. I know BP unis are usually colors, but the prospect of black and orange next year in San Fran is haunting to say the least. But how cool would it be to see link with “NATIONAL” across the front and then pair it with link with “American” in that cool script font. No side panels or gullets or pipping or garish outlines. Now that is something I could get behind.
Probably should’ve read the comments before contributing, but consider the excess my personal passion for this worthy cause. Look forward to seeing the results…
[quote comment=”2369″]I liked the jersey’s to a degree. Using Pittsburgh’s type face was a smart move, but I’d have taken it further. In the future, I’d like to see the BP jersey’s be done as a retro recreation of classic uniforms of the host team. That means no red piping, no side panels. Instead of using these design elements as a starting off point, make it the goal. That’d be way better than these super-futuristic uniforms.
I’d also humbly suggest that white be used for the home team instead of the insistance on using colors for both. I know BP unis are usually colors, but the prospect of black and orange next year in San Fran is haunting to say the least. But how cool would it be to see link with “NATIONAL” across the front and then pair it with link with “American” in that cool script font. No side panels or gullets or pipping or garish outlines. Now that is something I could get behind.[/quote]
Maybe they will use the Cards old baby blue unis when the ASG comes to Busch II in the future.
[quote comment=”2359″]The illustration got me wondering on if woman’s softball uni’s are opposite of the men’s… I found this picture of the PNC (Purdue Univ North Central):
If you look on the far right side it looks like they have the buttons on the left side, just like the men’s…[/quote]
Majestic outfits all six women’s teams in National Pro Fastpitch. To my segrin, there is not one button between them! All six squads have a buttonless, v-neck pullover type look. Every teams unies are busy and “new age,” while the color combinations are presentable at best. Plenty of logo creep as well.
Great piece in the Times, Paul.
[quote comment=”2336″]I know they have to use the home teams colors during the all star extravaganza, but the yellow jersey’s clashed with almost every other teams cap. Am i the only one that cringed at the sight of a met cap (which should have been the all blue hat) above a yellow jersey?
By the way can someone let Chris Berman know that he stopped being funny about 10 years ago?[/quote]
After the initial shock at seeing those eyesores wore off, I actually liked the way that Josh Howard’s red cap looked with the yellow. And I cringe at the sight of any Mets paraphenalia.
You’re way too kind to Berman. He was mildly amusing until about 1989 at best. The best thing about David Wright’s at-bats last night was that every time he cursed (and he did it quite a bit), ESPN cut out all of the audio, Berman included.
[quote comment=”2366″]I seem to be in the minority in not liking our new pinstriped look that was introduced last year, and I definitely miss the black alternate jersey worn with the gold visor (and red underbill!).[/quote]
I agree on both points — The red underbill was great and those pinstripes are awful.
I agree that the baseball All Star game looks real classy with the home whites and road grays. If only the Padres didnt wear those nasty brown road unis. At least when some team wore blue road unis it kind of went with the grays. At least we wont have to worry about it next year in SF.
I’ve always like the Bobcats’ side panels. Always meaning for the couple of years they’ve been around.
[quote comment=”2357″][No on the John Sterling. How many variants of “player name – bino” could one do?
“It is high, it is far…” ugh.. enough already.
I would like Mike & Dog though. How long have they been doing Mets games? I picked them up on XM recently. Have to say they were really good as baseball announcers.[/quote]
That is why Sterling would be a great choice, at least for one year.
FYI, Mike and the Mad Dog do a radio show here in the NY market, on 660AM which is simulcast on YES they don’t do Mets games unless XM has something set up I don’t know about.
For all of you interested in all things stadium related, such as logo creep that has come up recently, I have been inspired to start link , which will be going live in the coming weeks.
The site will have history, news, and updates on current and upcoming MLB stadium projects.
I’m looking for ‘vicitims’ in each city to provide me with updates, photos, facts, and opinions.
You can visit the site link to get my email adress.
The retro-themed All-Star jersey idea is a great one. They could’ve done wonders with old Pirates jerseys this year…
link is the name of the font they are using on the all-star warm-ups. The Pirates use a slightly varried version for their letters and numbers.
[quote comment=”2375″]I actually liked the way that Josh Howard’s red cap looked with the yellow.[/quote]
Say what? JOSH Howard? That would have been a truly impressive home run derby win.
Make that: I actually liked the way that Ryan Howard’s red cap looked with the yellow.
[quote comment=”2371″]Maybe they will use the Cards old baby blue unis when the ASG comes to Busch II in the future.[/quote]
Very unhappy to see the Met contingent sporting black/blue caps. Very unhappy.
[quote comment=”2380″]
That is why Sterling would be a great choice, at least for one year.
FYI, Mike and the Mad Dog do a radio show here in the NY market, on 660AM which is simulcast on YES they don’t do Mets games unless XM has something set up I don’t know about.
I’m down with M&MD. It was an afternoon game on the Fan during their usual time slot.
If it was a ‘one off’ game by those two – it was a very entertaining broadcast. Their show is kinda A.D.D. with the way they jump all over the sports globe, but their knowledge and personalities played so well during the game.
MD (Chris Rizzo) did the play by play. He even mentioned his scheduled tennis match later that day.
[quote comment=”2339″]There’s also seems to be somthing not right about the illustration. is the runner’s left arm missing in the shadow? and does it look like from that perspective that he is running from 1st to home????[/quote]
I noticed this as well Joe. And I have a theory as to why the buttons are reversed…the guy is wearing pinstripes meaning the Yankees are a bunch of women.
[quote comment=”2380″][quote comment=”2357″]For all of you interested in all things stadium related, such as logo creep that has come up recently, I have been inspired to start link , which will be going live in the coming weeks.
The site will have history, news, and updates on current and upcoming MLB stadium projects.
I’m looking for ‘vicitims’ in each city to provide me with updates, photos, facts, and opinions.
You can visit the site link to get my email adress.[/quote]
You might want to talk to link guys first. They’ve got a pretty comprehensive site already!
[quote comment=”2365″]RE: the illustration with the NY Times piece.
Could be they had to flip the illustration to have the runner going toward the left for design purposes … managed to remember to change the number’s runner so it’s backward, but weren’t savvy enough to change the buttons on the fielder’s uni?[/quote]
I think you’re right! Look at his belt buckle…the ‘pin’ is on the wrong side. It would explain the button issue. I do believe UniWatchers would make damn good detectives should the need arise.
In regards to using the host team’s colors for the primary jersey colors: it’s not as though it’s a long-standing tradition.
link (The NL jerseys weren’t even black — they were dark blue.)
And what the hell was with this color scheme in link?
Follow-up. The image WAS flipped as far as I can tell. Do the following:
click on the pic link. Move your mouse over the image and save the pic. Open the pic in Microsoft Picture Manager. Click on Edit Pictures and finally click on Flip horizontal. As soon as you flip it you’ll have this great ‘A HA!’ moment.
As I mentioned earlier, Phil Garner had something similar to what is on Ambiorix Burgos’ underbrim in link. Here is link of Garner’s (you can just barely make it out at the front of the brim; it was much shinier on TV). Anyone have any idea what it is?
It’s obvious that the picture is reversed. There’s no baseline, so that must be second base. But the fielder is left handed? The picture must be flipped.
The picture is NOT flipped. It can’t be. First, if it is flipped then the fielder is either facing foul territory or the outfield. Second, and much more obvious, is that the runner’s number appears correctly. Flip the image and while the fielder is now right-handed and wearing a man’s shirt, the runner is wearing a backwards number 4.
The thing under Garner’s and Burgos’s caps is likely the hologram sticker that identifies the gear as authentic MLB apparel. If they hadn’t gotten the caps directly from the manufacturer, you’d probably still have a price tag sticker under there as well.
Paul confirmed previously that the sticker on the underbrim was not an MLB Apparel stick, at least not on Burgos’ hat.
[quote comment=”2365″]RE: the illustration with the NY Times piece.
Could be they had to flip the illustration to have the runner going toward the left for design purposes … managed to remember to change the number’s runner so it’s backward, but weren’t savvy enough to change the buttons on the fielder’s uni?[/quote]
[quote comment=”2394″]
link (The NL jerseys weren’t even black — they were dark blue.)
The jerseys in Chicago were definitely black. I was at the game, considered purchasing one, but opted for a black National T-shirt instead. But don’t take my word for it, you can tell best by clicking on the photo you posted. Pujols’ cap is navy and his jersey is black.
What about the possibility of artists not knowing a whole lot about the intricacies of sports. We might be looking to deeply into this. I could be that it was quickly put together for the article without too much attention to detail or research.
Someone was asking earlier about information on baseball stadiums for their site. A great site already exists though that chronicles stadiums of the past, present, and future and advertisesments and logo creep therein.
If you have a healthy respect for the cathedrals of the game–and need to pass a few hours at work–there is no better site out there…I’ve literally wasted hours just looking around it.
Currently on ESPN Classic is a marathon of half-hour All-Star Game highlight shows from the days of yore.
Currently, the 1975 game from Milwaukee is on, and the unis are SPECTACULAR! Oh, the humanity.
This will be going on for a few more hours… I wonder which will be more entertaining; the evolution of uniforms or the super-sizing of the players.
Does anyone know where u can see all the allstar jerseys that have been worn since they started wearing the allstar jersey? and what year did they wear the jerseys with their names on the side instead of on top? I think it might be 99 but I could be wrong.
“I agree on both points — The red underbill was great and those pinstripes are awful.”
Pinstripes are never awful. I happen to like the Pirates sleeveless pinstripe look, it’s classy.
[quote comment=”2404″][quote comment=”2394″]
link (The NL jerseys weren’t even black — they were dark blue.)
The jerseys in Chicago were definitely black. I was at the game, considered purchasing one, but opted for a black National T-shirt instead. But don’t take my word for it, you can tell best by clicking on the photo you posted. Pujols’ cap is navy and his jersey is black.[/quote]
I dunno. Maybe I’m colorblind or something. I’d say that Pujols’ jersey is darker than his cap, but it looks to be the exact same color as Giambi’s cap.
Richie Sexson’s jersey definitely looks blue to me in link
The AL jerseys definitely had black & silver numbers/letters.
It’s gotta be artist’s ignorance. The orientation of the runner is completely messed up if you download the picture and flip it – either the runner would be going backward around the bases, or the fielder would be facing the outfield. Either way, I whole-heartedly agree with Greg that the artist never dreamed that this picture would be scrutinized to this degree, so failed to do any detailed research.
[quote comment=”2414″]It’s gotta be artist’s ignorance. The orientation of the runner is completely messed up if you download the picture and flip it – either the runner would be going backward around the bases, or the fielder would be facing the outfield. Either way, I whole-heartedly agree with Greg that the artist never dreamed that this picture would be scrutinized to this degree, so failed to do any detailed research.[/quote]
Re: Flipping the pic….Unless the runner is trying to steal home on a passed ball that the catcher is throwing to the 3rd baseman.
great job on the New York Times piece…hopefully it will turn some heads in the front offices and bring back a missed aspect of the game
[quote comment=”2416″][quote comment=”2414″]It’s gotta be artist’s ignorance. The orientation of the runner is completely messed up if you download the picture and flip it – either the runner would be going backward around the bases, or the fielder would be facing the outfield. Either way, I whole-heartedly agree with Greg that the artist never dreamed that this picture would be scrutinized to this degree, so failed to do any detailed research.[/quote]
Re: Flipping the pic….Unless the runner is trying to steal home on a passed ball that the catcher is throwing to the 3rd baseman.[/quote]
‘Cause that happens ALL the time. Look, this is silly, why doesn’t Paul just float the question to his editor at the Times and see if he can get some answers straight from the horse’s mouth?
[quote comment=”2412″][quote comment=”2404″][quote comment=”2394″]
link (The NL jerseys weren’t even black — they were dark blue.)
The jerseys in Chicago were definitely black. I was at the game, considered purchasing one, but opted for a black National T-shirt instead. But don’t take my word for it, you can tell best by clicking on the photo you posted. Pujols’ cap is navy and his jersey is black.[/quote]
I dunno. Maybe I’m colorblind or something. I’d say that Pujols’ jersey is darker than his cap, but it looks to be the exact same color as Giambi’s cap.
Richie Sexson’s jersey definitely looks blue to me in link
The AL jerseys definitely had black & silver numbers/letters.[/quote]
They were black. See below:
I’ve sent a note to the Op-Ed page’s art director, asking him if he flopped the illo.
Incidentally, comment #49, suggesting that the illo must have been flopped because the belt buckle’s pin was “on the wrong side,” is incorrect. Belt buckles can face either way, depending on whether you put your belt on clockwise or counter-clockwise. I’m not positive, but I suspect this is a lefty/righty thing — I’m left-handed, and I put on my belt clockwise (i.e., beginning on my right hip, wrapping around to my left hip), so the buckle’s pin would look the same as on the guy in the illo — and he’s left-handed too.
Wait, you’re left-handed? I can’t read this column any more.
OK, here’s the word from the NYT art director: The image was NOT flopped. It was printed exactly how it was delivered.
I’ve also written a note to the illustrator, asking if he put the buttons on the wrong side of the jersey on purpose or, as I suspect, if it was just a simple mistake.
[quote comment=”2423″]Paul confirmed previously that the sticker on the underbrim was not an MLB Apparel stick, at least not on Burgos’ hat.[/quote] After further investigation, the sticker says: “If you can read this, you’re a Uniwatch Freak.”
[quote comment=”2336″]I know they have to use the home teams colors during the all star extravaganza, but the yellow jersey’s clashed with almost every other teams cap. Am i the only one that cringed at the sight of a met cap (which should have been the all blue hat) above a yellow jersey?
By the way can someone let Chris Berman know that he stopped being funny about 10 years ago?[/quote]
Everyone who loves side panels, jump onboard because I’m driving the Reprogramming Van… love those Bobcats side panels, heck, I designed them for chrissakes, I better love them!
Broad statement time. Sidepanels have no business on any baseball, football,soccer or hockey jersey because they play as horizontal sports– low to the ground for a large percentage of play. Love how we rationalize this menusha…
However, sidepanels look great in basketball because of the “verticality” of the sport, It’ a “vertical” game… tall players leaping high and grabbing rebounds. Sidepanels only help to accentuate the tallness of many of the NBA players. Especially love the Knicks, Hornets, Kings, and Bobcats side panels. Great look on great athletes in a great sport.
Read more about the Geometrics of Sports Branding.
Enjoy the article.
Damn Paul Uni Watch is blowing up…you have the designer of NBA unis reading and contributing.
Quick question? When did waterlogged baseballs become cool?
How stupid did those “baseball fans” in kayaks chasing baseball in the Allegheny River look last night and why is that all the rage?
Let’s get a real. A Reggie Jaskson bomb in the 1971 All-Star Game taking out a light tower is cool okay? So is Ronert Redford knocking out a light bank… But some sushi eating North Face wearing health nut jumping into the river chasing a water logged baseball is just plain lame… and we have to be ready to see this repeated in SF in McCovey’s Cove?
Spare us all and put a screen up or something. Lame.
I actually like the Bobcats’ side panels (and said as much on ESPN when their uniforms were unveiled). But that look just does NOT belong on a baseball diamond.
— P.
2003 – Chicago. (The NL jerseys weren’t even black — they were dark blue.)
The jerseys in Chicago were definitely black. I was at the game, considered purchasing one, but opted for a black National T-shirt instead. But don’t take my word for it, you can tell best by clicking on the photo you posted. Pujols’ cap is navy and his jersey is black.
BLACK. To tie into the White Sox identity of black and silver…
New York Lacrosse Team Naming Article-
Should be an interesting article in the NY Times tomorrow on the naming contest for the new NLL NY Lacrosse team by Diane Cardwell. Might have a bullet in their from loyal Uniwatch reader and fan.
How about the New York Uniwatchers?
If you go to ESPN.com’s SportsNation and scroll down
theres a pic next to the “Pulse” of Big Papi wearing a batting helmet without a logo anyone know of any reason why. Speaking of Berman will someone tell him how to pronounce “Papi” he over emphasizes the “a” way too much.
Noticed a couple of things while watching ESPN Classic’s All-Star Marathon.
*In the 1989 game, Harold Baines played with a batting helmet without the “C” or the “pigtail logo” on it. Looked a little funky.
*Rick Sutcliffe wore his blue jersey for the Cubs…the only non-gray uni, or alternate (I know they didn’t have them yet, but still).
*In the 1975 All-Star game, in a flashback, I saw something ridiculous. The game was in Milwaukee, meaning it was an AL home game, yet Vida Blue of the A’s wore a yellow jersey, yellow top, Bert Campaneris of the A’s at SS wore a green jersey with yellow pants, Joe Rudi in left wore a green top with white pants, and Gene Tenace looked to be in all white…same team, four different uniforms. Yikes. No pictures of this yet, but I’ll see what I can do.
[quote comment=”2434″]Noticed a couple of things while watching ESPN Classic’s All-Star Marathon.
*In the 1989 game, Harold Baines played with a batting helmet without the “C” or the “pigtail logo” on it. Looked a little funky.
*Rick Sutcliffe wore his blue jersey for the Cubs…the only non-gray uni, or alternate (I know they didn’t have them yet, but still).
*In the 1975 All-Star game, in a flashback, I saw something ridiculous. The game was in Milwaukee, meaning it was an AL home game, yet Vida Blue of the A’s wore a yellow jersey, yellow top, Bert Campaneris of the A’s at SS wore a green jersey with yellow pants, Joe Rudi in left wore a green top with white pants, and Gene Tenace looked to be in all white…same team, four different uniforms. Yikes. No pictures of this yet, but I’ll see what I can do.[/quote]
Couldn’t seem to find a picture…
Here’s the unis from 1975 from “Dressed to the Nines”
1973 had the potential to be more out of control:
Again, congrats on the big article! Keep it up.
Another mistake in the illustration (the one I noticed) was that the shadow had but one arm.
As for the mention of the ASG logos, flags, and their similarly awful glue jobs– I picked up a U.S. WBC cap this week, and the flag was beautifully stitched to the left side of the cap (as it should be). It looks great, it won’t move, and if the WBC (sponsored by MLB) can do it, why can’t MLB do it? The players could keep them in their lockers and break them out on Opening Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, and any other day deemed appropriate.
Wait, wait. where are the PSP model pictures?
Brad Penny not only started the game great, but looked good doing so. Too bad more players don’t follow his uniform example….
[quote comment=”2434″]Noticed a couple of things while watching ESPN Classic’s All-Star Marathon.
*In the 1989 game, Harold Baines played with a batting helmet without the “C” or the “pigtail logo” on it. Looked a little funky.
*Rick Sutcliffe wore his blue jersey for the Cubs…the only non-gray uni, or alternate (I know they didn’t have them yet, but still).
*In the 1975 All-Star game, in a flashback, I saw something ridiculous. The game was in Milwaukee, meaning it was an AL home game, yet Vida Blue of the A’s wore a yellow jersey, yellow top, Bert Campaneris of the A’s at SS wore a green jersey with yellow pants, Joe Rudi in left wore a green top with white pants, and Gene Tenace looked to be in all white…same team, four different uniforms. Yikes. No pictures of this yet, but I’ll see what I can do.[/quote]
A couple years ago a bunch of mariners made it to the ASG and I BELIEVE that most wore the white home Jersey while one of them wore the White Vest…… I needd to look harder for visual proof…..
The real problem with the shadow is that the shadows for the runner and the base ar on opposite sides, suggesting sunlight from two directions!
Pujols and ARod are both wearing WHITE shoes. Nike Strikes again :)
What is the deal with the Gold “RCW” wristbands? I see the ASG logo on one side but……..
for those who caught any of the ESPN classic all star re-runs.. it was a uni bonanza!!! there were crazy uni “unique” examples all over the place..
the A’s players all had different unis on (as frankie M noted) throughout the 70’s…. in the ’72 game carlton fisk wore a milwaukee brewer batting helmet… and there were many more.. pete rose wearing a maroon phillies jersey in ’79 with larry bowa wearing the road blues…. in ’89 ozzie guillen wore a logo-less white sox helmet as well…
on to tonight… let it be noted that the mets are the ONLY team not wearing their “official” designated home or road uniform.. tragic…
also… I notice the players are being made to wear cool flo helmets!!?? jeter and rodriguez both did already… vlad guerrero had a clean helmet.. they must be auctioning/selling them off as “official all-star game worn” memorabilia…
pujols and rodriguez look ridiculous with white cleats on…
I noticed A-Rod wearing a Yankees Cool-Flo helmet during his 1st AB in the ASG. Whats up with that?? I never thought we would see a Yankee wearing that because they’re such a traditional and storied ballclub. A-Rod sucks, anyway.
must be select players with the cool flo… I agree, I never thought I’d see a yankee wearing the new-fangled helmet….
suzuki just batted with his regular mariner helmet on…
still no word on the wristbands??
What does RCW stand for? It’s on all arm bands.
arm bands stand for Roberto Clemente Walker
Question to the Uni Watch Nation?
Why white spikes in the All-Star Game only (besides the A’s) see Alex Rodriguez. This has been an annual All-Star traditon for a few players every season.
I don’t get the reason since it has no merchandise uptick nor does it carry over into the second half.
Maybe the players are bored with the game, like I am.
From Paul-
I actually like the Bobcats’ side panels (and said as much on ESPN when their uniforms were unveiled). But that look just does NOT belong on a baseball diamond.
I wholeheartedly agree, Pinstripes fine. Sidepanels on the diamond. Nope.
And the Clemente era Pirates vest was soooooooooooooo sweet. MLB missed the mark this year’s on the unis by not creating the classic vest for NL and AL unis for the game.
Next year in San Francisco, to pay homage to the SF monogram, it would be cool to have NL and AL monograms instead of the typical American and Naitonal lettering. One can only dream…MLB has a habit of formula ways of doing design things.
Alfonso Soriano was also wearing a coolflo helmet as well; out of the ordinary, because the Washington Nationals don’t wear those rediculous lizard looking things on their heads.
The RCW do stand for Roberto Clemente Walker, but Walker is his middle name. The reason it is in that incorrect order is because it is supposed to symbolize a monagram.
NL stinks
Nice Ballpark though.
I was just on ESPN Page 2, and the cover article is not only sweet, but it’s Uni-Related.
And what was up with Bronson Arroyo wearing the black undershirt with the Reds’ home vest? The Reds haven’t worn that combination in several years, and if Arroyo was going to do that, he should have worn the Reds’ road cap with it, which Cincinnati used to wear at home when they used that top combination. At least Narron, the Reds’ manager, got it right with the red undershirt.
[quote comment=”2429″]Waterlogged.
Quick question? When did waterlogged baseballs become cool?
How stupid did those “baseball fans” in kayaks chasing baseball in the Allegheny River look last night and why is that all the rage?
Let’s get a real. A Reggie Jaskson bomb in the 1971 All-Star Game taking out a light tower is cool okay? So is Ronert Redford knocking out a light bank… But some sushi eating North Face wearing health nut jumping into the river chasing a water logged baseball is just plain lame… and we have to be ready to see this repeated in SF in McCovey’s Cove?
Spare us all and put a screen up or something. Lame.
One word….
were A-rod and Pujols wearing cleats or spiked sneakers? they didn’t look good on a-rod cuz he was wearing a grey uniform, but i didn’t mind them on pujols in his home white uniform.
I was glad that Pujols and Eckstein stayed with their regular helmets and didn’t try on those cool-flo’s like a-rod and jeter did.
last year, the cardinals wore the busch stadium final season patch on the road as well as at home. this year, they are wearing the busch stadium inaugural season patch only at home. but interestingly, the patch was on display tonight at pnc. anyone know of another patch that a team has worn only at home?
i thought something didn’t look right about arroyo’s uni.
when was the last time a Met has worn a blue cap in an all-star game? I dislike the fact that they wore the black caps not so much because of the cap, but because of the ridiculous little league batting helmet that gets coupled with the cap.
I would love to see pics of all the all-star jerseys of the past. links anyone?
How stupid did those “baseball fans†in kayaks chasing baseball in the Allegheny River look last night and why is that all the rage?
Let’s get a real. A Reggie Jaskson bomb in the 1971 All-Star Game taking out a light tower is cool okay? So is Ronert Redford knocking out a light bank… But some sushi eating North Face wearing health nut jumping into the river chasing a water logged baseball is just plain lame… and we have to be ready to see this repeated in SF in McCovey’s Cove?
Spare us all and put a screen up or something. Lame.
Unlike San Francisco, balls hit into the Allegheny are rare enough that kayaks and the like are exceedingly unusual. The Home Run Derby is an obvious exception. Unless Willie Stargell’s reincarnation joins the Pirates, a screen is unnecessary.
And thanks for the Geometrics article.
Did anybody else notice the back of Ortiz’ helmet? It looked like he had a decal of some sort there, maybe the “21” logo for Clemente? I never got a good look at it…
[quote comment=”2448″]Question to the Uni Watch Nation?
Why white spikes in the All-Star Game only (besides the A’s) see Alex Rodriguez. This has been an annual All-Star traditon for a few players every season.
I don’t get the reason since it has no merchandise uptick [/quote]
Quick answer:
Watch college baseball. White spikes are all the rage these days. It has even trickled down to the high school level.
Also, since the ASG is not regular season – the uniform rules are ignored? I know the players in the NBA ASG all wear diffrent shoes for that game.
[quote comment=”2356″]I’m just surprised that they didn’t find a way to incorporate the new “Pirates of the Caribbean” movie into the All-Star festivities.
Not so fast, Jen. During the game introductions, the AL lineup ran out to the sounds of the Star Wars theme. The NL lineup ran out to – you guessed it – the Pirates of the Caribbean theme.
Semi-uni related news item:
Tropicana Field recently installed a huge aquarium that they’re going to be stocking with 30 live cownose rays. Uni-effect: their previously mentioned potential name change looks doubtful after this move. Why would management spend a ton of money on a tank and exotic fish if they’re thinking about changing their team name from the Rays?
[quote comment=”2388″][quote comment=”2380″]
That is why Sterling would be a great choice, at least for one year.
FYI, Mike and the Mad Dog do a radio show here in the NY market, on 660AM which is simulcast on YES they don’t do Mets games unless XM has something set up I don’t know about.
I’m down with M&MD. It was an afternoon game on the Fan during their usual time slot.
If it was a ‘one off’ game by those two – it was a very entertaining broadcast. Their show is kinda A.D.D. with the way they jump all over the sports globe, but their knowledge and personalities played so well during the game.
MD (Chris Rizzo) did the play by play. He even mentioned his scheduled tennis match later that day.[/quote]Russo. Chris Russo.
I listened to the game in the middle of history class, it was fun. They did pretty well. They definately did their research on the lesser players of both teams. Certain things could have used work, (“Reyes takes a strike… and it’s a ball” comes to mind) but it was refreshing. For an open Yankee fan (Mike) and Giants fan (dog), they were very fair. My previous Mets memory of Russo was Al Leiter beating the Giants in 2000 or something and demanding an interview with Russo so he could “dog the dog.” For a Mets fan, it was brilliant.
P.S. Who else thinks that Russo looks like the 40-year old virgin (from the movie).